The Jewish Mafia: The Great International Predators, by Hervé Ryssen.

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Available exclusively from The Barnes Review . . .[for which Margi and I wrote 62 articles 2005-2010, including this cover story]

The Jewish Mafia: The Great International Predators

By Hervé Ryssen.


Ryssen ( seen right below on the right) is not just a long-time, brilliant author in France, but now also a leader of the WN faction within the movement called Gilets jaunes (Yellow Vests) in France.

Margi and I have been friends with him for over a dozen years, and I have read ten of his outstanding and unique books in French.

A Sorbonne graduate (it being the Harvard of France; the late-great revisionist and professor Robert Faurisson also got his degree there), Ryssen (center) is no nerd, but also a fearless street activist.






French jewry was shocked when he made the cover of the huge Paris Match magazine.

Ryssen has also written with genius in his not-yet-translated Psychoanalysis of Judaism on the most diabolical personal secret in jewish families — a high incidence of incest, yes, sex and often reproduction with their own children!!! This is part of why Jews are often so incredibly ugly — and so psychologically messed up!


Publisher Ron Unz (who actually has rebelled against Judaism and deserves a ton of credit for it.)


Adam Silver, Commissioner of the NBA



Now exclusively from The Barnes Review!

Here it is, between two covers for the very first time—a comprehensive look at the Jewish mafia from the earliest times until today.

Meticulously detailed and documented largely from Jewish sources, this book is a fearless examination of organized Jewish criminality in all parts of the world, with an astonishing catalog of serious crimes.

The author, Hervé Ryssen, has been jailed 13 times for writing seven books.

His most recent conviction in 2015, for which he received three months hard time, came simply as punishment for the original cover to this book (a stock illustration of 1930s gangsters with a list of their crimes—arms dealing, racketeering, contract murder, drug dealing, money laundering, pimping, casinos, pornography, kidnapping, burglary, armed robbery, diamond swindles, white slaving, smuggling, African slave trading, trafficking in stolen artwork etc.).

Now expanded, updated and revised, perhaps the most shocking chapters of the book are those dealing with forced prostitution in Israel, international organ trafficking and the organ transplant industry. But further description of the contents is not nearly as powerful as a portion of the table of contents. Inside The Jewish Mafia, Ryssen details:

– the “Torah Nostra’s” history
– American organized crime (and you thought Al Capone was a top criminal)
– Murder, Inc.
– Meyer Lansky
– the “invisible” mafia
– the pillage of Russia
– Mafioso Democracy
– the fall of the Oligarchs, crime from Berlin to Marbella
– the Organizatsiya in America, Antwerp, Vilnius, Bangkok, Bogota
– the mafia in Israel
– the diamond industry
– revolutionary paramilitary funding
– hashish, cocaine, heroin, and the “ecstasy” trade
– porno cinema
– the trafficking of illegal immigrants
– the white slave trade
– the Atlantic African slave trade
– Christian slaves of the Middle Ages
– organ selling . . .

This is, without a doubt, the most comprehensive, fascinating and fast-paced book ever written on the crimes of the Jewish mafia, from a man who dares to write the truth despite being a favorite and repeated target of the politically correct Zionist thought police.

Softcover, 381 pages, 475 supporting endnotes.

Click here to purchase The Jewish Mafia from The Barnes Review Bookstore.

TBR writer Ron Ray prepared an extensive review of The Jewish Mafia, concluding: “Ryssen’s book is a masterpiece: a monumental, carefully researched volume in some 380 pages. You need to own this book and study it.”

We all “know” about the Mafia. We “know” it is primarily Sicilian. We “know” it has lost a lot of its influence on the world around us. We may even “know” that there are “Russian” or “Chechen” or “Asian” or “Colombian” organized crime syndicates. But is what we “know” really true? Or is all of it a clever deception employed by the real mafiosi to hide their actual identity? And do their co-tribalists in the mass media collaborate in the charade through deliberate falsehoods? Who are the true criminals?

The Jewish Mafia is a book containing the sort of knowledge that gets people killed—particularly if they are muckraking journalists. That is not an exaggeration. More than one investigative reporter has died from “too much information” and an “excessive curiosity” about the doings of one of the most brutal, most ruthless and most deadly global criminal organization ever to exist: the selfsame Jewish mafia.

“What is this ‘Jewish’ mafia?” you may ask. “I’ve never heard of it before.” Sure, there have been swindlers like Bernie Madoff, former bootleggers like the Bronfman family or a few unscrupulous rabbis who traded in human body parts. But a true Jewish mafia?

Indeed, there is one, although nowadays even most Jews in America are ignorant of it. And it is one of the oldest and most pervasive crime syndicates, at that. It is, moreover, to the great honor of Hervé Ryssen, a Frenchman born in 1967, that he has assembled in a single volume one of the most comprehensive overviews of Jewish criminality ever published. And it is to the credit of Carlos W. Porter, as well, that he has produced the English translation. There are not a few individuals who would like the facts contained in Ryssen’s book to disappear down the “memory hole.”

But isn’t Ryssen’s work just “virulent anti-Semitism”? It’s just so much Jew-baiting hate speech, right? Wrong.

The author has compiled the thousands of facts in his book primarily from Jewish sources—including some the Tribe does not want non-Jews to read. And in so doing, he manifests to the reader some of the key reasons why Jews historically have earned the contempt of nearly every people among whom they have lived.
It is not just Jewish separatism and racialism, or their peculiar customs and religious practices, that have led to the expulsion of the formerly “Chosen People” from almost every nation at some point. Far from it. Rather, it is the centuries-long Jewish practices of exploiting the rest of the human race and degrading it below the level of animals that earn the Judaic people the enmity of others: gambling, robbery, swindling, murder, rape, drugs, abortion, pornography, white slavery, prostitution, human trafficking, sodomy and nearly every other conceivable vice.
Of course, we know that not all Jews engage in or support this sort of criminality. Many are decent, ordinary people. But nearly all enable the continuation of such barbarism by covering it up and failing to confront and end it, out of fear of new “pogroms” or an exaggerated sense of ethnic solidarity.

Consequently, the anti-Jewish backlash turns out much greater, and that peculiar race is punished even more severely. Such are the results of cultural paranoid psychosis.

. . .
And lest someone think that the “Jewish mafia” is a mere modern development, Ryssen provides a wealth of historical evidence that proves beyond doubt that international Jewry has been at the heart of the worst forms of criminality from ancient times until today. And if it is not immediately evident to even the most hard-boiled reader that the despicable and treacherous activities of a disproportionate percentage of the Jewish population are the larger share of the worst, societally destructive crimes, Ryssen concludes his encyclopedic work with a brief historical overview of so-called “anti-Semitism.” The same troubles afflict every nation where the Judaic people dwell in any numbers, and for the same reasons.

Ryssen’s book is a masterpiece: a monumental, carefully researched volume in some 380 pages. You need to own this book and study it. Many sections are disturbing, to say the least, but ignorance of them is dangerous to what remains of Western Christian civilization—indeed, dangerous to all non-Jewish peoples. Buy The Jewish Mafia now. Share it with family, friends, congressmen and senators—even open-minded Jews, if you can find them.
May Hervé Ryssen’s The Jewish Mafia awaken Christian and white people everywhere to the Judaic criminal threat from without. And may it also awaken world Jewry to reform and the extirpation of the poison in their midst.

Click here to read Ron Ray’s full review of The Jewish Mafia:

Ronald L. Ray is the assistant editor of The Barnes Review and a freelance author. He is a descendant of several patriots of the American War for Independence. To read more from Ron, subscribe to The Barnes Review.

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