Unrepentant Lavrov zings Israel again; Zelensky cuts off natural gas to Europe! and the egoic mindset is still alive that ruined German policy toward Russia 1941-45

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I commented:


@theduran Interesting dig by FM Sergei Lavrov, who, btw, has NOT apologized for recent remarks.
And he again brought up “Palestine” (meaning Western apathy when the Jewish State stomps on the Palestinians.)


Putin did not apologize to Israel; and Hitler was not a jew; recognizing jews physically

“The gloves are off” — After Israel denounces Russia over Ukraine, top Russian official, Sergei Ivanov, blasts Israeli hypocrisy about “human rights,” “war against Syria” and “committing war crimes against civilians”

There is also the interesting dynamic, which wokies have pointed out with their usual disgust, that the Ukrainians (both ethnic Ukies and ethnic Russkies) who are dying in droves, both soldiers and civilians, are all white Christians, not brown or black people, and yes, white Westerners do identify far more with them, and do indeed mourn more, naturally, when the corpses are white.
And this is a big inconsistency on the part of the anti-racist Western Establishment. Lavrov brings it up quite deftly.
GAS CUT-OFF. What we are seeing here with Z-Boy cutting off Russian energy from EU countries is not only an incredible example of what in Yiddish is called “chutzpah” (arrogant nerve and insolence), but also the reanimation of the Morgenthau Plan.

That plan, worked out by the Jewish Treasury Secretary of Franklin Rosenveld was for Germany to become a poor, starving Third World economy — subsisting on agriculture.
Slanted but basically accurate article: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morgenthau_Plan
All German industry was to be gone.
This plan was in effect 1945-49.
Then, in 1948, Israel was created, and the decision was made to revive the German economy, but why?
TO FUND ISRAEL and pay “reparations” to “survivors of the Holocaust.”
It is all in the books by Zionist honcho Nahum Goldmann, a German jew.


He and Chaim Weizman, the first president of Israel, plotted all this and more during a conference at the Biltmore Hotel in Manhattan in 1942.
So, returning to the present, with Germany, already having shelled out over $100 BILLION to tiny Israel, plus giving it a fleet of six nuclear-missile submarines, the Dolphins, built in Hamburg, is in the crosshairs. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dolphin-class_submarine)


The German people are now dispensable.
Germany until now was the ATM of Israel,

but now Israel has decided to resume the Morgenthau Plan.
And, paralyzed by corruption as well as an induced Holocaust “guilt trip,” the key elites among the self-hating, brainwashed yet also venal and blackmailed modern Germans, will not object to the economic destruction of their nation.
The Morgenthau Plan — read it for yourselves:


….Down with the Russians and with me, too, a Putin-hating German writes

I got this comment recently from an irate German, which was breathtaking in its disrespect, hatefulness, ignorance of my views (which I have laid out in detail again and again), and disastrous hostility toward the ONE and ONLY leader of a major white nation, Vladimir Putin, who is even halfway on our side.

And, to boot, Putin is a notorious germanophile who

— speaks German,

— worked (against NATO, not in arresting dissidents at home) in East Germany,

— sent his two daughters to a German-language school in St. Petersburg,

— built the Nordstream 2 pipeline to Germany despite very grave misgivings and resistance by others in the Kremlin at a cost of $10 BILLION to please the Germans, who, this year, under Jewnited Snakes pressure, cravenly caved in — and cancelled the now finished project!

— and who made his first foreign trip as president of Russia in 2000 to Germany,

— speaking in Berlin to the German parliament, the Bundestag, half in Russian and the other half in the German language!

I have decided not to lash out and publish this rabid person’s name.

And now here is his ignorant tirade against both the friend of Germany, who is Putin, and his sneering contempt for the entire Russian nation.

Yes, the suffering of the eastern Germans at Soviet-controlled Russian hands was horrible in 1944-45.

But the suffering of the western Germans at Anglo-American hands were just as horrible!

— the civilian carpet-bombing of 1940-45,

— the Rhine Meadow starvation camps in 1945,

— the kangaroo Nuremberg war crimes trials in 1945-46 with the ghastly “botched hangings” that caused the slow strangulation of the Nuremberg martyrs,

— the Morgenthau Plan of 1945-49, with incredible slow starvation and the deindustrialization of western Germany, and,

—  as a young John F. Kennedy noted in his 1945 diary, many rapes of German women  and robberies of German civilians at gunpoint by Anglo-Americans and Frenchmen, too.

FACT:  East (= Central Germany) to this very day, almost 33 years after the Berlin Wall fell, is the mentally healthier part of Germany, yes, the former RUSSIAN-occupied part! 

“Third Reich/East Germany/Federal Republic of Germany”

In fact, after East Germany was set up, the Russian soldiers behaved very well toward East German civilians after the 1950s were over and when they were allowed off-base.




Author: Peter B. [] (IP address: 185.53.157.[].ip-addr.innogy-telnet.de)
Email: []@gmx.de

What a scumbag you are. [!] How much does the Kremlin pay you [!] for making – not even pro Russian – but Pro-Kremlin propaganda? [!]
Putin destroys the West and Russia. [! Umm, you mean the one who has promoted the churches, banned gay pride parades, and laughed off  transgenderism, and who resists EU-type open borders, NATO expansion, and the almost all-jew regime in Ukraine?]

The West that Putin is “destroying” — I sure wish he would!

His daughter married a Jew. [! — true, yes, Katerina married him in 2013, and then she divorced him in 2018].

He is surrounded by Jewish oligarchs [there are no more oligarchs  –meaning in Greek “the rule of a few” — just wealthy jews who stay low-profile under Putin, and far away from politics — or these jew billionaires end up like Khodorkovsky, doing seven years in a Siberian prison, and getting his face slashed by a razor blade there, or they end up dead]…

….and hates Nazis. [He has every right as a Russian patriot to do so, since Hitler and his Mein Kampf were fiercely anti-Russian, just as you unfortunately are].

Hitler’s great mistake in Russia; the breadbasket obsession

Lavrov’s son in law and all his grandchildren are Jews who live in Israel. [If this is true, this only proves that Putin and Lavrov are or WERE gullible, kind-hearted, sincere libtards [in German, sincere Gutmenschen] at one time, but this does not show that they are or were not agents of Rothschild… and Kremlin actions since 2016 have shown a sharp return to covert but de facto Russian antisemitism.]

Russian TV regularly shows the nuclear destruction of the West [to warn NATO against sending troops to Ukraine or carrying out a decapitation strike on downtown Moscow.]

Russia is not Europe. Russia is the enemy of Europe. [End of his screed]


Sounds like the old Slavic-subhuman talk and sneering mindset which led to our German military disaster in the East, where 2 out of 3 Wehrmacht soldiers fell.

And anyone who has been to Russia knows it is very European, both racially and culturally. I once saw Giscard d’Estaing, the onetime president of France, speak at the John F. Kennedy School of Government in 2003, and he said this:

“When I toured Russia, it looked very much European. I always felt in Russia that I was in Europe.”
The Russians are not Europeans, this Peter says:

Well  then, we could use more of this tainted “non-European” blood for our own American, German and British girls!

Russian girls in Vladivostok, Siberia


Yes, look at these dreadful non-white subhumans, Peter….

Not European, Peter says… okayyyyyy…..


Yes, so primitive…..


The Russian Sukhoi F-35, better than the American F-22 (which costs triple the Sukhoi price)



ONE Russian Sarmat missile can wipe out all of England, or of Texas, for that matter:

(If deleted by YouTube, it is also uploaded here: )

The problem is the egoic mind, which makes one not respect the other man.

Arrogance leads to the downfall of so many nations.

And I have seen it myself especially in the big powers, compared with minor powers of the same language, culture and race.

Germany, major power, and so much more arrogant than minor-power Austria…

France, major power, also so much more arrogant than its francophone cousins in Wallonia, Belgium and in Quebec, Canada

England, major power, so stuck up compared to New Zealand — which has the same British stock and everything else, but is never pompous and aggressive

Japan, major power and sometimes arrogant, and the Koreans (different language but similar race and culture), a minor power and usually very pleasant

The USA, a superpower, and far more arrogant than Canada, with only 10% its population size and yet in so many other ways Canada is almost the same country.

Hubris, the Ancient Greeks called it,  an arrogance which does not behoove mortals and angers the gods.

The sin of pride in Christianity.

The egoic mind for Eckhart Tolle of Germany.



Humility is not to run yourself down — but to actually respect yourself for your real deeds, while clearly seeing your faults as well, and also esteeming the other guy for what he has done with his life and for how far he has come to get there.

Humility is respect.

We lost WWII by disrespecting, by under-estimating, by looking down on, and by seeking to conquer the Russians, and NOT liberating them from Stalin.

We lost WWII —  and 16 million good Germans — because of anti-Russianism!

Never, EVER again!!!!!




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Note on composing comments under my articles:
I am tired of editing mis-spelled words and uncapitalized names and proper nouns (the names of persons, cities, rivers and countries). I do know they no longer even teach cursive. The way people type today is literally how Deep South negroes and the mentally retarded spelled fifty years ago. 😉
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