The ancient Roman cult of Virtus and Honor

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The Romans had a goddess of valor who was often accompanied by the god Honos ( = Honor), these being the two qualities of a good soldier: bravery and honor. Around the door of the  Colline Gate in Rome we  see an inscription to the God Honos and to the Goddess Virtus from the third century BC. This cult lasted for the whole republican and imperial eras. As a personification of virtue in battle, Virtus was also assimilated by the goddess Bellona (“bellum”  in Latin meaning “war” as in our word “belligerent”). She used to accompany Mars.

The fundamental values of Rome’s citizenry were valor, glory, libertas (freedom), pietas (respect for religion and  the gods), fides (fidelity), dignitas (having a good reputation) and, finally, a dedication to the majestas populi romani (the power and the greatness of the Roman people), which was considered to be the supreme good.

The virtue of the Roman warrior was his attachment to his homeland, and then to his companions-in-arms and centurion or general who gave him his orders. It originally designated the value in battle of the male hero —  the warrior. “Vir” in Latin means “male” or “man,” as in our word “virile.”

Honor was a more personal concept which concerned his image, especially when compared to his gens (his fellow-citizens).

There are many aspects of virtus. The poet Gaius Lucilius said that Virtus is when a man knows what is good — or what is bad, useless, shameful, or dishonorable.

A Navy SEAL praises the Marines. There can be no higher compliment than this.

Virtus is real only if it is not used for personal reasons, but rather for the Roman community. By the first century BC, however, virtus becomes seen less as service to the state, but deviates from this ideal to achieve another goal: to stand out from the others by one’s excellence, which in Greek is called areté (a word related to the word “Aryan”and to “aristos,” the Greek word for “the best”).

Virtus originally was transmitted from father to son. Then, from the first century BC on, the concept of virtus change: it is not hereditary, but you have to achieve it yourself by a serious commitment and then surpassing the deeds of your ancestors.The historian Ennius, in his work. the Annales. an epic poem  from around 180 BC in 18 volumes (tragically almost entirely lost, it was widely read for over 200 years), in addition to telling of the great deeds of Roman heroes, also spoke of their values ​​and virtues: the glorious history of Rome had been made possible and was still possible in every generation thanks to the virtus of single individuals.The Sphere was one of the two spoils of war that the Roman general Marcellus, after conquering Syracuse, kept for himself and offered votively to the Goddess Virtus.

Gaius Naevius, in the 3rd century BC, reveals the heroic ideology in his works; in his “Cothurnatae” some values ​​regarding war and soldiers shine through.

In various fragments of the Bellum Poenicum, [the Punic War, the wars against Carthage) values ​​such as virtus, glory, and honor of the soldier shine through: « seseque ei perire mavolunt ibidem quam cum stupro redire ad suos popularis. »

« and they prefer to die right there on the spot rather than return with shame to their fellow citizens. »

The Roman dictator Sulla honored the Goddess with the name of Virtus Bellona for which he minted several coins, sometimes taking the name of Virtus Pulvinensis, that is, endowed with a dark side, in short an infernal Goddess. A panel of the Ara Pacis Augustae, the one in the north-east, depicts Rome sitting with weapons at her feet, between the two divinities Honos and Virtus.

As reported by Valerius Maximus in the year 210 BC the consul M. Claudio Marcello had a common temple created for the Gods Virtus and Honos.

But if a victim had to be brought to the temple, it was not known to which of the two divinities to sacrifice it. Marcellus then established that during his consulate sacrifices should be made to Virtus, and then to Honos.

Augustus nurtured the cult of the Goddess, which however gradually lost spme importance, remaining however as a value in the soldiers who continued to honor her. The parade of Roman knights, the equites, started every year from this temple to make the military parade.

After fulfilling his military duties he obeyed the civil ones of maintaining order, observing and enforcing the laws, honoring and sacrificing to the Gods in the proper ways, therefore being a good father or a virtuous matron.

A virtuous person did not cause scandal, was moderate in luxury, in eating, in sex, in general behavior, and he knew how to keep calm. He was generous and fair towards his children but also with servants and slaves.



celebrating  the conquest of Jerusalem and the first of three Roman defeat of the jews

She often appears armed or with only a helmet but with a spear and shield, a short and wide sword or dagger without a point carried by the Latins as a social distinction, generally worn on the left. Rarely was she represented as a man. Generally she was depicted as a young girl with her hair gathered at the nape of her neck.

Her top had ruffles, and was stuffed in at the waist with a belt so that it would not reach to the knees.

She wore also short boots, and often carried in her hand a small statue of Nike, the winged and fitted god with a laurel wreath. Sometimes she had a breast exposed and bare feet, dating from probably a more archaic divinity.

A golden statue of the Goddess was cast by Alaric in the sack of Rome of 410 d.c.

Her feast day was celebrated on the 12th of August, in honour of Honos, Virtus et Felicitas, the deity, the personification of Honor, Virtue, and Happiness. He remembered the dedicatio of the Templum Honoris, Virtutis, Felicitatis.


It was actually called the Templum Honoris et Virtutis, which Marius erected, according to Vitruvius, the great-uncle of the emperor, following his victories over Mithridates of Persia, using the architect Caius Mutius.


…..What is Virtus today?

This you will soon know.


  1. Grüße aus Tirol – ja, ja, Suizid …

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    Die Dorfgemeinschaft in Terenten, einer Gemeinde mit 1800 Einwohnern, ist schockiert. Ein Bewohner beschrieb den 24-Jährigen gegenüber “Südtirolnews” als “ernsthaften und lebensfrohen jungen Mann mit vielen Träumen und Projekten“.

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    In seinem eigenen Auto wurden laut “Südtirolnews” auch Blutspuren gefunden, von wem diese stammen sei nun Bestand der Ermittlungen. Auch, ob die Motorsäge so platziert wurde, um einen Arbeitsunfall vorzutäuschen, sei laut italienischen Medien eine Theorie. Berichte, dass es zu einer Festnahme im Zusammenhang mit dem Unglück kam, wurden von der Polizei dementiert.

  2. Mein Führer!

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    Er sagte: „In der Stille dieser Nacht hallt noch dein Lachen nach. In der Tiefe dieses Nichts leuchten deine Augen noch durchs Dunkel. Als wärst du gerade noch hier. Danke Aa­ron fi die schiane Zeit. Mir wearn di nia vogessn.“

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