The end of the crazy Azov fighters

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The Azovstal steel works were built by Stalin in 1930-33 near the Sea of Azov (background). Here, thousands of insane neo-Nazis who fight for the jew regme in Kiev (!) are making their last stand.

The exciting but horrible sounds of war in Mariupol as the victorious Russians begin flattening the Azovstal steel mill with the last crazy Azov fighters in it:


The only reason to let them live is to interrogate them (I was an interrogator in the US Marines) and find out everything about them, their backers, and what is down in the eight-floor basement of the Azovstal steel mill.
By definition, these Azovers are clinically insane. What kind of deranged “Nazi” fights for a Jewish government in Kiev, for a weirdo actor in high heels, and for a military unit that is funded by an Israeli Jewish oligarch? I had a very bad experience online with an Azover from Sweden, a whisky shoplifter and bully who tormented a friend of mine. The German police treated him with kid gloves….. But real “Nazis” in Germany get arrested, get huge fines, and/or go to prison.
Also, “Nazis” today (unlike Hitler) are mostly very pro-Russian, pro-Putin, want a Russian victory, and view the Russian people as a “white brother people.”
Azovers? No mercy. They are deranged psychopaths. If they surrender, and tell all, then keep the promise to not execute them. But try them, convict them, and give them 10 to 20 years in prison, or life, and do productive work in prison instead of torturing, hating and killing innocent ethnic Russians for a regime of disgusting thugs.



…..Bunker-busting bombs


18 hours ago

@theduran I would like to point out something they may be a little misunderstood by people. Those bunker busting bombs being dropped are not for the purpose of destroying bunkers structurally so much as destroying the occupants of these bunkers structurally. What i mean by that is the shockwave alone from these bombs is horrific. You can’t escape it or hide from it or protect yourself from it as a shockwave moves unimpeded through the medium at an atomic level. It can effect the structure of the bunker itself but its effect on the human body is to cause unimaginable pain from vibrating every atom in your body violently and this is the real aim of bunker busting bombs. For those inside the bunker system a bomb dropped will cause you to collapse, lose control of your bowels and bladder, vibrate your skeletal frame and teeth casing immense pain all over. It is like every atom in your body being shaken loose as though your entire body is about to vapourise. It takes a few hours to recover from the effects of a shock wave and if the Russians are dropping these bunker busters continuously, which could mean every hour, it will be pure hell for these Ukrainians. Nobody, even the toughest of hombres can withstand this kind of punishment. To feel it, to experience it yourself, is to understand the nightmare they are now going through constantly. Pain throughout your body at an atomic level is not something we experience in general, but to experience it just once is something you will never forget for the rest of your life. It is not the bravery of these men that is being tested here, nor the structural integrity of their bunker system, it is the physiological ability of the human body to withstand unimaginable torture. Surrender will come very soon.


@theduran@Piers Very interesting. You write as if you had special military experience in this regard.



16 hours ago

Let’s hope surrender will come soon.



16 hours ago

@theduran@Lynne1995 I suspect the Russians dropped a few of these bunker busting bombs to give them a taste of whats to come. They have given them the choice to surrender today from 6am to 1pm i think. If they refuse to surrender, Russia will unleash a sustained bombing campaign that will result in their surrender very soon after it begins. They will not be able to withstand this barrage, the human body simply cannot withstand this level of strain, it is simply beyond all human physiological tolerances. You can see the effects of shell shock on victims in WW2, these victims had sustained prolonged exposure to bombardment which resulted in cases blindness, deafness, insanity, continual violent shacking, permanent immobility, permanent loss of bowel and or bladder control. This was 80 years ago. The bunker busting bombs today have been specifically designed for this purpose. They are specifically designed to expose the human body to extremes way beyond it physical tolerances. If they don’t surrender, what eventually comes out of those bunkers will not be anything that anyone could described as a functioning human being.


  1. According to Anglin, the Azov fighters holed up in the Azovstal tunnels are members of the Order of Nine Angles (ONA) – a Satanic death cult with “Nazi” pretensions:

    Wiki article on the ONA – their writings allegedly condone and encourage human sacrifice:

    William Ramsey interview about ONA:

    William Ramsey’s website, books, and videos:

  2. But they’ve got the best of us killing each other again – what little there is left of us – and not the degenerate negro-worshipping transvestites of the west but good strong White men.

  3. Already between 1919 and 1938, about 1 million Germans were expelled by Poles after they were separated from the German Reich by the Allies (“Entente”), many thousands of Germans were massacred by the Poles, cheered on by the Allies. Hitler had to intervene in pure self-defense after all peace efforts failed. Similarly, Putin is now dealing with Russians in Russian-majority areas, where Russians have been slaughtered since 2014.

    However, the term “Nazi” replaced the term “Satan”. Every informed person knows that the real National Socialists were completely different than the representation of the lying press of the Allies in the West and in the East. However, the dressage is perfect: Evil = Nazi or nazi. This is how the brain of the majority man ticks in West and East, thanks to the media brain poisoning by the Anglo-Saxon-Jewish ruling clique and thanks to the Russians or “Slavs”.

    If now the real felons call themselves “Neo-Nazi” etc. and if all the others adopt the usual terminology, then the story is right again, then all sides are happy and highly satisfied:

    * The Jews are satisfied, because the history lies about “Nazi” atrocities continue to be indirectly hammered in, what a coincidence that now the really bad folks happen to call themselves “Nazis”. Question: (((Who))) is directing these so-called “Nazis” in Ukraine? Wasn’t there once something with Stalin’s “Torchmen Order”, when the Bolshevists once again dressed up in German uniforms and massacred their own people to present it as a “Nazi” atrocity (ditto Katyn, Babi Yar etc., which was always imputed to us Germans)?[0][1][2][3][4][5]

    * The Russians are satisfied because their anti-German historical lies also continue to be reinforced by equating evil with National Socialism and the Russian peoples continue to remain in deep sleep and indeed do not learn who really planned and launched WW2.[7]

    * The whole world is satisfied, because the anti-German narrative, the monstrous historical lies on which the peoples of the world agreed, is maintained. Nobody has to face his anti-German historical lies and anti-German crimes: USA, GB, Canada, Australia France, Poles, Czechs, Russians, “Yugoslavs” etc. etc.

    Apart from the medially stupid, who want to continue to live according to their childish world view (good daddy “state” + media reporting = image of reality), want to remain in the child’s world, question absolutely nothing and eat any dirt that the Jewish media put in front of them: Whoever uses the term “Nazi” is either media dumbed down, NWO accomplice or controlled opposition (disinfo agent):

    The controlled opposition can be recognized in particular by the fact that it incorporates the classical system-historical lies as well as the anti-German system concepts into its sham criticism of the system, whereby the system’s historiography of lies continues to be systematically hammered into people’s heads via detours, de facto nothing at all changes and nothing can change.

    One really has to try to imagine what it is like to have to confront cherished monstrous historical lies: How will it feel for the Russian people when they have to face their anti-German historical lies? Among others also the fact that they supported 100% the soul murder of the German people, were central cornerstones of the biggest history lie of all times, systematically supported/supported it? What a soul dishonor, what a soul agony it will be, if for example the Russian people will face up to these monstrous lies?

    However, the brain-poisoned will parrot for a long time what the (((Lying press))) hammers into them, even when they are lying on the ground with multicultural knives and vaccination syringes, as long as they are not “Nazi” and have always been against “Nazi” all their lives.

    “The war lies matrix is always the same -.from 1916 to 2022 – A recycling of lies” [6]

    By the way, there are several people who assume that there will be no nuclear war and that the Russians might actually come as liberators this time; here is an analysis from 04/17/2022, 4 minutes, “Die Ruhe vor dem Sturm” (“The calm before the storm”), Youtube channel “Traugott Ickeroth:



    (“Die Kriegslügen-Matrix ist immer dieselbe –
    von 1916 bis 2022 – Ein Lügen-Recycling”)

    [7] “Who Started World War II? by Viktor Suvorov”,


    In German:

    Der Begriff “Nazi” macht alle Seiten glücklich und zufrieden

    Bereits zwischen 1919 und 1938 wurden ca. 1 Millionen Deutsche von Polen vertrieben, nachdem sie von den Alliierten (“Entente”) vom Deutschen Reich abgetrennt wurden, viele Tausende Deutsche wurden von den Polen massakriert, angefeuert von den Alliierten. Hitler mußte in reiner Notwehr eingreifen, nachdem alle Friedensbemühungen scheiterten. Ähnlich ergeht es nun Putin mit den Russen in den russischstämmigen Gebieten, in denen Russen seit 2014 abgeschlachtet werden.

    Der Begriff “Nazi” ersetzte jedoch den Begriff “Satan”. Jeder informierte Mensch weiß, daß die echten Nationalsozialisten vollkommen anders waren, als die Darstellung der Lügenpresse der Alliierten im Westen und Osten. Die Dressur ist jedoch perfekt: Das Böse = Nazi bzw. nazi. So tickt das Gehirn des Mehrheitsmenschen in West und Ost, dank der medialen Gehirnvergiftung durch die angelsächsisch-jüdische Herrscher-Clique und dank der Russen bzw. “Slawen”.

    Wenn sich nun die wirklichen Schwerverbrecher als “Neo-Nazi” etc. bezeichnen und wenn all die anderen die üblichen Begrifflichkeiten übernehmen, dann stimmt die Geschichte wieder, dann sind alle Seiten glücklick und hochzufrieden:

    * Die Juden sind zufrieden, denn die Geschichtslügen über “Nazi”-Greuel werden indirekt weiterhin eingehämmert, was für ein Zufall, daß sich jetzt die wirklich Bösen zufälligerweise als “Nazis” bezeichnen. Frage: (((Wer))) dirigiert denn diese sogenannten “Nazis” in der Ukraine? War da nicht mal etwas mit Stalin’s “Fackelmännerbefehl”, als sich die Bolschewisten wieder einmal in deutsche Uniformen kleideten und die eigenen Leute massakrierten, um es als “Nazi”-Greuel zu präsentieren (dito Katyn, Babi Yar etc., das immer uns Deutschen unterstellt wurde)?[0][1][2][3][4][5]

    * Die Russen sind zufrieden, denn auch ihre antideutschen Geschichtslügen werden weiterhin bekräftigt, indem das Böse mit Nationalsozialismus gleichgesetzt wird und die russischen Völker weiterhin im Tiefschlaf verbleiben und ja nicht erfahren, wer wirklich WW2 plante und startete.[7]

    * Die ganze Welt ist zufrieden, denn das antideutsche Narrativ, die monströsen Geschichtslügen, auf die sich die Völker der Welt einigten, bleibt aufrechterhalten. Niemand muß sich seinen antideutschen Geschichtslügen und antideutschen Verbrechen stellen: USA, GB, Kanada, Australien Frankreich, Polen, Tschechen, Russen, “Jugoslawen” usw. usf.

    Abgesehen von den medial Verblödeten, die auch weiterhin nach ihrem kindlichen Weltbild leben wollen (der gute Papa “Staat” + Mediale Berichterstattung = Abbild der Wirklichkeit), weiterhin in der Kinderwelt verbleiben wollen, rein gar nichts hinterfragen und jeden Dreck essen, den ihnen die Judenmedien vorsetzen: Wer den Begriff “Nazi” verwendet ist entweder medial verblödet, NWO-Komplize oder kontrollierte Opposition (Desinfoagent):

    Die kontrollierte Opposition ist insbesondere daran zu erkennen, daß sie die klassischen System-Geschichtslügen sowie die antideutschen Systembegrifflichkeiten in ihre Scheinkritik am System einbaut, wodurch die Lügengeschichtsschreibung des Systems über Umwege auch weiterhin systematisch in die Köpfe eingehämmert wird, sich de facto rein gar nichts ändert und nichts ändern kann.

    Man muß wirklich mal den Versuch machen, zu erahnen wie es ist, wenn man sich liebgewonnenen monströsen Geschichtslügen stellen muß: Wie wird es sich anfühlen für die russische Bevölkerung, wenn sie sich ihren antideutschen Geschichtslügen stellen muß? Unter anderem auch der Tatsache, daß sie zu 100% den Seelenmord am deutschen Volk unterstützten, zentrale Eckpfeiler der größten Geschichtslüge aller Zeiten waren, diesen systematisch unterstützen/untersützen? Welch Seelenschmach, welch Seelenqual wird es sein, wenn sich beispielsweise das russische Volk diesen monströsen Lügen stellen werden wird?

    Der Dressierte wird jedoch lange Zeit noch nachplappern, was ihm die (((Lügenpresse))) einhämmert, auch dann noch, wenn er mit Multikulti-Messer und Impfspritze am Boden liegend dahinsiecht, hauptsache er ist nicht “Nazi” und war sein Leben lang stets gegen “nazi”.

    “Die Kriegslügen-Matrix ist immer dieselbe – von 1916 bis 2022 – Ein Lügen-Recycling”[6]

    Es gibt übrigens mehrere Leute die davon ausgehen, daß es keinen atomaren Krieg geben wird und daß die Russen diesmal tatsächlich als Befreier kommen könnten; hier eine Analyse vom 17.04.2022, 4 Minuten, “Die Ruhe vor dem Sturm”, Youtube-Kanal “Traugott Ickeroth”:




    (“Die Kriegslügen-Matrix ist immer dieselbe –
    von 1916 bis 2022 – Ein Lügen-Recycling”)

    [7] “Who Started World War II? by Viktor Suvorov”,

  4. “The Calm Before the Storm” youtube was removed for violating their “community standards”.

    “How will it feel for the Russian people when they have to face their anti-German historical lies? Among others also the fact that they supported 100% the soul murder of the German people…”

    Over a million Russians fought against the Bolsheviks with General Vlassov’s Russian Liberation Army.

    There is a private Cossack museum in New Jersey that has a giant wall-sized mural depicting the treachery of the AllLies’ “Operation Keelhaul” when they tricked anticommunist Russians, and emigrees, into surrendering and then turned them over to kidly old Uncle Joe Stalin (as he was being depicted in big budget Hollywood movies of the time, like “Mission To Moscow” and “Song of Russia”).

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