The Holocaust: the PERFECT example of what Hitler DENOUNCED in Mein Kampf as a “Big Lie”

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In the BIG lie there is always a certain credibility; because the broad masses of any nation are more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily. In the primitive simplicity of their minds they fall victim more to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves may often tell small lies in little matters — but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods.

It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.

Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think there may be some other explanation.

For the BIG Lie always leaves toxic traces behind, even after it has been exposed, a fact which is known to all experts at lying in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of deliberately lying.

— Adolf Hitler, 1924, Mein Kampf, vol. I, ch. X[9]


Forty Questions on the Holocaust

  1. What proof exists that the Nazis practiced genocide or deliberately killed six million Jews?

None. The only evidence is the contradictory testimony of individual “survivors”, and no “survivor” claims actually to have witnessed any gassing. There is no hard evidence whatsoever. No mounds of ashes, no piles of clothes, no crematoria capable of doing the job, no human soap, no lampshades made out of human skin, no records, no demographic statistics.

On the other hand there exists extensive evidence of a forensic, demographic, analytical, documentary, anecdotal, and comparative nature which clearly proves the impossibility of such a figure as six million Jewish dead, an exaggeration of possibly 1000%.


  1. How did German concentration camps differ from American relocation camps which interned Japanese and German-Americans during World War II?

Except for the name, the only difference was that the Germans interned persons who were a real or suspected threat to the German war effort, whereas the Americans interned persons on the basis of their race or national origin alone.

Frank Rosenfeld had a giant concentration camp in Texas for German-Americans – and even abducted Germans from SOUTH America and put them in there! An acquaintance of mine spent four years in such a camp as a boy. 

  1. Why did the German authorities intern Jews in concentration camps?

Because the Germans considered the Jews a direct threat to their national sovereignty and survival, correctly as it turned out. Jews were overwhelmingly represented in Germany in Communist subversion during the Weimar period. On a per capita basis, Jews were highly overrepresented in government, commercial, and media positions. However, all suspected security risks, not just Jews, were in danger of internment once the war broke out.

On March 24th, 1933, international Jewry declared war on Germany and ordered a world-wide boycott of German goods simply because the German government had removed Jews from influential positions and transferred power back to the German people.

The boycott order and the Jewish war against Germany were reported in the world print and broadcast media of the time. False stories of German “death camps” were in fact circulated even before the outbreak of World War Two. Therefore the German view of the Jewish people as enemy aliens would seem to have been fully justified.

  1. Did Simon Wiesenthal once admit that there were never any death camps on German soil?

Yes. In Books and Bookmen, April 1975 issue. He claims the gassing of all the Jews took place in Poland.

  1. Dachau is in Germany. If even Simon Wiesenthal now admits it was not a death camp, why do thousands of American veterans say it was?

Because after the Allies captured Dachau (and incidentally murdered dozens of the former staff without trial), thousands of GIs were led through the camp and shown buildings alleged to be gas chambers. This story was later quietly expunged from official Holocaust lore because it became too difficult to maintain in the face of known fact and because Dachau was in the Allied occupation zone where access to the camp was too easy and unrestricted.

En passant, the brief lifespan of the “Dachau death camp” version gave rise to the first critical examination and questioning of the Holocaust myth by historians and by some Allied veterans who noticed discrepancies in what they had seen and what they read in official accounts. It would be many years, though, before this early Holocaust Revisionism gained momentum.


  1. Auschwitz is in Poland, not Germany. Is there any proof that gas chambers for the purpose of killing people existed at Auschwitz?

No. The “gas chamber” exhibited to tourists at Auschwitz could not possibly have been used to carry out executions; it is far too small and it is not even airtight. In the 1980s, American expert Fred Leuchter, who builds gas chambers for American penal systems, took scrapings from the walls of the Auschwitz “gas chamber” for chemical analysis. He found no cyanide residue at all. The Auschwitz exhibit is a fake, pure and simple, a flimsy tourist trap.

German chemist Germar Rudolf, whom Margi and I know and have donated to, found REAL cyanide (blue residue ) on a REAL German gas chamber — used to kill lice on inmate clothing. He did 2.5 years in a German prison after the US arrested him on a bogus visa violation and sent him to Germany.

Prussian-Blue is the color real cyanide makes on a real wall of a real gas chamber. 


The blue even seeps all the way through the brick to the outside. 


A supposed jew gas chamber at Auschwitz — NO BLUE.


  1. If Auschwitz wasn’t a death camp, what was its true purpose?

It was a large-scale manufacturing complex. Synthetic rubber (Buna) was made there, and its inmates were used as a workforce, in the same way in which inmate labor is increasingly being used in correctional systems throughout the United States today.

Swimming pool for inmates

  1. What about the infamous Zyklon-B gas?

Zyklon-B is a commercially manufactured compound of hydrocyanic gas. It has a number of widespread industrial uses, including the fumigation of lice-infested clothing, the purpose for which it was applied at Auschwitz. Zyklon-B is still manufactured worldwide and is commonly used and available today.


  1. If Auschwitz was not an extermination camp, why did former Commandant Rudolf Hoess confess that it was?

Hoess was captured by the Russians and Polish Communists and brutally tortured. He signed his confession, the sole source for the figure of six million dead Jews, in English, a language he could not read. Some pages of the original document are literally stained with Hoess’ blood. Hoess was then conveniently executed so he could not be cross-examined.

Desperate to discredit his own confession under torture, Höss confessed to building a death camp at “Wolzek,” which does not even exist!

Richard Baer, the final commandant at Auschwitz, murderd by the Allies; the handsome Dr. Josef Mengele, slandered; and Rudolf Hoess, father of five children who won the Iron Cross First and Second Class in WWI

After one day in British captivity


Must’nt do the hanging (for fake, invented crimes) the modern, humane way wih a long drop so the neck snaps — just push a chair away and let him strangle slowly, kicking wildly for a full minute — before losing consciousness. This is basically garroting, a form of torture-killing.


Short-drop hanging was used by the jews to choke slowly many top NS leaders to death whereas a long drop would break the neck from the drop and kill quickly.

10. How long does it take to fully ventilate an area which has been fumigated with Zyklon-B?

About twenty hours. The whole procedure is extremely involved and technical. Gas masks have to be used and well trained technicians only are employed.

        11.Rudolf Hoess said in his confession that his men would enter the gas chambers ten minutes after the Jews had died and remove the bodies. How do you explain this?

It can’t be explained, because it could not have happened like that. Had the Germans done this they would have suffered the same fate as the allegedly exterminated Jews.

  1. Hoess said in his confession that his men would smoke cigarettes as they pulled dead Jews out of the chambers which ten minutes before had been filled with gas. Isn’t Zyklon-B explosive?

Highly so. The Hoess confession is obviously false and the six million figure as well.



  1. How could such a mass murder program have been kept secret from the Jews who were scheduled for execution? How could the Pope, the Vatican, the International Red Cross, and Allied military intelligence not know?

Given the acknowledged efficiency and penetration of the OSS, British MI5, and Soviet NKVD into the Third Reich, it could not have been kept secret. Nor can one imagine any reason for the Allies, who were fighting to destroy Germany, not to make use of such a potentially powerful propaganda weapon, had there been any contemporary evidence at all during the war that such an event was occurring.


  1. How many Jews actually died in German concentration camps during the Second World War?

About 300,000.


  1. How did they die?

Mainly from recurring typhus epidemics that ravaged war-torn Europe during the period. Typhus is a disease which invariably appears whenever people are jammed together for long periods without bathing. It is carried by lice which infects hair and clothes. Ironically, if the Germans had used more Zyklon-B for disinfectant purposes, more Jews might have survived the concentration camps. Jewish prisoners (as well as many others) also died from starvation and lack of medical attention towards the end of the war when virtually all rail and road transport had come to a standstill due to the intense Allied bombing campaign.


  1. What is the difference whether six million Jews died or 300,000?

5,700,00. The key question is whether or not there was a deliberate, systematic attempt on the part of the Third Reich to exterminate the Jews of Europe. The evidence clearly shows that there was not, and the focus of world attention now needs to shift to the identity, the activities, and the financial and political motivations

of those who have inflicted on all humanity for the past fifty years the grotesque, slanderous, and evil lie that there was a “Holocaust”.


  1. Many Jewish survivors of the “death camps” say they saw bodies being piled up in pits and burned. How much gasoline would have been used to perform this act? A lot more than the Germans had access to or could have afforded to waste during the Second World War, that’s for sure.


  1. Can bodies be burned in pits?

No. It is impossible for human bodies to be totally consumed by flames in this manner as not enough heat can be generated in open pits. [Note from HAC: I can personally confirm from my own observations of both Communist and American atrocities in both the American and Rhodesian armed forces that it is impossible completely to destroy human bodies en masse with either gasoline, napalm, or in any other way in open pits. The Holocaust “experts” who claim otherwise are either parroting what they have been told without bothering to check their facts, or else they are lying.]


  1. Holocaust authors claim the Nazis were able to cremate bodies in about ten minutes. How long does it take to incinerate a body, according to professional funeral operators?

About two hours.


  1. Why did the concentration camps have crematory ovens?

To dispose efficiently and sanitarily of the corpses dead from typhus and other diseases.


  1. Given a 100% duty cycle of all the known crematoria in the camps in German-controlled territory, what is the maximum number pf corpses which it would have been possible to incinerate during the entire time the camps were in existence?

About 430,600.

  1. Can a crematory oven be operated 100% of the time?

No. 50% of the time is a very generous estimate, or 12 hours per day. Crematory ovens have to be cleaned thoroughly and regularly when in heavy operation.


  1. On the average, how much ash is left from a cremated corpse?

After the bone is ground down into powder, a separate time-consuming process in itself, about a shoe box full.


  1. Of six million people were incinerated by the Nazis, what happened to the ashes?

That remains to be “explained”. Six million bodies would produce literally mountains of ash, tons upon tons. Yet there have been no discoveries of any huge deposits of ash in the Auschwitz are or anywhere else in Europe.


  1. Do Allied wartime photos of Auschwitz, taken from the air, show any signs of crematoria in full blast operation?

No. These photographs do not reveal even a trace of the immense amount of smoke which must have hung constantly over the camp, nor do they show any evidence of the alleged open pits where the bodies were burned.

Where are the 15,000 tons of ash?

  1. What did the international Red Cross have to say about the whole “Holocaust” issue?

A report of the visit of an IRC delegation to Auschwitz in September of 1944 pointed out that internees were allowed to receive packages and that rumors of gas chambers could not be verified. The full official report of the International Red Cross on the Second World War makes no mention at all of the so-called Holocaust or any of the wilder allegations connected with the so-called Holocaust.

Interestingly, in 1996, fifty years after the war’s end, the liberal media in America and Europe began running a series of articles claiming that the Red Cross was “full of Nazi sympathizers”. This charge is entirely bogus and may be chalked up to belated Jewish attempts at damage control as the Holocaust myth crumbles steadily in the light of factual examination and critical analysis.


  1. Is the diary of Anne Frank genuine?

Not as published, no.

The evidence compiled by Dietlieb Felderer of Sweden and Dr. Robert Faurisson of France proves conclusively that the published version of the famous diary is a literary hoax. There was a girl named Anne Frank, and sections of the diary appear to be genuine, including several wherein she describes adolescent lesbian sexual experiences which were later excised from the published text.

In 1950 Anne Frank’s father sued author Meyer Levin, the actual writer of the diary, over royalties from the book. A Jewish judge in New York ordered the records of the court case sealed for 100 years. When the original diary was put on display a few years later, it was noticed that the most poignant sections of the book were interpolations written in a forged handwriting in ball point pen, a writing instrument which was not invented until 1950. The original diary was swiftly removed from exhibit and whisked away into a safety deposit box in Israel. It has never been produced for examination since then despite repeated attempts by scholars to view it.


  1. What about all the numerous photographs and film footage allegedly taken in German concentration camps showing emaciated corpses and people? Are these faked?

Some are, but most of the fakery lies in the captioning. Corpses of German air raid victims, for example, are labeled as dead Jews. One famous and oft-reprinted photo purports to show a “Nazi SS man” about to shoot a mother holding her child; on closer examination of the blurry print with a magnifying glass, it is clear to military historians familiar with the uniforms and weapons of the period that the killer is a Red Army soldier wielding a Russian-made carbine.

The Exterminationists´ habit of blaming the Germans for atrocities carried out by Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin remains common, even though some of the more notorious examples like the Katyn Forest massacre of Polish prisoners have now been properly laid at the door of the Kremlin. That this kind of fraud continues to be perpetrated by Holocaust “experts” is not surprising in view of the fact that almost all of them espouse Marxist or extreme left-wing views and are as quick to apologize for and explain away Stalin’s butcheries as they are to invent fraudulent crimes attributed to Adolf Hitler.

The almost universally leftist political and social orientation of Holocaust defenders is important and should always be born in mind when examining their claims; letting Stalin off the hook is almost as important to them as blackening and defaming the memory of Hitler and the German people. (A good example of this is Nizkor Project *** leader Ken McVay’s refusal to accept any more NSWPP e-mail after General Secretary Covington asked him why he did not condemn the mass murders of Stalin. — *** Dedicated to 12 million Holocaust victims who suffered and died at the hands of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi regime       , = „Wir werden uns erinnern“ist die größte private Netzseite, die der Holocaustleugnung im Weltnetz entgegentritt. Gründer und Betreiber ist Kenneth McVay mit kanadischem und US-Paß. Das Projekt begann 1991 und wird durch Spenden und persönliche Mittel finanziert; “Inhaber”: B´nai B´rith, , jüdische Loge, Kanada; Gegründet 1843 in den USA / Owner: …, Canada; founded in the USA in 1843. — There are German branches, too.)

  1. What was the role of the Vatican during the time in which six million Jews were allegedly exterminated?

Had there been an extermination plan being carried out in a predominantly Catholic country like Poland, the Vatican would certainly have been in a position to learn about it. Since no such plan existed, the Vatican had no need to speak out about it.

  1. What evidence is there that Adolf Hitler ordered the extermination of the Jews?

None. No documentary evidence of any kind indicating a deliberate extermination plan on the part of the Nazis has ever come to light. No signed order from Hitler, from Reichsfuhrer-SS Heinrich Himmler, or from any other functionary of the Third Reich ordering the extermination of the Jews has ever been discovered. The Nazis were meticulous records-keepers and literally tons of documents were seized by the Allies at the end of the war, so many it took Allied archivists and scholars years to organize, file, and catalogue them all. Nothing. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Sweet FA.


  1. Did the Germans and the Zionists collaborate before and during the war?

Absolutely. Both groups were interested in removing the Jews from Europe (the Zionists wanted the Jews shipped to Palestine) and they maintained friendly relations throughout the war. The German official in charge of shipping thousands of Jews to then British-occupied Palestine (including future Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin) was Adolf Eichmann; after the war the Holocaust industry considered this secret so volatile and dangerous that Eichmann was abducted by the Israeli Mossad and subsequently murdered in order to silence him.


  1. How many Jews were in areas which came to be controlled by the Germans during the Second World War?

Slightly less than four million.


  1. How many Jews fled deep into the Soviet Union to escape the Nazis?

Over two million. The Germans did not have access to them to kill them. After the war most Jews emigrated to Palestine, the United States, Argentina, Canada, and Great Britain. Except for about 300,000, they are all accounted for.


  1. How does the Holocaust story benefit the Jewish people today?

It shields them from any criticism over their political, economic, and social behavior. It is instrumental in raising immense sums of “guilt money”, especially from the German government. It justifies aid to the state of Israel totaling almost $10 billion dollars per year from various sources. Israel has received almost $270 billion dollars in assorted “Holocaust reparations” from the US and Germany and the ante is growing every year. It is clearly in the interest of Israel and the Jewish people to keep the whole scam going.


  1. Are films like Holocaust and Schindler’s List and The Winds Of War documentaries?

Hollywood movies are not history and are not intended to be. They are fictionalized dramas. The characters in movies are actors, not real people, who are being very highly paid for their portrayals of events that did not in fact occur. They read their lines from a screenplay written by Hollywood scriptwriters, a profession where Jews are very highly overrepresented, as they are in the studios and the creative and financial sectors of film making.

Hollywood is such an extremely unreliable source of history that in recent years even mainstream reviewers and commentators have begun to express doubt and suspicion over some films.

For example, the character of Oscar Schindler as portrayed by Liam Neeson in Spielberg’s production of “Schindler’s List” was sanitized to the point of being unrecognizable. Schindler was portrayed as almost saintly, and yet none of those still living who remember the man have a single good word to say about him.

The real Schindler was a confidence artist, a thief, a libertine and degenerate gambler who indulged freely in forced sexual relations with young female camp inmates, who later abandoned his wife and fled with his mistress to Brazil after embezzling a large sum of money. Other major directors like Oliver Stone have come under fire because their portrayals of historical characters like Nixon and events like the JFK assassination reflect a paranoid obsession with the most bizarre of left-wing conspiracy theories.


  1. About how many books have been published which refute some aspect of the standard Jewish claims about the Holocaust?

Over 100, with more in the works.


  1. But aren’t all those who question the Holocaust anti-Semitic or neo-Nazis?

Some are, although why such people should be denied the same right to advance their viewpoint which liberal democracy grants so freely to Jews and liberals in this purportedly free society is never explained. The NSWPP (now called the New Order; I was a member 1978-80) is a National Socialist organization, although unlike the Jews we acknowledge our identity and our ideological position in the open. Most Revisionists, however, are academics, genuine scholars who seek only the truth. Many hold liberal or libertarian views, although these views often change as they are subjected to the intense persecution which accompanies any deviation from the official orthodoxy on the Holocaust.


  1. What has happened to historians who dispute the official version of the Holocaust?

A variety of unpleasant things. Significantly, the Jews have always refused to debate the facts of the Holocaust openly with Revisionists. An internet group allegedly set up for this purpose called Nizkor does not in fact debate Revisionists, but engages in hysterical campaigns of ad hominem abuse against anyone who dares to express any dissent or doubt in re Holocaust orthodoxy. It is clear from many of the postings to Nizkor’s Internet playgroups that they have attracted a number of people, mostly Jews but some left-liberal Gentiles as well, who are motivated by intense racial bigotry and ideological hatred of anyone who disagrees with them, and who in some cases appear to be severely mentally and emotionally disturbed.

The Jews respond to any questioning of the Holocaust with hatred, violence, and persecution, which in itself is the surest giveaway that they have something to hide. In many countries those who ask politically incorrect or searching questions about the Holocaust are arrested, tortured, and imprisoned.

Dr. Robert Faurisson was assaulted in 1989 (just weeks after I had met him in California) by a Jewish gang who beat him so badly that he was almost crippled.

In California, a major Revisionist bookseller’s offices were burned [the “Noontide Press” of Willis A. Carto, for whom I worked 1987-93 and 2005-08] and in Toronto Revisionist author Ernst Zündel’s home was almost destroyed in an arson attack.

Margi and I in 2006 at his new place in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee

Zündel was subjected to a bizarre series of show trials lasting over ten years, and after being finally acquitted he has been denied Canadian citizenship and was kidnapped from the United States and deported to Germany, where [he received a five-year prison sentence. On his release, the US illegally banned him from returning to the US — and Germany banned his wife Ingrid from visiting him in Germany!]

An American citizen, Gerhard Lauck of Lincoln, Nebraska, was kidnapped by the German government and served a lengthy prison sentence in Germany for the “crime” of writing pro-National Socialist commentary in the United States, where it is legal.

Another American citizen, Hans Schmidt of Florida, was also abducted, held in prison in Germany for almost a year, and released only after an international outcry.

Schmidt’s “crime” was writing a pro-Revisionist article, in English, in a newsletter published and distributed in the United States. German nationalist Manfred Roeder has been imprisoned so many times he’s lost count. Revisionists have been stripped of jobs and academic posts, denied tenure in universities, victimized by harassing lawsuits, received bombs in the mail, and subjected to constant death threats from Jews and Marxists.

These are not the reactions of innocent people who are accused of a crime or a fraud do not respond by trying to kill, imprison, or forcibly silence their accusers. More than anything else, the behavior of the Jews and the governments they influence so strongly proves that the Holocaust is a fraud. If the Holocaust was true, neither the Jews nor any state authority would need to use force to silence criticism, any more than force need be used against people who believe the earth is flat. The arrests, imprisonment, assaults and torchings are the moral equivalent of a full confession on the part of the Jewish people that they are contemptible liars who have imposed the most massive and vicious hoax in history on all of humanity, and have used that hoax as an excuse to rob us blind, steal another people’s country, and then to slaughter that country’s original inhabitants at will, as according to National Public Radio they are doing even now as I type this, in the town of Ramallah.


  1. Have these thuggish tactics succeeded in silencing Revisionists?

No. They have only made Revisionists more determined than ever to ensure that the truth comes out and that the nations of the earth understand how the Jewish people have lied to them, defrauded them, and robbed them for over half a century now with the Holocaust lie. There can be little doubt that in succeeding generations the Holocaust will be accepted by mainstream historians and the public at large for what it is: a politically manufactured lie.

Austrian postwar (1948!) police policy; any jew who says he saw gassings at any camp in Germany is to be charged with filing a false report.

Pope Francis kisses the hand of holocaust survivors Joseph Gottdenker during a ceremony at the Hall of Remembrance in the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial in Jerusalem, Monday, May 26, 2014. Francis honored Jews killed in the Holocaust and in terrorist attacks, and kissed the hands of Holocaust survivors as he capped his three-day Mideast trip with poignant stops Monday at some of the holiest and most haunting sites for Jews. (AP Photo/Dan Balilty)



    Questo blog è interessante.
    I Cromagnoidi dai capelli rossi si possono associare alla Sumeria e a tutta la sua discendenza?
    Io li vedo(capelli rossi a parte),più virili, più forti nella postura,affini al combattimento!
    Ecco vedo una notevole differenza nei miei figli,Matteo è più esile,ha le spalle strette,una piccola ossatura,mentre Mario è il totalmente il suo opposto..oddio come me!
    Mia sorella per esempio non aveva mai notato la mia spalla larga e i muscoli.
    “Come fai ad avere quei muscoli?” LOL
    Alla fine ho fatto solo due anni di nuoto e non ho mai fatto palestra.Ho acquistato da poco due pesi per le braccia perché ne ho davvero bisogno.

  2. Ich habe mal einen Bestatter gefragt:

    Alleine die Energiemenge um einen Körper zu Asche zu verbrennen liegt bei etwa 170 kWh. 200 jwh mit damaligen Öfen. Ein Körper besteht zum Grossteil aus Wasser und Knochen.

    Die Verbrennung von 6 Millionen Menschen hätte soviel Energie (Brennstoff) erfordert das man ein grosses Kohlekraftwerk wie das in Borken erwa 1 1/2 Jahre betreiben hätte können.

    Weil wir es ja so dicke mit Rohstoffen und Brennstoffen hatten. Teilweise mussten Autos im WK 2 mit Holzvergaser fahren. Brennstoffe für Kachelöfen wurden stationiert usw.

    Comunque l’Italia ha molte razze nordiche,i miei nonni sono nordici;mio nonno materno aveva un naso dritto,fronte bassa,una grande capigliatura,una mascella larga,occhi chiari.Il nonno paterno aveva la fronte più alta,viso allungato e naso dritto..forse la mascella meno pronunciata rispetto a mia nonna(sua moglie).Mia nonna(materna)invece era la classica alpina,viso tondo e naso tondo.
    I nordici biondi o meno(dalla fronte alta)non hanno una grande resistenza sui capelli.Mi chiedo il perché!
    Se guardo i miei nonni…

  4. Where are all the invoices for tins of zyclon B,where are the gas meters and gas bills for the crematoria running 24/7 . The only fuel bills for Auschwitz are for heating coke , a fuel inadequate to cremate 20 zillion bodies due to its low temperature. And only 400 tons delivered.

    • Here’s more stupidity about the dreaded Zyklon B.

      It is supposed to magically emit hydrogen cyanide at the right time, without anyone having to do anything with it. Well, if it spontaneously emitted gas, then why didn’t all cans of it swell up and burst? I don’t know of any revisionist realizing that point.

      Zyklon B actually has to be heated mildly, and the dreaded gas chamber kept toasty warm so the cyanide remains in the gaseous state.

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