UPDATED The highest way to live and learn; Russian female soldiers at the May 9 victory parade; Hitler’s one huge mistake was RUSSIA

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  1. Putin has recently extended invitations to Brits and Germans to settle in Russia, especially in the East where the country is sparsely populated! Did not notice any invites to Africans or Arabs though, maybe Putin is racist? ;-D

  2. I agree 100 percent with your excellent analysis! Hitler’ policies towards the Slavs was very wrong and very short-sighted indeed! Let’s NOT repeat the mistakes of the past!…

      • In fact, I mean that few true things are known about Hitler’s views regarding Slavs.

        For example, the so-called « political testament » is a forgery (banker François Genoud confessed he wrote it) ; one million (one million !) Russian soldiers served in the German Army (Vlassov), and many SS-Divisionen recruited Slavs, who were cinsidered as Aryans.

        Between Germanics and Slavs there was from long a big trouble : no efficient natural border. As a consequence Slavs and Germanics were not only neighbours but also opponenents.

        Thus nationalist Slavs frequently regarded themselves as opposed to German nationalism. Because they wanted Danzig (90% German), Poles entered in a war against Germany, which was the aim of capitalists leading Wall Street and the City ; the consequences were awful, both to Germans and to Poles – but not to capitalists’ eyes.

        The true problem in Europe was that, everywhere, most nationalists considered themselves as making a perpetual war against all the other European nationalists : the consequences were wars, and, during WW II, guerillas and bloddy reprisals.

        • All true, but I think you did not read my article. Mein Kampf itself was explicit, as on every topic, on the reasons for a needed German war with the USSR.

          It was not just an anti-bolshevik crusade.

        • Thanks for having agreed my links.

          And Hitler would have avoid a war against USSR if he could. Barbarossa was decided when it became obvious Stalin was going to invade Europe.

          • Well, it seems you refuse to read the article. Okay. 😉

            The key ideas behind “Barbarossa” were decided in 1925: using the necessity of an anti-bolshevik crusade to seize land from the Slavs for Germany to have a breadbasket. This is explicit in Mein Kampf, and in the 1929 “Second Book,” and laid out clearly for the reader to ponder.

      • That is a great article, John. I’m of Lithuanian descent and pro-Hitler.

        I also think Putin is a great leader, as he stands up to Israel although I wish he’d attack them.

        There will never be another Hitler. I try waking people up about the most lied-about man in history.

        Thank you for doing what you do, John. I also followed you on FB under Rae Cat. I’ve had more accounts there than you can count. 😉

        But it’s an honor to know you. Again, thank you. 🙂

        • Thank you so much, Rachael!

          Zuckerberg deleted me, with 2,600 FB “friends” with no warning whatsoever in early 2020, and I refuse to go back, spend time sharing stuff and then have it all deleted by some jew with one mouse-click all over again.

          He also deleted Margi’s FB account with 1,000 friends, and even her apolitical one with 5,000 friends, the max possible! She had done a cancer fundraiser there. To delete a woman fighting cancer and whose page was apolitical shows you what vicious, sadistic thugs these khazars are.

          I am on VK, however. Are you?


          There will indeed never be another Hitler, but there will be his reincarnation and this time even better.

          Live and learn, or rather

          Live — die — see a life-review video — discuss your life with angels, the mistakes and the triumphs — learn — and reincarnate to grow some more. 🙂

  3. June 1941 : Hitler had 3,600 tanks ; Stalin had 24,000 ones.

    So who was ready, from long, for an invasion ?

    Soviet Union leaders claimed their will to conquer Germany before Hitler had written Mein Kampf – even before in was in jail in Landsberg !

    In 1812 Napoléon invaded Russia in a pre-emptive offensive ; so did Hitler in 1941.

    In Mein Kampf Hitler said Germany had to avoid a war on two fronts, so what he made in 1941 was just the opposite of what he had written in Mein Kampf.

    « “It was undeniably a purely preventive war. What we found out later on was the certainty of enormous Russian military preparations opposite our frontier. I will dispense with details, but I can only say that although we succeeded in a tactical surprise as to the day and the hour, it was no strategic surprise. Russia was fully prepared for war.”

    4. This portion of Jodl’s testimony, given on June 5, 1946, is in the IMT “blue series,” vol. 15, pp. 394-395. »

    « Meltyukhov’s study Stalin’s Missed Chance has also been valued positively for covering Soviet military plans before the outbreak of German-Soviet war in 1941, relying on documents that were previously inaccessible. [12] While the theory that the Soviet leadership was indeed planning to strike Germany in 1941 remains disputed, Meltyukhov’s data has been used [13] by authors who do not support the Soviet assault plans thesis mentioned above. However, some reviewers who agree that the USSR intended to attack Germany, have also criticised Meltyukhov for including pro-Soviet views (justifying aggressions on the basis of Soviet ‘national interests’ etc). [14] »

    Whatever Hitler had think about the Slavs, he had no escape : he had to order Barbarossa in June 1941.

    • All true, and all beside the point.

      Hitler, in every other way than this, was a very, very great man, as I have said since 1978, possibly even before you were born. 😉

      But he went into Russia not just with the preemptive-strike motive, which was justified for the sake of both Germany and the whole world, but also with a horrible secondary motive, the same kind of motive as the Zionist jews had who entered Palestine, to take it away from the natives for themselves.

      And THAT is why Hitler lost the war. He did not enter Russia to liberate it, which would have won the hearts of the men and women of that bolshevism-tortured nation, but in order to conquer it, and give the minority of Russians who would be allowed to stay simply a new master, the Germans, instead of the old master, the bolshevik Georgians and Jews.

      And now, comrade, either you will choose to read my factual article and learn something, whether it is enjoyable or not, because it is TRUE (and this means to stop worshiping Hitler as a god when he was only a man, albeit a great hero and genius), or, honestly, this exchange is really wasting both our time, is it not? 🙂

      In reality, Hitler had another option besides liberation, a pseudo-liberation, American-style, where Russia became a pro-German puppet “ally” just as the FRG is now a pro-American puppet “ally,” and this too Hitler did not do: (please scroll down 2/3rds here)


  4. Sehr geehrter John de Nugent:

    Dear John de Nugent:

    1. Russia’s appreciation of John de Nugent.
    The extra billboard for johndenugent.com, which Russian state television deliberately over-illuminated, makes clear the following:

    1) JdN’s site has had to be read carefully by Russian decision-makers for many years, because such recommendations must be given thoughtfully, after careful consideration

    2) Maybe the Russian decision makers resorted to spiritually developed personalities who verified the claimed John-de-Nugent-Hitler connection. Provided it exists and its authenticity has been confirmed, JdN’s self-critical thoughts and analyses on Russia naturally carry additional weight; you don’t give a “crackpot” a free billboard at prime time on state television.

    2. As in other countries, there is indeed a Russian revisionist vanguard in Russia, researchers who are not interested in Russian group sensitivities, who exclusively want to research and clarify the historical facts and who have long since proven that the attack and expulsion of all East Germans (the real East Germany: Prussia, Königsberg, Silesia, etc.) was already planned for a long time, you do indeed point out in your article the Pan-Slavist efforts in this regard, which have been pushing this goal since the 19th century.
    The Russian feature film “White Tiger” contains many German-friendly scenes. When the German Tiger tank could have completely shot the Russian tank (defenseless from behind), it only shoots the tank chain: Here German chivalry in battle is appreciated. Also the later said, that he, the “White Tiger”, would only have retreated (present position of the weakness of Germany/German peoples) is a tribute to the German spirit, and of course at the very end also the appearance of Hitler.

    3. Yes, it was a mistake of Hitler to want to remain in Russia. After the 100% justified counterattack against the deployment of the Red Army [1], which would have Bolshevized Germany and Europe, Hitler should have supported a comprehensive arming of the Ukrainian and Russian civilian population, followed by a subsequent reconstruction of the Russian and Ukrainian armies, with subsequent withdrawal of the German troops. The pro-Russian freedom fighters and the German (or international army! [4]) would have been unbeatable in restoring the rights of the Russian people, there would have been an incomparable friendship of nations had Hitler ordered the withdrawal of the troops instead of staying and speculating on land. It is indeed pointed out in your article that politicians and military officers considered this decision disastrous, in every sense of the word.

    4. Germany and Russia, Steiner, spiritual development: The Germanic peoples, of course, include those living in England and the United States, not just those living in Germany.
    The spiritual essence, the cultural life, despite all differences, contains a great common intersection. In the world plan it is supposed to be intended that the Germanic peoples and Russia spiritually-mentally and culturally fertilize each other. And exactly this the background powers want to prevent under all circumstances, hence the constant destruction efforts against Germany and the attempts to prevent any rapprochement with Russia (Pan-Slavism!). Of course the FRG is not Germany, so slowly even FRG believers understand that the FRG never was a German government and that it never represented German interests. In Russia, of course, the decision-makers know that there was no German government between 1918 and 1933 and since 1945, but the majority of the Russian people probably do not know.

    5. Russian self-criticism? – Does not exist! In spite of everything, one must not make it too easy for the Russian people: Apart from the avant-garde, Russian self-criticism does not exist, they do not want to know anything about, for example, [1][3] etc. From the Russian side, countless anti-German historical lies have been spread for many decades, and still are, in inconceivable dimensions. Lying violence has serious consequences, and sooner or later also the Russians will have to face up to their anti-German history lies and that they annihilated millions of people and blamed them on the Germans and falsified their own numbers of victims to inconceivable heights.
    How will later generations think about the fact that from Russia a comprehensive war of aggression and extermination was already in the general mobilization phase, that the German armies were in fact completely justified in waging a defensive war, unhindered by the fact that Hitler wanted to remain in Russia? What will they think that they were not the victims, but on the contrary, that they were the attackers and aggressors? That they destroyed millions of people and accused the Germans of these acts, executed German military men for it? That they wrote and supported 100% the biggest historical lie of mankind? That they, like the other Allies, waged a war of extermination against the German people?

    … No, this will be extremely bitter for the future Russian generations. For all the genius and brilliance of the Russians in the sciences (mathematics, physics, engineering, crafts, artistic craftswork, literature, teaching, etc.) and arts: every Russian who has even a little sense and decency will then turn away in disgust and nausea from the victory parades in Moscow, because it is a horrible staging of the lie, the absolute lie and contempt for humanity!

    But again: The Russian decision-makers know that John de Nugent is a key figure, that he also has a hinge function, as a mediator between the peoples. This is the only reason why they gave him the precious TV broadcasting time, because it was certainly intended to make the viewers curious about his other articles and analyses.


    [1] “Who Started World War II? by Viktor Suvorov”, Vortrag 2009 USA, 49 Minuten,

    [2] With English subtitles: (“The Wehrmacht and Stalinist Bolshevism”) “Die Wehrmacht und der stalinistische Bolschewismus”, 4 Minuten.

    [3] Small translated excerpt from “Siege of Leningrad” (“Belagerung von Leningrad”),

    “Re-education lies and falsification of history
    Thus, contrary to the pronouncements in the course of the current anti-German political correctness, the Wehrmacht did not intend to take Leningrad. Nor was the siege intended to bring about the creeping death of the civilian population. No civilian was prevented from leaving the city by the German side. A narrow strip of land was kept free for civilians to flee to Inner Russia by explicit order of Adolf Hitler[3]. However, Stalin prevented the Russian population from leaving the city on pain of death. Bolshevik figures put the number of civilian inhabitants of the city who lost their lives as a result of Stalin’s order at about 1.1 million. Most of these victims starved to death. The mass death by starvation was deliberately brought about by the Bolsheviks and is unprecedented in the world on this scale.

    The casualty figures of more than one million postulated by the Soviet side only after the war against Germany are, as usual, far exaggerated. Realistically, the number of victims is probably around 500,000, which also corresponds roughly to the number of Red Army soldiers encircled in the city. Destructions that were observed in the city are to a large extent due to Soviet-Bolshevik mines exploded and previously armed during the shelling of military installations and industrial plants.”

    [4] https://en.metapedia.org/wiki/Waffen-SS_foreign_volunteers_and_conscripts


    In German:

    Deutschland, Rußland, Steiner, Hitler, John de Nugent

    Sehr geehrter John de Nugent:

    1. Rußlands Wertschätzung für John de Nugent
    Die extra Werbetafel für johndenugent.com, die das russische Staatsfernsehen absichtlich überdeutlich einblendete, verdeutlicht folgendes:

    1) JdN’s Seite muß seit vielen Jahren von den russischen Entscheidungsträgern aufmerksam gelesen werden, denn solche Empfehlungen müssen wohlüberlegt gegeben werden, nach eingehender Prüfung

    2) Möglicherweise griffen die russischen Entscheidungsträger auf spirituell entwickelte Persönlichkeiten zurück, die die behauptete John-de-Nugent-Hitler-Verbindung verifiziert haben. Sofern diese existiert und die Echtheit bestätigt wurde, haben JdN’s selbstkritischen Gedanken und Analysen zu Rußland natürlich zusätzliches Gewicht; man schenkt keinem “Spinner” zur besten Sendezeit im Staatsfernsehen eine kostenlose Werbetafel.

    2. Wie in anderen Ländern gibt es in Rußland in der Tat eine russische revisionistische Avantgarde, Forscher, die russische Gruppenbefindlichkeiten nicht interessieren, die ausschließlich die historischen Fakten erforschen und klarstellen möchten und die bereits seit langem nachgewiesen haben, daß der Angriff und die Vertreibung aller Ostdeutschen (das echte Ostdeutschland: Preussen, Königsberg, Schlesien etc.) bereits lange geplant war, Sie weisen in Ihrem Artikel ja auch auf die diesbezüglichen panslawistischen Bestrebungen hin, die dieses Ziel bereits seit dem 19. Jahrhundert forcierten.
    Der russische Spielfilm “White Tiger” enthält viele deutschfreundliche Szenen. Als der deutsche Tigerpanzer den russischen Panzer völlig zerschießen hätte können (wehrlos von hinten), schießt er lediglich die Panzerkette an: Hier wird deutsche Ritterlichkeit im Kampf gewürdigt. Auch das später sinngemäß Gesagte, daß er, der “White Tiger”, sich lediglich zurückgezogen hätte (jetzige Position der Schwäche Deutschlands/der deutschen Völker) ist eine Würdigung des deutschen Geistes, und natürlich ganz zum Schluß auch der Auftritt Hitlers.

    3. Ja, es war ein Fehler von Hitler, in Rußland verbleiben zu wollen. Nach dem zu 100% berechtigtem Gegenschlag gegen den Aufmarsch der Roten Armee [1], die Deutschland und Europa bolschewisiert hätte, hätte Hitler eine umfassende Bewaffnung der ukrainischen und russischen Zivilbevölkerung, gefolgt von einem anschließenden Wiederaufbau der russischen und ukrainischen Armeen unterstützen müssen, mit anschließendem Abzug der deutschen Truppen. Die pro-russischen Freiheitskämpfer und die deutsche (bzw. internationale Armee!) wären unschlagbar gewesen, um die Rechte des russischen Volkes wiederherzustellen, es wäre eine unvergleichbare Völkerfreundschaft entstanden, hätte Hitler den Abzug der Truppen befohlen, anstatt zu verbleiben und auf Land zu spekulieren. Es wird ja in Ihrem Artikel auch darauf hingewiesen, daß Politiker und Militärs diese Entscheidung für katastrophal hielten, in jeder Hinsicht.

    4. Deutschland und Rußland, Steiner, spirituelle Entwicklung: Die germanischen Völker umfassen natürlich auch die in England und in den USA lebenden, nicht nur diejenigen, die in Deutschland leben.
    Das geistige Wesen, das kulturelle Leben, enthält trotz aller Unterschiede eine große gemeinsame Schnittmenge. Im Weltenplan soll es vorgesehen sein, daß sich die germanischen Völker und Rußland spirituell-geistig und kulturell befruchten. Und genau das wollen die Hintergrundmächte unter allen Umständen verhindern, daher die ständigen Vernichtungsbestrebungen gegen Deutschland und die Versuche, jede Annäherung mit Rußland zu verhindern (Panslawismus!). Natürlich ist die BRD nicht Deutschland, so langsam begreifen auch BRD-Gläubige, daß die BRD niemals eine deutsche Regierung war und daß sie niemals deutsche Interessen vertrat. In Rußland wissen die Entscheidungsträger natürlich, daß es zwischen 1918 und 1933 sowie seit 1945 keine deutsche Regierung mehr gab, das russische Volk weiß es aber vermutlich mehrheitlich nicht.

    5. Russische Selbstkritik? – Existiert nicht! Trotz allem darf man es dem russischen Volk nicht zu leicht machen: Abgesehen von der Avantgarde existiert keine russische Selbskritik, sie wollen nichts wissen von beispielsweise [1][3] usw. Von russischer Seite wurden und werden seit vielen Jahrzehnten unzählige antideutsche Geschichtslügen verbreitet, in unfassbaren Dimensionen. Lügengewalt hat schwerwiegende Folgen, und früher oder später werden sich auch die Russen ihren antideutschen Geschichtslügen stellen müssen und daß sie millionenfach Menschen vernichteten und diese den Deutschen in die Schuhe schoben und ihre eigenen Opferzahlen in unfaßbare Höhen geshichtsfälschten.
    Wie werden spätere Generationen darüber denken, daß von Rußland aus ein umfassender Angriffs- und Vernichtungskrieg bereits in der Generalmobilmachungsphase war, daß die deutschen Armeen in der Tat vollkommen berechtigt einen Abwehrkrieg führten, ungehindert der Tatsache, daß Hitler in Rußland verbleiben wollte? Was werden sie denken, daß sie nicht die Opfer waren, sondern im Gegenteil, daß sie die Angreifer und Aggressoren waren? Daß sie Millionen von Menschen vernichteten und den Deutschen diese Taten unterstellten, deutsche Militärs dafür hinrichten ließen? Daß sie die größte Geschichtlüge der Menschheit zu 100% mitschrieben und mitunterstützten? Daß sie, wie die anderen Alliierten, einen Vernichtungskrieg gegen das deutsche Volk führten?

    … Nein, das wird äußerst bitter werden für die zukünftigen russischen Generationen. Bei aller Genialität und Brillianz der Russen in den Wissenschaften (Mathematik, Physik, Ingenieurstum, Handwerk, Kunsthandwerk, Literatur, Lehre usw.) und Künsten: Jeder Russe, der auch nur ein bißchen Verstand und Anstand hat, wird sich dann angewidert und angeekelt von den Siegesparaden in Moskau abwenden, denn es ist eine grauenvolle Inszenierung der Lüge, der absoluten Lüge und Menschenverachtung!

    Aber nochmal: Die russischen Entscheidungsträger wissen darum, daß John de Nugent eine Schlüsselfigur ist, daß ihm auch eine Scharnierfunktion zukommt, als Vermittler zwischen den Völkern. Nur deshalb schenkte man ihm die kostbare Fernsehsendezeit, denn mit Sicherheit war damit auch beabsichtigt, die Zuschauer neugierig auf seine anderen Artikel und Analysen zu machen.


    [1] “Who Started World War II? by Viktor Suvorov”, Vortrag 2009 USA, 49 Minuten,

    [2] Mit englischen Untertiteln: (“The Wehrmacht and Stalinist Bolshevism”) “Die Wehrmacht und der stalinistische Bolschewismus”, 4 Minuten.

    [3] Kleiner Auszug aus “Belagerung von Leningrad”

    “Umerziehungslügen und Geschichtsfälschungen
    Entgegen den Verlautbarungen im Zuge der gegenwärtigen antideutschen politischen Korrektheit wollte die Wehrmacht Leningrad somit gerade nicht einnehmen. Die Belagerung sollte auch nicht den schleichenden Tod der Zivilbevölkerung herbeiführen. Kein Zivilist wurde von deutscher Seite daran gehindert, die Stadt zu verlassen. Es wurde für Zivilisten auf ausdrücklichen Befehl Adolf Hitlers ein schmaler Landstreifen zur Flucht nach Innerrußland freigehalten[3]. Allerdings hinderte Stalin die russische Bevölkerung bei Todesstrafe daran, die Stadt zu verlassen. Bolschewistische Angaben gehen von etwa 1,1 Millionen zivilen Bewohnern der Stadt aus, die infolge Stalins Befehl ihr Leben verloren. Die meisten dieser Opfer verhungerten. Der Massentod durch Verhungern wurde von den Bolschewisten gezielt herbeigeführt und ist in diesem Ausmaß weltweit beispiellos.
    Eine inoffizielle Straße über den zugefrorenen Ladogasee diente fast ausschließlich der alleinigen Versorgung der Roten Armee. Das Leiden der Bevölkerung interessierte Stalin nicht, sondern die russischen Einwohner sollten als menschliche Schutzschilde dienen. Die des öfteren postulierten angeblichen Evakuierungen betrafen Deportationen von Deutschen aus Leningrad in die bolschewistischen Vernichtungslager. Russische Zivilisten, die den Weg über die einzige offene Straße dennoch zur Flucht nutzten, wurden von den Bolschewisten erschossen.

    Die erst nach dem Krieg gegen Deutschland von Sowjet-Seite postulierten Opferzahlen von mehr als einer Million sind, wie üblich, weit überhöht. Realistisch dürften etwa 500.000 Opfer sein, was in etwa auch der Zahl der in der Stadt eingekesselten Rotarmisten entspricht. Zerstörungen, die in der Stadt zu beobachten waren, gehen zu einem großen Teil auf das Konto der beim Beschuß von militärischen Einrichtungen und Industrieanlagen mit explodierten und zuvor scharf gemachten sowjet-bolschewistischen Minen.”

    [4] https://de.metapedia.org/wiki/Ausl%C3%A4ndische_Freiwillige_der_Waffen-SS

    • Thank you very much.

      Ego triggers ego and humility humility.

      I will make the first move. 🙂

      Very interesting about Stalin’s order to shoot Russians who tried to flee Leningrad INTO Russia.


      Vielen Dank.

      Ichsucht löst beim Anderen auch Ichsucht aus und Demut Demut.

      Ich werde den ersten Schritt machen. 🙂

      Sehr interessant über Stalins Befehl, alle Russen zu erschießen, die versuchten, aus Leningrad NACH Russland zu fliehen……

  5. John, have you by chance read the book “Hitlers Revolution” by Richard Tedor? He does a very good job retracing the hand-prints of the traitors centering around Admiral Canaris and the Abwehr. Apparently, Canaris and his network were responsible for sabotaging potential Russian defectors (entire divisions wanting to defect to the German cause), but Canaris and the conspirators made sure the offer was never forwarded to the German high command, basically resulting in Hitler never even hearing about the mass defections.

    Of course I don’t deny Hitler had some Slav-phobia, but there was some serious internal subversion happening that might have contributed to the slow German-Russian collaboration. Had Hitler received these reports of mass defections, would he have changed his mind and seized the opportunity? who knows, but apparently Canaris and the Abwehr saw fit to never tell him about it.

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