Thanks, Jewnited States, for your “Depleted Uranium” that made Serbia the “Cancer Capital of Europe”

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Serbia rejected the “independence” of Kosovo, an area full of illegal immigrants from Albania that NATO Jews wanted for their own reasons.

This was comparable to the US Southwest some day declaring independence from the US because it had illegally become majority-Mexican.

To punish Serbia for opposing this outrageous demand that it detach a third of its territory and give it to illegal aliens, the US, under Prsident Bill Clinton, a murderer (Vince Foster and Commerce Secretary Ron Brown),

….a serial rapist….

Leslie McIllwee, one of many women Bill Clinton raped

and a pedophile and also close buddy of convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein,

…..rained down bombs and shells for 78 days straight on Serbia that contained depleted uranium, which has a half-life of BILLIONS of years!

Result: a wave of cancer for the innocent Serbians. 

(Btw, the jew-ruled cancer websites deny this, but I suspect they are lying as usual:

Having come to know cancer and its ravages due to Margi’s throat cancer, I can tell you from my own experience that it is a most horrible disease that tortures and usually kills its victims in a world of pain, while forcing the rest of the family (in this case, me) to care for them day and night as it gets worse.

It is a nightmare.

It has also devoured our funds to try natural therapies, with chemo and radiation being covered by insurance but often not only not working — but torturing the victim even further with pain, nausea, hair falling out, vomiting, and many other horrible side effects.

Chemo and radiation are POISONS!

Chemo even poisons other family members in the household via the tiny traces of chemo in the urine of the patient! 30% of the chemo poison is just excreted in the urine, and so the bathroom becomes a poison bunker!

(Btw, this is also true of the contraceptive pill. Fully 30% of the estrogen is not used, and so it ends up eventually in our drinking water, making men effeminate. After going through the sewage system, the estrogen is recycled into our drinking water. Two-thirds of the men in America are thus “on the pill” and when you hear the younger generation males talking with fairy voices and using “fem” hand gestures, acting all gossipy, snitty and “sensitive,” in other words, acting female-ish, then this is why!!

There is a loathsome leftist kid who hates me right here in Ontonagon who acts “fem” but is not “gay” — he has a gf.

Due to estrogen-contaminated water, fish in our rivers are also now being born all over America with two sets of sexual organs! )

Here now is an excellent video by RT on what the Jews ( = using their thuggish superpower, the US government) did to the innocent Serbians:

This RT America special presentation commemorates the 20th anniversary of NATO’s 78 day bombing campaign against Yugoslavia. It examines the lead up to the operation, the nearly 3 months of relentless attacks by NATO and the aftermath 20 years down the road. The special also explores the idea that the NATO alliance had planned the bombing campaign long before any accusations of wrongdoing against Yugoslavia. RT America’s Alex Mihailovich was there when the bombing began. He revisits Serbia now to see how the scars of war still haunt this part of the world.

  • Comments:
  • I have a good friend in Serbia who developed cancer….luckily she’s still around. I went with her for the many chemo sessions she had. Ironically, she’s now an American-passport-holder and citizen of the nation that bombed her homeland. But despite highly paid job offers, she still lives in Belgrade. And the separatist nations are now all economic basket cases.
  • i had no idea. i am just learning these days how evil the US and the UN are. i thought this was all about the two genocides serbs and bosnians were doing to each other. i guess that was years earlier. this is the bombing that lost the Russian people’s admiration of the US. it is very tragic and is yet another serious War Crime that my Evil Empire has committed and needs to be prosecuted for. US citizens, we HAVE to bomb our Reps and get them to stop this world domination bs, and STOP production of depleted uranium. my country needs execution. i am ashamed to be an Amerikan
  • They mention the city of Novi Sad in the far north of Serbia. The Danube runs through Novi Sad and many people live on one side and work on the other. During their bombing campaign NATO destroyed all three bridges joining the two sides of the city, just to make life more difficult for the civilian population. One of the many war crimes committed by the “enlightened, democratic West” in Yugoslavia as well as so many other places in the world.

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