Tests prove: Julius Caesar, Jesus, Lincoln, Hitler and Kennedy all died of Coronavirus!

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Two comments on my site from a gal named “Amanda”:

The MSM and US govt are LYING!!! They are telling us hospitals are “war zones” with bodies piling up everywhere, hospital workers exhausted, and that we are in a medical emergency. Yet that is NOT what heroic citizen journalists are finding when they take their cameras to their local hospital!

I’m compiling a master list of citizen videos (updated daily) showing the empty hospitals here:

Heroic Citizens Going to Local Hospitals and Fact-Checking the LYING MSM


Nothing is going on. It’s quiet: no ambulances racing in, empty, nothing happening…It’s all BS!!!!

The MSM is giving the impression that hospitals are war zones, bodies are piling up, we are in the medical crisis of our lives, yet when these people visit their local hospitals, NOTHING is happening, they are ghost towns!! Tons of ambulances just sitting their parked, EMTs hanging out and playing with their phones, etc, –The MSM and US govt are LYING!!!

***Please share the link, email it out, and wake up the sheep!! The bankers are moving ahead quickly with their agenda!! and their agenda is one world govt, one world currency, and Agenda ID2020!!!

Twitter full of EMPTY HOSPITAL VIDEOS!!!!!! People are WAKING UP!!!!
Looks like people are waking up–twitter full of people posting EMPTY HOSPITAL VIDEOS!!!!!!

Twitter links posted here:

***Please share the link and wake up the sheep!!

**** Please watch this one!!! It talks about fake virus deaths, with family members saying it was NOT the virus and that it was other health issues!!!

REALIST NEWS – More empty testing facilities and fake deaths

Okay, this one is worth going through, empty testing center, *** at 2 min, news article about dead 69- yr old retired Milwaukee police office, with family member saying the media and govt are LYING and that his/her father did not die of the virus and had other health issues.
At 2:47, a family member saying grandmother did NOT die of the virus, and that it was Alzheimers, a case of aspiration pneumonia that worsened.
At 3:26 Gene Della Salla surprised FL announced he’s dead from virus when still alive!!! “reports of my death have been exaggerated.”
At 4:03, Miranda Matilda saying dead family member was on hospice at nursing home and already dying (it was NOT the virus)
Also—more on how they are playing with the numbers:
Comment from https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/watch-live-white-house-task-force-holds-sunday-press-briefing-confirmed-cases-boom
Adr- I have an update. The husband of one of my mom’s friends who died of heart failure on Wednesday, was 75 and already dying, and didn’t actually die of Covid-19. They had given him a test that had returned a positive result. Even though he was already dying of heart failure, they marked his cause of death as Covid-19 and added him to the state total.
Since none of his close contacts tested positive, they retested his body for Covid. The test came back negative. Cause of death is now listed as heart failure. The state has not reduced the Covid death stat by one as of right now. That wouldn’t look good.
Nor would a story of doctors being so very wrong. I wonder how many deaths have followed that same pattern?
Below is what I’ve been thinking they have been doing to increase the numbers of deaths from Corona (claiming that elderly who died of old age died of Corona) (Yes, I’m saying they are LYING.)

(From https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/hubei-residents-riot-after-quarantine-lifted-police-beaten-their-own-shield-cop-cars)

Geocentrist- Was speaking with a guy yesterday. He was telling me his wife knew two people who each had one of their grandparents pass away recently. Both had been “on the edge” and infirm for quite a while. Covid-19 was automatically listed as their cause of death. In fact, he said the family of one of them actually called them out on listing it as the cause of death, since they had basically no contact with anyone. Apparently, it caused a bit of furor.
Sounds like they are just creating numbers.

More screwing with the numbers — calling everything the scary virus…
Comment from https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/spains-covid-19-case-total-passes-chinas-south-korea-reports-rash-new-cases-live
adr- So the morbidly obese spouse of someone my wife works with has been home from the hospital for four days now. She was on a telepresence call for the school district.
She went to the hospital early this month for breathing problems and they couldn’t find anything wrong with her. After they couldn’t diagnose her, they decided to diagnose her with Covid-19. This was because she had direct contact with someone who was at the Biogen conference in Boston. She was put in isolation at the hospital.
So people have spent the past three weeks thinking she had Covid. On the call this afternoon, she said that when she was actually tested for Covid, the test came back negative, but she is glad to be recovering and back at home. So she was basically in the hospital for complications of just being morbidly obese. Another Covid story bites the dust.

Comment from https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/us-reports-deadliest-day-confirms-largest-jump-covid-19-cases-live-updates:

schroedingersrat -During a real pandemic like the “the Justinian Plague,” 5000 people died in Constantinople in one day alone. It indiscriminately killed toddlers, children, healthy adults and elderly.
Very different from Corona, which only kills old, sick people already on palliative care!


  1. I believe the empty tents are a hoax on truthers. They were just set up. Of course they’re completely empty. Realist News guy is a disinfo Qtard. “Relax, stay calm, Trump’s playing 5D chess.”

  2. Dear John,

    I was listening to the news down here in Australia, and the newsreader was talking about the virus, and then she said something that immediately caught my attention.

    She mentioned the phrase “new world order.” And immediately my jaw dropped, and I said ” ‘new world order’ — that’s what she said!”

    A slip of her tongue perhaps … but now I know this is part of a sinister plan to crash the world economy, buy up everything cheap, and bring in their evil world government. A former prime minister of Britain has called for a ‘temporary world government to deal with this crisis.’

    Yeah, a temporary world government… sure, sure it’s only “temporary.”

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