The Dutchman who risked all; Whites do not come from neanderthals, juze do

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Ronald Bernard, himself an investment banker, says he SAW my fellow bankers at the highest levels raping and killing children, and renounced this wicked path

@theduran E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G that has happened since I began assiduously following and supporting the Durans in 2019 has validated what Alex Christoforou has long openly surmised (and I as well, on my own site):
“They” are DELIBERATELY crashing the West to get the Great Reset that Bond Villain Klaus Schwab has been overtly pushing since 2016.
In this “Great Reset,” as I see it, you, the Gentile peasant class, will own nothing and you will enjoy no rights. But our new feudal lords, our betters, the pedophile billionaires, will own absolutely everything — and figuratively or literally rape everyone, in a new “lex primae noctis.” Yes, it IS that bad.
The infamous Jeffrey Epstein was in a way God’s means of warning us, and yet he was a mere Boy Scout compared to the radically SUPER-evil ones at the top of the top.
Ronald Bernard was a top Dutch investment banker and is not some fictional, made-up character. If you google him, you find all these articles in Dutch about his career. Martin said that to reach the level right below the very top, where you are one of these billionaires with the yachts, the mansions, and the jets, you m-u-s-t FIRST commit the ultimate in blackmailability, that is, you must rape and kill little children on camera.
The Big Boys (who are not goys) MUST get this ULTIMATE BLACKMAIL on you.
We need to face the fact that our crypto-ruling class, the highest level of the Deep State, is absolute EVIL.
As the French say, “Behind every great fortune lies a great crime.” They want your crime to be on camera and in their vault so they can control you.
Ronald Bernard was a top banker in Holland, here being interviewed (in Dutch, but with English subtitles) about his banking career. But soon his conscience would make him quit.
In this absolutely life-changing vid, Dutch ex-banker and insider Bernard reveals VERY believably that the Illuminati are real, as is their serious, literal worship of Lucifer, their ritual child sacrifice to said entity Lucifer, and the huge Zionist role ….
Bernard refers to the “ten tribes of Israelites in northern Israel” and he even brings up the Protocols of the Elders of Zion (but of course he never says the prohibited word that begins with “j”).
Is this the scariest — and bravest — video EVER? This is the abridged version — just 7 min 53 seconds.

This is the long version (39 minutes):

You simply have to FORCE YOURSELF to watch all 39 minutes. This guy Bernard is a REAL HIGH-LEVEL banker.
“Toto, we’re not in Kansas any more.”

Who ARE these people? Well, Bernard says himself that he is alive because he keeps his VOW to not divulge who they are……

The “great” thing for the Big Juze about getting people to rape & kill kids is after doing that, after crossing that moral red line, your conscience is just about dead, and then they can use such a goy politico to trigger wars for them, bring about worldwide economic depressions and causing millions of deaths without batting an eye.

…..Our origins are in the stars

A commenter sent me this:

Like Varg, this youtuber‚ “NORTH 02,” is of the opinion that the neanderthals were the forebears of the European race

I replied:

Oh boy. He is really toeing the line.

There are several things an Eternal Solutrean understands:

1) we are not alone in the universe; the white race is flourishing all over the galaxy, just not here : a planet of wayward souls who habitually lie about others, to others, and about themselves and to themselves. This planet is full of insane people who engage in pathological lying, in denial of reality, in constant self-harm, and therefore Terrans are mostly shunned by the other intelligent species, human and humanoid, who for millennia have been using this earth while keeping a watchful eye on us, a hyper-violent, divided, hate-filled, and barbaric surface species.

Every day is a mini-Dresden in Gaza



Trump’s nominee for US ambassador to IsraHell


Only on a very degenerate planet could a lie like this whopper below be believed. “They were very wrong.” How jewy — this shameless, egotistical assertiveness they have, as if merely saying something can make it true:

2) we reincarnate, and grow enormously during the interlife, the time between lives, and then God, usually, but not always, wipes our memories temporarily clean to give us a fresh start in a new life, full of challenges and relationships which we knowingly accepted to experience in advance of our reincarnating; everything is ultimately fair, including our duty to act to stop evil and not wait for God to do it

3) there are human monsters out there called psychopaths; they only look human, but are evil to the core, incurable and untreatable. Psychopaths exist in all races, but the juze are an entire people with psychopathic leaders and many, many psychopathic or narcissistic members

4) we are not our minds but eternal souls that never die; we have minds, and must gain control of these minds and not be controlled by them, or earth will continue to be a living hell with mind-enslaved, mentally possessed human devils

5) We are here to love, to grow, to change, to unite; if we judge harshly, God will judge us harshly too

Once we grasp these five things, everything becomes clearer.

And one of them is that Whites come from the stars. The Nordic aliens are the origin of our race, not the short, ugly, slope-foreheaded, hook-nosed, weak-chinned, proto-semitic neanderthals. The neanderthals became the juze!



…..Facebook trolls

“Thomas Lee Saugg” from Canada is a psychopath, or a paid troll.
All reactions:

Michele Renoir, Donal Cumhea Mac Namara and 4 others

John De Nugent

Insults and abuse…. and right out of the blue. A belligerent Christian Identity type…. Whites are the true juze, and so forth…. I asked him to retract his insult, and he blocked me, of all people. Asked me why I had my “panties in a twist.” I said US Marines don’t wear panties, and if we twist anything, it is necks until they snap. He disappeared after that. Has a huge Canadian chip on his shoulder toward Americans, of all the dumb side-tracks to fight for. Says a Canadian invented baseball and so forth, and I was fine with that if true. I told him I have been to five Canadian provinces, my stepmother is from PEI, which I have visited twice, I know the film “Anne of Green Gables ” (with Colleen Dewhurst) like the back of my hand, and I know the country and highly respected it (until it crucified Ernst Zündel, whom I knew well). He is one of these people you walk on eggshells with.
The next day 😉 …a “Frankeric Jones” claims falsely that I want more Hindus in America. This is the kind of garbage that made me actually almost happy when Faceberg banned me in January 2020. I replied: “I know personally Indians who are very pro-white. One of them is Frank Raymond of Vancouver, BC, who wrote an entire book urging Whites to fight for their survival.…/dp/1544060440/ref=sr_1_1


My point is that many Indians in America ARE politically conservative, despise the juze and wokeness, and worked VERY hard for Trump, but NOT that we want more of them here. I am the white nationalist whose words you are knowingly twisting. “I think he probably wants them in the west.” That is totally erroneous, invented, and you know it. Therefore I urge you to retract that false claim. I was a hardcore white nationalist probably before you were born, fake-name “Frankeric.” Or are you actually a paid troll or paid FBI sh-t-stirrer? What have you ever DONE for our cause besides trying to cause dissension?…/ D-O-N-E — what have you DONE? You know from our PMs how hard-core I am, so why are you claiming I am a moderate? The country is half non-white (and has been since 2005). Do you really intend to genocide 200 million non-white people in this country — and with what army? With WHAT ARMY? ”




……Jews, Arabs and Caucasus peoples (like Stalin and Beria) descend from Neanderthals, and thus are natural, genetic enemies for 30,000 years now of the Cro Magnons (the whites) 


The rhinoplasty “de-sinisterizes” them. Between their yellowish-brown skin and their hooked noses, every healthy instinct in us as descendants of the Cro-Magnons — of the Ancient European Whites — and of Nordic settlers such as the Baltic UFO people, simply recoils before such features that bode us ill.

Cro-Magnons in the Old Stone Age — they had large brains 10,000 years ago, were as tall as Whites today, and lived a long time. No welfare system protected the weak, dishonest, disloyal, incompetent and lazy. No loser could pass on his genes — no woman would have him. And in clans of 17 to 25 people, no one could fake their resumé or photoshop their photo.

Zia,  daughter of the clan chieftain in the Discovery Channel/UK Channel 4 docudrama “Ice Age Columbus,” scathingly rejects a hungry male clan member who wants HER food. The resentful loser, a forerunner of Carlos Porter, later murders another clan member and is driven off into the forest, exiled, to die there. 


Beorg cherishes his daughter


Then he orders the murderer to leave the clan, and go fend for himself, usually a death sentence..


The Baltic UFO from 10,000 BCis an established fact.  A Swedish company searching professionally for sunken ships for their treasures found, photographed and examined it. Then it was declared off-limits. No one is to know that Nordic aliens crash-landed in Northern Europe, and the survivors then spread out, interbreeding with and adding a huge IQ boost to the already intelligent Cro-Magnons.   


Swedish divers examined the craft carefully down in 285 feet of water, a sometimes dangerous depth. (A friend of mine, Eric Gramm, died in 1971 during a 200-foot dive  to retrieve an anchor.)

An interesting opening on top. The Swedish government, under US/NATO pressure, now lies that this is a natural rock formation.

As it crashed, it skittered along the bottom of the northern Baltic Sea, called the Bay of Bothnia.

The highest incidence of blond hair and blue eyes in Europe is on both sides of the crash site. One can assume that other craft did land safely — on land nearby — and their occupants survived, emerging and spreading out to find food, water and shelter. Eventually, of course, their ship batteries all died, and they had to “go native,” adopting the Stone Age lifestyle of the Cro-Magnons to whom they were related in order to live.

Note also the arrogant look in the semite’s eyes (showing the pic again). He thinks he’s “the sh–t.” Both neanderthalic religions, Judaism and Islam, are full of a sense of chosen-ness, of self-importance and swagger. Now, with his nose bobbed, this semite figures he is ready to pork some blondes.


In military aviation (Air Force, Navy and Marines), there is a friend/foe radar detection system to tell a pilot if a jet flying right at him at high speed is out to help or to kill him.

OUR racial friend/foe system needs to be switched on!

Neanderthals & Semites

Joseph Stalin busts once displayed in Leipzig, then communist East Germany. Stalin was a racial neanderthal, though probably not a jew. As a Georgian, he was genetically related to the jews, (just as Arabs and Armenians also are). In fact, fearing jewish power, the Soviet ruler had many thousands of individual Soviet jewish officials executed in three huge purges in the 1930s (the “Moscow show trials”), the 1940s (the “Cosmopolitan” trials) and yet again in the early 1950s (the “doctors’ plot” trials). Finally, before Stalin could ship ALL the jews off to Siberia, the jews poisoned HIM.





  1. You used the word “juze” to signify the ethno/religious entity, “Jews.” Wilmot Robertson of _Instauration_ used the word “Chosenites” to signify this same entity. I think Wilmot Robertson’s choice of a term for this entity is better than “juze.”

    • I chose this word to express contempt. We are dealing with a loathsome disease. And no one knows better than you how juze commit ritual murder of our children. “Chosenite” is inadequate. (Btw, I knew Wilmot and stayed at his house in the mountains of western North Carolina, and I was friends with his chief assistant writer at Instauration, Robert Lenski.)

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