The American experiment proves multiculturalism can NEVER work – Chat with Bosnian yesterday reminds me of the Balkan immigrant beaten to death with hammer by black racists in Ferguson, St Louis

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by JdeNugent contributing writer, Francois Arouet
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I met a Bosnian man who grew up in Copenhagen on my travels yesterday….
We talked about politics, women, sports and….immigration.
The conversation grew more interesting after we were pestered by an African man panhandling outside the supermarket. After we shooed the man away, I joked, “As if either one of us has or looks like we have money!” The Bosnian fella, who was white for all intents and purposes, laughed before whispering through his mask, “neri”, while shaking his head.
The word “neri” mean “blacks” in Italian. He then said the word “clandestini”, which refers to someone being illegal in the country.
Yeah, I know, Bosnians are often Muslims, and yes some Bosnians have Turkish blood in them, but the fact remains that Bosnians, even if their own invasin  of our lands is less than ideal, are certainly whiter than the vast majority of immigrants, and as such they view the world through a similar prism.
We talked for a few more minutes before he wandered off with a motley crew of “Balkan”-looking men. It got me to thinking about the planet and the misery I am subjected to on a daily basis by having to be surrounded by such a disparate group of people.
And although he had not integrated into life here, like us, he held negative views of people of African origin.
This anecdote is yet ANOTHER example of why mulitculturalism simply doesn’t work. The indigenous European population is typically unhappy around immigrants (apart from the elite who seize power off the back of their votes, big business that make a killing paying the newcomers a slave’s wage and the wealthy moronic suburban SJWs that cast aspersions on those of us who are forced to live alongside the invaders). And the immigrants themselves loathe one another. With nothing that binds us, how can we come together?
This society- and morale-killing experiment has been tried out to uniformly disastrous results throughout Western Europe; it has failed miserably.
It’s also FAILED in South Africa, the US and across each and every New World nation. Whether newcomers hail from Africa, Asia or even other parts of Europe, the fact remains it simply does not work.

Think France, where a White Muslim from Chechnya beheaded a teacher for daring to show students a cartoon,

England where predatory Pakistani men – used to being surrounded by women covered from head to toe – now have access to British school girls that wear micro-skirts in December, have sex at age thirteen and get catatonically drunk even earlier,

….or the Baltic people that import into Britain illegal handguns they then sell on to the Muslims.

Not only doesn’t it work, but it’s a bloody DANGER!
Mandatory Multiculturalism, which has ultimately been designed to expedite the transfer of power from the old guard to the Marxist fiends, via the out-of-control mob of bottom-feeding sword and pistol-wielding beasts behind them, will – and I have nary a doubt in my mind – sound the death knell of Western civilisation.
Whether it’s Bosnian refugees living in black neighbourhoods over here or those that live in St Louis (there are in fact a ton of Bosnians living side by side with blacks in Ferguson – something I first heard about during the riots a few years ago) – as is the case in the following story I remembered after interacting with the Bosnian down the road, or Algerians terrorising France, Turks stabbing their way across Austria, feral Blacks running wild EVERYWHERE, Mexicans ruining the American South West, Allbanians pissing on Italy, Somalis raping their way through Scandinavia, even white Poles and Lithuanians driving down wages on building sites and selling guns to Pakistanis in Britain…….
The experiment has FAILED!
Have a gander at the spate of recent hate crimes in Northern Ireland and Scotland perpetrated against white Poles and other EU migrants, for heaven’s sake. Indigenous people are so angry they’re attacking folks they’d ordinarily get along with! People that look like them!
Bottom line: a full moratorium on immigration needs to be imposed.

Only people from culturally compatible regions/nations,  in a position to pay for their keep for 1 full year, and with a return-ticket home — and who have a genuine reason for their visit — should be allowed in.
CULTURAL COMPATIBILITY and physical isolationism is the key to the preservation of our individual national sovereignties & unique cultural and ethnic identities.
….as well as the best way to keep the peace and ensure our societies live on.
End the Marxist EU, ensure NAFTA is abandoned forever, dump the UN, end all mass immigration and black empowerment schemes, deport Muslims, even reinstate segregatory measures if need be. This is THAT serious.
If we fail to act now, the West is finished.
Enough is enough.
Back to my encounter with the Bosnian, which reminded me of a story I read sometime back about a group of black teens beating a white Bosnian motorist to death with a hammer in St. Louis that illustrates my point – Multiculturalism does NOT and will NEVER work. Here’s an outline of the events that transpired during the aftermath of the hate-crime and murder.


Even though the community was rightfully outraged, did they attack blacks? Burn down buildings? NO.

Adam Esmerov, a community spokesperson, wrote.

“The protesters did not chant. The protesters didn’t hurl insults at police. Some huddled around a bonfire on a garage’s parking lot. A memorial for Begic with stuffed animals began to take shape in a corner. The protesters only edged into the street whenever police showed signs of losing interest and departing…. When the black man was shot by police after robbing another immigrant’s shop, the world got involved. In Ferguson, they want to make a protest about nothing — and yet that attracted attention across the nation. When one of ours gets killed, no one cares. We’re just trying to keep more police down here because of these little thugs, and the media ignore us.”

A white male was attacked in his car around 1:15 AM Sunday morning in the south side of St. Louis by black teenagers. They began damaging his car. When he got out of his car they smashed his face in with a hammer and killed him. Police nabbed two black teens aged 15 and 16. Two more suspects are being sought. Police say one of the remaining suspects may be Latino.
The victim was hit in the face multiple times and also the abdomen. Police say two different hammers were used. He died of his wounds in the hospital.
The victim is Zemir Begic, 32. a Bosnian who had just moved to the city, a truck driver and part-time singer.

Zemir and his fiancée

St. Louis has one of the largest Bosnian communities in the US. (The media originally reported he was visiting from Miami. It appears he recently moved to the Bevo Mills neighborhood from Iowa.)
Begic appears to have been attacked solely because he is white. Young blacks in Ferguson are being encouraged to commit racial violence by national organizations, including the Nation of Islam.

*** JdN

Three of the hammer-killers were light-skinned blacks, one Hispanic

One was a mestizo, Juan-Carlos Fabian-Lutz (bearing a German name, Missouri being full of German-Americans, so perhaps his father was a pathetic white libtard who slept with a Mexican woman.) He actually was the first to strike Begic with a hammer. Eventually, they got between 18 and 25 years in prison.

The media first treated this as a “hush crime.” If the races had been reversed, it would have been be the single biggest news story in the USA for a while. Instead, the media never reported the race of the violent, at-large suspects unitl they had been caught. Political correctness took precedence over public safety in the media.
One thing that should be pointed out. In Minneapolis, Mike Brown supporters climbed onto an occupied SUV on a busy road. They started smashing windows and beating on the car. The driver took off to get away. The “mainstream” media then claim the driver “hit protesters with his car on purpose.”

Well, this Zemir murder is what happenys when a White motorist who is accosted does NOT hit the gas and speed off!
Bosnian community in St. Louis comes out to protest.
Over fifty members of the Bosnian Community gathered at the site of the murder this evening (Sunday). The crowd included Arijiana Begic, the victim’s wife. Police shut down traffic on Gravios Avenue because of the crowd.

The murder took place near Bevo Mill, the main Bosnian area of St. Louis. In an attempt to diffuse tempers in the Bosnian community, St. Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson made the remarkably naive comment that there was no evidence to indicate the victim was chosen because he was Bosnian.

Well, you don’t say!

Does any reasonable person seriously think the black perps checked the victim’s ethnicity any further other than to notice that he was White!

Mourners said they fled Bosnia to escape genocide in the ’90s, only to be killed here by the blacks (and a Mexican)!

End article.



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