I knew or met and talked with Holocaust revisionists Robert Faurisson, Fred Leuchter, Willis Carto, David McCalden, David Irving, Bradley Smith, Vincent Reynouard, Ernst Zündel, Thies Christophersen, Germar Rudolf, Jürgen Graf, Fritz Berg, and Ursula Haverbeck. Now it is time for me to step forward.
This was me protesting at the opening of the US National Holocaust Museum on April 20 (of course), 1993.
…..US Holocaust Museum opening in Washington DC 1993
On April 22, 1993 the President of the United States, Bill Clinton, the President of Israel, Chaim Herzog, and Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel inaugurated the US Holocaust Memorial Museum.
(It was solemnly promised at the beginning that this museum, dedicated to a claimed event that occurred overseas and did not involve Americans at all, would not become a burden to all US taxpayers, 98% of whom are not Jewish, but in 2016 said taxpayers shelled out $54 million annually for said “museum.” http://thehill.com/policy/finance/337140-trump-faces-backlash-over-3m-holocaust-museum-cuts)
John de Nugent organized, in cooperation with the US Park Service, a large demonstration to shout out a very loud protest across the street against the criminal Holocaust fraud as these three men spoke. Both Clinton and Wiesel, it was reported to him later, departed from their prepared remarks to add “And it is because of people like that” [his protest group] that we need this museum” …. so there is no more hate, etc.
Here is the full article (click on the images to expand them) on this event found in the April 30, 1993 Washington City Paper, but” distorted, slanted and sarcastic throughout, and containing one ludicrous lie against JdN — claiming one of his protest chants actually was “Jewish communist cannibals!” Cannibalism is the one accusation he has not yet levelled at the Jews.
Key excerpt, describing JdN speaking at a rally the night before the Holocaust Museum protest:
About 30 demonstrators came, and facing the “dignitaries” across the street, shouted the slogans JdN was bellowing out, such as “the Holocaust is a lie, the Holocaust is a scam!” and “Isra-el ” go to hell!” A few feet away were four JDL thugs, but police and a fence separated them from the protesters.
*** Quote
As I heckled with a loud, battery-powered bullhorn the President of the United States, Bill Clinton, the President of the State of Israel, Chaim Herzog, and Nobel Laureate Elie the Wiesel (and both Clinton and Wiesel made comments about us), along with 30 fearless white supporters, some ugly, swarthy hooks from the JDL were there. (The JDLers often are hyper-jewy-looking. )
They were foaming at the mouth and yelling behind a temporary barricade fence of wooden slats and wire that had been set up by the US Park Service about 20 feet away.
An armed Park Policeman on horseback was inside the fence on our side in case the JDLers threw, launched or even fired anything against me or us.
Glancing over at approaching mounted US Park Service police (with a Black author named Daryl Davis, who was then writing a book about the Klan).
(Btw, the Museum costs millions a year in annual expenses for its upkeep and generous salaries of museum officials. http://www.historiography-project.com/jhrchives/v13/v13n2p31_ushmm.html)
The JDL (“Jewish Defense League” applied to demonstrate next to and against us, but very few showed up, though as usual ugly as sin.
(Only the ugliest Khazars — I am not joking — join that outfit, really stereotypical semites who have no chance with goyish girls.)
Their longtime leader was Irv Rubin, who looked exactly like his neanderthal ancestors.
Here is Jewish Holo revisionist David Cole speaking about Irv Rubin (who had threatened him and gotten him severely beaten). (Note the literally reptilian eating habits of Rubin. He does not chew his food, just sucks it down.) https://johndenugent.com/images/david-cole-jew-irv-rubin-eats-reptile-style-without-swallowing.mp4
The US Park Service had erected a high wire fence to separate us (“N”) from them (“K”), about seven feet high, and had mounted police officers right there to stop trouble. The rectangle to the west of the Museum was where the Khazars and the bootlicking gentile “dignitaries” sat.)
As I posted on Facebook:
On April 22 (there you go again with a multiple of the kabbalistic number 11) of the year 1993, I ran the protest – in coordination with the National Park Service –of the opening of the $54 million, taxpaper-funded “US National Holocaust Museum” in Wash., D.C. and the Park Service people were very professional. I met with them twice, once in a small group and then in a large group with the Secret Service. (Pres. Clinton spoke, and the pres. of Israel, and they both had to talk over me with my electric-powered megaphone!) The FBI, Park Service, and US Marshals were all there.
Of course, the System was much more sure of itself then; there was no Internet, or Alex Jones; the ultra-smooth liar Bill Clinton was president, not the incendiary Trump; and whites had not even begun to wake up.
The Jews swore at the time that not one penny of American money would pay for this museum to a foreign [supposed] crime that was [they say] committed over in Europe and has nothing to do with American history.
But the goy zombie has been shelling out millions for this museum to how evil and heartless and bigoted he is since 1993…..
No one in the Trump Administration, however much they truly want to “make America great again,” will even discuss the three tumors this nation has, 1) the Jewish Problem, 2) psychopaths running our society, and 3) the accelerating die-off of the White Americans.
When the 70 MILLION White Baby Boomers like me die out who were born 1946-64 (which is the year when the ju-invented contraceptive pill kicked in, the med that the Germans, with their usual directness, call the “Anti-Baby-Pill” 🙁 ), by 2040, the white percentage of the US population will drop down to 20%!!!
Whites will live as a hated minority in an 80% black, brown, and Third World society, with almost all cops, police chiefs, and mayors being dark. America will become one big, dangerous, dirty Chicago. And police corruption and brutality toward Whites will be off the charts (and especially toward white female motorists, who will get pulled over for YKW). I knew a black motorcycle cop in Georgia who did this. (He would never have been a cop at all had the Union — and the Union soldiers were us in earlier lives — had not crushed Robert E. Lee; that negro would have been lynched for rape.)
But by 2040 the highly disciplined, and un-woke, no-nonsense China will unquestionably rule the entire world — and it will treat the US as its raw-materials colony and us as its flunky laborers.
Denial of the three most pressing realities — 1) juish power over America, 2) the danger of racial mixing, and 3) how psychopaths of all races rise to the top and run our Western societies into the ground — this DENIAL of how bad things really are is the spiritual problem in us that is killing us. We earthlings are the problem; we are just not facing the facts; we often have little use for the truth; we are picking and choosing which truths we are “comfortable” with, and which we prefer to ignore. And this is madness.
Let me say this as the widower of a woman, Margaret, who lost her long cancer struggle of 2018-22 — you can fight your cancer and you may win or lose, but if you ignore your cancer — your cancer will NOT ignore you.
In Margi’s case, not to criticize her, but her tongue cancer was caught early, but she decided not to do chemo and radiation when the tumor was still very small, and instead tried all sorts of natural things.
They did work somewhat, but the tumor still kept slowly growing in 2018-19. Of course, no one ever wants to do these toxic chemo and radiation approaches, or choose surgery, all things which often simply do not work. So I am not questioning Margi’s decisions, because cancer is so unpredictable. Some people do win with natural therapies, but many do not. The tumor literally wants to win, too, and winning, for a cancer tumor, is living off us until it grows so big it kills us.
To be frank, cancer is like the parasitical minorities who know who they are, juze and blax, and the blax even sling the n-word at each other when fed up!
(I heard myself at the old DC Convention Center Louis Farrakhan, who was and is very anmti-juish, also scold 10,000 of his fellow Blacks: “No wonder the white man can’t stand you — because you always have your hand out!”)
The cancer will grow, and grow, and grow some more, and suck all the energy, and nutrition right out of your body and the hope from your soul, and then you will wish you had done something about it much earlier, WHEN THE TUMOR WAS STILL SMALL.
Now the race, psychopath and ju problems all have to be cut out — at whatever the cost.
I was at the Mayo Clinic with Margi in the fall of 2019 for two months for proton-beam therapy. While Margi was in there getting radiated, I got to talking with a very friendly, nice chap, a true Kentucky hillbilly in a good sense, a man from the mountains and the hollers, and his wife was also being treated for cancer –for breast cancer. Anyway, he told me how the US Army in 1965 had sent a freight train full of the toxic Agent Orange in barrels across the country (I assume to the Vietnam War for use, killing forest growth) and the train derailed.
Dozens of barrels were damaged and leaked. So CRIMINALLY the Army just poured the barrels down a sink hole in his county. And everyone got cancer as the ground water was poisoned.
Just then his wife came out. A pretty lady, with auburn hair, a nice figure, and very cheerful. He hugged her and I shook her hand.
I was inspired by her courageous spirit,
Of course, I could not help noticing that half her chest was flat as a pancake. The left breast had been removed. It was shocking, like seeing any major amputation.
But they can do reconstructive surgery.
Better do something drastic that can save your life than die because you refused to face reality until it was too late.
The Germans have a great expression, a typically German kind of insight, and I have not seen the basic idea so much expressed in in other languages:
“Lieber ein Ende mit Schrecken als ein Schrecken ohne Ende.”
“Better a horrible end than no end of horrors.”
.In the 1960s, Lyndon Johnson (half-juish via his mother) rammed “civil rights,” non-white migration” (via the 1965 “Immigration Reform Act”), forced school busing, gun control, and all the malarkey about “the poor, oppressed negroes” and “the juish victims of bigotry” down our throats.
And now, sixty years later, the patient, the true White American, is finally dying — unless we get a surgeon, a man with his scalpel, to scrub in, bed over the dying man, and he starts cutting NOW. Whether a bullet or a tumor, it has to come out.
As for Donald Trump, geezus, he is already hiring unbelievably pro-war Establishment neo-cons, showing that, after all the MAGA noise and hoopla, as in his first term, he will be just one big orange bandaid.
He is not radical enough. He will not drain the swamp, not lock her up, and not Make America Great Again, just head for the cliff at 10 mph and not 50 like the Demoncrats.
He will do nothing about the juze, about the destruction of white America, and about the p3do monsters with their sicko Manhattan parties that run the United States.
(These parties are depicted in the accurate movie “Eyes Wide Shut”; sadly, people thought the movie was “just stupid” because Stanley Kubrick was showing truths about the New Yawk “elites” that they could not imagine, let alone handle. Oh, and Kubrick actually said “H1tl3r was right about almost everything” to his juish co-producer, and the famous producer of “2001, a Space Odyssey” and “Full Metal Jacket” up and “died” six days after completing the film, whereupon the studio cut TWENTY EXPLOSIVE MINUTES out of the film.)
FACE THE FACT– We ARE at war. We need to grasp this ugly reality, find a war leader with a vision and a plan, and then say: “We’re in it; lets win it.”
Oh, and one more thing. Virtually all traces of reincarnation were scrubbed out of the New Testament (except for John 9:1), and the major Church Father Origen (who was a fervent Christian, and was murdered by the Roman government) strongly advocated reincarnation, just as had Socrates, Plato, Pythagoras, and many other Greeks.
No one knows where Jesus was between age 12 at the Temple, where His knowledge baffled and shocked the elders, and age 30, when He came to John the Baptist and began His all too brief ministry, and nothing was written down by His illiterate early disciples, Galilean fishermen.
Was Jesus in Alexandria, Egypt, the number-one center of ancient learning, and a mix of Greek and Egyptian cultures, or was he in India over those 18 years, or was He in both countries? Was He even with Pythagoras’ colony in Italy, studying reincarnation and healing, or was he in Athens? Or was it all of the above during that long, eighteen-year period? We cannot know. Nothing was written down!
But John 9:1 clearly shows His disciples presupposing reincarnation. They knew that Jesus taught that God is love, so they asked, “Master, why would a loving God let this beggar be BORN blind?”
When would he have had the time to commit serious sins that would even justify being born with blindness — if they had not been committed in an earlier existence!?
Hans Wilhelm speaks on the sabotage of the original Christianity by Roman emperors (Constantine and Justinian) who were merely rough-and-tumble generals and politicians, and had no idea of theology or of the details of reincarnation that explain how it works very fairly and constructively, and FAR more than the doctrine of getting just one life, then divine judgment — and thereafter either eternal hellfire (torture forever!!!) or eternal heaven (how boring to be a sexless eunuch, sitting on a cloud and strumming on a harp forever)…. what real MAN wants this safe-space vacation without end????:
1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUpmuqmeETk
2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmBxPlRZVpA
There are two thousand, five hundred fully worked up medical case-studies at the University of Virginia Medical School in Charlottesville — and they are about children with very detailed, accurate, and verified memories of their last life and parents, and especially of their often violent, early deaths from war, accident, or crime. (These memories often gradually fade away by around age six.)
One of the most spectacular cases: the WWII pilot shot down in 1945 during the battle of Iwo Jima (my father fought there) who came back 40 years later, suffering PTSD and months of nightmares from his previous horrible drowning death after he saw as a tyke a WWII Navy Corsair fighter plane at an aviation museum in Houston:
Suddenly he was reliving drowning in 1945 every other night in 2000, unable to kick his glass canopy open as the cockpit filled with water!
Why is reincarnation relevant?
So we do not whine and bewail our current, daunting fate. So we do not play the victim and exclaim how unfair it all is. It is all PERFECTLY FAIR. We reap in this life what we sowed in the last.
We, and people just like us, in our own earlier lives, denied reality in the 1860s when the Civil War broke out. We Yankees KILLED 250,000 White Americans in the South who actually understood the race problem!! Southerners had been around Blacks for TWO HUNDRED YEARS when Abraham Lincoln declared war on them!
We again denied reality in 1917 in WWI, waging war on the Kaiser’s Germany in the supposed “war to end all wars” (sic). And it was by White Americans swallowing the most ludicrous, defamatory atrocity tales against the Germans. based solely on cartoons and on pen-and-ink drawings! The Germans NEVER r@ped Belgian nuns! They never crucified Allied prisoners! They never cut hands off babies, or speared them on bayonets!! 97,000 of us AMERICANS died in WWI — based purely on SLANDEROUS LIES IN THE JUZEPAPERS that WE BELIEVED, unproven nonsense about the “evil Germans”!
No Canadian or American officer was EVER nailed to a tree! This was a vile, slanderous lie! The Germans fought honorably and obeyed the ruled of war.
No Belgian babies were speared on bayonets by the nation of Gutenberg, Bach, Beethoven and Brahms
What kind of “PROOF” is this stupid propaganda drawing?
a German nurse in WWI
The Allied juzepapers invented the notion that the Germans in WWI under the Kaiser were preaching “kultur,” which is just the word “culture” spelled the German way with the letter “k.” Incredibly, German culture, the American, Canadian, and British juzepapers exclaimed, was not REALLY about symphonies, art, and great music and literature, or the Christmas tree, a German invention,
but instead, German Kultur was about conquest and drinking human blood!
Americans crossed the Atlantic Ocean to slaughter Germans based on idiotic, defamatory drawings!
WE, not someone else, WE said nothing in the 1960s, afraid to be labeled as “racists,” when the Blacks and others began destroying almost every major US city (except maybe Pittsburgh, where I lived, still two-thirds white when I was there and a wonderful city of 600K).
Only a few Southerners in Alabama and elsewhere (as with George Wallace in 1968 and 1972) opened their mouths and protested the negro takeover. (It was a white, blond libtard from Wisconsin with a German name, Arthur Bremer, not a ju, black or hispanic, who shot Wallace, crippling him, and ending his presidential hopes.)
And, just four years ago, Trump and his voters did nothing DRASTIC when THE PEDOPHILE and CROOK Joe Biden blatantly st0l3 the 2020 election. What happened in November 2020 was a coup d’état. President Trump, the winner, was overthrown.
THIS is why there was a huge fence erected all around the US Capitol by Nancy Pelosi! It was so patriots would not take the government back for the true winner!
And how could they? Trump utterly wussed out! On January 6, 2020 he was still The Commander-In-Chief. But all he did was whine. We all were complaining, but HE had the means to do something about it, a million men under arms!
And remember that, because of Trump’s 2020 wuss-out, that creepy, cadaverous, hair-sniffing old freak in the Oval Office still is the Commander-In-Chief, and Biden yet has the power to launch WWIII and kill US all.
Meanwhile, he and “Dr. Jill” and their bisexual, coke-snorting son Hunter will be way down in their comfy nuclear-war bunker with their cocaine, their caviar, their ice cream cones, and their little kiddies to molest or (yes) to eat at satanic ceremonies. https://johndenugent.com/a-radical-opening-a-terrible-evil/
To deny reality is to lie to yourself, to harm yourself, to fail to love yourself. And maybe there is where we have to start, with learning to love ourselves. Once we do that, we will begin to defend ourselves, and dream and plan for a better world. Then we will END THIS HELL, even if it takes 25 generations.
Die Frage ist, welches Karma die Juden haben und wie es mit ihnen in der geistigen Welt weitergeht…
From a very interesting book:
“The Levites were not a tribe, but a priestly group, with no territory allotment. They were dispersed among the tribes, took direct control of ten cities, and lived off a tenth (a tithe) of the Israelite tribes’ produce (Joshua 13-19). It was only by a late fiction that the Levites came to be counted as one of the tribes of Israel and given an ancestor among Jacob’s sons (Genesis 49).
What this means is that the Yahweh-worshipping Levites colonized the Israeli tribes, and merged their Yahwist death-cult with the indigenous religion, convincing the Israelites that their great universal god El was actually the tribal god Yahweh, as the Levite Moses had been told by the god himself while herding his father-in-law’s goats after he had run away from Egypt where he was wanted for murder (Exodus 3:6). It was the same trick that Ezra would later play on the Persians (read here). Although they migrated from Egypt, the Levites were probably not of Egyptian stock, and may have been Judean “Habiru” (nomadic raiders, later Hebrews) unhappy with their treatment by the Egyptians, or possibly descendants of the Hyksos driven out of Egypt. That would explains why “[w]hat we know of ancient Israel’s religion does not look like it came out of an Egyptian source” (contrary to what Freud speculated, Yahweh has nothing in common with Akhenaton’s Sun God).
The Levites could convert, submit and tax the indigenous Israelites because they were not just a priestly caste, but a particularly violent and cruel band of conquerors.
They massacred around three thousand Israelites in the golden calf episode (Exodus 32:26-28)”
The Exodus by Richard Elliot Friedman
(He argues that only the Levites came from Egypt. According to him, the other Israelites were in Canaan already.)
Thanks. Interesting theory….
I looked at the extensive Amazon reviews of the book, and, boy, do the juze LOVE this book.
This really made me gag:
Ask any Gazan about that!
All juish support for minorities and immigrants (actually, it is hatred and violence training) is based on undermining goy societies preparatory to conquering and enslaving them.
Thank you very much. I have the highest respect for Guyénot, and will run this entire article on my site.