As silly as it seems, this cartoon IMO really says exactly what is going on:
A major Israeli newspaper that comes out in English (and to which I subscribe online for $10 a month, and so thank you to my donors for those funds) complained about this cartoon, and then pointed the finger at me: 😉
Like most memes, it is impossible to determine who originally created it. In one instance, it was posted by a white supremacist named John de Nugent with the title “Illuminatus Jew Dumb American Burger” in its URL.
In the original version of the meme, the first figure in the “food chain” is an obese walrus in an American flag T-shirt tempted by a hamburger dangled in front of him. Behind the man is an Orthodox Jew motivated by money, controlled by the same Illuminati figure featured in the cartoon that Netanyahu posted, with the same giant lizard looming over them all.
The Southern Poverty Law Center describes de Nugent as “a prolific writer who has worked with numerous hate groups including the neo-Nazi National Alliance and the Holocaust-denying Barnes Review. De Nugent has run for elected office, and has even vowed to one day become president. While maintaining racist views about numerous racial and ethnic groups, de Nugent is particularly anti-Semitic, believing that the Jews are, along with nefarious space aliens, intent on exterminating the Aryan race.”
I looked at the things for a couple of minutes and then decided to beat feet. The geese going crazy was the sign to me. I was looking at something abnormal.
It must’ve been 10 or 15 minutes later that I felt disoriented, like my legs were forgetting how to stand, a vague sense of dread, watery eyes. I surmised the things I saw were Lights in the Sky.
……See also
She loved “Miracles from Heaven” — spectacular, incredible yet true NDE
…..Are you on this list?
With my website, which costs me US$250 a month for webhosting and a top-flight webmaster, you get info you can find nowhere else. What other English-speaking blogger speaks three languages fluently and is conversant in four more, has lived in Europe, had a security clearance in Marine Corps intelligence and rapid promotions, had a father who was a friend of several Republican presidents, and combines genuine spirituality with white nationalism to create a NEW SYNTHESIS TO PUSH OUR CAUSE OUT OF ITS DOLDRUMS TOWARD VICTORY?
–23 January 2020 Amazon gift card for $84.81 from J
–20 January 2020 Amazon gift card for $84.81 from CC in Florida
–18 January 2020 Amazon gift card for $25 from T (location unknown)
–14 January 2020 generous donation via PayPal to a friend for my webhosting and webmaster fees
–14 January 2020 $50 Australian from P in Oz
–13 January 2020 Amazon gift card for $50 from T (location unknown)
Thank you, TJ, for the newest Gift Card, the third! 🙂 🙂 🙂 I also mentioned it on my website article (on Australia) for today! It has been a hard 18 months dealing with Margi’s undeserved cancer and almost losing her in January and July, but now, with the help of generous supporters like you, everything is on track again to me to have the time and energy to start a credible new faith that will enable us to beat the evil religions of Judaism, Islam and Masonry — and finally change this agonizing world!Thanks again!— John de Nugent
–12 January 2020 50 euros in cash and a warm New Year’s card from M in France
Dear John
Cher John,
You’re back home [from two months at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota for Margi’s successful cancer battle]!
De retour chez vous!
That’s great news for the both of you.
C’est une merveilleuse nouvelle pour vous deux.
Thanks for sharing your views and analyses.
Merci de partager vos émotions et réflexions.
It’s full of knowledge for your followers.
C’est riche d’enseignements pour vos lecteurs.
I wish you all the best for 2020!
Tous mes meilleurs voeux pour l’année 2020!
–12 January 2020, 20 euros in cash from C in Germany
–11 January 2020 $130 via PP from T in Australia
–10 January 2020 check for $88 from G in Cicero, Illinois
–8 January 2020 $77 Amazon gift card from T
–5 January 2020 $50 Australian and a lovely card from T in Tasmania
–4 January 2020 Amazon gift card for $50 from TJ
–3 January 2020 check for $40 for Margi’s cancer recovery from J in Tennessee
–2 January 2020 check for $88 from G in Cicero, Illinois
–20 December 2019 $100 via PayPal from D in Australia, sent to a WN friend
–19 December 2019 $88 by check from G in Nevada
–12 December 2019 $88 by check from G in Nevada
–7 December 2019 $88 by check from G in Nevada
–26 November 2019 $88 by check from G in Nevada
–21 November 2019 $40 cash from L in North Carolina
–19 November 2019 check for $100 from P in Maryland
–16 November 2019 5o euros in cash and wrapped in aluminum foil, with an interesting bilingual letter, from France
–15 November 2019 50 euros in cash and wrapped in aluminum foil from Bavaria, Germany
–14 November 2019 two checks for $88 each from an Old Fighter from the NSWPP, G in Cicero, Illinois (forwarded to me in Rochester, Minnesota from Ontonagon Michigan)
–23 October 2019 40 euros from regular donor A in Germany
–22 October 2019 25 British pounds (US$32) via PayPal from A in Scotland
This seems to be the truth of the china disease:
Interesting — thanks.
Maybe the disease escaped from a bio-weapons facility.
AND I guess people should not eat bats, rats or snakes! I am ready myself to lead by example and give them up. 😉