The Jewnited Snakes cannot accept its brief hegemony is over

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Someone commented that Russia and China were “total opposites” and their alliance would break up.

I replied:

@theduran, @Melovedogs, @SovereignDavid Total opposites? Please explain how that is the case. I see China as modified national-socialist (without admitting it, of course), and Russia as well. This is why both are flourishing. They refuse to be divided and conquered, and regime-changed. (Both Hong Kong and Taiwan were intended to be CIA-ruled hotbeds of anti-PRC agitation.) Both the Chinese and Russian governments are there for their own people, not for further enriching insanely greedy international banksters (which is exactly what we saw in the Yeltsin years).
And while Putin seeks good relations with the Kosher community, his massive support of Syria is something no puppet of Zionism would do. Israel hates, loathes and fears Assad, and the whole Baathist idea, as being Arabic national socialism. (Note that both Baathist Iraq and Syria chose for their flags a black-white-red color scheme, too, like Germany 1933-45.).
Syria’s flag

Iraq’s flag

The NS flag (scene from a movie showing the true story of how the NS-German consulate in a Chinese city shielded terrified Chinese civilians under this huge flag from an aerial massacre by the Japanese, who stopped strafing and bombing as soon as they saw the swastika flag.)

It was Israel that wanted Assad toppled (and Saddam, and Kaddafi.)
And while I dislike some very dark things about China, the PRC has also lifted 300 million people out of poverty and misery.
Putin too has lifted his people out of dire straits. Russia is a “guided democracy.” Multi-party, yes, but the one big party, United Russia, retains control. I see Russia and China as in fact converging….and increasingly invincible together. .
So I share the Duran view that war may be coming, since the US cannot adjust to no longer being the global hegemon.


John Bolton reminds me of the Polish leadership in August 1939. Even after the Third Reich and the USSR signed a pact and announced it, Poland, now the meat in the east-west sandwich, thought “No problemo! We’ll kick both the Russians’ and the Germans’ asses.” 😉
Or Britain and France would gallop to their rescue….
Delusional hubris and wishful thinking. The ancient Greeks knew the gods hated hubris in mortals, and sent madness so they would destroy themselves.


At this point, I suspect that the leaders of Russia and China literally hate the Americans, certainly their regime. If America wants a war, they will give us one.



  1. Washington’s Farewell Address urged future Americans to avoid foreign entanglements. I think we should return to that.

    I believe White Americans should pull together and reject “multiculturism” and form a racial-national identity. Blacks should be given some good land, but the rest of the country should belong to us and be White-only.

    As for the Jews, they should be expelled. Is Madasgascar still relatively unoccupied?

    • Great comment, and thanks.

      But no, Madagascar had a population explosion and now has 27 million people.

      The Jews can be confined to some arid area, denied all access to hate speech like the Old Testament and the Talmud, with Judaism banned. They can be totally surveilled, disarmed, saltpetered, and docilized by fluoride, female hormones and chemtrails – exactly the things they do to us.

  2. China, Russia, India,are the new super powers. Yet they can be bankrupted by the jew bankers who can undermine their economies via technology or 3rd world countries. Vietnam and Cambodia are undercutting China now. Europe is moving towards electrical power, so no more gas/oil/ coal from Russia in the future. .

    • Yes, but unlike our parliamentary democracies, they have stable regimes that can plan decades ahead.

      I think Russia knows that oil and gas are 19th-century energy sources and that it cannot base its economy on being a petrol/gas station forever.

      When the vile neo-con US senator John McCain called Russia just a gas station, I am sure the Russians understood the insult and became determined that this would not remain the case.

  3. I like Kendra Blewitt’s comments. You described my country before the gimmegrants arrived in the ’60s to give me diversity if I wanted it or not.

  4. Viva Las Vegas:
    Did Trump’s Tweet War With North Korea End In A Bloodbath?

    The Pentagon Worried Trump Was About to Start a Nuclear War With His Tweets Yesterday

    It’s official. President Trump is, objectively speaking, a threat to the safety and security of the United States. And perhaps nothing demonstrated that better than when Trump started a tweetstorm that sent the Pentagon into a panic yesterday. The US military spent nine full minutes wondering if the president was about to start a war with North Korea.

    At precisely 8:55am Eastern time yesterday, Trump sent out a cryptic tweet about consulting with military experts:

    “After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow……”

    — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 26, 2017

    People started to make jokes on Twitter, guessing what Trump would no longer be allowing. But there was real concern in the US military that Trump was about to start a war with a country like North Korea—an action that would have serious consequences for the safety of millions of people around the world. Any military action on the Korean peninsula runs the risk of kicking off a nuclear engagement between the US and North Korea.

    North Korean diplomat says Trump tweet a ‘declaration of war’
    September 25, 2017 – 10:36 am

    UNITED NATIONS — North Korea’s top diplomat said Monday that a weekend tweet by U.S. President Donald Trump was a “declaration of war” and North Korea has the right to retaliate by shooting down U.S. bombers, even in international airspace.

    Trump tweeted Saturday: “Just heard Foreign Minister of North Korea speak at U.N. If he echoes thoughts of Little Rocket Man, they won’t be around much longer!” Trump also used the derisive “Rocket Man” reference to Kim in his speech to the U.N. General Assembly on Sept. 19, but this time he added the word “little.”

    Kim responded with the first-ever direct statement from a North Korean leader against a U.S. president, lobbing a string of insults at Trump.

    “I will surely and definitely tame the mentally deranged U.S. dotard with fire,” he said, choosing the rarely used word “dotard,” which means an old person who is weak-minded.

    “Now that Trump has denied the existence of and insulted me and my country in front of the eyes of the world and made the most ferocious declaration of a war in history that he would destroy the DPRK, we will consider with seriousness exercising of a corresponding, highest level of hardline countermeasure in history,” Kim said.

    Trump to Tillerson: N Korea negotiations a waste of time

    1 October 2017

    “US President Donald Trump has told his secretary of state that he is wasting his time trying to negotiate with North Korea over its nuclear programme.

    “Save your energy Rex, we’ll do what has to be done!” Mr Trump tweeted, after it emerged the US had lines of communication with Pyongyang. On Sunday, he tweeted, in reference to North Korean leader Kim Jong-un: “I told Rex Tillerson, our wonderful Secretary of State, that he is wasting his time trying to negotiate with Little Rocket Man…”

    Las Vegas shooting: What we know
    By CNN Staff

    Updated 1244 GMT (2044 HKT) October 3, 2017

    Eric Paddock told CNN about Stephen: “He was my brother and it’s like an asteroid fell out of the sky.” He said the last time he spoke to his brother was when Stephen texted, asking how their mother was after she lost power when Hurricane Irma hit Florida.

    • Eric Paddock said his brother had never shown violent tendencies, and had no affiliations with any terror or hate group. Paddock says he’s still in the dark on why his brother would do this.

    The Las Vegas shootings relegated Trump’s tweet spat with North Korea to the middle pages. This allowed Kim Jong-un to save face as the newspapers and television stations were preoccupied with the massacre for several weeks after the shootings.

    Had North Korea reacted to Trump’s threats by starting a regional war it would have screwed Washington’s plans to encircle China with a THAAD shield. (1) The geopolitical stakes are so high it’s hard to imagine the US Security and Intelligence apparatus would simply sit-back and hope North Korea wouldn’t carry through with their threats after Trump insulted Kim Jong-un.

    Just three years later the South China Sea is now militarising with US and allied warships encircling China. These geopolitical games are decades in the planning. Trump’s tweets provoking an unstable regime could have put this Pentagon plan to contain China on hold for decades. China would then have become too powerful to take down.

    Every nook and cranny of Las Vegas is covered by CCTV. The casinos place cameras literally in plant pots and lampshades to eavesdrop on gamblers and Casino staff alike. Yet they failed to record Stephen Paddock smuggling dozens of rifles and ammo to his hotel room. They have only ever shown a single CCTV image of him bringing luggage into the hotel as evidence of smuggling in guns and ammo. But provide no other images of further luggage carrying.

    Was the Las Vegas shootings a distraction false flag? We shall never know for certain but the circumstantial evidence suggests it was. Meaning Stephen Paddock was murdered by intelligence operatives as the Pentagon feared North Korea was about to launch nuclear missiles at South Korea and Japan.

    (1). What Is THAAD, What Does It Do, and Why Is China Mad About It?

  5. Now the lefturds and jews have turned my Britain into a 3rd word shit hole . With shitty gimmegrants and their culture forced upon me . So how do I benefit from diversity and multiculturalism? Seriously! What’s in it for me ? = nothing .

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