The immortal Jewish superstar and opera genius Meyerbeer ;-)

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The jewish opera critics and jew-owned newspapers all over Europe promoted with insane energy “one of theirs,” an opera composer named Giacomo Meyerbeer, in the mid-19th century, and made a superstar of him all across Europe, as this article of mine (from the The Barnes Review,March/April 1999, pp. 27-33 — showed.

But as soon as old Giacomo mercifully kicked the bucket, he faded away — because he was never a genius at all (as his Wiki bio sort-of admits:

As Margi has pointed out, whenever you see a “star” with what can only be called mediocre or average talent, it is usually a closet jew being boosted to stardom by the collaborative efforts of his ashkenazi homies.

OR, as may be the case with Bono of the rockband U-2, a goy traitor (such as, moving over to the political world, the late and unmissed US Senator John McCain) who genuflects to the sickening max to Jewry.

Look at this sweet, innocent girl, Miley Cyrus –carrying a Star of David, and boy, is she  loaded with talent!



From my Barnes Review article, the Meyerbeer part:

[Closet Jew author Bernd] Engelmann also slays entire forests with pages of printed paeans to forgotten Jewish playwrights, songsters, operetta producers, critics, publishers etc.

How could one forget the immortal [Giacomo] Meyerbeer? To the wary eye, it smacks of ethnic self-congratulation. One gifted Jew writes a piece, another publishes it, yet another reviews it favorably, a fourth sits at the box office counting out his money and a fifth takes his 10 percent as agent – an unconvincing proof that the nation of Mozart, Bach and Beethoven [ = Germany] needed music lessons [from the Jews].

I found this quote in the Wiki article by Hector Berlioz rather telling:

he ‘has not only the luck to be talented, but the talent to be lucky.’

It seems a lot of mediocre jews sure have this same kind of “luck.” 😉



…….family photo January 2007 – and how my father saw the jews

(upper row, l. to r.) yours truly; my brother Todd; my son-in-law José Irigoyen;
(lower row) my stepmother from Prince Edward Island, Canada, Helen; my (now late) father James (1927-2012); my elder daughter Ingrid, then getting her master’s at Duke Univ.; (she is now married to José, an Argentinian Basque, and a mother of two twin girls); and my ladyfriend Margaret Huffstickler


My father’s view on the Jews was that they were extremely powerful and “clannish,” as he put it.

He was bitter because whereas he had twice sponsored Jews to PREVIOUSLY Jew-free country clubs (Rhode Island Country Club and Wannamoisett Country Club), he THEN went on to lose his huge insurance contract with the giant Rhode Island-based toy maker Hasbro (Has-senfeld Bro-thers), makers of “GI Joe” and other toys.

And to whom did he lose it? As he put it, “I lost it to the synagogue.”

Yes, Hasbro (the Hassenfelds) switched all their insurance to some fellow Jew who also offered insurance — JUST because he was a fellow Jew.

In other words, my father had INCLUDED Jews in his two country clubs but they EXCLUDED him — harming his business and livelihood — because he was merely a goy, a Gentile.

HE had been more than fair to THEM ” — but they turned around and were unfair to HIM.

He also once mumbled something to me about “Jewish lightning,” which is a very well-known term in the insurance business, meaning the crime of arson. You burn your own business or restaurant down, collect the money, and then do not rebuild it, but instead retire to Florida to live with the other Miami Beach Jews.


My father once said to me:

“The Jews can be very vicious, John. You have to be extremely cautious with them.

They are ruthless and will stop at nothing, especially the Israelis.”

As he said these last words, he looked directly at me, warning me as a father would, and also as a man who, as a Marine sergeant in WWII and a captain in Korea, had seen a lot of death. (He was livid after Korea that “so many fine men died for nothing.”)

And keep in mind that President Reagan wanted him to serve on the National Security Council. I have no doubt that my father was involved in many thing we never heard about. The insurance business was a perfect foil for other activities done on his many mysterious business trips.



However, I thought then, as I still do now, what is the point of not fighting the Jews?

We know their plan is white enslavement or genocide, and is this not more obvious and blatant now than ever?

With every moment we dither (or nowadays, create memes and post stuff), they just get stronger for their FINAL ATTACK.

How long will they let Trump live, now that he has declared war on the media and Deep State, which they run? On “free trade”? On open borders? On George Soros? Will he ever be hostile “enough” to Russia and Putin to satisfy the Jews?

“The Jews are not satisfied,” as my late friend Hans Schmidt of the Waffen-SS (of the famed division “Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler”) said to me one day in 1986, “with the riches, respect, the freedom, the huge power and the lack of persecution they now enjoy.”

Hans Schmidt

“No, John, they want it all. They want a total dictatorship, they want ALL the money, not just most of it, and they want us to be their total slaves.

And so they always push their luck too far. It is a mania.”

I replied: “They are once again, as in Weimar Germany,  ‘cruising for a bruising,’ as we say in English. 😉”

Hans replied:

“They are on auto-pilot — toward their next big disaster. They never learn, and, well, thank God for their inability to learn. ;-)”

And Hans smiled.





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1 Comment

  1. You should go mildly with Meyerbeer…

    Even Hitler himself owned disks with Tchaikovsky performed by jewish violinist Bronislav Huberman.

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