The incredible south of France and our inter-incarnational memories of Heaven

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French Riviera; I was blessed to be able to live there 2004-05, along with 100,000 other Americans and Brits. Many French white nationalists live there; it is a stronghold of the Front National.

John de Nugent
John de Nugent Heaven is like this. Basically good people go temporarily to a heavenlike processing place.

John de Nugent
John de Nugent “Man is a fallen god who remembers the heavens.” A. de Lamartine

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· 19 hrs

John de Nugent
John de Nugent Realistic painting of a processing center


John de Nugent
John de Nugent The dead girl in the true story behind “Miracles from Heaven” experiences this during her four hours on the other side:…/heaven-annabel-pool-colorful…


John de Nugent
John de Nugent The same colors as here but more vivid, and plants that are usually the same but sometimes are different


John de Nugent
John de Nugent You can stay here for a while IF you are facing your flaws. Otherwise you have to leave.

John de Nugent
John de Nugent I have verified every important detail in this NDE film as true…/superb-nde-film-miracles…/

John de Nugent
John de Nugent There IS life after death. 🙂

Sterling 'Kevin' Smith
Sterling ‘Kevin’ Smith I too crossed over and wrote a book (never published) “Other side and Back” and it’s when I realized I am a spiritual being having a human experience, and this (body) is just a rental car.

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John de Nugent
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John de Nugent
John de Nugent The interesting revelation here is that the parents kept the girl on meds for months even though she insisted she had been healed in heaven. The father is a veterinary surgeon; the mother a professional writer. These are very educated people, not Holy Rollers.=)

Holly Bell
Holly Bell Oh I wish I could move there!

Holly Bell
Holly Bell I was told that the colors were magnificent due to the fact that we are really seeing them. Here we only see a reflection. because of the sun, not the true hue.

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· 17 hrs

John de Nugent
John de Nugent Things there give off their own light; it is not reflected sunlight.

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· 17 hrs

John de Nugent

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Jeanice Barcelo
Jeanice Barcelo gorgeous!

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· 17 hrs

Peter Carmody
Peter Carmody I somehow just realize that these shores are where the great champion of Europe, Charlemagne, launched his war, wiping out the filthy Muslims, who had settled there, kidnapping many thousands of Europeans into slavery. They are hallowed grounds.


  1. The concept of reincarnation is interesting to me. I had an experience when I was about 18 years old that made me wonder.

    Because we weren’t of drinking age yet, two friends of mine had built a drinking “fort” in the middle of a large prairie, which was basically an 8-foot deep, square hole in the ground, covered with a large piece of plywood, with a ladder leading down, and an old oil drum/trash can with a pipe to the surface which served as a fireplace in winter. We’d go down there to listen to rock music and drink ourselves stupid, since we couldn’t get into bars yet.

    One evening in, I believe it was early January 1980, after another huge blizzard and a record-breaking winter had left literally three feet of snow on the ground – being stupid kids, we decided to go to the “fort” to drink. The air temperature was about -5 F, and about -40 F with the wind chill.

    After drinking 13 beers in one hour, I then started on shots. Next thing I knew, I was on my knees puking, and barely made it up the ladder with my friends’ help, leaving my gloves behind. Once up top, I looked at the horizon, everything turned upside down, and I fell into the three-feet deep snow.

    My two “friends,” one of whom was Mexican and a huge Nazi/Hitler fan, and the other one Polish, were also dead drunk, and couldn’t or wouldn’t help me in the three-feet-deep snow and -40 F cold, so they walked on ahead to the Mexican kid’s father’s car, leaving me behind to crawl through the deep snow on all fours with no gloves.

    Luckily, my mom had gotten worried, and had called another friend with a German last name, and he went there and found me crawling through the snow, with my two “friends” walking far ahead of me.

    Since my Mexican “friend” didn’t want me puking in his father’s car, the kid with the German last name helped me walk 1/4 mile to a bowling alley, cursing me and taunting me all the while, to keep me awake.

    Keep in mind it was -40 F with a howling wind. Once I was half-dragged into the bowling alley, the owner asked, “What happened to him? OD’d on drugs?” “Nah – he’s just drunk” was the answer.

    I was brought into the men’s room, where I collapsed under a hand dryer, trying to warm my hands while puking on the floor at the same time. They later told me I was babbling things like “I know there’s a God up there – why doesn’t He help me?”, etc., which I don’t even remember doing.

    I had frostbite on both hands, which still bothers me today, and was very lucky I didn’t die that night. Needless to say, it also taught me that my two “friends” were not very good friends at all.

    The whole experience was very strange and upsetting, and felt like a reenactment of something I’d experienced before, even though I hadn’t, at least not in this lifetime.

    But when I later started learning about history and the horrible experiences of German soldiers on the freezing-cold Eastern Front in WWII, it made me wonder, since I’m 100% German on both sides of my family.

    To this day, I dread the cold, and would be very happy to never see snow again.

    • If your story is true, then I am so very sorry I let you down.

      You are not the only winter PTSD person.

      In the bunker 1945. A bullet in the head, and millions dead, was not the hoped-for ending.

      But, you know what, earth humans do not deserve a perfect leader either. This world is a sorry lot. It was not a world of little angels I was trying to save. 😉

  2. Ever time I click on one of your links, a Facebook page appears saying “Now leaving Facebook” and an option to click to continue is shown? Did you know this?

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