Israel has an ultra high-tech surveillance system that could detect even a cat, or one single bird, that was approaching the Gaza-Israel border wall. Yet big sections of this wall were not guarded at all, says Efrat Fenigson, an Israeli woman who was with military intel 25 years ago.
The border between Gaza and Israel is a strip that is 5 km (3 miles) wide, and it is the most guarded area in the world, with bunkers all around full of soldiers who make rounds throughout the night, and have cameras and sensors of every kind. It is IMPOSSIBLE THAT HUNDREDS OF HAMAS WITH TRACTORS, JEEPS, & HANG GLIDERS, CAME THROUGH WITHOUT ISRAEL KNOWING IT.
Fenigson argues that the Israeli and Palestinian peoples both have been sold out once again by a higher and hidden power.
(I thank an Italian comrade for sending me this. 🙂 )
As then Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas) said in 2009, it was Israel that created Hamas (to split the Palestinians in two by opposing Hamas in Gaza to Yassir Arafat and his Palestinian Authority on the West Bank). In the same way, the US for years backed both Saddam Hussein (!) and the Al Qaeda of Osama ben Laden!
Viral video claiming to show Israeli children kidnapped and held in cages by Hamas is totally fake. On the right are the faces of Palestinian children who were REALLY killed by Israeli forces.
Viral video claiming to show Israeli children kidnapped and held in cages by Hamas is fake (originally shared by Rybar).
On the right are the faces of Palestinian children who were REALLY killed by Israeli forces.
— Roberto Avventura (@RobertoAvventu2) October 8, 2023
Israelis in skullcaps film a fake wounded Jewish civilian:
Lights. Camera. Action.
Castle Rock Level Production.
— Shadow of Ezra (@ShadowofEzra) October 8, 2023
Israelis strip bodies of Palestinians and piss on them:
qui vedi israeliani che pisciano sui cadaveri dei palestinesi uccisi oggi
— GZibordi (@CGzibordi) October 8, 2023
……What will happen next?
The Italian comrade wrote me:
There is one positive thing…the masks are all falling off. Isis, Azov Battalion, Hamas. Our shadow rulers: “We are all IsraHell.”
The Antifa of Milan (far left) supports Palestine (LOL).
It’s a big battle.
What do you predict?
I replied:
One thing alone is for sure: the psychopath Satanyahu (about whom I have blogged for now 14 years) will sadistically murder thousands of Gaza Palestinians in response.
This monster is so nasty that I was not surprised when Barack Obama and Nicholas Sarkozy, the president of France and both half-jews and crooks themselves, were discussing Satanyahu, while not realizing that the microphone was still on. Sarkozy said he was a total liar and Obama said: “I know, but guess what? I have to deal with him every other day.”
Unless Biden can stop him, I would expect that Satanyahu will do something to provoke the Iranians. He cannot admit that his government failed to protect Israeli citizens. The Jew York Times now says 700 Israelis were killed! Apparently 240 of them died at a “rave.”
This is indeed like 9/11 — a failure to protect.
……Spiritual reading for October 9
Tremulous, you reach out and touch the petals of a flower before you. Have you ever felt like the gifts of your earth, your human, physical life are so extraordinary, so beyond beautiful, so overwhelming that your throat closes in awe? You may visit that place today, and if you do, count yourself fortunate, and attend to the moment with reverence.
For this is the Truth, the one experience of this reality that will always take you Home. It is not the actual stuff of the world, or its amazing perfection but rather your ability to be one with it that is the key. It is not an experience that can be forced, as you know, but it can be intended and sought after. Do that today.
Look at your world in the hope of seeing its awe-inspiring aspect, and perhaps you will be rewarded with a moment or two (maybe more) of oneness with Creation. If it happens, allow that union to fll you as completely as you can. This is rocket fuel, friends, and it will indeed carry you to the moon!
If it doesn’t come, don’t fret. There is an opening for that today, but it may not be your day. It will come, and soon, for days and times when it is possible to see and be one with all-that-is are arriving more and more frequently.
Just try to enjoy the beauty around you and don’t turn from the troubles of your plane with disgust. It may be tempting in moments, but if you feel yourself turning in that direction, find something in nature to hold to. Keep your head above the water and you will have done well.
Please remember that we see the same beauty and perfection in each of you that you sometimes see in the world around you. It is an honor and a joy to be with you.
Lol . The way the jews and Jew York Times keep increasing the casualties from the ” Surprise” Hamas attacks, the figure will soon be 6 million. Again.
A little jewsish girl will write a bestseller about her ordeal that day. Guess what? That little girl will be Dutch.
On FB there are lots of clapping, happy jews boasting about America’s support. Is this an orchestrated operation to get Allied forces to attack Iran? It is the 5th country on Israel’s hit list for destabilization.
When the war starts, buy shares in BP, Texaco, Shell or Exxon as these will seize Iranian oil rigs for themselves like they did to the Iraqi oil.
There are good and bad jews. It seems the bad greedy jews cause all the shit all of the time. Barbara Lerner Spectre, Dr Alan Shatter, George Soros…..
La terza guerra è vicina?
Sai cosa mi ricorda tutto questo?I bastardi Zeloti nel 68DC…
“Stiamo combattendo animali humani” — il ministro della Diffesa israeliano….
Ma è così che vedono tutti i goy, come animali….
Esatto.E noi zitti di fronte a questi psicopatici.
L’Aquila a due teste è Giano.
Ci siamo fatti distruggere dal Cristianesimo…dagli Arabi, dagli Israeliti.
Avevamo grandi Radici…una grande Storia e nessuna paura della morte.
Perché ora sono arrabbiata?ma davvero tanto.Ho perso l’ultima goccia di pazienza.
Interessante con i due Giovanni….. È triste come l’umanità debba avere dei e adorarli quando può semplicemente acquisire il controllo sulle proprie menti e sui propri cuori e avere serenità, felicità, amore e pace.
Secondo me è il significato simbolico del Sole.Sono le nostre radici,i nostri Antenati, il nostro Essere interiore.
È il significato della svastica che gira in due versi.