The cuck-out is complete: Ivanka will fly to Germany to remind the already brainwashed Germans about the “Holocaust”

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Ivanka with husband Jared Kushner and their semitic-looking kids

The cuck-out is complete: Ivanka will remind the already brainwashed Germans about the “Holocaust.”

Referring to her as the ‘First Daughter and Assistant to the President,’ the White House released Ivanka Trump’s schedule for her trip to Germany next week.
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John de Nugent
John de Nugent Trump also announced that all so-called “Dreamers” (Obongo’s word) can STAY…… So if you illegally come here as a kid, you can stay. As I have proven, there are not 11 million illegals; there are 40 MILLION. Is there any promise Trump will not sell out on?


John de Nugent
John de Nugent I wrote the following: ” ¦..Why Trump is the greatest danger ever to the white race”
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John de Nugent

John de Nugent Is he a “Judas Goat”?…/judas-goat-michael…




John de Nugent

John de Nugent “Trump is such a narcissist (and an obvious one ” even his supports say they do not like the self-centered personality of “the Donald”!) he will throw overboard whatever convictions he MAY have (I am convinced it is really all about him, and always has been) and cut a deal with the J-Team to become president:

1) Yes to hate-speech laws and 2) yes to gun bans.”


John de Nugent
John de Nugent Ironically, he might be worse for us than Hillary, who was so hated that had she proposed either, there might have been open white-conservative revolt. (In both Connecticut and New York State, the police have not DARED to confiscate ANY guns in the wake of the post-Sandy Hook gun laws in those states.)

I understand astrology, and Trump was born on a full moon. This means the sun and moon are in opposite signs with opposite characteristics. This can make a person very erratic and do contradictory things all the time. This analysis is obviously a very liberal astrologer’s take on Donald Trump, but much of it really is spot-on:

A very clear full moon — Sun and Moon opposed.
John de Nugent
John de NugentMy concern is that we have basically a madman in the White House who, unlike, say, Hillary, or Jeb, or Marco Rubio, has to prove to the Khazars every day how much he is NOT a white nationalist, NOT “one of us” and will do whatever Israel demands.

10,406 visits to my site yesterday, a new record …… It happened because I now spend $500 a month on website security. Your donations are why I am growing! 🙂 Now PLEASE read this if you read NOTHING ELSE today, and consider joining my supporters worldwide:


Contact/Supporting VIRTUS

–21 April 2017 cash donation by M in Oregon
–21 April 2017 Stripe donation by B in Denmark

–13 April 2017 check from G in Utah

—-13 April 2017 book from S in Idaho

–11 April 2017 cash from donor “Chad Bigly” 😉

“10 April 2017 book The Unseen Hand from an anonymous supporter

–5 April 2017 cash from S in Florida

–4 April 2017 donations via PayPal from C in Connecticut, cash from C in New Jersey, and via Stripe from J in Utah

–30 March donations via PayPal from S in Germany

–9 March 2017 donations via PayPal from M in Scotland and B in Alabama

–7 March 2017 Euros and a book (Boa, written by a courageous child psychiatrist who uncovered an epidemic of police-protected child molesting on the Dutch island of Aruba), sent by A in Holland

–3 March 2017 Euros from A in Germany


“Dear Mr. de Nugent,

A much belated Happy New Year to you.

I hope you are doing well (and enjoy good health). I wish I could do more to support you financially. Alas, it is not possible. 

Like many others I work full-time yet can barely make ends meet. 

This system sucks big-time. Frugality or outright poverty for working (!) Germans, luxury for invaders, who never worked a day in their useless parasite lives.


However, this cannot last and something’s got to give. 

Our lying, thieving political con men are not the solution. They are all part of the problem.

Divine intervention and retiribution, yes please!

I enjoyed your writing very much and learned a lot. Please be very vigilant and stay safe. All the best and ORION [Our race is our nation]. Down with ZOG!  [initials of the sender]”

–2 March 2017 gift t-shirt from the Bahamas from J in North Carolina

 photo t-shirt-jamie-freeport-bahamas_zpsz6obclpf.jpg

–1 March via Paypal from J in England to

–28 February 2017 cash from a Haunebu base 😉


–24 February 2017 donation via Stripe from P in Connecticut
–21 February 2017 cash from C in California

–14 February 2017 via Stripe (like PayPal) from M

–14 February 2017 cash from S in Florida

–6 February 2017 $39 from M in Minnesota and $20 and patriotic newspapers from B in California

–18 January 2017 cash from G in Maine, wrapped in aluminum foil

–17 January 2017 donation via Stripe from the generous and courageous Jamie Anderson of North Carolina (his name is used with his explicit permission)

(Jamie was one of the two key funders of the entire  Captain Ramsay/Nameless War project

Stripe is just as easy as PayPal. Please use it!

1 Comment

  1. It seems that whoever we vote for, they are Jew owned and operated.
    I guess all we can do is try to educate people as to their ways!
    Here’s the latest out of Israel.
    It seems the kikes are protecting this phone threat hoaxer and were hoping this would all blow over. I hardly think Israel would extradite the kike!

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