The greatest boxer ever was white; Putin and Russia are not causing a famine; why donating now makes sense — the coming JEW-triggered famine will finally make white RAGE erupt!

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A statue in Brockton, Massachusetts honors Rocky Marciano, its native son and a humble former ditch-digger – the real “Rocky.” He would have beaten even Muhammad Ali and the terrifying Mike Tyson in their primes.


Rocky Marciano
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Real name Rocco Francis Marchegiano
The Brockton Blockbuster
The Rock from Brockton
Weight category Heavyweight

Height 5 ft 10 in (177.8 cm)[1][nb 1]

Reach 67 in (170 cm)[3]
Born September 1, 1923
Brockton, Massachusetts, U.S.
Died August 31, 1969 (aged 45)
Newton, Iowa, U.S.

Boxing record
Total fights 49
Wins 49
Wins by KO 43

Rocco Francis Marchegiano (September 1, 1923 – August 31, 1969; Italian pronunciation: [markeˈdʒaːno]), better known as Rocky Marciano (/mɑːrsiˈɑːnoʊ/, Italian: [marˈtʃaːno]), was an American professional boxer who competed from 1947 to 1955, and held the world heavyweight title from 1952 to 1956. He is the only heavyweight champion to have finished his career undefeated.[4] His six title defenses were against Jersey Joe Walcott (from whom he had taken the title), Roland La Starza, Ezzard Charles (twice), Don Cockell and Archie Moore.

Known for his relentless fighting style, formidable punching power, stamina, and exceptionally durable chin, Marciano is considered one of the greatest heavyweight boxers of all time.[5]

Marciano remains the only fighter to have stopped every opponent he ever faced for the world heavyweight title, and holds the highest knockout-to-win ratio in world heavyweight title fights at 87.8%.[nb 2][6] His career knockout-to-win percentage of 87.8% remains one of the highest in heavyweight boxing history. [End]

I wish to add to this three things:

— One, this Italian reminds me of the Ancient Romans in his courage and self-discipline. Rocky was “only” 5’10,”  had short arms, and weighed ten or more pounds less than his opponents…. One could surmise that he was a reincarnated Ancient Roman, and he sure looked and acted it.

— Two, the Jews pushed for decades that Black fighters were superior to Whites, and we really saw this in the 1960s and 1970s, when the jew Howard Cosell and ABC were always sanctifying Muhammad Ali, but Rocky decked many superb black fighters, as the truly excellent video that follows shows. (I urge you to watch it.) 

— Three, Rocky was humble, polite, always a gentleman and a genuinely friendly guy. Not everyone in New England is, but he was.

This also made him a better fighter, because he was fairly free of the egoic mind and this meant he was able to do his job with a clear head and an undivided heart.  In his heart of hearts, he could justify his winning; he truly deserved to win.

And unlike the negro Mike Tyson, he never raped any woman or insanely blew through $200 MILLION in winnings only to end up, shockingly, “broke” and bankrupt as Tyson was.

Rocky always acted like a true Aryan. So he was the “GOAT,” the “Greatest Of All Time,” the most outstanding boxing champion ever.



A 300-pound heavy bag was a central part of that training.

Rocky worked incredibly hard to develop the power he had – and that included a 300-pound heavy bag

Rocky lived, breathed, and ate training and conditioning, year around, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for eight years. Dan Cuoco of the International Boxing Research Organisation put it best:

“No fighter ever approached training and conditioning with the same fanaticism Rocky did. Even when he wasn’t in camp training for a fight, his conditioning and training routines were more than any other fighter did in camp.”




All is well here.

Margi starts her two cancer treatments this coming week, 1) stereotactic radiation for the liver and 2) Keytruda (immunotherapy) for squamous-cell throat cancer. (Yes, we are doing all sorts of natural therapies as well, all out of pocket, but we learned the last time around that a rapidly spreading cancer —  suspiciously rapid — may not respond to the natural stuff.)

As for me, I will be just doing a few more blogs and then focusing on the religion.

We are now facing mass hunger and this famine, as the Duran duo say, is the one thing that can form angry mobs, no matter how many chemtrails people breathe in– a dire lack of food and a growling stomach. The French Revolution was in fact triggered by a famine (which the the jews and Freemasons had caused).
The Durans recently addressed the question of why the US Defense Secretary, Lloyd Austin, the mediocre, affirmative-action negro, contacted the Russian defense minister, Shoigu, and why likewise General Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, also contacted HIS counterpart, Russian general Gerasimov.

It would seem that it is about their false claim that the Russian navy out in the Black Sea is blockading all Ukrainian ports on the Black Sea to starve the world.

This would mean, if true, and it is not, that wheat, sunflower-seed oil, and other foodstuffs cannot be exported any longer from this key breadbasket country to the West.

As  this Duran video shows, this is not true at all. In fact, it is Jewkraine itself, as part of the Great Reset conspiracy, and Ab chao ordo, “from chaos order,”which is blociong food exports to the world. The jews very top-secretly WANT to cause a famine, then  pin it on the maniacal dictator Vladimir Adolfovich Putler…..

(In WWII, one of our biggest goals in the Wehrmacht was to seize and keep Ukraine as a breadbasket. The other was to seize the Russian oil city of Baku on the Caspian Sea (just off the map below, to the right). We therefore had to take the Soviet bastion of Stalingrad so it would not stay a huge danger to our supply lines as we raced toward Baku. Our war plan was sensible — not to conquer big cities for bragging rights but to get the resources without which modern war is impossible. Yes, we marched into Paris, but first, obeying Clausewitz, in just six weeks we had annihilated the French army — and destroying the enemy’s main army and cutting off its supplies are the only rational goals in war. Russia under Putin is doing the exact same thing, not seeking “glory” but the end of the Jewkrainian army.)


As my blog yesterday said, quoting Brandon Smith at length on the coming famine (

Food Shortages In Six Months

A week ago there was a torrent of press releases from global institutions all mentioning the same exact same concern: Food shortages within the next 3 to 6 months. These statements line up very closely with my own estimates, as I have been warning regularly about impending dangers of inflation leading to food rationing and supply chain disruptions.

The IMF, the BIS, World Bank, The UN, the Rockefeller Foundation, the World Economic Forum, Bank of America and even Biden himself are all predicting a major food crisis in the near term, and it is not a coincidence that the policies of these very institutions and the actions of puppet politicians that work with them are causing the crisis they are now predicting. That is to say,

it’s easy to predict a disaster when you are creating it.


$5 for cream cheese two days ago….

So this is really IT…..the ONE thing that can make even the most blasé or defeatist White man irate.

Seeing your kids or spouse starve because of Biden’s idiotic war with Russia is infuriating, a war with a Russia that is a near-superpower — but also is backed by the new total superpower that is China…

This China is basically post-marxist and in some ways de facto national socialist. Unlike the jew-ruined white America, China is not burdened by masses of racial parasites (or by a huge number of white Baby Boom retirees with a hundred different ailments and living to age 85 — 20 years of retirement payments — on eight expensive pills a day).

Instead, China is 90% hard-working, patriotic Han Chinese.
At the same time, Margi’s cancers (plural) — suspicious in origin just as the last time — are devouring my time again, just as they did in 2019-20.
So the blogging has to stop and the religion has to start. I get up often at six and after caring for Margi  and blogging, six or seven hours are gone.
We are way behind in fundraising this month — yes, only halfway there with just a third of a month left to go to reach the minimum of $1600.

If you plan to donate, please do so now. The life and the honor you are saving is your own, and the future of white children. The White Genocide the jews always dreamed of is now here, staring us in the face.

The white race is flourishing all throughout this galaxy, but is in grave danger on THIS planet because the Whites here are mostly spiritually sick and have bad karma. We need more Rocky Marcianos! THEN we are invincible!


……Pls do watch this video


I live this faith every day. Religion can be extremely powerful.

A religion that takes the very best of other faiths, and truly changes and mobilizes Whites to fight is literally the only hope we have of avoiding WWII and genocide via immigration, LGBTQ, Holocaust white guilt trips, and the lethal and sterilizing Covid vaccine — all things concocted by the jews.


Remember, you will have nothing under the full Jew World Order if I cannot start the fanatic resistance:


….To donate:

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Note on composing comments under my articles:
I am tired of editing mis-spelled words and uncapitalized names and proper nouns (the names of persons, cities, rivers and countries). I do know they no longer even teach cursive. The way people type today is literally how Deep-South negroes and the mentally retarded spelled fifty years ago. 😉
Whites are a detail race, a race of careful craftsmen.
1. If you recommend a book, then send a link.
2. If in your mind you are „too busy“ to check your comment for flaws before hitting the „send“/“publish“ button, then please abstain. I cannot keep on editing your sloppy typing; I cannot approve comments that were dashed off by someone on a caffeine buzz who needed urgently to go wee-wee. 😉 That sloppiness and lack of diligence I see in so-called Millennials actually is a kind of subtle disrespect both for you yourself and for all my readers. Be Aryan: strong and conscientious!


  1. Blacks and browns won’t like this; I don’t care.
    Black and browns wouldn’t achieve anything without the whites.
    Blacks came to America as slaves… then in the ’50s/’60s as gimmegrant cheap labour. They would have nothing if they had stayed in their own homelands.
    It’s white knowledge and adaptations that shape the world.
    If you list black/brown discoveries compared to white knowledge you will see who creates and controlled the world [until we were taken over].
    Now blacks/browns invade white lands to use for their tribal needs. They claim they were astronauts, their ancestors were kings and queens of Scotland and Europe (Black Jamie, lol).
    Blacks/Browns only arrived in Europe in the ’50s/’60s, so about 60 years in Europe. They have to be helped to achieve by corrupt laws such as the UK’s Positive Discrimination Act and libturds promoting blacks/browns to positions they were given and had not earned.
    Why do the libturds want to replace white people with every coulour in the world? If it’s such a good idea, then why don’t the libturds lead by example and replace themselves first? Try leading by example.
    This diversity is deliberately implemented by the elites; they don’t oppose it. It’s used to get gimmegrants into taxes and a lifetime of debt. It’s used for future conflicts, for arms sales, and rebuilding [“urban renewal”].
    The Zionists elite will back both sides, as usual, just like they did when the Spanish drove out the Muslims.
    Gimmegrant workers now replace indigenous people in their countries. Look how TV adverts have changed.
    The zionist elites pay for this via jewish charities that support Dover-dinghy invaders, yet do they ever want secure borders for Israel!
    Blacks/browns/gimmegrants can’t survive in their home countries, so now no more white countries. Look how your towns are changing. Who makes it happen ?
    Are you [White sheeple] too stupid to see it?

      • Fuck our brown rulers, John. I go onto YouTube where a lot of black-only adverts are uploaded. I leave comments about my observations on the adverts.
        I think I got two adverts pulled via emails to the companies who pay to make this ethnic crap.
        Don’t sit there, whitey — do something!

  2. I am part Italian too so I appreciate that John. Where are the real Roman Italians nowadays? Some are still feisty.
    Muhammad Ali gave great praise about Rocky Marciano.
    The greatest mixed-martial arts fighter is white too and that is Fedor Emelianenko. He is very stoic and of good character, too.

  3. Dear John de Nugent,

    Most of your Bitchute video embeds or direct links are per se no longer visible/viewable from Germany. Whether these are your interviews with Jim Rizoli or like here the video response to Carl Mason’s comment (“CHANNEL RESTRICTED […] Contains Holocaust Denial [,] Contains Incitement to Hatred […]”

    Yes, you can use a certain browser to bypass the IP blocking, but not every reader knows that by default. Perhaps you could give other video platforms as URLs in parallel.

    For example, Jim Rizoli’s Rumble channel [1] seems to be the one that posts his most recent videos the fastest. Jim Rizoli’s World Truth videos channel[2], on the other hand, is no longer updated as quickly, but both sites can be accessed and viewed from Germany, unlike the Bitchute embeds, which per se no longer work from the occupied rest of Germany when it comes to socially critical topics.





    In German:

    Zu den Videoeinbindungen: Bitchute unbrauchbar für deutsche Leser

    Sehr geehrter John de Nugent,

    die meisten Bitchute-Videoeinbettungen bzw. Direktlinks sind per se nicht mehr von Deutschland aus sichtbar/aufrufbar. Ob das nun Ihre Interviews mit Jim Rizoli sind oder wie hier die Video-Antwort auf Carl Mason’s Kommentar.

    Ja, man kann einen bestimmten Browser verwenden, um die IP-Sperrungen zu umgehen, aber das weiß nicht jeder Leser standardmäßig. Vielleicht könnten sie ja parallel auch andere Videoplattformen als URL angeben.

    Zum Beispiel scheint Jim Rizoli’s Rumble-Kanal [1] derjenige zu sein, der am schnellsten seine aktuellsten Videos veröffentlicht. Der World-Truth-Videos-Kanal von Jim Rizoli[2] hingegen wird nicht mehr so schnell aktualisiert, jedoch können beide Websites von Deutschland aus angerufen und betrachtet werden, im Gegensatz zu den Bitchute-Einbindungen, die per se nicht mehr vom besetzten Restdeutschland aus funktionieren, wenn es um gesellschaftskritische Themen geht.




      • No, always the standard refusal to allow access to the Bitchute site:
        The parent channel of this video is unavailable at your location due to the following restrictions:
        — Contains Holocaust Denial
        — Contains Incitement to Hatred
        Please see the Community Guidelines for more details. If this is your content then please check the Visibility tab for more specific information on this restriction.” 🙁

        Therefore it would be nice if you could add additionally the Rumble links, Worldtruth videos etc., the links to all Jim Rizoli et alia channels.

  4. Another boxer of fame in a different weight class was Tony DeMarco.
    His statue is outside the Boston North End.
    I met him at one of the Malls while he and his friends daily went to sit and talk…I was working at the time looking for a quick lunch on my free time. He wrote a book that talked about his life: growing up, training, fame, Las Vegas business dealings….you get the picture…..
    Great stuff… Nardo : Memoirs of a Boxing Champion by Ellen Zappala and Tony DeMarco (2011).

  5. The American author Harold Armstead Covington (HAC) once said that they have cut us off from our [ancestral] roots. In a way, it seems to me that John de Nugent (+ Margi) and Jim Rizoli (+ John Rizoli, Diane King) are part of the mental-spiritual reconstruction team of America: They are renewing the cultural-historical foundation of the USA by bringing all these facts into consciousness. When the awakening process begins, these interviews will be retrieved tens of thousands of times.
    On the economic destruction of dissidents: Harold Covington called this “economic disciplining,” that the first thing they do is to destroy the economic livelihood of critics and questioners. But HAC also pointed out that people would only be intimidated by this as long as they still had something to lose. When they have lost everything or have nothing left to lose, they also lose the fear to fight back.

    Many justice fighters or people who contribute substantial things (articles, (enlightenment) videos, books, etc.) to the advancement of humanity experience organized religion: Jane Roberts (Seth material), John de Nugent (de Nugent material), Jim Rizoli (Rizoli material), etc. Thus they understand not only power politics but also the need of a large part of humanity for meaningful philosophical thought buildings and they unfortunately often make the experience how the system (organized religion) corrupts and distorts the original message, until often nothing is left or until the message has been completely perverted.

    Jim Rizoli mentioned that witch burnings in the USA had the purpose of appropriating land and property of the condemned to death (thus robbery-murder politics). Traugott Ickeroth hinted at something similar with regard to the Vatican, in his live ticker, meaning: The Vatican would have made a pact with Satan: The Vatican or the church brings Satan human sacrifices by witch burnings [= generating suffering energy, from which certain subtle negative entities (which have separated from the divine energy), feed], in return for it he receives the land and other property of the burned people.
    In this way and in other dubious ways, the churches became rich. Decades ago, an elderly lady pointed out to us that celibacy [= prohibition of marriage for clergy] was introduced so that the church would not lose any wealth to the outside world through inheritance.

    John de Nugent’s reference in the previous interview that some people today are still (often unjustifiably) skeptical about Russia and the current Ukraine situation, due to the experiences made in a previous incarnation with Russia or the Soviet Union [devastating effects of the Bolshevism policy etc.] is important, there could indeed still be a long-lasting reverberation from the previous incarnations.

    This approach of John illustrates again how important the holistic perspective is if one wants to understand world events. According to Rudolf Steiner and others, different cultural circles are supposed to contribute to the further development of mankind in a particularly driving way. Next, the German peoples (also Germanic peoples in the USA as well as soul-minded thinkers!) are to contribute to the new philosophical foundations for the new self-image, for the new initial understanding of mankind. Of course, individuals from all countries and cultural circles contribute to it, in the past, present and future. According to Seth there will be no new religion to which all people will bow, but there will be a new basic self-understanding for mankind, new basic assumptions (reawakening of the inner origins!).

    There are again and again centers of the high activity (” hotspots “) and in this sense the German and/or Germanic peoples are supposed to spiritually stimulate the Slavic peoples, in particular also Russia, in the next step. And exactly this step is to be prevented, among others also according to Axel Burkart [1], under all circumstances by Ahriman (or “Satan”/”Devil”) & Co. (negative entities/demons and other accomplices), because the reawakening of the inner origins and inner sources (personal guardian angel etc.) would herald the end of the materialistic age. Therefore, wedges ([world]wars) between Germany and Russia are struck again and again. The biggest only conceivable deployment of dark forces is supposed to have already taken place in the beyond to prevent this, quasi an “Army of Darnkness” of the ultimate superlative which does everything to prevent the becoming conscious of the people.

    Ahriman, his subtle as well as his earthly representatives (the background powers [high finance and high nobility, reptos] etc.) do everything so that the people remain attached to materialism as well as foreign domination. Therefore, sabotaging the rapprochement between Germany and Russia is the top priority. The breaking of the chains of the foreign-determination is to be prevented under all circumstances, mankind is to remain enslaved also further. [7]

    John de Nugent, Jim Rizoli et al. act as relentless catalysts to liberate humanity, so they are fought accordingly. The collective is still in (comatose) deep sleep, as Traugott Ickeroth [2] keeps saying. How many more millions of annihilated people will it take for the majority to finally wake up? However, the moment of collective awakening is getting closer and closer.

    And then there will be an avalanche retrieval of meaningful, enlightening literature (articles, videos, books, etc.), so securing server capacity must be top priority for John de Nugent, Jim Rizoli, and so on. Of course, Margaret Huffstickler, Diane King, John Rizoli, Germar Rudolf and other unnamed freedom fighters are also meant by this: the time of distractions ends now, mankind will get interested in existential topics again: Where do we come from? Why are we here? How could all this happen? Why is the world the way it is? What are my tasks in life? How can I find them out? The awakening from unconsciousness into consciousness.

    It’s quite something to see two heavyweights like John de Nugent and Jim Rizoli sharing and discussing thoughts with each other, it took both of them a long run-up (including numerous incarnations) to understand the big picture and be able to impact the world the way they are able to now. Jim’s body of work is also vast; currently, I believe his Rumble channel[3] is where his latest videos (as well as the newly uploaded classics) are appearing the fastest.

    A note on China [4]: “[…] With cynical glee, China uses the West’s Corona lie to beat the Western lie system with its own weapons. The West can hardly contradict the Chinese strategic war lockdown without exposing itself as the inventor of the Covid deception. […] China is pursuing two goals with these unprecedented terrorist measures against its own population. On the one hand, its own population is to be kept under control under worsening war conditions, and on the other hand, the employees of the foreign subsidiaries are to be made to give up in China with these brutal incarcerations, with the forcible separation from their children. And this is increasingly succeeding, as it turns out. The Western companies can hardly find personnel for their Chinese branches, not even for super pay. […]”

    Ickeroth’s comment on [5] (“China: Hundreds of thousands of people deported to COVID concentration camps”): “An alp. [nightmare] horror pure. The Chinese must wake up as soon as possible. 1.5 billion people have the power to say NO. If they don’t make use of it, I don’t think anyone can help them.”[6]







    [6] (19.05.2022)

    [7] Murdoch Murdoch published a few years ago a new version of the Beatles classic “Hey Jude”, which has now become famous: “Hey Jew, […] I was made to break free from your chains […] Hey Jew, Marx is dead, give up on globalism, remember to let Hitler into your heart, then we can start, to make it better […]”.

    “Back to the Faggot”


    In German:

    John de Nugent + Jim Rizoli: Hochinformatives substantielles Interview

    Der amerikanische Schriftsteller Harold Armstead Covington (HAC) sagte einmal, daß sie uns von unseren [Ahnen]Wurzeln abgeschnitten haben. In gewisser Weise kommt es mir vor, als ob John de Nugent (+ Margi) und Jim Rizoli (+ John Rizoli, Diane King) zum geistig-seelisch-spirituellen Wiederaufbauteam von Amerika gehören: Sie erneuern das kulturell-historische Fundament der USA, indem sie all diese Fakten ins Bewußtsein rücken. Wenn der Erwachensprozeß beginnt, werden diese Interviews zig Tausend fach abgerufen werden.
    Zur wirtschaftlichen Vernichtung von Dissidenten: Harold Covington nannte dies “Economic Disciplining”, daß sie als erstes die wirtschaftliche Existenz von Kritikern und Hinterfragenden zerstören. HAC wies aber auch darauf hin, daß die Leute sich nur so lange damit einschüchtern ließen, so lange sie noch etwas zu verlieren hätten. Wenn sie alles verloren haben bzw. nichts mehr zu verlieren haben, dann verlieren sie auch die Angst, sich zu wehren.

    Viele Gerechtigkeitskämpfer bzw. Menschen, die Substantielles (Artikel, (Aufklärungs)Videos, Bücher u.a.) zur Fortentwicklung der Menschheit beitragen, machen die Erfahrung der organisierten Religion: Jane Roberts (Seth-Material), John de Nugent (de-Nugent-Material), Jim Rizoli (Rizoli-Material) usw. Dadurch verstehen sie nicht nur Machtpolitik sondern auch das Bedürfnis eines Großteils der Menschheit nach sinngebenden philosophischen Denkgebäuden und sie machen leider oft die Erfahrung, wie das System (organisierte Religion) die ursprüngliche Botschaft korrumpiert und entstellt, so lange, bis oftmals nichts mehr übrig bleibt bzw. bis die Botschaft vollkommen pervertiert wurde.

    Jim Rizoli sprach an, das Hexenverbrennungen in den USA das Aneignen von Land und Vermögen der zum Tode verurteilten zum Zweck hatten (also Raubmordpolitik). Traugott Ickeroth deutete ähnliches in Bezug auf den Vatikan an, in seinem Liveticker, sinngemäß: Der Vatikan hätte einen Pakt mit Satan geschlossen: Der Vatikan bzw. die Kirche bringt Satan Menschenopfer durch Hexenverbrennungen [= Generierung von Leidenergie, von denen sich bestimmte feinstoffliche Negativentitäten (die sich von der göttlichen Energie getrennt haben), ernähren], im Gegenzug dafür erhält er das Land und anderes Vermögen der verbrannten Menschen.

    So und auf andere zweifelhafte Weisen wurden die Kirchen reich. vor Jahrzehnten wies uns eine ältere Dame darauf hin, daß das Zölibat [= Heiratsverbot für Geistliche] deshalb eingeführt wurde, damit der Kirche kein Vermögen durch Erbschaft nach außen verloren geht.

    Der sinngemäße Hinweis von John de Nugent im vorangegangenen Interview, daß manche Menschen heute noch (oftmals ungerechtfertigterweise) skeptisch sind gegenüber Rußland und der aktuellen Ukraine-Situation, aufgrund der in einer vorangegangenen Inkarnation gemachten Erfahrungen mit Rußland bzw. der Sowjetunion [verheerende Auswirkungen der Bolschewismuspolitik usw.] ist wichtig, es könnte da tatsächlich noch einen lang anhaltenden Nachhall von den Vorinkarnationen geben.

    Diese Betrachtungsweise von John illustriert erneut, wie wichtig die ganzheitliche Perspektive ist, möchte man das Weltgeschehen verstehen. Gemäß Rudolf Steiner und anderen sollen abwechselnd verschiedene Kulturkreise besonders antreibend zur Fortentwicklung der Menschheit beitragen. Als nächstes sollen die deutschen Völker (auch Germanen in den USA sowie seelenverandt Denkende!) dazu beitragen, die neuen philosophischen Grundlagen für das neue Selbstbild, für das neue Ausgangsverständnis der Menschheit beizutragen. Natürlich tragen Einzelpersonen aus allen Ländern und Kulturkreisen dazu bei, in der Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft. Gemäß Seth soll es zwar keine neue Religion geben, der sich alle Menschen beugen werden, aber eben ein neues Ausgangsselbstverständnis für die Menschheit, neue Grundannahmen (Wiederbewußtwerdeung der inneren Ursprünge!).

    Es gibt immer wieder Zentren der Hochaktivität (“Hotspots”) und in diesem Sinne sollen die deutschen bzw. germanischen Völker im nächsten Schritt die slawischen Völker, insbesondere auch Rußland, geistig-spirituell befruchten. Und genau dieser Schritt soll, unter anderem auch gemäß Axel Burkart [1], unter allen Umständen verhindert werden von Ahriman (bzw. “Satan”/”Teufel”) & Co. (Negativentitäten/Dämonen u.a. Komplizen), denn die Wiederbewußtwerdeung der inneren Ursprünge und inneren Quellen (persönlicher Schutzengel usw.) würde das Ende des materialistischen Zeitalters einläuten. Daher werden immer wieder Keile ([Welt]Kriege) zwischen Deutschland und Rußland geschlagen. Der größte nur denkbare Aufmarsch an dunklen Kräften soll dazu bereits im Jenseits erfolgt sein, um dies zu verhindern, quasi eine “Army of Darnkness” der ultimativen Superlative die alles daran setzt, die Bewußtwerdung der Menschen zu verhindern.

    Ahriman, seine feinstofflichen sowie seine irdischen Repräsentanten (die Hintergrundmächte [Hochfinanz und Hochadel, Reptos] usw.) tun alles, damit die Menschen dem Materialismus sowie der Fremdbestimmtheit verhaftet bleiben. Die Sabotage der Annäherung zwischen Deutschland und Rußland hat daher oberste Priorität. Das Sprengen der Ketten der Fremdbestimmtheit soll unter allen Umständen verhindert werden, die Menschheit soll auch weiterhin versklavt bleiben.

    John de Nugent, Jim Rizoli u.a. fungieren als unnachgiebige Katalysatoren, um die Menschheit zu befreien, daher werden sie entsprechend bekämpft. Das Kollektiv befindet sich noch immer im (komatösem) Tiefschlaf, wie es Traugott Ickeroth [2] immer wieder sagt. Wievieler weiterer Millionen vernichteter Menschen bedarf es noch, damit die Mehrheit endlich aufwacht? Der Moment des kollektiven Erwachsens rückt jedoch immer näher.

    Und dann wird es einen lawinenartigen Abruf an sinngebender, aufklärender Literatur geben (Artikel, Videos, Bücher usw.), daher muß die Absicherung der Serverkapazitäten oberste Priorität für John de Nugent, Jim Rizoli usw. haben. Natürlich sind auch Margaret Huffstickler, Diane King, John Rizoli, Germar Rudolf u.a. nicht genannte Freiheitskämpfer damit gemeint: Die Zeit der Zerstreuungen endet nun, die Menschheit wird wieder Interesse an existentiellen Themen bekommen: Woher kommen wir? warum sind wir da? Wie konnte das alles nur geschehen? Warum ist die Welt so, wie sie ist? Was sind meine Lebensaufgaben? Wie kann ich diese herausbekommen? Das Erwachen aus der Unbewußtheit in die Bewußtheit.

    Es ist schon etwas besonderes, zwei so Schwergewichte wie John de Nugent und Jim Rizoli miteinander Gedanken austauschen und diskutieren zu sehen, es bedurfte für beide einen langen Anlauf (einschließlich zahlreicher Inkarnationen), um so das Gesamtbild zu verstehend und um so auf die Welt einwirken zu können, wie sie sie jetzt dazu in der Lage sind. Auch Jim’s Gesamtwerk ist riesig; momentan erscheinen glaube ich in seinem Rumble Kanal[3] seine neuesten Videos (sowie die neu hochgeladenen Klassiker) am schnellsten.

    Eine Anmerkung zu China [4]: “[…] Mit zynischer Freude setzt China die Corona-Lüge des Westens ein, um das westliche Lügensystem mit seinen eigenen Waffen zu schlagen. Der Westen kann dem chinesischen strategischen Kriegs-Lockdowns kaum widersprechen, ohne sich selbst als Erfinder des Covid-Betrugs zu entlarven. […] China verfolgt mit diesen beispiellosen Terrormaßnahmen gegen seine eigene Bevölkerung zwei Ziele. Einmal soll die eigene Bevölkerung unter sich verschärfenden Kriegsbedingungen unter Kontrolle gehalten werden, und zum anderen sollen die Mitarbeiter der ausländischen Niederlassungen mit diesen brutalen Einkerkerungen, mit der gewaltsamen Trennung von ihren Kindern, zur Aufgabe in China gebracht werden. Und das gelingt zunehmend, wie sich zeigt. Die westlichen Unternehmen finden kaum noch Personal für ihre chinesischen Niederlassungen, auch nicht gegen Superbezahlung. […]”

    Ickeroth’s Anmerkung zu [5] (“China: Hunderttausende Menschen in COVID-Konzentrationslager abtransportiert”): “Ein Alp. [Alptraum] Horror pur. Die Chinesen müssen schleunigst aufwachen. 1,5 Milliarden Menschen haben die Macht, NEIN zu sagen. Wenn sie davon keinen Gebrauch machen, kann ihnen wohl niemand helfen.”[6]







    [6] (19.05.2022)

    [7] Murdoch Murdoch veröffenltichte vor ein paar Jahren eine mittlerweile berühmt gewordene Neuversion des Beatles-Klassikers “Hey Jude”: “Hey Jew, […] I was made to break free from your chains […] Hey Jew, Marx is dead, give up on globalism, remember to let Hitler into your heart, then we can start, to make it better […]”.

    “Back to the Faggot”

    • Thank you. I especially learned from the video you linked to.

      As I watched other videos, it was obvious that Rocky had more than just massive power and good endurance. He was always on the attack and advancing because his tactics wer far superior.

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