Funeral Director John O Looney who spoke out about what he was seeing in post mortems from people vaccinated provides physical evidence of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. #SADS #UK
— talk•time (@zoominfire2) July 5, 2022
Funeral Director John O Looney who spoke out about what he was seeing in post mortems from people vaccinated provides physical evidence of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. #SADS #UK
— talk•time (@zoominfire2) July 5, 2022
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People whom I know who have had the vaxx jabs still caught covid multiple times. Wearing those particle masks is a joke. They stop dust particles — but not a virus.
More deadlier viruses will be released onto the human race: to raise money for elites, to control the masses, to thin out the population.
COVID is nearly as profitable as war.
Some sites I depend on:
Campbell is first to have discovered that CDC is no longer recommended aspirating vaccination shots. This means that if the self replicating gene therapy goes into a vein, it quickly gets distributed throughout the body. If the injection goes into a vein, the self replicating nature of gene therapies can target the inside of said veins and the heart. The victims get an immediate metallic taste in their mouth after injection.
On this basis alone, the CDC is criminally and provably negligent.
These are high level doctors, who cannot be poo-pooed and dismissed by Covidians. There is a collection of studies available to investigate, if reader is so inclined.
Aggregator of all the latest news.
If you do get whacked by some sort future weaponized virus, it is likely that frontline doctors will be Johnny on the spot, and hence first to have recommended protocols. Also, they can direct you to a local independent doctor, in your area. Most doctors are dependents, as they have large loans to pay off, and afraid to bite the hand that feeds.
Here are some more recommended sites:
minus the Bible quotes if that bothers you.
Note that the autocracies, who have an open power vertical, are not allowing mRNA gene therapy to destroy their population. Facism, national socialism, or to a less extent, illiberal democracies, are good for Aryans. Apparently autocracies are also good for other ice age adapted peoples, such as north east Asians.
Democracies are a hidden sting pulled system, invented by our (((friends))). They require propagandizing, and hoaxing the populations through an owned press.
The democracies in ancient Greece, were sortition democracies. The democracies in the modern world, were invented in the Lowlands (near Antwerp) so our friends could fund war with Spain. The 80 years war, which stretched from 1585 to 1604, was funded by putting local burgers (towns) into debts. Said towns were turned into corporations, where each citizen was a member of the corporate. The burger-meister was tasked with collecting taxes to pay the (((creditor))). Our (((friends))) already had giant piles o gold won at usury on the Caravan Routes. This new invention, parliamentary democracy, was really a creditor democracy, was so that debtors could vote for their dispossession. Creditor democracies have a new descriptive word to describe their concept: Creditocracy.
Think of a Creditocracy like Satanism, where the Satanist has to tell you in advance what he is going to do, and then you agree to it by inaction, or voting.
China’s power vertical only allowed an inactivated virus to be made available to its people, basically using the old style of vaccine, and not new gene therapies. China are doing some mRNA studies, probably to keep up with the West and as a defensive maneuver. The Klaus Schwab types and other WEF globo homos, are dreaming of using mRNA gene therapy to target aging and all sorts of medical intervention, for themselves, so they can live forever.
The full DNA gene therapy does not get the WEF types all excited. So, even Russia’s use of Sputnik V, an adenovirus DNA type (not mRNA), is not the real goal. Adenovirus vectors will eventually burn out, as the sheeple population will, over time, have their bodies react negatively to the adenovirus.
Both China and Russia have traditional inactivated vaccines available for their population, yet none were available in Atlantacist West. Sinovac (inactivated type from China) was never made legal for a vaccine passport in the West.
Note that in the creditocracies (string pulled democracies), the Atlantacist countries especially, a traditional inactivated vaccine has still not been made available.
London is the vanguard of a creditocracy, as it was infected by the parasite in 1694, with advent of the Bank of England. Debt spreading jumped from Amsterdam, then to London, and then spread throughout the Colonial System.
So, London will always be ground zero for all kinds of monkey business, including immigrating infinity brown people, and allowing the population to be used as guinea pigs.
It’s a tragedy that the Allies won in WW2.
Brilliant, esp.:
Think of a Creditocracy like Satanism, where the Satanist has to tell you in advance what he is going to do, and then you agree to it by inaction, or voting.
Will the economic powers of China or Russia be controlled by the parasites? Or will they challenge the Rothschilds and their friends economically for world dominance?
Will the new economic powers that replace the Rothschilds be better, or impose more economic slavery on the world — worse than the Rothschilds?
All empires are set up for economic gain. Wars are good for selling raw materials and economic resets. The Marshall Plan, Iraq and Afghanistan were good for US interests, imposing a banking and economic system on the winners and losers alike.
Similar to America in 1945, getting European and global countries to buy US weapons, banking loans, and American goods. Coca-Cola diplomacy.
The system where money isn’t king will set the peoples free. Grow your own food; pay off your home; generate your electricity at home for free, and perhaps work 2 days a week for cash or goods.
We have to escape the work-debt trap.
Younger generations will have to work until they die, and no pension for them.
Rented property means they can’t sell their home to live on the equity in old age. You have to keep on working into your 80s or 90s to pay your rent — until you die.
I wonder who devised this plan? Oh the parasites!
Will the new economic powers that replace the Rothschilds be better, or impose more economic slavery on the world — worse than the Rothschilds?
I think it will be better. Sergei Glazyev’s new synthetic currency to price international trade, will put a wooden stake through Rotschild’s heart.
The only fly in the ointment is Hubris. Will the new boss use technology to lock down the population into a surveillance state?
As JdN states, it is the human spirit that is the problem. If the worst sorts of people get into power, then we take a screw job.
With regards to the Human Sprit, what is going on in Sri Lanka now is something to watch. Are the people going to submit to WEF technical surveillance and control grid?
Sri Lankans also broke into the gates of the country’s central bank.
Why is this happening?
The nation has been driven into bankruptcy by its corrupt leaders. People have been left without fuel and food. They have had enough and many are at their breaking point, a point at which you realize you have nothing to lose by going on the offense against the gangsters who have destroyed your country.
The mask won’t stop a popcorn fart. My nephew died suddenly at age 36 with no underlying health issues, but I’m sure he took the vax. After 8 or 10 anthrax shots, 8 months of mefloquine, and the smallpox vax, none of which seem to be issued these days, I’m skeptical.