The continuing reality of the Reich; the “Absetzbewegung”, the successful Disengagement Movement of 1943-45

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What people do not understand is that the Third Reich merely went underground after WWII, and that is not wishful thinking by white nationalists.

This one-hour Russian documentary proves my point, and it is not a friendly, pro-German documentary! Does this Russian air force general in uniform look like he is joking?

The Reich is just waiting for Russia and America to destroy each other.

(In fact, Hitler and Goebbels awaited an outbreak of Russo-American conflict  in the bunker in Berlin after Franklin Roosevelt suddenly died — but his successor, Harry Truman, insisted mindlessly on continuing the war on Germany  — even as the USSR gobbled up and enslaved half of Europe, to the consternation of US Army general George Patton.)

Waiting for WWIII is the only choice the Reich has with just five million people. So no, by themselves, they cannot save us whites in the Jew-dominated countries, for all their tremendous sympathy with white nationalists who are active and being persecuted, and especially all national socialists worldwide.

Nor are the Reich Germans under any legal or moral obligation to save the descendants today of that “Greatest Generation” which roasted 500,000 civilians at Dresden to death — and THEN starved a million SURRENDERED Wehrmacht soldiers to death in the Rhine Meadows DEATH Camps!

As the airline stewards always say before the flight, put your own oxygen mask on first before you place one on the mouth of your child.
The Reich’s first responsibility, after its miraculous resettlement 9,700 miles from Germany into the ice, and then facing an American naval armada in “Operation High-Jump” in 1947 with their vastly diminished numbers, is obviously to ensure its own survival.

Ask any Navy man. If a fire breaks out on ship, or a torpedo breaches the hull and water begins flooding in, their ORDERS are to shut and seal the hatches (the doors).

If you are on the wrong side of the hatch when they shut it, that is tragic — but necessary to save the ship.



Now if the Americans refuse to wake up, and insist on starting a war with Putin’s Russia, only the Reich, the “Disengagement Movement” (“die Absetzbewegung“), will survive.

But then the white race will go on, drastically diminished, and rebuild under efficient German rule (and no one knows more about rapid reconstruction of devastated areas than the Germans).

We will achieve new glories — with Tel Aviv, New York, London, Paris and the other major Khazar hornet nests all gone.

John de Nugent Scroll down 1/3rd of a page to “The Reich AFTER ’45, and whites as colonists on this planet” at this link


Ulrich Lehnen Frankly, I don´t hope and I don´t wish for the Americans nor the Russians to be eliminated. I wish, it turns out the way, that the American and Russian and German people will connect and work together to establish a stable and peaceful northern hemisphere, in which our people can live and work without the suppression of our common enemy, which is a ruling power of a couple of thousand persons, most of them super-rich and super-influential – the Illuminates. They subordinate to a deity they call God, in real it is called Satan. They tried to enslave mankind for the last couple of thousand years and invented religions and monetary systems for this purpose. Their reign is over now though – they lost to a higher power. The process of their collapse will take some years to come though – mankind needs to awake to it still. The process of disintegration of the Illuminatic Powers has become irreversible since May 2016, when there was a planned incident happening at Cern, Switzerland. Good news for us, since we, Germans, Americans and Russians now can work and strive together for a better future for our people.
John de Nugent That is 100% my goal. But if the Americans refuse to wake up, and start a war with Russia, only the Reich, the “Disengagement Movement” (“die Absetzbewegung“), will survive. And then the white race will go on, rebuild under German rule (and no one knows more about rapid reconstruction of devastated areas than the Germans), and achieve new glories.
Ceolfrid Williamson That meme rocks. No one should fuck with the Germans unless they’re literally bringing the rest of the world to the fight.
Raymond Davidson what is that supposed to mean? individual engagements mean everything. the germans lost a lot of offensive and pitched battles. quite biased don’t you think?


Ceolfrid Williamson  I am absolutely biased, and it’s based on historical analysis of the combat effectiveness of German troops versus other troops; as well as the institution of excellence by the German General Staff prior to the end of the War to Save Bolshevism. The individual quality of German troops coupled with the caliber of leadership of the professional German officer corps combined to make a military machine that was unparalleled in the history of mankind.

Raymond Davidson it was not unparalleled. other sides held their own. your opinions are straight up hyperbole.

Raymond Davidson please give me some of this historical analysis that you talk about. that’s a broad and sweeping statement.

John de Nugent Raymond Davidson Hi, Raymond. While the Brits and Americans have at times fought with outstanding valor and intelligence, and as a former US Marine NCO I am as proud as any, and my grandfather from Goole/Yorkshire/England came from a long line of soldiers in the Coldstream Guards, you might get this 1982 book (either at the library, perhaps ordering it via interlibrary loan, or buying it — used or new — on Amazon) by the top British military historian, Sir John Keegan:


He also wrote this on the Waffen-SS, and took flak from the Jews for it.

John de Nugent Keegan analyzed hundreds of engagements, and concluded that the Wehrmacht was 50% better than the Anglo-Americans (who were very good!), and twice as good as the Red Army.…/dp/0140235426



John de Nugent Keegan was sick as a kid from tuberculosis, so did not serve, but was an Oxford graduate and professor at Sandhurst Military Academy.




Tomás Rodriguez Villegas Where does the 5 million people figure come from?

John de Nugent Let’s just say I know.
Greg Yakovlev To be honest a German-dominated Europe in general is a bad idea. There is a German-dominated EU ruled by Mutti Merkel. Ideally there should be a Europe of sovereign states with multiple sources of power. Such power balance with a strong France, Italy, SSee More
John de Nugent Hmmm, if the Germans were not blunt and tactless (as the old school was), then Germans are the best qualified to run almost anything.  (Maybe not a rap contest…) Heck, Roosevelt even hired a German-American to defeat Germany!


Ceolfrid Williamson The flip side of the coin is that a German-dominated Europe is the only historic entity to ever to attempt to wipe out Communism once and for all.
Margaret A. Young The problem is then wrong Germans are in charge..if they are even German Merkel isn’t. Germany as a nation wishes to destroy all the people of Europe including the Germans.
Patroshka Garbonzo I hope to God so



Margaret A. Young I really wish you were right. I am afraid the Reich is dead. That isn’t to say rebirth is not possible, but it hasn’t been reborn yet.


John de Nugent The facts are all in my blog. AH knew after Stalingrad it was all over, so he made massive preparations for an alternative existence until such time as Moscow and Washington went at it.
John de Nugent I would suggest you scroll down 1/4 here (“His prophetic words in 1945 on America match what the Boer farmer Van Rensburg said; the 1943-45 Absetzbewegung (Disengagement Movement) to the Antarctic and Andes” and read the subheading “The Third Reich never ended” Link:…/



…..I decided to copy and paste in that whole section here again

The Third Reich never ended

It is now the Fourth Reich, a purely military Reich, and it burrowed deep down under the ice of the vast caves of the Antarctic in 1942-45, having anticipated with 100% correctness the defeat in Europe of German forces in May 1945.

The reason why there is no peace treaty with Germany is this:

The German Reich is still quietly operating and in a quiet war to this day with the “Allies.” Bodies drop in the water all the time. But mostly the outnumbered Germans WAIT.

Only the German army, navy and air force units located in Europe surrendered in May 1945.

The scientific and military elite of the Reich, however, left in 50 submarines, using snorkels, a German invention, so as to stay underwater across the whole North Atlantic, avoiding the planes and warships of the US and Royal Navies, and sailed underwater all the way down to the Antarctic, to the South Pole region, to the most isolated place on earth.

All these 50 German submarines, the most advanced and final version, were never sunk and never surrendered.

They were Type XXI submarines, which the Germans built at the Blohm and Voss shipyard in Hamburg during 1943/44, and which were commissioned during 1944.

This article is good but contains the lie that only four went into service:

U-2540 “Wilhelm Bauer” at dock in Bremerhaven, Germany


NONE were ever used in anti-shipping duties against Allied convoys.

NONE have any record of successes logged (sinkings carried out), and yet they were in service from July 1944 onwards.

Officially they are logged as spending all of that time in “training exercises” — and this at the very height of the war, when men and machinery were being transported across the Atlantic to supply the invasions of Europe by the Allies.

One has to ask the question why they were not used in the war effort?

And what did they spend their valuable time doing?

If the Third Reich retreated to Antarctica then they certainly achieved this using submarines, and what better idea than to use their advanced Type XXI submarines for this effort?

With all of the men/women and machinery that would have required transportation,  the fleet of Type XXIs were not on training missions but were going back and forth to Antarctica.


LOCATION OF GERMAN SUBMARINES [sideways tipped book cover with title, by the publishing house of J. Lehmann, Munich] 

German Submarines 1906-66

On the left is a list of German submarines, and then their date of commissioning, all in the year 1944.

On the right they say, in a long column

Verbleib zur Zeit noch nicht geklärt


“Current location not explained”


Adolf Hitler and the head of the German Navy, Admiral Karl Doenitz.

In the staggering 1917 prophecy of the Boer soldier Nicholas Van Rensburg, these patient Reich-Germans, die Reichsdeutschen, emerge victorious — and they save what little is left of the white race after WWIII has resulted in the destruction of most of America, Russia and Europe.

See below.

Two years ago, the wife of a retired US Air Force officer told me in this café (people do open up to me, often in as little as 90 seconds) that her husband transported a UFO from the South Pole to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio.


It was covered by a gigantic tarpaulin, but he clearly saw what it was by the contures.

A person known to me, named Klaus K., took this photo from Hitler’s old Tea House above the King Lake in Berchtesgaden.

Eva Braun

This red thing, so fast it was just a blur on the film, was either rising from the ground or heading toward it at 2 or 3 mach.

UFOs, the Third Reich after 1945, and the Pleiadians

But see especially the last page, found here, on the disengagement movement (in German, “die Absetzbewegung”) of the Reich to the Antarctic — fact after fact after fact after fact:

The Fourth Reich and Nordic Aliens Part 3

A huge rift exists between the southern Atlantic and the southern Pacific and runs straight through Antarctica, and directly under New Swabia (Neu-Schwabenland) . This is where U-Boats were able to hide deep underneath the southern polar ice.



Other Reich bases are underneath the ocean floors. What the Reich lacks is a large country and population. It has only bases in isolated areas, and it grows food underground with special technology and lighting.

“”Operation Highjump” (1946-47), which was organized to “explore” the Antarctic, was a totally military expedition decreed at the highest level — ordered by Defense Secretary James Forrestal, and planned by the Chief of Naval Operations, Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz, and assigned to Admiral Richard Byrd, a Medal of Honor winner.
US Navy Admiral Nimitz, of German descent from Texas, was sent to investigate what Admiral Dönitz had created in the Antarctic
The expedition was carried out by an American hero, Admiral Richard Bird. It involved 4,700 men, 33 aircraft, 13 ships, two seaplane groups, an icebreaker, a submarine and an aircraft carrier [the USS Midway!]
Was the US Navy fearing attack by aggressive penguins?
“The “Highjump” task force converged from three directions exactly on New Swabia, where the Reich had a base in 1938-39.
In 1958 the U.S. military dropped three atomic bombs on the Antarctic (as part of a “physics experiment,” of course.
The name of the 1958 task force which returned to the scene, consisting of 1,500 military personnel and nine ships, was “Task Force 88”.
“Hint, hint” — I think at this stage the humor in the choice of the number “88” should be obvious to everyone.
The numbers 88 in numerology mean the letters HH, which means “Heil Hitler.” Lest anyone think there are no occult types at the Pentagon, this building itself was started on September 11 of 1941 (and exactly 60 years to the day before the World Trade Center/Pentagon attacks).
D-Day, the Anglo-American invasion of the European Continent to defeat Hitler,  occurred at 6 am on the 6th day of the 6th month of 1944, and 44 is a multiple of 11.
And we had, as mentioned, the massive attacks of  9/11, and the John Kennedy murder on 11/22, and on and on.

…..First, though, what I want to know is why the Boer traitors FW De Klerk and General George Meiring are still among us who took MONEY to knowingly turn their white-ruled, well-run country, a safe, orderly and prosperous South Africa, over to MURDEROUS black communists.


2 farm murders in #SouthAfrica in 10 hours. One victim stabbed and killed, another shot dead.

4Piotr Bober, Robert Campbell Sr. and 2 others
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John de Nugent Traitorous General George Meiring, head of the South African Defence Force, warned in 1994 he would order his black and white-British infantry units to fire on the Boer units if they attempted to block the 1994 transfer of power to the black ANC communists. And this traitor – who has caused the death of at least 60,000 of his own people, and hundreds of thousands of rapes and beatings, is still alive today, ENJOYING HIS RETIREMENT:

Meiring today


Jens OB Support AWB [Afrikaner Resistance Movement]
John de Nugent There has to be a revolutionary change in human consciousness. The AWB tried hard, but failed — and their charismatic leader, Eugene Terre-Blanche, was murdered by two black ex-employees.




And still no vengeance.




  1. You are right about the advanced type XXI U-Boats being used for some type of secret, end-of-war mission by Germany. The type XXI U-Boats had a numerical designation of 2500 or higher. Here is a list of the type XXI U-Boats that were built – amazingly, there were 120 (!) of them:

    Yet we are to believe that none of these 120 (!) advanced U-Boats were used for anything, and all were simply ALL scuttled at Kiel at the end of the war. Right………



    As an example of the disinformation regarding the ultimate fate of those 120 advanced type XXI U-Boats, here are two Wikipedia articles on U-2519, commanded by Peter-Erich Cremer:

    Notice in the first article that it says,

    “The submarine was laid down on 24 August 1944 at the Blohm & Voss yard at Hamburg, launched on 13 October 1944, and commissioned on 15 November 1944 under the command of Korvettenkapitän Peter-Erich Cremer, who commanded her until 3 May 1945. U-2519 conducted no patrols and was scuttled on 3 May 1945 in Kiel. The wreck was broken up.”

    In the second article, it says,

    “On November 1944, Cremer, now Lieutenant Commander, aimed to convey the new submarine U-2519 Class XXI. Citing “several design flaws”, Cremer scuttled the submarine at Kiel, on May 1945.”

    So we are supposed to believe that Cremer commanded the U-2519 from November 15, 1944 until May 3, 1945 (almost 6 months), but did absolutely nothing with it during that time. And the “design flaws” of the U-2519 supposedly cited by Cremer didn’t prevent him from commanding it for almost 6 months!

    So Cremer and the U-2519 supposedly either sat in the dock for six months or cruised aimlessly around the oceans for half a year — while Germany was in a death struggle for its survival. Right, again…..

    There’s definitely something being hidden here, so I do believe you are correct about the hidden Antarctic base theory, as far-fetched as it may sound to “Joe Six-Pack.”

    • Excellent research, but telling ME “you are right”? LOL. I should know what I ordered……

      Some day you may accept that reincarnation is real — and that applies to everyone. To you, me, Julius, Jesus, Napoleon, Adolf, and the guy across the street with the loud kids. 😉

      …..Reincarnation facts


      Dr. Tucker of the University of Virginia Medical School and head of child psychiatry at the UV-Charlottesville Hospital,

      ….has a second book out which goes into notable people who have come back, such as
      –a WWII test pilot,
      –the stellar 1920s golf champion Bobby Jones,
      –a Jewish Hollywood actor (he played gangsters, and quite convincingly 😉 ) who then morphed into a big movie agent with a Rolls Royce and a big pool,
      –plus the Harvard grad who wrote the script for the multi-Oscar hit movie version of the bestselling novel “Gone with the Wind.”

      Would a do-something man like Adolf Hitler really just be sitting there now by the pool in the afterlife, sipping his pina colada or herbal tea 😉 now — while his countrymen and -women are being beaten, raped and murdered by muslims, and the entire Aryan race goes under (with Trump as the waning last chance for the System to change itself), a race facing in its entirety exactly what is breathing down the Boers’ necks in 2018 South Africa?

      Rape, torture, poverty, being burned alive with gasoline, and the total death of a people?

      George Patton is back, looking very similar, and acting up the same way as well. 😉 Every flaw and talent in Patton, Trump has. 😉


      …..Maverick, egotistical, flashy, bellicose, blondish, blue-eyed, 6’2″ President Donald Trump (born June 1946) is literally the reincarnation of the maverick, egotistical, flashy, bellicose, blondish, blue-eyed, 6’2″ general George Patton (died December 1945)


      So I am glad to hear I have been “right” about the Disengagement Movement. I think I have been since 2010. But glad to hear it, comrade. 😉

      Btw, I made a blog of your U-boat comment.


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