The egoic mind, emperors and elites; Rise, O Sun!

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After decades of civil war and elite greed and corruption, the Roman working class WANTED benevolent one-man rule, and Augustus gave it to them, in fact, a Golden Age of progress.



Below is an amusing yet seriously informative video about Octavian, the first Roman emperor, known as Augustus (which in Latin means an “august” — highly dignified and respected —  leader).

The videographer-narrator is some light-skinned black chap who calls himself “Uncle Handsome,” and his claim to fame is “education entertainment.” 😉 He says many needed truths amidst all the humor…

Before I continue to the video, let me praise one of my supporters, who is French by language and culture, yet also fluent in English. He also is a person of color, part-white but very PRO-white, seeing the good in our race despite its flaws.


He told me how he has refuted the White-bashers around him with an argument that he finds effective, which is reminding non-Whites about all the marvels which White people have invented and given the whole world — so many great technological advances which they blithely use every day and which benefit them ….without feeling any gratitude to those who came up with these things.

He wrote:

“What annoys me, John, is all the non-white people whom the jews successfully agitate to hate the Whites, always whining about slavery, which ended for us in 1848 (!) and all their other blah-blah-blah arguments which suit them. It’s always the same litany of evil Whitey. … They’ll never talk about what Whites gave us: the planes, the buses, the trams, the cars we use to move rapidly about the country, or the landline phones, the smartphones or the Internet we use to communicate through different apps (WhatsApp, Skype…).
I won’t even talk about the ones who brag about their new shoes or clothes while driving their shiny car, with the latest iPhone in their hand, often just for showing off… All things the white man invented!”

Anyway, he donated $51.64 via Western Union, while 99% of my white readers — yes, I may be talking to YOU 😉 — have never sent me one penny despite many appeals. But you think your white skin alone makes you superior. Nope, it just  makes you PALE and prone to sunburn. 😉

Aryan is as Aryan does. 😉

Readers should feel shame who donate NOTHING, because thanks to them I have now had to liquidate ALL my valuable assets to keep this site going.

I am out to be right with God, regardless of what you do; are you ready to face God if you die five minutes from now? Are you in a state of grace?

$17,767 (plus12 excellent books and two great pistol holsters) since early December 2022

It is clear that the egoic mind that prevails on this one specific, spiritually dismal planet ruins all the races living here, including our own white race. And this is a good juncture for seguéing to the video.

“Uncle Handsome” makes three good points.

One, Octavian, who became known as Augustus, and was the nephew of Julius Caesar, and his heir in his will, was a very sickly kid, but he had iron willpower and a plan.

Two, Octavian was very ruthless about getting power —  but modest, ethical and efficient once he had it.

Example: In the HBO series “Rome,” Octavian [reflecting what really did happen] lets his initial partner in power, Mark Antony, order the soldier to the right to kill a famous Roman senator, Cicero, who had criticized Antony, then cut off his head and hands, and nail them to the rostrum in the Roman Forum. (


Three, and this has happened over and over in history, the elites (the Roman Senate) become so corrupt and selfish that the working class suffered tremendously and became furious at their supposed “betters.”

The truth is that the Roman senators could be incredibly greedy, callous and corrupt, with constant infighting, and so Rome suffered FIFTY YEARS of civil war.….Romans slaughtering other Romans….

Then Julius Caesar made himself dictator, and proceeded to make peace and do a lot for the working class — and his nephew, Octavian, later called Augustus, did even more for the poor and miserable during the immense period of 41 years when he was the sole ruler of the Roman Empire.

And the story of Adolf Hitler (who secretly knew he had been a Roman leader in another life) is the same. He became a one-man ruler because the German elites had let the German working class go to hell under both the kaisers and even more so under the heavily-jew infested Weimar Republic.

One NS innovation was the Winter Help Work (“das Winterhilfswerk”), which was millions of Germans going out on the street with a can to collect coins to get to the millions of Germans, some war widows, who were cold, broke, and hungry, a searing problem which became especially acute during the Great Depression…and it could have led the desperate to want a communist takeover and to embrace “kill all the rich.”

[Poster for 1934-35]

“No one should go hungry… and no one should freeze!  Winter Help Work of the German Folk”

It was also never about JUST the food and heating bills…but about stimulating the compassion and generosity latent in almost every white person. Our brains actually secrete happiness hormones, especially dopamine and oxytocin, when we do noble things! We are designed to feel good when we help others!


This Waffen-SS soldier may be scanning the horizon for Reds with his brain — but his heart is glowing as he protects this woman. His life has value and meaning, and so will his death. Hundreds of thousands of German soldiers fell in the final months of the war to slow the advance of the raping, torturing, murdering Red Army. I read memoirs by two different Waffen-SS men about how hearing women scream in the village energized them to fight fanatically.


For each year, beginning in 1934, there was a NEW pin one could proudly wear on one’s coat or hat to show “I gave to the Winter Help Work.”

This stamp, showing free neo-natal care, commemorated 10 years of the WHW.


National socialism addressed the horrible pain of loneliness and of feeling abandoned by creating a feeling of folk community, in German “Volksgemeinschaft.”

This was the sense of the nation as one big, caring family — and the feeling that each of us, though we are individuals, are always part of a greater whole, never just a forlorn individual staggering through a cold, heartless, and soulless universe.

The buildup of military power after 1935 reflected two realizations:

1) even if it took five or ten years, Jewry would use its media and financial power to 100% start a war against an antisemitic Germany, especially because it was FLOURISHING without the jews,


2) as with the 41 long years of Augustus’s reign, the people and especially the businessmen want consistent and predictable policies and firm leadership so they can make firm plans for the future, knowing that their government, which is doing a fine job, is protected by a powerful and loyal military, and therefore will not be overthrown by either revolution or foreign invasion, and chaos will not return.

Nor will a corrupt elite ever come back to power, as happened in 2021 in the USA with the Biden Stealection. Trump had NO control over his own military, which openly disobeyed him in Syria, refusing his order to leave that country! And so he was powerless to crush the November 2020 coup d’état which put Biden in.

In stark contrast to the failure Trump, who pathetically made General Mark Milley, an arch-enemy, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 99% of my officers stayed loyal to the very end. Here we see German army officers saluting, and Leon Degrelle, who was Waffen-SS, doing the SS salute, which was the classic sieg-heil.

It is not about WANTING a dictatorship or one-man rule, but about corrupt and selfish elites, the gangs of the greedy, which ruin the country while they rake in the dough.

This book is about psychopaths rising to the top of everything with their absolute ruthlessness:




What only a few of the German elites grasped in their egoic jealousy of Hitler was that Hitler was literally saving their necks and their wealth and castles, because next door in Soviet Russia the entire Russian elite (the aristocrats and the wealthy upper middle class in THAT country) had been EXTERMINATED by the bolsheviks!

A jewish bolshevik watches and grins as a slavic bolshevik sticks a red-hot metal rod up an aristocrat’s rectum. The Cheka (heavily jewish) did this and other sick things from 1917-21 until all resistance had been broken by unheard -of methods of terror.

Two thousand years later, the Portuguese still remember with this statue the great Augustus.


Maurras makes a powerful point below:

The premise is that most people are highly flawed. How can this be denied?

Of  course, the best solution is a spiritual awakening of the masses. And right now we are at a crossroad, with more and more individuals searching deeply for truth and a caring world. Others, however, are turning increasingly into complete animals, and vilifying and hating all those who seek and speak the truth.


….Eckhart Tolle on the chattering, egoic mind

This is Eckhart speaking very simply in English, with German and French narrations.  Your mind may find this presentation infuriatingly boring and uninteresting, and if you do, then know that the more it reacts this way, the more egoic it is.

Let’s be  honest here — there is no reason why your mind cannot be quiet and still for a mere 30 seconds!

But watch it revolt!

“What is this boring shit?” 😉

I see…. You have lived for decades and  seen the world  go downhil….but to take 30 seconds out of these decades to try  something new — unbearable! 😉

It’s pure torture! 😉


If these videos seem like incomprehensible nonsense, then the problem is not Eckhart. 😉 And then you may understand that YOUR mind is secretly the ally of the jew.


…..Once again

This is pure folk community 🙂 Almost a Nuremberg rally….The song is “Rise, O Sun!” in the Latvian language:

A German comrade sent me a link, saying “THIS is true European music, John!” It was to a Latvian outdoor concert with the song “Lec, saulite.”    (“Rise,  O Sun!”)

Actually, I ran an article on this very same video from Latvia on the Baltic Sea when it first came out five years ago. It brought tears to my eyes.

Riga is the capital of Latvia, a city and country which actually had a German upper class, the Baltic Germans, for many centuries (from whom came the NS author and editor Alfred Rosenberg):

Latvian pupils


First look at some screenshots from the video….

This huge production reminds me of what we nationalsocialists did 1933-39 at the Zeppelin Meadows in Nuremberg.

I watched the video this time quite carefully, and noticed 1) it contains prayers to the old pagan gods and goddesses, and 2) I see three musicians who are playing the bagpipes. (They come in strong at 4:31.)

Bagpipes are often associated in the popular mind with Scotland — but they are actually a very ancient Aryan invention. There is a depiction of bagpipes from the Aryan Hittite Empire (located in what is now called „Turkey“) from around 1,000 BC.

The pianist here, Raimonds Tiguls, is actually the composer of this sublime piece. (

I learned in my classes on Indo-European Linguistics at Georgetown (Fall 1979 and Spring 1980) that Latvian (and its neighbor, Lithuanian) are the two modern white languages that have stayed closest to the original Indo-European (Aryan) tongue of our ancestors. (Sanskrit — spoke in old Aryan India — was just as close but is mostly a dead langauge now, except for its use by brahmin priests and scholars in India.)

One lyric is “adorn the boy, adorn the girl” — and “boy” is in Latvian the cognate word “puisi,” and  “girl” (maiden) is “meiteni.” The title “Lec, saulite” is related to the English words “lift” and “solar.” This is because ALL European languages are related, as our race is, and it goes back to one single Aryan language and people.

I will end the screenshots with these images of Latvian men, both singers and in the audience.

Look especially at the man on the right, with his eyes open in awe. This is just how the noble, loyal, and spiritual Rudolf Hess looked in Nuremberg, totally moved, deeply in his soul.

Our folk has a heart; we want to be moved, and now we want to be transformed. The coming religion will do this!

And now here is the video with this uplifting performance. This is a white people that loves its heritage and ancestors! The last words are “unite our Latvian nation!”


This is a night concert and also on a high cultural level, singing the song “The eternal Milky Way overhead”:



    • Consider it as white noise 😉

      I am running this in French as well as English because I have now many French readers and two important French donors — without whom this site would have gone down five years ago.

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