The day NBC, FOX, and ABC’s Chris Cuomo interviewed me about James von Brunn and the Holocaust Museum shooting

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I was interviewed respectfully in 2009, and apparently came over too well for the media moguls. They decreed to never interview me live again. 😉

Chris Cuomo, as you can hear, was not the overtly obnoxious liberal then that he is now. Nor was the media in general openly leftist.

Here is the backstory:

Explaining James von Brunn’s anger to the media when he shot up the Holocaust Museum

….and here was the video:


  1. 18/01/26/incredibile-i-giornali-depoca-riportano-la-cifra-di-6-milioni-di-vittime-per-altri-olocausti-ebraici-poco-noti/amp
    Ricordavo solo quello americano… La magica cifra 666.

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