UPDATE: the STAR OF DAVID DOLLAR; the country has officially turned away from God; We’re here to brainwash you (HUMOR); pot pourri

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It’s real. Under the pedophile, rapist, election fraudster, and psychopath Brandon, the US 25-cent coin now shows George Washington facing AWAY from the mandatory motto on all our coins: “In God we trust”. (I thank a French comrade for this and other items used here.)

On the Duran, a former Army officer commented:

@JohndeNugent well Biden probably is not even aware of the difference. This is what happens when the executive branch has been given too much power. The US Mint gets its authority from the US Congress https://www.usmint.gov/learn/coin-and-medal-programs/legislation#:~:text=As%20a%20part%20of%20the,Public%20Enterprise%20Fund%20(PEF).

Thanks, Colonel, very informative. Of course, if it WAS Congress that approved a Geo. Washington turned away from “In God We Trust,” it is a Demoncrat Congress, and provably a huge percentage of liberals are atheists. (Recently, Kamala Harris met with “faith leaders,” and, while urging them to be pro-abortion [!], succeeded in not using the fundamental word “God” even once with them: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/faith-in-each-other-harris-skips-mentioning-god-in-religious-leaders-meeting)
However, I wish to add that in 1935, Democrat president FDR, in cahoots with a likewise Demoncrat Congress, himself redesigned the back of the US one-dollar bill to the one we still have, placing a Freemasonic pyramid with a watching eyeball atop (in a country with no pyramids) and a clear Star of David ABOVE the American eagle. The thirteen stars had previously been shown in a random pattern, like any constellation, but now they formed a clear Mogen David. (These had been used sometimes in the past on some depictions of the Great Seal of the United States, but FDR in 1935 made this version official.)

12 minutes ago



1882 US Great Seal Centennial Medal Obverse

Back of US one-dollar bill in 1930 under Republican Herbert Hoover

After 1935, a NEW Great Seal design was added to the back of the “one” and you can see the initials of FDR approving it on the lower right; the final design, however, reversed things a bit, putting the Great Seal on the right, and moving the Freemasonic pyramid to the left). So this was a US president designing a paper dollar, though not a coin.

The thirteen stars now form a perfect Mogen David. And while the five, ten, twenty, fifty and hundred-dollars bills have all been modified since the 1970s, the “One” — and only the “One” — from 1935 never has been…. We retain with strict fidelity the design of Franklin Delano Roosevelt….. whose antecedents, maternally Delano and paternally Roosevelt (Rosenfeld), were both Dutch-settled Sephardim. Warren Delano,  btw, the father of FDR’s mother, was an opium trafficker to the Chinese like the Sassoons, also Sephardim.

David Smith@Scubaidhdubh

14 hours ago

@JohndeNugent It’s hard to miss the symbolism in a country built upon symbolism…


This guy is really good:


….Stripper business as a leading economic indicator?


Maybe it is:

Some strippers on Twitter said they think recession is guaranteed – because the strip clubs are suddenly empty.

On Thursday (9 May), a woman who goes by @botticellibimbo on the platform said the following about the clubs: “The strip club is sadly a leading indicator, and I can promise y’all we r in a recession, lmao.”

“Me getting stock alerts just to decide whether it’s worth it to go to work,” she further wrote in a subsequent tweet.

“The strip club is sadly a leading indicator, and I can promise y’all we r in a recession, lmao.”@botticellibimbo/Twitter

“Tbh, I think we’ve been in a recession since fall 2020,” another added.

A third wrote: “It’s getting expensive out there. It’s probably gonna get worse, unfortunately,” another added.

According to data from the market research group IBISWorld, it estimates that the profit for US strip clubs has declined more than 12 per cent to $1.4bn (£1.2bn) in 2018, which is down from $1.6bn in 2012.

The research group also noted that the annual revenue growth at US strip clubs was 4.9 per cent between 2012 and 2017. It eventually slowed down to 1.9 percent from 2013 to 2018 and is projected to face another decrease at 1.7 per cent by 2023.


…..Monkeypox fraud fizzles


…..Our diversity is THEIR strength


…….This what the D-Day boys were really fighting for

June 6 at 6 am = Guess what that is in kabbalistic numerology?

6 6 6 


(Also, 1944 = 18 = 6+6+6)



    • Thanks very much!

      Actually I have been following this news item for days. The very paleo-conservative Epoch Times had a big article on it, and then readers (who seemed educated and savvy) said that the drug maker, SmithGlaxoKline (very jewy, btw), is infamous for inventing faked drug studies that indicate a new miracle drug via the underhanded means of throwing patients out of the trial who do not respond well, and giving links to articles about all the fines SGK has paid for fraud.

      So, anyway, nevertheless, I will keep looking into this. If true, this is huge. Also, since the drug is still in clinical trials, would any medical doctor actually write a prescription for it and any insurance pay for it? Each dose, the Epoch Times article said, was $11,000….

  1. Der Angriff auf Dresden war am 13. Februar, einem Aschermittwoch.

    Die beiden Atombomben wurden [von den zu 90% christlichen Amerikanern] auf die christlichsten Städte Japans geworfen.

    9/11 war mit Sicherheit auch ein kabbalistisches Ritual.

    • Ja, und D-Day war 666 (der 6.6. um 6h)

      Der große Schogun Tokugawa verbat die Christianisierung Japans, verfolgte auch grausam die Christen, da er zu Recht eine verdeckte Kolonisierung Japans durch den Westen witterte. Nagasaki war in der Tat das christliche Epizentrum von Nippon. Die Amis peilten als ihr Bombenziel die einzige Kathedrale Nagasakis an, und zwar die Urukami-Kathedrale, die größte im ganzen Morgenlande.

      Der einzige Feldtest einer Atombombe durch die Jud-merikaner im Juli 1945 in Alamogordo/Neumexiko bekam vom Juden Oppenheimer den frevelnden Namen “Trinity” , also “Dreifältigkeit”, was an sich ein spezifisch christlicher Begriff ist: Gott als Vater, Sohn und Heiliger Geist.

      • ENGLISH

        A German comrade wrote [translated]:

        The attack on Dresden was on February 13, an Ash Wednesday.

        The two atomic bombs were dropped on the two most Christian cities in Japan.

        9/11 was certainly also a Kabbalistic ritual.

        I replied (in German):

        Yes, and D-Day was 666 (6/6 at 6 a.m.)

        The great Shogun Tokugawa forbade the Christianization of Japan, and he also cruelly persecuted the Christians because he rightly suspected a covert colonization of Japan by the West. Indeed, Nagasaki was the Christian epicenter of Nippon. The Americans used as their bombing target the only cathedral in Nagasaki, namely the Urukami Cathedral, the largest in all of the Orient.

        The only field test of an atomic bomb by the Jew-mericans, in July 1945 in Alamogordo/New Mexico, was given the oblasphemous name “Trinity” by the Jew scientist Oppenheimer, which is a specifically Christian term: God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

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