The “Epoch Times” is worth a read!

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  1. I live in one of the worst Democrat Communist states in which all elections are vote by mail ballots. The election steal is a subversive overthrow of the legitimate government by domestic enemies. It was very likely that the whole US government system was set up to be a dictatorship when Hillary Clinton became President. But since that didn’t happen, Trump has been targeted for removal his entire elected term as President. If it takes a violent revolution this time around, that is what the Communists will do. Antifa/BLM in Portland, Oregon is just a sample of their intentions.

    “Let me say it clearly, in a few lines. As it turns out, in an unknown number of states that is at least a number higher than two (Oregon and Washington) flipping votes and deleting votes can be done from any computer in the world simply by going to the election web sites in those states and entering anyone’s first and last names, plus date of birth. This calls up their ballot, how they voted, and you can cancel the ballot on the spot.”

    The Plot Against the President is a must-see documentary
    October 18, 2020 Dianny
    “The Plot Against the President chronicles the events that we now refer to as SpyGate, FISAGate and RussiaGate. It covers a lot of the ground we already know. But it does so in a way that gives the viewer a window into what went on behind the scenes – most notably how Congressman Devin Nunes worked to peel back the layers of the onion to reveal the intricate plot against the Trump campaign and the subsequently the Trump Administration.

    It’s all in there – the set-up of Mike Flynn, the unmasking, the FISA abuse against Carter Page, the absurd “Steel Dossier” financed by the Clinton campaign and the DNC. From bad actors Comey, Brennan, Susan Rice, the odious Adam Schiff — and of course the cooperative activist news media – The Plot Against the President covers all of it.

    You can see quite clearly how the spying operation morphed into a cover-up. And, worse, how the plot against the President was the cover-up – a multi-layered, sinister attempt to hide their dirty deeds by destroying the Trump Presidency through an information warfare operation commonly used by US Intelligence against foreign countries.”

  2. Having read about this years ago, I have now been reminded of this now forgotten “accidental transfer” of secret technology to China. The SEAL team 6 raid to kill bin Laden (the double) had a secret helicopter left behind that China got to check out. Also an Epoch Times report from out of the past of Obama/Biden. The helicopter was somewhat blown up, but quite a bit left intact for investigation by China.

    Stealth helicopter? A crashed military helicopter is seen near the hideout of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden after a ground operation by U.S. Special Forces in Abbottabad, Pakistan on May 2. (STR/AFP/Getty Images)

    Pakistan let China see crashed U.S. “stealth” copter
    By Reuters Staff
    “ISLAMABAD (Reuters) – Pakistan gave China access to the previously unknown U.S. “stealth” helicopter that crashed during the commando raid that killed Osama bin Laden in May despite explicit requests from the CIA not to, the Financial Times reported on Sunday.”

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