Tell your fellow Irish-Americans (((who))) REALLY caused the “Irish Potato Famine”!

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Actor George Clooney descends from escapees from the Great Irish Famine

…..A comrade named John, of Irish heritage but living in the UK, wrote me:

This is useful insight to the Irish Famine, parallels with the Ukrainian Holdomor. The official history is a cover up, the truth is that five million people were genocided by starvation due to forced food confiscations.

67 of the 230 British Regiment were stationed there between 1842 and 1852, with 200,000 troops passing through. This is a massive diversion of resources for an empire. The objective was to genocide the whole nation and people. By emigrating from their own fatherland, the Irish survivors spread the white race across the colonies.

Ireland has got a Zionist named Shatter pushing for more mass migration of non-Europeans. When the table turns, as always in Irish history, they will get pushed out.

The radio broadcast is interesting, based on good research, the Irish guy lives in US. My gut feeling is the Rothschild bankers ordered the destruction of the Irish. Irish are a mix of Atlantean and the Keltoi
(Celts) ¦.


….Ireland’s Great Famine

A huge chunk of our white population here in the United States consists of traditionally Catholic Irish Americans, a whopping 40 MILLION.

irish-girl with shamrocks

And another 50 million are Protestant Irish (Scotch-Irish) who dominate the South and what once was the Confederacy.

George Patton of Virginia, the only U.S. general the Germans feared for his talent, not the sheer mass of his forces

90 million Irish-Americans, Catholic and Protestant, north, south and west


(To oversimplify, the Scotch-Irish are the Americans whose ancestors came from what is now called “Northern Ireland” and they represent to a large extent Scottish men who married Irish women. When the British Crown betrayed them in the 1700s, and tried to force them into the Church of England, which neither their Scottish nor their Irish character could countenance, they up and left, very angry, for America.)

To all of these Keltic-Americans the Irish Famine must be explained to them for what it was, a City of London-planned genocide, and the City of London is THE JEWS.

Far too many Irish-Americans are or historically WERE liberals, because they think that

“the English were white, and they oppressed us, so we must stick up for the blacks and Mexicans because we Irish, after our experience, must always support the underdogs, whatever their race.”

(This anti-white attitude also affects, or rather INFECTS, many Irish in Australia, Canada and New Zealand, and when they go into politics with the proverbial Irish gift of the gab, they are, or were far too often, among the worst racial liberals.)

The Great Famine of 1845-52 killed millions of innocent Irish men, women and children: food exported to England as the Irish starved. At least one in eight died, and another eighth was forced to emigrate from their beloved and beautiful but desperate homeland.

The Wikipedia article on the Irish Famine was quite honest………

……..except for the specifics of the City of London as being the one exporting the food out of Ireland.

The “London grain market” offered more money for Irish grain than the Irish could pay….. Well, who exactly controlled the London grain market? Tommy the Cockney? Elisa Doolittle? No, it was Rothschild, and of course the same Jew deflected anger by making a donation for “Irish relief,” after HE caused it!

As Irish patriot John Mitchel (who in America during the “Civil War” was a staunch advocate of the Confederacy) ( wrote in 1846 in the middle of the Great Famine:


The Irish People are expecting famine day by day… and they ascribe it unanimously, not so much to the rule of heaven as to the greedy and cruel policy of England. Be that right or wrong, that is their feeling. They believe that the season as they roll are but ministers of England’s rapacity; that their starving children cannot sit down to their scanty meal but they see the harpy claw of England in their dish. They behold their own wretched food melting in rottenness off the face of the earth, and they see heavy-laden ships, freighted with the yellow corn their own hands have sown and reaped, spreading all sail for England; they see it and with every grain of that corn goes a heavy curse. Again the people believe “ no matter whether truly or falsely — that if they should escape the hunger and the fever their lives are not safe from judges and juries. They do not look upon the law of the land as a terror to evil-doers, and a praise to those who do well; they scowl on it as an engine of foreign rule, an ill-omened harbinger of doom.”


Mitchel added in 1861 that London was behind the American Civil War, and wrote in his The Last Conquest of Ireland (Perhaps) a jeremiad accusing London of “deliberate murder” for their actions during the 1845 Irish famine. This tract did much to establish the widespread view, as Mitchel famously put it, that “The Almighty, indeed, sent the potato blight, but the English created the Famine.”

The Wikipedia piece showed that the Great Famine was the biggest inner turning point psychologically in the Irish population, proving to them that no “union” with Britain could work, as it had more or less worked for the Welsh and the Scots.

And as we know, their keltic kin over in Wales and Scotland had accepted or acquiesced over the generations in their “union” with England, but Ireland was different…. The Great Famine was the proverbial last straw.

So aside from the horrific hunger genocide and suffering of the Irish, the British Empire itself was severely harmed by the greed of the City of London.

Had it not been for that famine, the Irish might have gotten used to the Empire as did the other Kelts, none of them cowards, being keltic after all in their own blood and pugnacious nature…. While Wales and Scotland were not happy being under England, they did acquiesce. But the City of London never deliberately starved them either for six years.

The Wiki article makes it clear that it was the Famine that led to Britain losing Ireland.

But we must always remember, whenever we see white Canadians disliking white Americans, or white Slovaks rejecting the white Czechs, or the Ukrainians hating the Russians, or even, within Germany (as absurd as it appears to outsiders), the Bavarians in the south despising the Prussians in the north, that the strategy of the Jew is “divide and conquer.” And wars between whites are their harvest.


1) They kill off the best, bravest and brightest Aryans,

2) They make the judeoplutocrats filthy-rich through lending money to the warring powers and building and selling weapons, and

3) All wars among whites take our focus off the real enemy.

In 1694, the Jews took over banking in England.

After the Battle of Waterloo in 1815, the Rothschild Jews, by a stock market swindle, scooped up the remaining third of the British economy that was not already theirs.

Great Third Reich video on the Rise of the Rothschilds (w/English subtitles)


And that is how millions of Irish died or had to flee their own native land.

Some famous and attractive people of Irish stock worldwide, their ancestors driven out by the Great Famine:

Nicole Kidman


Errol Flynn as Robin Hood

George Clooney in the 1990s series “ER”

The last real president of the United States who did not take orders from the Jews, and so they had him assassinated.

I seek to be the President of the white Americans, creating WHITE RESERVATIONS.

It is our White America will decide the fate of the world by awakening and taking action under a resolute leader. And I realize that the one thing no American can escape noticing is CHEMTRAILS, sprayed without his permission all over his sky by a government he has already learned to question if not hate. The gun sales going through the roof show the mood.

Between chemtrails, 9/11, the US dollar with the Star of David on it,

Chinese products in our stores, and the Israeli bikini girl who re-crucifies Jesus for comedy yuks, I know I will wake people up, not with ancient history but with the outrages that confront them NOW. Every one of these talking points has been field-tested by me and results in impact and wake-up in all but the most dense.

And most of all, I will awaken the soul in these people. That is my RELIGIOUS calling.


…..a comrade asks me…..


From: Jamie O[…] <jamie[…]>
Sent: Sunday, 3 June 2012, 18:25
Subject: Hi John


Hi John,

I’m a huge fan of your blogs. I was wondering if you would be able to share your knowledge with me about Ireland’s economy and Jewish bankers.
Is there a relation with the collapse of the Irish economy between the two? Do you have any idea how bankers might be trying to take control of Ireland through the economic crash? Or if you have your own ideas about what their plans might be?
I’d love to hear back from you
* * *

My response:

* * *

Hi, Jamie.

Thanks for your email and question.

What is going on in Eire is like everywhere else:

1) destroy the real economy of useful products and services

2) inflate a new economy based on debts, borrowing, credit cards, vacations and studying by people who should not be studying but learning an honest trade

3) bring in hostile, non-white immigrants, but while there is the “new prosperity” based on debt, people say nothing and make their newfound money, buying all the consumer stuff they ever craved

4) THEN pull down the economic house of cards the white nations had begun to lean on, foreclosing on their homes, businesses and farms, and repossessing their cars, Jews scooping them all up for 10% of their real value, and on top of it

5) let the immigrants, now numerous, young, violent and hate-filled, go wild against the native whites, who are aging and overweight. Prepare for racial terror and the final genocide.

It is a tragedy that the Irish have not had a leader to tell them to follow the example of Iceland and renege defiantly on all these debts incurred by traitor politicians toward the New York and London usury Jews.

The Nobel Prize winner Joseph Stieglitz called all such debt ODIOUS DEBT, and said that no nation is obligated to pay back debts lent by crooked bankers to crooked politicians!

The economy of Iceland — after rejecting the debt — is already booming again!

My position as the Provisional President of the Americans and president of the Eternal Solutrean Agency is:

1) cancel all debt

2) establish a new currency

3) start over debt-free, reopen our factories, and stop importing from China!

Germany after WWII scrapped its old currency and all its debts — private, corporate and public — and its economy boomed, based on FAMILY, EDUCATION and HARD WORK!

The mighty German Deutsche Mark

Germany was flattened in the war: civilians in Nuremberg, 1945



The final solution is the economic and spiritual unity of all white nations, defeating the threat of CHINA allied with JEWRY.


Answering to a god who has heard and answered me, I will be your shield and sword.



…….Contact and support

Contact/Supporting VIRTUS


  1. There was no plan to exterminate the Irish population. It was a tragic mixture of nature,greed, incompetence, ignorance , and lack of care. The Irish were told to diversify their crop , not rely just on lumpers. It wasn’t the only famine in Irish history, every year they had the summer hunger . The time between using the old crop and waiting for the next harvest. Food was sent from Ireland under armed guard to sell at extortionate prices in london.The Irish still used hops wheat barley for alcohol production instead of food. England and Europe were also effected by the blite, but not as severly as in Ireland. Irish famine committees were too busy brawling and getting drunk to organise relief efforts . Absentee landlords and the British Government couldn’t be bothered to organise effective relief. The British public organised food aid and money to help. Even prisoners in British jails gave money for Irish aid. People died of disease more than hunger .Don’t blame the British people today for events over 200 years ago.If a disaster hit Ireland today, within minutes we’d send food money and equipment to help. An army of volunteers would arrive to rebuild your country.The Irish famine of 1740 killed more Irish than the 1847 famine . Yet is rarely mentioned by people as it’s not as political as the 47 famine. Irish famines after 47 aren’t mentioned as a centuries old recurring pattern can be seen.Its so easey to blame the British .

    • I partly agree, but another part is Ireland was viewed (correctly) as a then very hostile, dangerous, enemy country, and was treated accordingly, with all the side effects, many very negative.

      When England became Protestant under Henry VIII, Wales also became Protestant, and so did Scotland (although
      it was Calvinism, not Church of England). Ireland stayed Catholic, this made the English into heretics for them, and this began a huge and lasting problem.

      Then England faced the Spanish Armada and a full-scale Catholic invasion, with the fear that hundreds of thousands of English Protestants might be burned as heretics. Ireland and England, largely kindred countries, had gotten along fine until the 1500s religious breach. (Though the Irish are more Keltic than the “English,” who themselves are a mix of Saxon, Danish and Kelt, the Irish have a lot of Viking blood and also Norman, thus germanic.)

      This insane arguing over which version of a false religion (Saulianity) was correct, poisoned everything between two great peoples.

      As late as WWII (when Churchill occupied by force the port of Dublin), England correctly saw Ireland as a friend of its enemy, Germany, as before that it had been a friend of its enemies France and Spain. “The enemy of my enemy is my friend,” the Irish had decided.

      I can say that the descendants of the Irish in America, Canada and Australia are prosperous, hard-working, and often middle-class people, not stupid, alcoholic or unreliable.

      When you can get a decent job, and afford a wife and kids, and then come to love them, and the homelife you built up, then you want to keep that job, advance in it and be promoted, and you come to see the old whisky bottle as the insidious enemy of your happiness.

      Same goes for the Russians and Poles in America — the alcohol (vodka in their case) and the pointless fighting went way down in a new country, a land of opportunity.

      What is striking is these Kelts are good at people skills, using charm and courage to succeed. Hardly one is a scientist or mathematician, unlike the more teutonic English or Germans. Some were self-made billionaires in business, some Scotch-Irish, others Catholic Irish.

      The inventor of the submarine was from Ireland and spoke only Gaelic as a kid.

      John Philip Holland (Irish: Seán Pilib Ó hUallacháin/Ó Maolchalann) (24 February 1841[1] – 12 August 1914[2]) was an Irish-American engineer who developed the first submarine to be formally commissioned by the US Navy, and the first Royal Navy submarine, Holland 1.

      Holland, the second of four siblings, all boys, was born in a coastguard cottage in Liscannor, County Clare, Ireland[4] where his father, John Sr., was a member of the Royal Coastguard Service. His mother, a native Irish speaker from Liscannor, Máire Ní Scannláin (aka Mary Scanlan), was John Holland’s second wife; his first, Anne Foley Holland, believed to be a native of Kilkee, died in 1835. The area was heavily Irish-speaking and Holland learned English properly only when he attended the local English-speaking St Macreehy’s National School, and from 1858, Irish Christian Brothers school in Ennistymon.[5]

      He was eventually succeeded with a privately built type initially named Holland VI, launched on 17 May 1897. This was the first submarine having power to run submerged for any considerable distance, and the first to combine electric motors for submerged travel and gasoline engines for use on the surface. She was purchased by the US Navy, on 11 April 1900, after rigorous tests and was commissioned on 12 October 1900 as USS Holland. Seven more of her type were ordered with five built at the Crescent Shipyard in Elizabeth, New Jersey and two built at Union Iron Works in California. The company that emerged from under these developments was called The Electric Boat Company, founded on 7 February 1899. Isaac Leopold Rice became the company’s first president, with Elihu B. Frost acting as vice-president and chief financial officer. This company eventually evolved into the major defence contractor General Dynamics.

      The USS Holland design was also adopted by others, including the Royal Navy in developing the Holland-class submarine.

      The first five submarines of the Imperial Japanese Navy used a modified version of the basic design, although these boats were at least 10 feet longer at about 63 feet. These submarines were also developed at the Fore River Ship and Engine Company in Quincy, Massachusetts. Holland also designed the Holland II and Holland III prototypes. The Royal Navy ‘Holland 1’ is on display at the Submarine Museum, Gosport, England.[9][10]

      HMS Holland

      On its maiden voyage

      One Irish immigrant (via Canada) was a legendary sheriff, then writer, Bat Masterson:

      Damon Runyon, Tex Rickard, and William Lewis. Runyon was a close friend of Masterson’s and offered this memorable eulogy: “He was a 100 percent, 22-karat real man. Bat was a good hater and a wonderful friend. He was always stretching out his hand to some down-and-outer. He had a great sense of humor and a marvelous fund of reminiscence, and was one of the most entertaining companions we have ever known. There are only too few men in the world like Bat Masterson and his death is a genuine loss.”

      Masterson was buried at Woodlawn Cemetery in the Bronx. His full name, William Barclay Masterson, appears above his epitaph on the large granite grave marker. Masterson’s epitaph states that he was “Loved by Everyone”.[42][43]

      I was just now at the local tavern, talking to a retired electrician who spent decades in Las Vegas wiring some of the biggest hotels and casinos there, the Sands, Hilton, Hard Rock Hotel (he listed three others). Imagine the work that went into wiring all the lighting at these casinos, the air conditioning in that desert town, the hundreds of rooms and elevators….. He showed me the size of the cables he would install. Many a white man came from nothing to make something of himself here.

      IMO the greatest athlete in the entire 246 years of US history is this Tom Brady….. legendary for not just his SEVEN Super Bowl victories, but also for his rigorous, disciplined home self-training program, including mental visualizations and a fanatic diet. At 43 the man is still atop the brutal sport of American football, and is incredibly respected.

      Two of Brady’s great-great-grandparents on his father’s side, John and Bridget Brady, were Irish refugees from the Great Famine who moved to San Francisco from Boston before the American Civil War.

      Had it not been for the stupid and now irrelevant (who goes to church anymore?) Catholic-Protestant schism — all because Henry VIII wanted a divorce which some Pope would not grant him — today Ireland would still be in the UK, maybe a bit more English-Saxon in spirit, a good thing, and England would be a softer, more keltic and charming place as well, also a good thing.

      The British Isles would be one very great, unified nation of Saxon and Kelt. 🙂 Ireland would not have a mere two million people but 30 million, for all those millions would never have left after the famines, and the UK would not have 60 million inhabitants but 90 million, ten million more than Germany.

      And, excepting Ringo, three of the four Beatles were of Irish genes — John Lennon and Paul McCartney, obviously, by their very names and looks, but also George Harrison via his mum. 🙂

      God save Ireland, England and all our white nations!



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