The African “refugee” who MURDERED her OWN Son in a ritual sacrifice has – after living years on State welfare and given a college scholarship – disappeared into our underworld. What in god’s name is she up to?

Boy found dead in London's, Thames River, victim of African Muti murder
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by contributing writer and British patriot

The Left are the bane, and will TRULY be, the end of our existence if we allow much more of this madness….

This story, as they’d say in rural Canada, is a veritable barn burner.

I was left my shaking my head after hearing about this story from a soldier friend of mine from Worcestershire, England, so much so that I felt compelled to research it and cover it for Mr de Nugent’s site.

BBC News | UK | 'I was forced to kill my baby' Meet Helen Madide, the South African invader who arrived in England as a refugee/asylum seeker after “petitioning the Home Office to grant her residency, due to “the fear her life was in danger”.

And Madide was not just any old migrant. She had been arrested and charged with the murder of her own son!

I’ll delve deeper into this aspect of the woman’s background later on this heinous story.

After arriving in Britain, Madide lived entirely on British social benefits, entering university to pursue a degree in social work, which had been paid for by – you guessed it – the British taxpayer!

Then out the blue, all records of her existence vanished from the online record.

Let’s go back to 2002 when this saga all began….

[Italics and red added] The BBC reported that,

“Helen Madide, of the Thohoyandou area in South Africa, was 18-years-old when she became a social pariah.

She was the mother of a toddler named Fulufhuwani and was separated from his father, Naledzani Mabuda, a traditional healer known as a sangoma.

While the couple tried to sort out their differences, Helen returned to her parents’ village. Baby Fulufhuwani regularly went to stay with his father and grandmother.

While most of the 70,000 sangomas in South Africa provide herbal remedies for minor ailments, some crave more potent ingredients to practice muti, the Zulu word for medicine.

Muti Murders - Journeyman Pictures
Domestic animal sacrificed as part of Muti ritual

“He began to tell me stories. His ancestors said that he must kill me and the child so that he can be rich,” Helen told Nobody’s Child, a BBC documentary on the investigation into the London boy’s death.

“He showed me the path and forced me to go along that path. He was pushing me and demanding me to go whether I like it or not. He said he was going to kill the baby first while I see the baby, then secondly he will kill me.”

Although Helen tried to escape, Mabuda caught her and forced her to hold Fulufhuwani’s legs while he cut the child’s throat.

“When the child was dead, he started to cut all those pieces, the hands, the legs and even the sex organs,” Helen says.

Limbs from children, primarily the sexual organs, are said to be the most potent. These are sometimes taken from live victims because their screams are thought to enhance the power of the medicines.

Zoutnet | News | Muti murder survivor "going home"
Muti survivor had tongue and lips removed for potion to increase libido

Mabuda then allegdly locked Madide up with the child’s body. But his relatives, fearing for his wife and child, called the police.

Although her husband was sentenced to life in prison, Madide was acquitted. Six years after her child’s death, Helen is trying to get into university to study human sciences.

She has been accepted at a number of universities but the offer is always withdrawn when they realise she is that Helen Madide. One university refused to provide her with accommodation because they feared she might be a danger to local children.”

Feared “she might be a danger”? Ya think?

Firstly, it is downright astonishing that this woman was granted asylum into Britain.

She’s a murderer!

She had literally been on trial in South Africa for the murder of her own child and although she was acquitted, that does not mean she played no role in the child’s murder. It just means there was some reasonable doubt she perpetrated pre-meditated murder. That’s it.

One has to recall also that the jury in this case, the one that acquitted her, was also 100% black African.

Although the BBC tried to claim that Madide was forced to join in on the killing of her own son against her will, anyone ABLE to hold their kids legs down during such an act of savagery can NO LONGER be right in the head, even if it was, as she claimed, done against her will.

And does anyone really believe her for a second? Pull the other leg, it has bells on it, as my mother used to say….

South Africa P.I.G.: Proof of Media Cover Up of Mass Murder in South Africa
Do we really need this here?

Last time I checked, it’s the responsibility of the British government to safeguard the interests and wellbeing of its citizenry and OUR children. To think they facilitated the entry into OUR country of a woman that brutally murdered her son is most disconcerting.

When many of our veterans are nearly penniless, our elderly cannot afford to pay their winter heating bills, we have ABSOLUTELY no business providing indicted murderers with free university educations.

But then again, should this come as a surprise to anyone?

The Home Office, Heathrow Airport and the Calais [France]-to-Dover [England] Ferry act as the Labour Party’s (the equivalent of the US’s Demoncrat Party) voter-recruiting stations.  The society-destroying Left need immigrants, and more importantly their vote,  to push their evil agenda.

Even the Scottish Independence campaign, pushed by the Marxist Scottish National Party, could not have been possible without the damn ferry into Britain. After all, more than 10% of all YES votes came from the Islamic, Eastern European, African and non-ethnically Scottish communities that voted in the referendum.  Scots, as much as they hate the English, still overwhelming voted to remain in the Union.

I am rarely critical of Britain, as I believe that, in spite of all of her shortcomings, she is still a fabulous place in which to live – evidenced by the literally thousands of people camping out along the decrepit French side of the English Channel waiting to gain entry to our glorious land – however the one area I am deeply critical of is our nation’s immigration policy.

I have, in fact, written and campaigned ad nauseam about the perils of allowing literally hundreds of thousands of culturally incompatible people from all corners of the globe into our beloved western homelands.

As bad as having our immigration policy dictated by the Soviet European Union is, it pales in comparison to rewarding newcomers a place in our society BECAUSE they’ve engaged in depravity.

And that is exactly what’s transpired in the Muti-murder immigration case of Helen Madide. Not only is our Home Office offering asylum to black HIV positive homosexuals – supposedly oppressed in their native African societies — they are now offering slots to women who purport, that because they witnessed (in Madide’s case participated in) Muti murder, they fear for their safety.

This story, though, brings a new level of madness to our nation’s soft touch on immigration. Even for a case that happened on Tony Blair’s watch.

What is Muti/Mutti/Muthi murder?

So, what exactly is Muti Murder? (certainly not to be confused with the spaghetti sauce, “Mutti,” which we can find in our shops of the same name 😉 )26choppedtomato_mutti

Activist Frank Kitman writes that ‘African “medicine murder” or muti-murder is a heinous savage practice, in which the victims, especially children, are deliberately tortured, skinned or mutilated alive because the agony and pain is thought to increase the “ju-ju” of the harvested body-parts. Needless to say, this is one part of indigenous African culture which the media is not particularly eager to let the public know about.”

Hunting for muti: the chase for people with albinism - Global Disability Watch
Poor African Albino child had arm chopped off as white skin is seen to have a “magical quality”, according to Muti experts. It doesn’t matter if it’s from the skin of a depigmented Negro, as it is in this  case,  or an actual Caucasian, apparently.

Hollywood and the complicit filth running Britain’s media are more inclined to paint Zulus as misunderstood ‘noble savages’ and/or victims of racism, than as the murderers, rapists, paedophiles and violent savages they are. The idea that this noble beast could eat its own child, or cut off its genitalia to make an amulet for a pendant is one the Left ignore.

Quite remarkably, this practice, along with Sub-Saharan practice of hyper-polygamy which has been allowed to thrive under the enabling guise of political correctness for decades, has cropped up in Britain-making its way via Britain’s Refugee program and through leftist diversity ministers that facilitate it via ‘African cultural preservation’ programs.

And don’t think this practice has any cultural or spiritual value. Unlike Buddhism, Hinduism and other Asiatic religious practices many of us are unfamiliar with, Muti has NO spiritual value. Often times it is simply about getting rich. Practitioners of the nonsense believe that through murder they will bring buck-luck.

Nice, eh?

Fast-forward to the Helen Madide immigration debacle, introduced to us via a BBC documentary and the aforeposted article, produced for the sole intention of generating sympathy for these despicable women.

This enabled Helen Madide to gain entry into the UK via Britain’s outrageous refugee/asylum program. For all intents and purposes this vile woman used her son’s murder in which we are certain she was complicit to gain asylum into the UK.

The “fear” she claims she felt afterwards, when she was ostracised from her community, was ‘relied upon in the immigration process”, the Home Office admitted.

And what’s scariest about this whole Muti thing, is there have been reports that it is now quite common in Britain. A spokesperson for the Home Office has admitted that it is possible children have been imported into Britain for the sick ‘practice of witchcraft and ritual murder’.

In fact, just this past year the London Metropolitan police reported that several bodies were found floating in the Thames with hands, feet, heads and genitalia missing. Many were children, all were of black sub-Saharan African descent.  

They are assumed to be the result of Muti rituals. Then there were the 400 Ugandan children destined to be chopped up, but rescued by the London Police this past year. Reports state that these kids were to be used in ritual “practices”.

Then there’s the fact that Madide, who was supposed to be studying social work at a British University as recently as 2017, has vanished on our soil, all while there have been a spate of unsolved Muti murder cases across London and the south of England.

Colonel Jonker, who spent decades fighting Muti murder in South Africa, told the BBC during their investigative report on Ms Madide that, “If there’s a guy operating in London, he’s going to need body parts again.”

Perhaps Madide has, in fact, found “paying work”….


I want to leave you with an excerpt from an article by Dr Richard Hoskins which we will be sharing later this week on the subject of how political correctness is putting millions of lives at risk.

What makes this story incredible and so much more powerful is that Dr Hoskins is a former liberal and Africaphile! Stay tuned for more….

(Below the excerpt, John will let you know how YOU can help us continue to produce great content that will enable him to concentrate on his religion.)

“In Kinshasa, I witnessed the exorcism of another young boy of Mardoche’s age.

His mouth was parched and he was close to fainting.

Prior to exorcism, a child is not allowed to eat or drink for several days.

I’ve since seen children on the point of death after being fasted.

Over the next two hours, the boy was forced to stand upright while a dozen adults shouted and screamed.

Eventually, exhausted, he was bent double, vomiting on to the dusty floor where he passed out. ‘See,’ a rotund pastor beamed at me. ‘The witchcraft just left him.’

Back in the UK, I told the court that sending Mardoche to the Congo for exorcism would place his life in grave danger.

The judge ordered he should be taken into foster care.

When I tried to question Islington Council, it clammed up. Why did they consider letting a child in their care be sent back to Africa for exorcism?

Who thought political correctness came above child protection? Every question was met by resistance.

They hid behind the Family Court, and threatened me with contempt proceedings. They didn’t want Mardoche’s story to be known.

It is a story that recurs with alarming regularity.

Victoria Climbié was eight when she was tortured and killed by her ‘aunt’ Marie-Thérèse Kaou and partner Carl Manning in February 2000. They thought she was “a witch.”

The infamous cases of the eight-year-old Angolan orphan known as Child B and ‘the torso in the Thames’ – named ‘Adam’ by police and identified as a victim of ritual abuse and murder in my book, The Boy In The River – were also linked to accusations of witchcraft.

However, hundreds of cases go unreported, thanks to the secrecy of family courts and local authorities.

Newham Council tried to prevent you ever knowing about the murder of 15-year-old Kristy Bamu, who was found dead in the bath of a bleak East London high-rise on Christmas Day 2010.”

[end of article]


Commencing JdN thoughts and comments


…..Like our work?

I now have several paid writers to give a new, Euro-British and younger perspective, and to free me up to work on the new religious community. And with the new writers, that are covering art, culture, science and sport, views have shot up.


You can support them, and my work. Yes, you. 😉
“Me so poor. No can send five dollars, sarge.”


from John

…Honor Roll

At this time, I wish to thank again some noble souls who have quietly funded me since 2009 with extraordinary generosity and serious financial sacrifices, in chronological order since 2005:

–the late, great publisher Willis Carto


–a Greek immigrant to the Washington DC area

–a German sheet-metal worker, F, from Kingston, Ontario, Canada

–a deaf vegetable farmer from Kennewick (yes, as in “Kennewick Man” but more recent  ), G, from Washington State

–a male psychiatric nurse from the Detroit area, T

–An Egyptian webmaster who did hundreds of hours of work gratis

–A Canadian of German heritage, T, from Edmonton, Alberta

–a Rhode Island high school girl, K, who started by sending me babysitting money and now from her job with a drugstore

–A Texan with Buddhist leanings, B

–a Finnish engineer, T

–a Swiss-German, M

–a German who spent 30 years as a pastry baker in the US, F

–a Croatian who lives in Scotland, M

–a German in Berlin, S

–a German architect in Schleswig-Holstein, C, who paid for this great colorization

–A Frenchman, M

–A Floridian and Leo Frank/Mary Phagan activist, M

–A North Carolina truck driver, the late Jamie Anderson, who sadly died in his forties of cancer (RIP)

–A Floridian, T

–An Australian, T

–a retired Marine Corps gunnery sergeant in Pittsburgh, W

–A Dutchman, F

–An Australian and UFO connaisseur, P

–A German woman

–An Australian, D

–a Massachusetts dentist, J

–a former Rockwell stormtrooper, J

–a key Barnes Review person

–A born Jew, now an Orthodox Christian, and now open nationalist from New York City

–A call center operator and voracious reader

–a former Marine Corps aviator, P

–an aircraft mechanic, M

–I wish to also thank, up in Valhalla, Dr. William Luther Pierce

and the late, great Hans Schmidt.In the 1980s I was close to both men, did work for them, and they generously supported me and my then family.

–Also kudos to the late George Martin of greater Detroit, Michigan, a devout Catholic who sent me $1,000 when I was running for US Congress in Tennessee in 1990, as did the late Sherri Yount of Palm Beach, Florida, and to the late Walter Raes of Flanders, Belgium.

THANK YOU for digging deep!





  1. Lips and tongue taken from that boy for demonic african ritual.
    Doesn’t that bring to mind similar selective excisions that occur in cattle and human mutilations attributed to ufos?

  2. Sometime ago it occurred to me that cattle and human mutilations by ufos might be in fact a ritual.
    After all, an advanced civilization with advanced science would not have any necessity or need to “take samples” in such grievous and grisly way.

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