The ability to change; the tripod of personal success, enlightenment from ego, and an NS government

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This Benjamin Hardy, PhD is truly a wonderful life coach. I have been readign/watching his stuff for a year now.



Hello and welcome!

In 2018, my wife, Lauren, and I adopted 3 kids from the foster system. A month after the adoption, Lauren became pregnant with twins also born in 2018. In 2020, we had our 6th child, Rex.

I’m an organizational psychologist and the author of Willpower Doesn’t Work and Personality Isn’t Permanent.

I also co-authored Who Not How with Dan Sullivan, which sold over 120,000 copies in the first 4 months of publication. Our second book together, The Gap and The Gain, will be published in October of 2021.

My blogs have been read by over 100 million people and are featured on Harvard Business Review, the New York Times, Forbes, Fortune, CNBC, and many others. For several years, I was the #1 most-read writer on



A recent poll showed that Americans have the lowest emotional well-being, ever, right now.

With huge change comes huge stress.

There’s a new concept in psychology– “psychological flexibility.”

If you master this, you’ll be highly adaptive to any change.

You’ll also be able to rapidly achieve your goals.

I create a free webinar where I give you all the science (and a 7-step system) on how to master this.

Please watch this.

Learn this science.

Update your mindset.

This webinar is only available for a short period of time.




It occurred to me while watching the newest seminar by Hardy is that the jews have very deliberately promoted us giving up and  failing, us Whites, who are actually the most dynamic and successful race in history!

Look at what is on the far left: (white) shame, (white) guilt, (white) fear and (white) anger.

The entire CRT — Critical Race Theory — is designed to create white shame and guilt!


Notice below on the lower-center-right:



This is unfortunately true of all WN websites, but it is also true in reality — the jews are closing in for the kill, and we ARE facing genocide!

All this self-help stuff is great, and it works, but the overall context is still doom!

If we are all sterilized and become sick and start to die off, what is the point of starting our own successful business? Hardy in a way has blinders on, or he may sense some of our truths — I get the vibe that he is a conservative Christian — but this crusade against the Jew World Order is not his calling, and he would be deplatformed if he engaged in it.

Thinking back to my last life, Germany under the kaisers, had been economically, culturally and scientifically booming from 1870-1914.

Germans were working hard, being all “fired up,” completing their personal goals, and doing great things in very area.


But then, in 1914, the world war they dreaded happened. It did not matter how organized and motivated you were as a young German  university student, racking up the A’s and impressing your professors.

All these fine, young, high-achieving men got called up,

….and next thing they knew, they were running straight into French machine guns.

And the same applied to the promising young lads in France, Britain, Australia, Austria-Hungary,  Canada and Russia.

(center) George MacKay as Schofield in “1917,” co-written and directed by Sam Mendes.

So, yes, Hardy is really, really great!

But if the world is going to hell, so will you, no matter how motivated, goal-focussed, and organized you are.

And so long as Whites both lie and believe lies, and hate those who try to awaken them, things will never get better.

WWI b-s

Spearing a Belgian baby on a bayonet, with a young adult civilian on the right after being nailed to a cross.

Note that these are all mere drawings. There were no actual photos of any such incidents, because they never happened.


In an America that was one-third German  in 1917, egoic Americans actually began to believe that all Germans were bad. Yes, the jews controlled the newspapers, but why did white people BELIEVE their garbage????

I can say as a former Marine myself that part of it is an ego trip, wanting to see yourself and be seen as bad-ass, the best, and Mr Tough Guy. And boot camp is partly trauma-based mind control. I know many former Marines and their offspring, too. It can lead to real arrogance. You think it is all about patriotism and serving your country, but it is not just that.  It is also to some extent egoic. Wehrmacht soldiers said this about the Waffen-SS, too, btw — “arrogant bastards, those Waffen-SS,” one vet of the Yugoslavian campaign told me.



…….Wonderful yet so blind

I have often praised the wonderful 1980s Canadian movie “Anne of Green Gables,” about a little, red-haired orphan girl growing up on the beautiful Prince Edward Island, which I have visited twice and my stepmother hails from there. It is set in the Victorian/Edwardian Age. Anne is adopted, after great initial reservations, by two farmers, an aged brother and sister who had both never married and themselvs also had no kids.

The movie is marvelous in showing:

— the beauty of this Canadian island….

— the mindset of the Victorians (everything very proper, strict, and with behavior supposed to always be lofty and civilized, at least in theory)

— the white race was then expanding its empires and flourishing all over the world ….back then…..

— how this fiery young redhead (Margi is one, too!), a born poet, a true Kelt in fact, interacted with this old-maid/old-bachelor couple, very Anglo-Canadian-Saxon, all work-ethicy and no-nonsense…. gradually getting used to each other, successfully working out their differences…., and the brother and sister became, in their sixties, very happy, close and fulfilled people by having raised the eccentric but darling little Anne to successful young womanhood.

BUT here was something appalling. The authoress of the many different bestselling “Anne” novels, Lucy Maud Montgomery (photo), was severely affected by the lying, German-reviling, British WWI atrocity propaganda. It was used to get innocent young Canadian lads to enlist in their army and be shipped over to France to KILL the equally innocent lads of Germany.


This is a subsection of her Wikipedia biography. Montgomery gobbled up, hook-line-and-sinker, every lie told by the London press jews and their atrocity media machine:


World War I[edit]

During the First World War, Montgomery, horrified by reports of the “Rape of Belgium” in 1914, was an intense supporter of the war effort, seeing the war as a crusade to save civilization, regularly writing articles urging men to volunteer for the Canadian expeditionary force and for people on the home front to buy victory bonds.[37] Montgomery wrote in her diary on September 12, 1914 about the reports of the “Rape of Belgium”:

“But oh, there have been such hideous stories in the papers lately of their cutting off the hands of little children in Belgium. Can they be true? They have committed terrible outrages and crimes, that is too surely true, but I hope desperately that these stories of the mutilation of children are false. They harrow my soul. I walk the floor in my agony over them. I cry myself to sleep about them and wake again in the darkness to cringe with the horror of it. If it were Chester!”[43]

In Leaskdale, like everywhere else in Canada, recruiting meetings were held where ministers, such as the Reverend MacDonald, would speak of Kaiser Wilhelm II as the personification of evil, described the “Rape of Belgium” in graphic detail, and asked for young men to step up to volunteer to fight for Canada, the British Empire, and for justice, in what was described at the time as a crusade against evil.[44] In a 1915 essay appealing for volunteers, Montgomery wrote: “I am not one of those who believe that this war will put an end to war. War is horrible, but there are things that are more horrible still, just as there are fates worse than death.”[45] Montgomery argued prior to the war that Canada had been slipping into atheism, materialism and “moral decay,” and the war had brought about a welcome revival of Christianity, patriotism and moral strength as the Canadian people faced the challenge of the greatest war yet fought in history.[45] Montgomery ended her essay by stating that women on the home front were playing a crucial role in the war effort, which led her to ask for women’s suffrage.[46] On October 7, 1915, Montgomery gave birth to her third child and was thrown into depression when she discovered she could not produce breast milk to feed her son, who was given cow’s milk instead, which was a health risk in the days before pasteurization.[47]

Montgomery identified very strongly with the Allied cause, leading her on March 10, 1916 to write in her diary: “All my misery seemed to centre around Verdun where the snow was no longer white. I seemed in my own soul to embrace all the anguish and strain of France.”[48] In the same diary entry, Montgomery wrote of a strange experience, “a great calm seemed to descend upon me and envelop me. I was at peace. The conviction seized upon me that Verdun was safe-that the Germans would not pass the grim barrier of desperate France. I was as a woman from whom some evil spirit had been driven-or can it be as a priestess of old, who out of depths of agony wins some strange foresight of the future?”[48] Montgomery celebrated every Allied victory at her house, for instance running up the Russian flag when she heard that the Russians had captured the supposedly impregnable Ottoman city-fortress of Trebizond in April 1916.[37] Every Allied defeat depressed her. When she heard of the fall of Kut-al-Amara, she wrote in her diary on May 1, 1916: “Kut-el-Amara has been compelled to surrender at last. We have expected it for some time, but that did not prevent us from feeling very blue over it all. It is an encouragement to the Germans and a blow to Britain’s prestige. I feel too depressed tonight to do anything.”[49] Much to Montgomery’s disgust, Ewen refused to preach about the war. As it went on, Lucy wrote in her diary “it unsettles him and he cannot do his work properly,”[37] The Reverend Macdonald had developed doubts about the justice of the war as it went along, and had come to believe that by encouraging young men to enlist, he had sinned grievously.[50]

Montgomery, a deeply religious woman, wrote in her diary: “I believe in a God who is good, but not omnipotent. I also believe in a principle of Evil, equal to God in power… darkness to His light. I believe an infinite ceaseless struggle goes on between them.”[37] In a letter, Montgomery dismissed Kaiser Wilhelm II’s claim that God was on the side of Germany, stating that the power responsible for the death of “little Hugh” (her stillborn son) was the same power responsible for the “Rape of Belgium,” and for this reason she believed the Allies were destined to win the war.[37]

Montgomery had worked as a Sunday School teacher at her husband’s church, and many of the men from Uxbridge county who were killed or wounded in the war had once been her students, causing her much emotional distress.[51] Uxbridge county lost 21 men in the Great War from 1915, when Canadian troops first saw action at the Second Battle of Ypres, until the war’s end in 1918.[52] Montgomery’s biographer Mary Henley Rubio observed:

“Increasingly, the war was all that she thought of and wanted to talk about. Her journals show she was absolutely consumed by it, wracked by it, tortured by it, obsessed by it — even addicted to it.”[53] 

Montgomery was sometimes annoyed if her husband did not buy a daily newspaper from the corner store because she always wanted to read the latest war news.[53]


Now, had Lucy ever met a wicked German? No.

The people here in Ontonagon who read and believe the Holappa-Porter crap, have they met either man? No.

So now everything on the Internet is true? No…….

Another pertinent question:

Have they met me? Yes. Have I ever, in seven years (2014-2021) been anything but honest, friendly, helpful and caring toward everyone in this town?

The problem is their egoic mind, and Hardy does not address this issue at all.

And Eckhart ‘Tolle, who does, does not address race and the jews.

What is the point of personal success (Hardy), on the one hand, or enlightenment (Tolle), on the other, if the jews meanwhile are exterminating us all?

As my friend Dietrich Eckhart and I agreed, we must have one foot in each world, one in this material one of money, bills to pay, houses, food and our human bodies — and another foot in our eternal home, with God and our own angels.

The Third Reich was certainly inculcating superb values, but it was not even attempting mental enlightement.

You are nothing, your people is everything.”


But the compulsive mental chatter of the German people continued!

My Platterhof speech in 1944 was rather frank. I was not attempting to cure the core problem of the human egoic mind, which lies and believes lies.

In it I told officers how one of the few good things about the horrible war we were in is that it kept alpha males, who might challenge my authority, under my direct military control.

Wiki says this outstanding pilot Heinrich, Prince of Sayn-Wittgenstein, bearer of the Knight’s Cross with Swords, and who tragicaly was killed in aerial battle in 1944, like many aristocrats, was a big critic of mine. Supposedly he wrote a letter referring to me sarcastically as “the Almighty.”


Well, one thing I have learned is that only one third of criticism is valid.

Often the critic has a big ego, and he is trashing me because HE wants to be the big cheese.

OR the critics are literally funded by a hostile enemy power, and they are being trained and paid to trash you.

Yet anothr one third of the critics are properly motivated, and they are bringing up real problems, though they may not have all the facts to make a proper judgment, especially as an outsider.

They might judge a leader less harshly if they knew all that he is dealing with, or what secret things he is working on, of which they may know absolutely nothing.


Why is Hitler prolonging the war? After Stalingrad it was obvious we would lose. Why make the Germans fight on?

  1. Churchill admitted after the Quebec conference with Roosevelt, in the wake of the German disasters at Stalingrad and Kursk, our huge infantry and tank defeats, that Germany was indeed ready to sue for peace!!!!
  2. Since “unconditional surrender” and “Germany Must Perish” were the Allied demands…..surrender to such hateful lackeys of jewry was no option at all. The jew Kaufman was openly saying exterminate the Germans!
  3. I kept the Germans fighting to the last second so we could continue our struggle from Antarctica, and the Andes, and come back AFTER WWIII, meaning after the insane mutual nuclear destruction of both America and Russia. But of course I could not state this! And so I shot myself on 30 April 1945 to deceive the Allies that “with Hitler gone, so is his Reich.” Hah!  The Fourth Reich under the ice continued but it did not need me. It needed only scientists, engineers, and quiet soldiers to patiently build massive fortifications, amd also make blond babies! And my deception worked perfectly!

My immense task now is to combine Tolle, Hardy, and national socialism.

It is not enough to be enlightened. It is not enough to be successful.

And it is not enough to have a big, disciplined military, safe streets, good schools, and a flourishing economy, not if wicked jews on the other side of the world, over in New York and Washington, are plotting 24/7 how to bring about your downfall. They hate your happiness without them.

And as Dostoyevksy said, they hate those they wronged. Rather than face their crimes, they double down.

In the old Biltmore Hotel in Manhattan, key jews like this German jew, Nahum Goldmann,

….met to invent the Holocaust, design the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials, to inflict a guilt trip for a fake Holocaust on the entire white race, and to make an occupied and brainwashed future Germany pay for a future jewish state to be called Israel.


What use is success with Hardy or enlightenment with Tolle when you are disarmed, a powerless, destitute slave, or dead from a nuclear war, race war or vaccine?

…..Recent donations

–29 June 2021 200 euros and letter from M in France

— 29 June 2021 100 euros, silver bracelet for Margi, and a copy in Italian of the famous Serenity Prayer from E in Italy

The Serenity Prayer from Reinhold Niebuhr




  1. About the manipulability:

    “[…] The problem is the egoic mind, and Hardy does not address this. And Eckhart ‘Tolle, who does, does not address the jews. […]”. Harold A. Covington sometimes quoted another author who is reported to have said, “If they don’t name the Jew, their message isn’t true!” 🙂

    Until a week ago, in the face of BLM, I believed that the bulk of blacks would be easier to manipulate than whites because of the average IQ difference. After continually reading the articles on, I have since discarded that belief 100%, completely.

    Whites are de facto just as manipulable and inciteable as Blacks and they believe most fanatically in (((their)))) version of voodo medicine (virus theory and vaccination theory) and thereby destroy themselves. If you question their voodo beliefs, many Whites go crazy and become highly aggressive.

    The name of the Voodo-God of the white peoples is “Scientific”, the Whites refer again and again to this Voodo-God, with which they justify their Voodo-belief, they speak then again and again the name of this their Voodo-God. Whoever questions him is mocked and ridiculed by the white masses, or mercilessly persecuted.

    And there someone still says that Whites would be less manipulable and primitive-superstitious than some Black Africans!

    We have all been lied to. It is always easy to judge in hindsight. However, there are differences: many working people may not have the time or energy to inform themselves, but many of them feel that something is wrong. Others fundamentally do not question the system in which they grew up. The latter are likely to be the so-called “animal people” (“Tiermenschen”) of whom Michael Winkler wrote (I prefer the term debut human), that is, such individuals who have physically incarnated as human beings for the first time or who have had little or no incarnational experience as human beings, as a result of which they are said to lack comparative experience. At present they are disproportionately represented numerically.

    One of the central parameters of development is questioning (or gullibility). The anti-German propaganda posters of World War I shown in this JdN article are 100% comparable in level to today’s BLM anti-White propaganda, they are just as primitive and repulsive and also lack any basis and yet they did not miss their effect.

    Imagine BLM and their Black believers ritually celebrating the present mass crimes and murders committed against innocent Whites in the U.S. during future years and decades. Repulsive, disgusting, unimaginable? Not so with high-IQ White people. With them it still happens: in Canada, in the USA, Australia, New Zealand, in Great Britain and France, in Russia, etc., during the World War 2 victory parades, where historical reality is turned upside down and the German victims of human extermination are mocked, to this day.

    Mankind is in a great purification phase in which EVERYTHING is undergoing a revision, proverbially everything, it is forming anew. Therefore, it is important that all this comes up.

    There is so much useful, so much good experience and thought buildings that will be used in the future for the new self-image of man.

    Amen 🙂


    In German:

    Über die Manipulierbarkeit:
    “[…] The problem is the egoic mind, and Hardy does not address this. And Eckhart ‘Tolle, who does, does not address the jews. […]”. Harold A. Covington zitierte manchmal einen anderen Autor der gesagt haben soll: “If they don’t name the Jew, their message isn’t true.” 🙂

    Noch bis vor einer Woche glaubte ich im Angesicht von BLM, daß das Gros der Schwarzen aufgrund des Durchschnitts-IQ-Unterschieds leichter manipulierbar wäre als Weiße. Nach dem kontinuierlichen Lesen der Artikel auf habe ich diese Überzeugung mittlerweile zu 100% verworfen, vollständig abgelegt.

    Weiße sind de facto genauso manipulierbar und aufhetzbar wie Schwarze und sie glauben fanatischst an (((ihre))) Version von Voodo-Medizin (Virustheorie und Impftheorie) und vernichten sich dadurch selbst. Wenn man ihren Voodo-Glauben hinterfragt drehen viele Weiße durch und werden hochaggressiv.

    Der Name des Voodo-Gotts der weißen Völker lautet “Wissenschaftlich”, die Weißen berufen sich immer wieder auf diesen Voodo-Gott, mit dem sie ihren Voodo-Glauben rechtfertigen, sie sprechen dann immer wieder den Namen dieses ihres Voodo-Gottes aus. Wer ihn hinterfragt, wird von den weißen Massen verhöhnt und verspottet, oder gnadenlos verfolgt.

    Und da sage noch jemand, daß Weiße weniger manipulierbar und primitiv-abergläubisch wären als manche Schwarzafrikaner!

    Wir alle wurden belogen. Es ist immer leicht, im Nachhinein zu urteilen. Es gibt jedoch Unterschiede: Viele arbeitende Menschen haben zwar keine Zeit oder Kraft, sich zu informieren, aber viele von ihnen fühlen, daß etwas nicht stimmt. Andere wiederum hinterfragen per se nicht das System, in dem sie aufwuchsen. Letztere dürften die sogenannten “Tiermenschen” sein, von denen Michael Winkler schrieb (ich bevorzuge den Begriff Debütmensch), das heißt solche Individuen, die zum ersten Mal als Mensch physisch inkarniert sind bzw. die bisher kaum oder nur wenig Inkarnationserfahrungen als Mensch sammeln konnten, wodurch ihnen vergleichende Erfahrungswerte fehlen sollen. Sie sind gegenwärtig zahlenmäßig überproportional vertreten.

    Einer der zentralen Entwicklungsparameter ist das Hinterfragen (bzw. die Leichtgläubigkeit). Die in diesem JdN-Artikel gezeigten antideutschen Propagandaplakate des ersten Weltkrieges sind niveaumäßig zu 100% vergleichbar mit der heutigen BLM-antiweißen Propaganda, sie sind genauso primitiv und abstoßend und entbehren ebenfalls jeglicher Grundlage und dennoch verfehlten sie nicht ihre Wirkung.

    Man stelle sich vor, BLM und ihre schwarzen Gläubigen würden zukünftig die jetzt massenhaft geschehenen Verbrechen und Morde, die an unschuldigen Weißen in den USA begangen werden, während zukünftiger Jahre und Jahrzehnte rituell zelebrieren. Abstoßend, ekelerregend, unvorstellbar? Nicht so bei Hoch-IQ-Weißrassigen Menschen. Bei denen geschieht es immer noch: In Kanada, in den USA, Australien, Neuseeland, in Großbritannien und Frankreich, in Rußland usw., während der Weltkrieg-2-Siegesparaden, bei der die historische Wirklichkeit auf den Kopf gestellt wird und die deutschen Menschenvernichtungsopfer verhöhnt werden, bis zum heutigen Tage.

    Die Menschheit befindet sich in einer großen Reinigungsphase, in der ALLES einer Revision unterzogen wird, sprichwörtlich alles, sie formiert sich neu. Daher ist es wichtig, daß all das zur Sprache kommt.

    Es gibt so viel nützliches, so viel gute Erfahrungswerte und Denkgebäude, die zukünftig für das neue Selbstbild des Menschen verwendet werden.

    Amen 🙂

  2. “A che serve il successo con Hardy o l’illuminazione con Tolle quando sei disarmato, uno schiavo impotente, indigente o morto per una guerra nucleare, una guerra razziale o un vaccino?”
    Bella domanda John.
    Questo è il tempo di “dividere” l’erba buona da quella Cattiva.
    Questa divisione sta avvenendo con i vaccini,con la guerra razziale e l’ LGBT.
    Sono marchiati a Vita e non possono tornare indietro.
    Tutto questo sta avvenendo sotto i nostri occhi e quello che “tormenta” i “risvegliati” ora è la solitudine.
    Sei tu il nostro rappresentante!
    Sei come quel faro di Luce che indica il nostro cammino..
    Dio ci ha dato una scelta,una via di fuga,ma queste persone “controllate” dalle loro idee e credenze, non la vedono affatto.
    Io si…quando decidiamo per le nostre vite e la nostra anima Dio ci aiuta,ci sostiene,ci indica una soluzione.E’ lì alla nostra portata:non si perde il lavoro,non si perde nulla,ci sono le leggi che ci tutelano e ci sono tanti professionisti che stanno lavorando per tutelare queste leggi e i lavoratori tartassati dalle minacce.
    L’unica trappola che vedo ora è la Mente Egoica..

  3. I realized that I am actually a very ungrateful person, and so by default I always focus on the negative. I was also waiting for things to happen (reactive), instead of taking charge of my life. Last night I thought of three things to be greatful for, but it became closer to 30, and I had to narrow it down.

    I think it is a crucial exersize, especially for those who battle with depression, for it is easy enough to do.

    It creates awareness also to escape from the depression trap.

    • This is great. Depression is in the end focusing on the self in a masochistic, negative way.

      The egoic mind feeds on misery and is happy when we are sad. It is like being possessed. The mind beats up on us.

      Eckhart Tolle is excellent in alleviating this in his The Power of Now, but also Donald Walsch in his Conversations with God.

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