The egoic man who doomed us; Napoleon, enemy of the jews; Musk reinstates Twitter acct. of General Flynn, the top conspiracy believer around Trump

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Elon Musk, of German ancestry and a native of apartheid South Africa, has now lost $100 billion in stock value by restoring freedom of speech, but he perseveres. If he is working for the jews at this stage, this is a pretty strange way to show it. But even if the jews bankrupt, indict or kill him, some will always trash the man, just as they did Rockwell because their egoic minds blinds them to this: Musk is a doer, a world-famous man living in the limelight, delighting millions of fans, he is incredibly wealthy — and they are not.

I remember with disgust and loathing the envious rightwing egomaniac Gustav von Kahr, the Bavarian prime minister who thwarted our promising November 1023 putsch in Munich, breaking his solemn word to me — and  entirely because this dweeb wanted himself to be Germany’s savior.

Had we come to power in November of 1923, with anticommunist Republicans occupying the White House in the Roaring Twenties, and the Great Depression and Franklin Roosevelt only future problems, and with the murderous Soviet Union alarming everyone but still very weak militarily, the white race would be not just surviving but thriving today.

But no, the egoic von Kahr just had to be the star…. but he got his in July 1934, a beating and then a bullet. And after he betrayed the 1923 uprising, his political career was over. Everyone knew that that putsch had a real chance of success and would have saved Germany, because it was both me and my huge political movement in Bavaria but also General Ludendorf, a revered, famous, prestigious WWI war hero who would have had the total backing of the German military.

Von Kahr exemplified envy, jealous, slander and hatred, which are just as toxic and universal on the right as on the left.

The latest example: Florida governor DeSantis and Donald Trump,now a Floridian himself, are now going at it, open enemies to the delight of the jews!

Sixteen wonderful, patriotic men, almost all war veterans, btw, died in November 1923, victims of the egoic mind of Gustav von Kahr (and the blind, zombielike obedience of the Bavarian cops, who mowed our heroes down with machine guns, men who only wanted to end Germany’s misery.)

Misery? Yes. 1923 was the year of the Great Inflation, caused by the wicked treaty of Versailles — a BILLION MARKS FOR A LOAF OF BREAD, WIPING OUT THE MIDDLE CLASS AND ALL THEIR SAVINGS. thjat was also the year that French negro troops were sent in by Paris to rape white German women in the beautiful Rhineland, and to haul unpaid-for German coal out of Germany for the French jews as “reparations” for Germany’s “guilt in starting WWI,” which was a blatant lie. THE JEWS PLANNED AND TRIGGERED WWI!

Thanks, Gustav, you pure-white DNA’ed Aryan weenie with your ridiculous ego. All the misery we see today you caused. We could have come to power in 1923, not 1933, and smashed the Soviet Union before Stalin could turn it into a gigantic, obedient war machine via the terror of the gulag!

If you have never seen “The Greatest Story Never Told” by the great Dennis Wise of England, here it is:

My only quibble is it suggests I was short and some kind of “runt.”

No, at five-foot-ten (179 cm), I was taller than the average white man of that era, who stood five-foot-seven. (This was like Tom Cruise, for example, or the jew actor Kirk Douglas. (5’7″ was also the most ordered uniform size for the American troops in the Continental Army of George Washington, btw. For centuries, this was the average size for white men until modern, high-protein diets began with bacon, eggs, cheese, milk, etc)

My WWI army records, which contained my height (and eye color, rank, medals, etc.) were destroyed in a WWII Allied bombing raid, but we do have the records of WWI war hero Herman Goering (who won the Blue Max, the highest medal of Germany). He stood 5’10”, the same height as mine. In every single photo of Goering and me together, we stand at the same height.

This stature issue is important only in the sense that I did not have some “Napoleon complex” about being short, because I was not short at all, but taller than most men. Yes, despite Bette Midler, I even had two testicles. 😉 ….and a love child by a Frenchwoman 😉

Oh, and Napoleon was not short, either! It was a British black propaganda lie. He stood 5’7″, which was average height. And it was the Rothschilds, the wicked jew banking dynasty, who ran the constant wars to destroy him — because he had woke up to the JQ after being pro-jewish initially, and had ordered the jews of France to stop money-lending (!) and to be controlled by a “Sanhedrin” which Napoleon had set up to keep an eye on jewry!


Excellent book on how the great Napoleon, initially a judeophile, turned against the jews!

I loved reading a wonderful chap book by Italian-American Mike King on Napoleon versus the old monarchies and the new world power, the high-finance jews. Michael S. King is a private investigative journalist and researcher based in the New York City area, and a 1987 graduate of Rutgers University (and a WN).


It is quite an eye-opener how Napoleon turned against the jews, and vice versa. It was always, from that point on that Napoleon woke up to the JQ, the other countries, who were in Rothschild’s pocket, attacking France. THEY declared war on France! Just as happened to Germany in 1914 and 1939!

It was Rothschild who provided the financing and encouragement for every war against Napoleon.

Here are some relevant quotes from Napoleon, listed as the greatest general who ever lived, yes, ahead of Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar:


— Death is nothing, but to live defeated and humiliated is to die daily


— Take time to deliberate, but when the time for action has come, stop thinking — and plunge in!



— You must not fear death, lads; defy him — and drive him into the ranks of the enemy!



— The purely defensive mindset is doomed to defeat.



— Justice means force as well as virtue.



— It is an approved maxim of war never to do what the enemy wants you to do.



— Cowardly soldiers cause the loss of the nation’s freedom; but cowardly judges destroy the law, the government, and society itself.



— One thing is harder to bear than a reversal of fortune — the hideous baseness and ingratitude of man.



— The world is not ruined by the wicked, but by the good who are weak. 






If ever there was a time to donate to me, it is now. Or to move here — and be my assistant and bodyguard.



….Musk reinstates Flynn–elon-musk-infuriates-liberals-after-reinstating-this-twitter-account

The libtards and leftists really hate Flynn,  and Trump was a retarded, gullible fool to push him out within weeks of assuming office in January 2017 when the leftist media began attacking him with various unfounded Russia allegations. Flynn had Trump’s back, was committed to MAGA,and could have kept Trump informed as to what was really happening in America and the world.

National Security Advisor Flynn, the onetime director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, never, to my knowledge, publicly said a word directly about the jews, but he seemed up on every conspiracy out there. And he wanted Trump to take radical, and thus appropriate action as commander-in-chief against the traitors who seized control of this country and blatantly stole the 2020 election, which Trump won in a landslide.

Trump was a moron in total denial of reality to ever think the jews would trust him to be their faithful lackey after this one speech, where he let it all hang out:

The top kabbalah jews, who believe in reincarnation, know that Trump is the reincarnation of the vain, impulsive yet charismatic and sincere general and war hero George Patton, who IMO would have run for president in 1948 on an antisemitic and anti-Soviet platform, and won in a landslide. His soldiers loved him and so did the American public.

The jew Kushner kept pushing Trump to the center and with zero political benefit for the man. The Deep State (both various jews and their minions) wanted Trump out, and countermanded every MAGA program and even orders to the troops.

These were the two jews who stole the election, and the Time magazine boasted openly about it:

Tucker Carlson and the red string; the specific jews that stole the 2020 election for Joe and the ho





General Flynn wanted Trump to declare martial law in 2020, get his rightful second term as president, continue fixing the country, and thwart these wicked Khazar traitors.




        • Okay, a “big fan” who never sent one thin dime to cover the massive monthly costs of this constantly hacked website, $1,600 each and every month, and a “big fan” who has no idea, despite a hundred articles on my site, about who I was in my last life. I know how tall I was and how tall Herman was. So stay here and learn, comrade, or you can always leave, just as you wish, and start your own site. This site is financed and created by me to propagate my message — as a former US Marine, a national socialist, and the descendant of a very old colonial-era WASP family that came for freedom of speech and religion to New England in 1635 — of a new Aryan religion which will turn us from pathetic, aging web nerds back into warriors and mothers…

          So you can discuss the height of the evil jew Kirk Douglas on your site.

          But when I talk about Hitler, I know whereof I speak. As a “big fan,” you should actually be aware of this.

          And now, for the last time: I was five-foot-ten, 178 cm, as I am also in this life, and with the same very dark-blue eyes and many common facial features, especially in the unique forehead bulges and slope.

          In my Bavarian infantry regiment in WWI, the List regiment (named affectionately for our fallen commander), I was visibly somewhat taller than the average German, who stood 5’7″ in Germany (and also in other white nations of largely Northern-European stock a century ago).

          In every photo, when standing up straight I am the same height as Göring:

          And Göring and Baldur von Schirach, the Hitler Youth leader, who was half-American and half Anglo-Saxon, were of the same height:

          So, this leads to the issue of the height of Göring. Before the kangaroo Nuremberg War Crimes Trials began, the Jewmericans measured Göring at 178 centimeters:

          178 centimeters is 5’10”:

          So Göring was 5’10” — and I was also 5’10”. Are you capable of admitting your belief was mistaken?

          Or did the Americans at Nuremberg exaggerate Göring’s height because they loved him so? Strange, since they sought to put him to death; and, in fact, hangmen, such as the infamous jew John Wood at Nuremberg, always measure the height (and the weight) of the condemned prisoner for the right length of rope.

          So, were the Americans wrong that he stood 178 centimeters, which is 5’10”?

          Here I was in two photos with Architect Albert Speer, who stood two inches taller than I, not four (if I had been 5’8″):

          Everyone has seen this one, from Paris in 1940:

          Four inches would be a big difference in height, btw. The top joint of the thumb of an adult man meant one inch when the kings of England established English measures; so imagine four of them.

          Here is my new .40-caliber Smith & Wesson pistol, four inches in length, placed atop my head. Speer was not that much taller — not four inches taller — than I was and am.


    • No. So Goering, 5’10”, was the same height as Hitler, who was 5’8″….. LOL.

      But trust jew websites, since they agree with you.

      David Irving, the one whom I know personally, and who said the Holocaust did happen — THAT David Irving?


      The jew Douglas, conscious of his short stature, stood on boxes for cowboy films and publicity photos, just as actresses got photos taken from their best angle. All Hollywood standard practice.. and well-known to Ronald Reagan, obviously.

      I invite you to go elsewhere with your ego, since my site is full of malarkey and jew websites are more reliable….for you.

  1. If I am not mistaken, Napoleon gave citizenship to the Jews and in connection with this he ordered that a Sanhedrin of influential rabbis answer the question whether the Jews were a nation.

    The Sanhedrin declared that now that Jews were citizens they were no longer a nation.

  2. You forgot to add a link to you other excellent comment on Napoleon:

    Ramsay was very perceptive about the “Nameless War.” He doesn’t go into the Jew genesis, which was when our (((friends))) were kicked out of Spain in 1492.

    Long story short: our friends agitated for religious freedom, then invented corporate towns – the first one near Antwerp, as our friends attach themselves to sea powers.

    The burgermeister there was put to work collecting taxes from the corporate citizens. The first “creditor” democracy was thus created, where debtors voted on their debt status. The Dutch were then duped into the 80 years war [JdN: so the jews could] get back at Spain.

    !) Kicked out of Spain for usury and being subversives 2) Invent Corporate Towns where the Creditor is the hidden ruler 3) Invent Creditor Democracy, which includes a “house of lords” to overturn the peasant debtors votes.

    4) 700 Sephardic Unlicensed Jews invented all kinds of tricks for the stock market, including “gets,” “puts,” and forward contracts. Usury and Speculation became part of Stock Market mechanics.

    5) The first mercenary corporations to on-sell their stock into stock market (East Indies Companies).

    6) The first double-entry Wissel banks to hypothecate bank credit on double-entry ledgers, and at debt. (The Dutch fought back with the Bank of Amsterdam – to stabilize the economy from the stock market-induced gyrations of the Jew).

    7) The first printing presses put to work printing propaganda, and in English and languages other than Dutch. Bibles were printed at what would today be millions of dollars, to then make our (((friends))) the “people of the book.” The idea was that any English plowboy would have one, and thus look favorably upon the Jew upon his return to England.

    So the seven items had to happen for the Jew to have his nameless war against hearth, kin, and king.

    The parasites’ new hierarchy even includes figurehead kings and queens so the goyim remain duped and convinced their parasites are to be protected at all costs. A good host protects its parasites as if it were a baby, to be given sustenance.

    The eighth item helped get Cromwell to insert the Dutch William of Orange, who had Sephardic looks. Thanks, JEWS!

    Judeo-Christianity came into being, especially as Manessah Ben Israel funded propaganda, printed bibles, and funded Cromwell.

    The ninth item is a repeat of Wissel banks, the creation of the Bank of England – who on-sold their stock into the London stock market. Guess who the hidden stock owners were?

    From this point on, the nameless war went to work agitating England against the Colonials, the British Americans, who had invented industrial capitalism, and their form of money was bills of credit – not BOE bank notes.

    The first nameless war victim was the Dutch, then England.

    France was THIRD. (The American revolution was triggered actually by King George following his BOE advisors, who then demonetized colonial script and plunged the colonies into a depression.)

    I would put Napoleon in the same category as Stalin, as somebody who eventually woke up and realized things were not as they appeared, and that there was a hidden hand of creditors, especially international credit (and manpower) ready to subvert and direct civilization from behind the scenes.

    These were the wire pullers, as Ramsay says.

    The U.S. succumbed by 1912 and was fourth. Russia fifth in 1918 as Tsar Nicholas was murdered, and a Wall Street bank was installed. When Stalin killed Trotsky 1940, he was probably jew-wise at that point.

    • Thanks very much. As you will know, I did a massive audiobook and pdf project on The Nameless War.

      I did have to clean up a lot of spelling errors in your comment, consuming my time, especially unnecessary capitalization of nouns, German-style.

      • Thank for fixing my spelling errors. Not an excuse, but my life trajectory: Born dead and revived, brain damage, trouble waking and speaking, special education, then graduate high school- although predicted to not graduate. So, I still struggle, especially with language and spelling, and help is always appreciated.

        Although Hitler was very aware, he still befriended England. Certainly, he must have known that London was parasite central, where the nameless war had been won. Or maybe he didn’t know?

        The way to undo Jewish power, is to unwind the steps taken in their nameless war. First step is to overturn, or unwind Jewish control, is to seize the money power and make said money power sovereign. You can nationalize the banks, as Mussolini did in 1926, or forbid private banking corporations from hypothecations (creating double entry credit from nothing). In NSDAP’s case, the Reichsbank had already been returned to Chancellorship control by 1933.

        The Stock Market is to come under control, and NSDAP’S Hjalmar Schacht showed how to do it. The economy is to serve the people of the nation, not the international creditor. Hitler’s economic planning was done by Fritz Reinhardt, a state secretary in the Reich’s Ministry of Finance. This planning was along the lines of what today is called “Industrial Capitalism.”

        China today meets the definition of Industrial Capitalism, and the Atlantacist West has named China as enemy number 1. The Atlantacist Countries have succumbed to the nameless war, and are infested by the parasite. The Jew always attaches himself to sea-faring countries.

        Below quote is from Richard Tedor, Hitler’s Revolution:
        Germany’s withdrawal from the gold-based, internationally linked monetary system in favor of a medium of exchange founded on domestic productivity corresponded to Hitler’s belief in maintaining the sovereignty of nations. This was an unwelcome development in London, Paris and New York, where cosmopolitan investment and banking institutions profited from loaning money to foreign countries. Germany no longer had to borrow in order to trade on the world market. Foreign demand for German goods correspondingly created more jobs within the Reich.

        Stalin became aware of the “Rootless Cosmopolitan” probably by 1940.
        We don’t have language to describe the infection. Nameless war is the best I’ve seen. By not having language we have a difficult time communicating, and the devil continues to hide in plain sight.

        Best Regards

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