Thank-you letter from a Trump supporter; why the president of the United States IS a sleeper agent; a Jewess infiltrates the American Nazis

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This was the sign I let the man have, and got another one.

I also got this thank-you for a $35 donation.

I have no doubt that candidate Trump saw this Russian warning on SEPTEMBER 11 on Russian national television, given by Putin appointee Dmitry Kiselyov, director of Russia-I television, that the Jews might assassinate him, using my website and my article.

Yesterday, I got this nice letter from Kentucky.

(Name and address whited out)


Transcribed (and notice the perfect spelling, good penmanship and grammar, and these seemingly were retired, blue-collar people from Kentucky … reminding me how Americans used to be, civil, grateful, friendly, respectful and orderly):

February 20, 2017

Hi, John,

I can’t thank you enough for the Trump-Pence sign you gave us out of your yard, back in the fall. When we arrived home the placement of the sign was the first thing we considered before we unpacked.

I enjoyed meeting you, and I appreciated your generous spirit of giving.

Thank the Lord for our new President Trump.

JdN: A Russian wrote me that the American jewsmedia deliberately put an orange filter on for Trump so his hair and skin look a ridiculous orange, and said back on the days of Soviet television they also did this with various capitalist, Western enemy politicians. This is how Trump, his hair (ash-blondish) and skin (rosy) really look.

This vile French comedian, Laurent Ruquier, says he wishes for Trump to be assassinated; note how Trump’s hair and skin are colored orange.

He is very well-meaning in all of his decision making. Too bad that the Left can’t go along and be a little more practical, patriotic and less petulant. Let’s pull together. God Bless America!

The sign is still in our yard. Hope I’ll have it there for eight very good years, and then Pence for eight more good years, God willing.

Thanks Again, Friend!


PS I’m not good with words, but I will answer my mail in a timely fashion should you write.


…… Just think how much closer we would have been to this in America if Killary had won


……Forget the Jew-married kids — Trump is a sleeper

My father was a self-made millionaire and sent his kids to private schools. Mine was Moses Brown School (Providence RI).


Let me now tell you about Trump and his kids.

Yes, yes, yes, Ivanka converted to Judaism and married a (rich, tall and sort-of handsome Orthodox Jew). The Orthodox Jews cannot stand blacks, are rightwing, and landslided for Trump.

But in New York City you HAVE to put your kids in private schools if you are white and a billionaire.

There they WILL meet Jewish kids, as did the teenage hottie Ivanka.

Now if you are Fred or Donald Trump, and work in Jew York City real estate, and need HUGE LOANS, you have been lying “out of fear of the Jews” (constant New Testament phrase) most of your life, saying you were of Swedish, not German ancestry, as Trump Father & Son both did, and as the current president felt he had to do when penning his 1987 bestseller, The Art of Deal, which I bought and read.

Later Trump came clean that they really were Drumpfs, and Germans, not Swedes, and the Donald served as the 1999 Grand Marshal of the German-American Steuben Parade, celebrating German-Americans and the great American Revolutionary War hero, Baron von Steuben.



The Baron (taught unruly American soldiers Prussian discipline, bayonets, hygiene and proud professionalism, and soon they began beating the Brits, not running)

Miss Steuben Day (actually in Chicago)

So already the Jews are “watching” you as a 6-2, blond, blue-eyed, Aryan-looking German-American who is getting very wealthy.

So Ivanka tells her dad one day, “I met this cute boy named Jared.”

“Jared who?”

“Jared Kushner”.

He thinks “The multimillionaire Kushner…. Sheehs…. I do need Jew loans… But I don’t want her dating a Jewish boy…. But how can I just come out and say it? If I tell Ivanka, ‘No daughter of mine will date or marry a Jew,’ I will be finished in this town in one week!” So the Donald accepts that, in order to continue his mission as a sleeper — to save the entire white race, 500 million souls  — he has to accept it and say nothing.  After all, there are huge advantages in staying friends with the Jews and certain disaster if he says anything antisemitic.

Now let me give you an actual example I know of about of a sleeper agent — but a Jewish one.

In 1978, after reading a passage from Mein Kampf while majoring in German at Georgetown (in Wash DC, across the Potomac River), I began visiting the headquarters in Arlington, Virginia (located on Franklin Road, off Wilson Boulevard) of the NSWPP, which George Lincoln Rockwell had founded ten years before. (It is now the “JavaShack” downstairs and a barbershop upstairs….)

Just before I joined, they had discovered a sleeper agent….

…..a dedicated, committed Jewess, and some even suspected I must be her “replacement”!

As in “No way would a hoity-toity Georgetown student ever join the outcast Nazis!” (Actually, I became a hyper-Nazi…..and brought the stormtroopers right onto the campus.  😉 )

Not gay-friendly, then or now


In any case, before all this, a Jewish woman out in Los Angeles  was sent to infiltrate the very active L.A. branch of the NSWPP.

This gal is all-in – she marries a Nazi, named Bruce, I believe, who had a telephone company job.

She gets him to move to northern Virginia, and take a phone company job there. Talk about dedication.

Then she comes around volunteering at NSWPP headquarters!

So this woman is a Jewess who basically letting a Nazi f—k her every night. (I dontt know, maybe he was also good in the sack, old Bruce, pretty Aryan-looking, as I recall … and likely better looking than her Jewish boyfriends at the yeshiva. 😉 )

The point is this — this Jewess kept her true opinions to herself, she became a super hard worker, and soon she was into everything, even writing an article for the monthly “White Power” newspaper about national socialist women!

Commander Matt Koehl (a friend of mine for decades) and others did become suspicious….

Matt Koehl, a fmr Marine from Milwaukee, took over the NSWPP after Cmdr Rockwell was assassinated in August 1967 — a very fine man but quiet and intellectual, no Rockwell.


Autographed to me

Well, the day finally came when this gal, maybe named Susan, if I recall, pushed her luck, and was actually caught red-handed, at night, after hours, going through the membership files.

And she brassily confessed as she strolled out that she was Jewish, she was with the ADL, and she had all the membership information she had come for, thank you and goodbye!

Now that is dedication. That is a sleeper agent.

And Trump is like that.

He lets his kids marry Jews.

To hide that he is a national socialist.

To become the most powerful man on earth and, at the time of his choosing,

take the Jews down.


….Trump is still in big danger

Sound reasoning ¦

In reality, the forces arrayed against Donald Trump and “making America great again” are GIGANTIC.

THIS IS OUT OF CONTROL! and Trump has to act and now ” When conversations of the President of the United States with the Australian and Mexican leaders are instantly leaked, and then a conversation of his National Security Advisor Flynn with the Russians, then Trump’s hostile enemies literally are listening to every conversation the man has.

How can Trump accomplish anything when his political and (((racial))) enemies know absolutely everything, including his personal security arrangements!

BODIES of Trump-hating saboteurs and criminals need to be floating down the Potomac River NOW, and in the past this has literally happened ” corpses in the river.

(I served in Marine Corps intelligence, and I had a girlfriend in the 1990s who worked for White House Communications Agency: I also served at the base where the WHCA is located, Anacostia-Bolling Joint Base, located on the east side of the Potomac.)

In a nutshell, the jews are against him ¦ and all the gentile puppets they control:

“the media,

“the Fed,

“the CIA and FBI,

“the military (George, have you ANY idea how many generals and admirals are pedophiles and satanists???),

“the Demoncrats and

“the 75% of the Republican party that is now neo-con and literally wants a war with Russia to ensure that America rules the world for the Jews.



The jews clearly see you as an incredibly dangerous enemy ¦..

And they see you as even more dangerous even than I was, because Germany even at its height never had the size, power, or protection by two oceans AND a huge navy of the United States of America.


This paragraph from Foreign Affairs magazine (and I thank the comrade who sent me this: shows they are already depicting you as a deranged, megalomanic, tyrannical Hitler type (of the fake, Hollywood version, not the real Hitler) and that they already see right through you; they see you correctly as a clear and mortal threat, and as the sleeper agent (Alex Jones description, but accurate) who you are:

The search for a key to Trump’s mind-boggling and miscellaneous gusher of policy directives has tended to focus on his disturbingly erratic, vindictive, simplistic, narcissistic, insecure, and occasionally delusional personality, due exception being made for those conspiracy theorists who treat him as a kind of Manchurian candidate or sock puppet of the Kremlin. What most observers have been late to recognize is the extent to which, behind his mask as a showman, Trump views himself as a revolutionary insurgent with a mission to dismantle America’s “old regime.”

“What we are witnessing now,” Bannon told the Washington Post, “is the birth of a new political order, and the more frantic a handful of media elites become, the more powerful that new political order becomes itself.”

No man has ever described the jew plan for America better than half-Jewish chess genius Bobby Fischer, who became a heroic truthteller against Jewry, fled to first Japan and then to Iceland, and died suddenly there:

(Wiki) Robert JamesBobbyFischer (March 9, 1943  “ January 17, 2008) was an American chess grandmaster and the eleventh World Chess Champion. Many consider him to be the greatest chess player of all time.


Dear George, and the last time we talked you were George,

¦..the last time we communicated was via this article of mine, which Russian media found, highlighted and broadcast TO YOU:

You need to grasp that (((they))) know, grasping reincarnation, who you are and were, a hardcore antisemite, a sleeper agent and America’s greatest general, and the only one whom I feared 1942-45 for the quality of your generalship, not the quantity of your men, tanks and planes, as with Montgomery, Bradley, Eisenhower and Zhukov.


The Jews will crash the economy to destroy you, just as they did with German-descended Republican businessman-president Herbert Hoover.

President Hoover (Huber) with hardcore antisemite and carmaker Henry Ford, Thomas Edison and tiremaker Harvey Firestone


George, you need to do the following as soon as you can, or they will impeach or kill you, then complete the enslaving of America.

You need to do as I did in August 1934 in the Night of the Long Knives.

“Using some plausible national emergency, you must declare martial law

“round up and kill your Jew and gentile-traitor enemies

“abolish the Fed

“and cancel all debt: public, private and corporate, and relaunch and re-industrialize the US economy absolutely debt-free, as the West Germans did in 1948, refusing to pay old bills for panzers blown apart on the battlefields of a lost war

“declare that America was founded as a white nation and while the minorities here now can stay, they must accept living in white-ruled homelands or be expelled. 


¦ ¦Contact and support


”-15 February 2017 cash from C in Montana

“14 February 2017 via Stripe (like PayPal) from M

”-14 February 2017 cash from S in Florida


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