The last article from a still free Germany in May 1945 on Adolf Hitler

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Obituary for Adolf Hitler (May 2, 1945)


[I wish to thank the committed, fearless and gifted NS comrade Martin Kerr of The New Order for sharing this stirring article, found here,, to which I have added photos and other addenda. — JdN]

About: The freewill death of Adolf Hitler and his wife, Eva, took place at 3:30 pm on April 30, 1945. The following obituary or memorial tribute appeared in the Hamburger Zeitung on May 2the day before the city fell to the Allies. It reflects the somber, respectful attitude of heroic stoicism with which the German population received the news of the Führer’s death. The article appeared in the far-left-hand column.


Farewell to Hitler

By Hermann Okrass

[Okrass was a staunch member  of the NSDAP from the late 1920s to the end. As the gruesome, white-fratricidal war came to its ghastly end, with the smell of cadavers in buried under bombed-out buildings everywhere — as noted by US Navy Lieutenant John F. Kennedy in his European diary — he wrote bravely from the Hamburg Pressehaus, built by us in 1938-39 and still standing today, the ONLY full article in any German newspaper eulogizing AH and not just prudently reporting on his death.  The zombie troops of the All-Lies were even then occupying Germany, city after city. After the war, the heroic Okrass was imprisoned by the Brits and banned for life — “cancelled” — from his journalistic career, passing on to his reward in 1972. — JdN]


He once said: “I wish nothing on my gravestone other than my name.” Even his name will probably not stand over his grave, for we know that he must have perished while fighting bitterly in the Reich Chancellery. We know that the enemy will be able to find a body in the ruins caused by countless artillery shells and countless flame throwers, and that they may say that it is the Führer’s body, but we will not believe it. If the enemy says that, we will not believe it. That his body is dead we believe, what is mortal of him has perished, has passed away, but he has fulfilled his most beautiful oath, this affirmation: “The most valuable thing God has given me on this world is my people. My faith rests on it, I serve it with my will, and I give my life to it.” His life is fulfilled. He began by fighting for his people, and he ended that way. A life of battle.

Now the world will attempt to explain him. Books will be written about him, some praising, others cursing him. People will criticize him, people will pray for him. A great one has left this world, and where a strong, bright light is extinguished, creatures suddenly appear in the twilight that had hidden from the bright light. That is all foreign to us, far from our way of thinking. For this we affirm: We swore an oath to this man and his teachings, we pledged ourselves to him during our people’s dark days, we rose with him to the heights to which he led our people in the brief, beautiful years of peace, and like all good Germans, we stood by him in battle. The world should not appear small and shabby to us because the victors can rejoice. We can confidently leave his judgment to world history. We today cannot decide it.

But will posterity be able to understand him fully? It is hard for contemporaries to pass judgment about someone of their own era, particularly if it is one as unique as Adolf Hitler. Posterity sees the great from a distance, reads his words, reads our words, but it cannot understand the world of our day in all of is breadth. One can only hope that they believe the great words of the great man. “One could give me whole parts of the earth, but I would rather remain the poorest citizen of this state. — I am not so crazy as to want war. — I was a worker in my youth, and have remained one in my inmost being. — We are not fighting for theories, or for dogmas. It make no difference whether or not we live. The only thing that is important is that our people lives!”

How will these words sound to posterity? Will they be able to understand why a whole people, in the midst of its deepest poverty, affirmed this man? We may only hope so, for we know that world history will then truly understand this man, his teachings, and our age. We see that more clearly today than ever before, we see it proven by the immeasurably hard battle that our people has withstood so bravely, we see it in the silent unspoken loyalty of the poorest sons of our people that Adolf Hitler gathered as a lens that focuses all light on a single point; the most beautiful virtues, the most fervent desires, the noblest longings, the beautiful will of our people, the longing for the Reich, the drive for social justice, the will for freedom, for clear leadership, our people saw that all united in Adolf Hitler and his idea.

That little minds darkened the image of his clear will, that traitors and bad counselors deserted and betrayed him, that finally he was overcome by a great superiority of steel and money, that cannot change the image of him that is in the deepest heart of our people. The present hour may perhaps dim that image, the enormous sacrifices, the sorrow and misery, may distort it, but when one day the senses clear, when thoughts are once again free, he will appear once more even to the last people’s comrade as he did in days in which the whole nation joyfully affirmed him.

The man is dead. He fell fighting. He remained loyal to himself. He wanted the best for his people, which is why it loved him so much. We know that he will continue to live in our land not as a war hero in the form of a metal statue, but rather as a child of the people whose pure will the people understood, and whose most beautiful words will remain a memorial for us, his words that in a people’s deepest need, one must love his people more than himself.

  卐 卐 卐




JdN: Btw, this

issue also ran this:

Dort lesen wir (“Stockholm, 2. Mai”), auch Sven Hedin, der berühmte schwedische Asien-Forscher, habe sich zu Hitlers Tod geäußert und dabei Worte gefunden, die “einem deutschen Herzen wohltun können”: “Ich bewahre ein tiefes und unvergängliches Gedenken an Adolf Hitler und betrachte ihn als einen der größten Männer der Weltgeschichte. Nun ist er tot, aber sein Werk wird leben.”

Die Erinnerung an den “großen Führer” werde, so schließt Hedin seine Beileidsbekundung, “im deutschen Volk noch nach Jahrtausenden befestigt sein”.



There we read (“Stockholm, May 2”) that Sven Hedin, the famous Swedish Asia researcher [],

also commented on Hitler’s death and found words that “can do a German heart good”:

“I keep in me a deep and immortal memory of Adolf Hitler and consider him one of the greatest men in world history. He is dead now, but his work will live.”

Hedin concludes his condolences by saying that the memory of the “great leader” will “still be ingrained in the German people thousands of years from now.”



…..My pledge to you

I already knew in 1990, but it became proven to me in that year, that the Big Jews will never allow us to peacefully come to power by honest and fair elections.  Even the half-sellout Donald Trump was robbed of his election victory in 2020, despite winning understandably in a landslide against a stupid and senile rapist who had barely campaigned.

***  Tennessee — a victory stolen

In June-August 1990, using the campaign name “Jack Nugent,” I ran in the Republican primary for Congress in the Sixth District of Tennessee, south and east of Nashville, on a pro-white platform. I achieved 26.7 percent of the vote, albeit I very strongly suspect that massive electronic vote fraud denied me and us an outright victory on primary day, August 10, 1990.

See 9:58 to 19:02

He received extensive local publicity and references to his race were made by Time and the op-ed page of the New York Times.


WMZ-TV, Nashville, the then largest TV station in Tennessee, seen also in Alabama and Kentucky, broadcast stories constantly about the race. Here anchor Jeff McAtee.


De Nugent wrote in 2013 to a Texas friend named Ray:

When I ran for Congress in 1990, in Tennessee, I was a “damn yankee” (northerner) and from microscopic Rhode Island! I had barely set foot in that southern state and yet wanted to be their congressman.

Rhode Island (“RI”) in the upper-right of this map is a tiny state, 35 miles east-to-west and 60 miles north-to-south, no bigger than a county in Tennessee.

It is a true Southern tobacco and cotton state that was home to President and war hero Andrew Jackson, to Confederate cavalry hero Nathan Bedford Forrest, to Memphis barbecue and to Elvis Presley. It was a segregated southern state, and Martin Luther King was assassinated here in 1968.


Statue of Nathan Bedford Forest, a brilliant and fierce Confederate cavalry general, in Memphis, Tennessee, with myself and Margi in November 2008


BUT in Tennessee just 50 signatures were enough to put me on the ballot, and the district was then 92% white, and, most of all, Southerners have been overtly racial in their identity since the six-state Confederacy broke away from the US in 1861.

In 1990, however, it was exactly like a Protestant Orangeman from Northern Ireland waving a Union Jack flag and wanting to become the prime minister of Catholic (southern) Ireland. He would be seen as an invader and traitor! And with me not even being a former Klansman and thus at least a southerner but instead a “Nazi” and thus a kind of “Germanized American,” for them I was a quasi-foreigner as well as a “damn-yankee”! ;-)

And yet off I drove from New Orleans, alone, alone, alone, in a decrepit, unreliable 1980 Oldsmobile diesel car, and drove up from Louisiana (where I had learned all I could about pro-white candidacy from David Duke), I arrived in Nashville, got the papers to file for US Congress, and then went to the supermarket near my motel in Murfreesboro to get 50 signatures in the boiling summer sun of Tennessee, all alone.


Tennessee Map


Why all alone? Why? There was NO “movement” at all in Tennessee, no Klan, no National Alliance, no Nazis, nobody. Zero activism.

And yet I ended up as I did, either winning the Republican primary (we cannot know due to the vote fraud), or I came very close, in a state I was NOT FROM, a damn yankee northerner in a southern state, with the wrong accent, and no local support. What does a nerd like [a critic of mine, and a mathematician] know about running for office, the money needed, the organization, the willingness to be ridiculed, defamed and threatened with beatings and death?


The only way we can save the West is by sacrificing ourselves.

We need a religion that is authentic, credible and 100% Aryan to overcome the unjustified yet omnipresent fear of death.

This is my dharma in this incarnation.

It is a reincarnation religion. You cannot die.

And you will be rewarded or punished by your own deeds or lack of them in the interlife and then in your next life.

Face  it — We will either die as warriors or we  will die as slaves, as miserable cowards full of self-loathing, hating ourselves for having done nothing when there was still time to begin the resistance.

The red flag laws the enemy is now trying to ram through Congress mean your guns can be seized by the police solely because they feel like it. You can have no police record whatsoever but post something online against the regime that enables them to take your guns as a “hothead.” Call it “pre-crime” — as in the film “Minority Report.” You could commit a crime.


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Note on composing comments under my articles:
I am tired of editing mis-spelled words and uncapitalized names and proper nouns (the names of persons, cities, rivers and countries). I do know they no longer even teach cursive. The way people type today is literally how Deep South negroes and the mentally retarded spelled fifty years ago. 😉
Whites are a detail race, a race of careful craftsmen.
1. If you recommend a book, then send a link.
2. If in your mind you are „too busy“ to check your comment for flaws before hitting the „send“/“publish“ button, then please abstain. I cannot keep on editing your sloppy typing; I cannot approve comments that were dashed off by someone on a caffeine buzz who needed urgently to go wee-wee. 😉 That sloppiness and lack of diligence I see in so-called Millennials actually is a kind of subtle disrespect both for you yourself and for all my readers. Be Aryan: strong and conscientious!


$3,450 toward $4,000 bimonthly donations goal to keep this website — and my mission — going


  1. I disagree with the Big Jew / Little Jew distinction implicit in your article above.

    Duhring wrote in 1881 that Jewish identity is stronger by far than any other sense of identity, and that every Jew has this identity.

    This sense of identity, according to Duhring, is bound up with their (Jewish) God concept and is the belief that everyone is a servant and that they (Jews) are the foremost servants who have the divine right to rule all the other servants (mankind).

      • Team up with the Good Jews?

        “The Jews are … an internal Carthage whose power the modern peoples must break in order not to suffer, themselves, a destruction of their moral and material foundations.” — Duhring.

        Duhring thought we are dealing with a racial mind.

        I agree. Therefore we should distance them, not team with them.

        • Let me be perfectly explicit. I never, EVER said the phrase “Good Jews.” That is your phrase. There is no such thing as a good jew, or a good pedophile, or a good mafia don!

          I am not now, nor have I ever at any time over the last 44 years, advocated any alliance with jews — not with any jews of any shade.

          Individual jews who become ex-jews by attacking their ex-countrymen and the goals and teachings of jewry, and who break all ties with jewry and judaism are allowed as individuals to HELP US.

  2. The term “ex-Jew” describes it quite clearly, JdN once wrote that some Jews leave Jewish communities because they have no relation to this system of thought. Some of them may then remain as pro-forma Jews, just as there are also countless remaining pro-forma Catholics who, however, no longer have any substantive reference to the Satanic-controlled Catholic Church and its astrological dick cult (Osiris/Seth): millions of Americans are basically good people, even if they are still pro-forma Catholics.

    There are indeed prevailing tendencies as well as sham-critical Jewish disinfo agents, also, as JdN noted, many Jews use the Jewish network to profit professionally. And of course, countless of them tune into the history lies to profit financially. And of course for non-authentic criticism of the system applies what once an American author formulated as follows: “If they don’t name the Jew, their message isn’t true”.

    Regarding the little Jews: countless Jews were also slaughtered by Allied bombers. Only some of the Jews were in concentration camps. The other little Jews continued to live among non-Jews and were also exterminated by the Allied bombings, in satanic human sacrifice rituals, because nothing else were the human extermination bombings of the Americans and the British. Of course, these Jews annihilated by Allied bombers were then imputed to us Germans. For the big Jews the little Jews don’t count either and there are enough examples of committed anti-NWO Jews who were “eliminated”.

    With all respect: The white peoples stand at the abyss because of white treason! It could never have come this far without White traitors at every conceivable level. This does not relativize the Jewish influence, but without the white executing accomplices all this would never have been possible. In the retrospect it will be evaluated therefore unambiguously as extermination war of white traitors against the white peoples, because who executed and always executes the orders of the background powers (Jewish high finance and high nobility) for the extermination of the white peoples, on all levels?

    It is meaningful and through and through good that the strategies of the NWO power Jews were and are made public, that there are among other things innumerable caricatures which show at a glance which strategies are used by NWO Jews, among them the ingenious Stürmer caricatures of Fips [1] and of A. Wyatt Man,[2] which have made so many facts understandable and tangible at a glance. The physical system is a learning system, a world stage in which there are players and opponents.

    On the formative, life-preparing Jewish “treatment”: Genital mutilation on babies, Metzitzah B’peh,[3] pedosexuality, inbreeding, glorification of shechita torture, etc…: These are all classic Jewish brutalization methods to generate aggression potentials and despair, to prepare a fertile ground for ideology absorption, to break the psyche, because under normal circumstances no human being would mentally accept the madness from Torah and Talmud (parasitic business models etc.) (ditto regarding Islam etc.), as it is completely against the inherent natural cooperative drives of humans and animals.

    The despair energies caused by these early childhood crimes are then specifically directed against the ideological enemy, in religious schools, by means of history lies, lying press, etc. Of course, by no means all Jews become bad people as a result, but the rate of psychopaths is significantly increased; consider also how propaganda incited the Anglosaxons and Russians against the German peoples, which happened as a result. Ernst Zündel once said in the David Cole conversation,[4] that the Germans, right after the Jewish groups, belong to the most brainwashed peoples, and this must never be forgotten, the Jews are also thoroughly influenced by the lying press.

    At the risk of repetition: The Jewish crimes are not to be relativized in the least, there are prevailing group-strategic tendencies, the much-invoked Jewish homogeneity, however, is not given, even if the power Jews spread this impression incessantly, one must also never forget that the really critically thinking Jews or pro-forma Jews are also finished off by “pressure groups” as well as by “Economic Disciplining”, as Harold A. Covington called it, i.e. the systematic destruction of the economic basis of existence. They, too, are brought into line and many Jews, too, remain silent for fear of the Jews in power.

    There are simply too many examples of truly critical pro-forma Jews who brought about good for the world, who contributed and continue to contribute to making the world a better place, including those who exposed crimes and who wish to see abuses eliminated, to see cooperative coexistence. This is not to idealize ideological Judaism (which is obsolete), enemies of man must be named as such, the “religious” Jewish fundamental works demonstrably provide the foundations, templates and plans of power politics, also the world famous documentary film[5] proved how disproportionately Jews were represented in the Weimar Republic, and of course the Jewish banksters expropriated the small Germans then as now for their meager possessions, but always only with the help of the white traitors at the executive level.

    The much-vaunted Jewish homogeneity is nevertheless an illusion deliberately propagated by the Jews in power, who desire nothing more than to create the impression that their policy of extermination of human beings is advocated and supported by all Jews, who always wish that eternal irreconcilable hatred prevail, so that cooperation between gentiles and (pro-forma) Jews can never arise, whereby the rule of Jewry in power would collapse.



    Is this really “A. Wyatt Mann”? :


    [4] “David Cole Ernst Zundel interview Classic ENG”,

    [5] “The Eternal Jew (1940) (Eng Dubbed) – Third Reich Movies”, excellent dubbing in American English:


    In German: Über die frühkindliche “Behandlung” von Juden und jüdische (Nicht)Homogenität

    Der Begriff “Ex-Jude” beschreibt es ziemlich klar, JdN schrieb sinngemäß einmal, daß einige Juden jüdische Gemeinden verlassen weil sie inhaltlich keinerlei Bezug zu diesem Denksystem aufweisen. Manche von ihnen mögen dann als pro-Forma-Juden verbleiben, so wie es auch unzählige verbleibende pro-Forma-Katholiken gibt, die jedoch keinerlei inhaltlichen Bezug mehr zur satanisch-gesteuerten katholischen Kirche und deren astrologischem Pimmel-Kult haben (Osiris/Seth): Millionen von Amerikanern sind grundsätzlich gute Menschen, auch wenn sie pro-forma noch Katholiken sind.

    Es gibt in der Tat vorherrschende Tendenzen sowie scheinkritische jüdische Desinfoagenten, auch nutzen, wie JdN es anmerkte, viele Juden das jüdische Netzwerk, um beruflich zu profitieren. Und selbstverständlich stimmen unzählige von ihnen in die Geschichtslügen ein, um finanziell zu profitieren. Und natürlich gilt für nicht-authentische Systemkritik das, was mal ein amerikanischer Autor wie folgt formulierte: “If they don’t name the Jew, their message isn’t true”.

    Zu den kleinen Juden: auch unzählige Juden wurden durch alliierte Bomber abgeschlachtet. Nur ein Teil der Juden war in Konzentrationslagern. Die anderen kleinen Juden lebten weiterhin unter Nichtjuden und wurden ebenfalls durch die Alliierten-Bombardements menschenvernichtet, in satanischen Menschenopferitualen, denn nichts anderes waren die Menschenvernichtungsbombardements der Amerikaner und der Briten. Natürlich wurden diese durch alliierte Bomber vernichteten Juden dann uns Deutschen angedichtet. Für die großen Juden zählen die kleinen Juden ebenfalls nicht und es gibt genug Beispiele von engagierten Anti-NWO-Juden, die “beseitigt” wurden.

    Bei allem Respekt: Die weißen Völker stehen am Abgrund wegen weißem Hochverrat! Nie hätte es so weit kommen können ohne die weißen Verräter auf allen nur denkbaren Ebenen. Dies relativiert nicht den jüdischen Einfluß, aber ohne die weißen ausführenden Komplizen wäre all das niemals möglich gewesen. Im Rückblick wird es daher eineindeutig als Vernichtungskrieg weißer Verräter gegen die weißen Völker gewertet werden, denn wer führte und führt stets die Befehle der Hintergrundmächte (jüdische Hochfinanz und Hochadel) zur Vernichtung der weißen Völker aus, auf allen Ebenen?

    Es ist sinnvoll und durch und durch gut, daß die Stategien der NWO-Machtjuden öffentlich gemacht wurden und werden, daß es u.a. unzählige Karikaturen gibt, die auf einen Blick aufzeigen, welche Strategien durch NWO-Juden angewandt werden, darunter die genialen Stürmer-Karikaturen von Fips [1] und von A. Wyatt Man,[2], die so viele Sachverhalte auf einen Blick verständlich und greifbar gemacht haben. Das physische System ist ein Lernsystem, eine Weltenbühne, in dem es Spieler und Gegenspieler gibt.

    Zur prägenden, auf das Leben vorbereitetenden jüdischen “Behandlung”: Genitalverstümmelung an Babys, Metzitzah B’peh,[3] Pädosexualität, Inzucht, Verherrlichung von Schächtfolter etc.: Das sind alles klassische jüdische Brutalisierungsmethoden, um Aggressionspotentiale und Verzweiflung zu generieren, um einen fruchtbaren Boden zur Ideologie-Aufnahme vorzubereiten, um die Psyche zu brechen, denn unter normalen Umständen würde kein Mensch den Wahnsinn aus Thora und Talmud (parasitäre Geschäftsmodelle etc.) geistig annehmen (dito bezüglich Islam usw.), da er vollkommen wider die inhärenten natürlichen Kooperations-Antriebe der Menschen und Tiere gerichtet ist.

    Die durch diese frühkindlichen Verbrechen verursachten Verzweiflungsenergien werden dann gezielt gegen den ideologischen Feind gerichtet, in religiösen Schulen, mittels Geschichtslügen, Lügenpresse usw. Natürlich werden keineswegs alle Juden dadurch zu schlechten Menschen, aber die Rate an Psychopathen wird deutlich erhöht; man bedenke auch, wie Propaganda die Anglosaxen und Russen gegen die deutschen Völker aufhetzte, was dadurch geschah. Ernst Zündel sagte mal im David-Cole-Gespräch,[4] daß die Deutschen, gleich nach den jüdischen Gruppen, zu den am meisten gehirngewaschensten Völkern gehören, und das darf man niemals vergessen, auch die Juden sind durch und durch Lügenpresse-geprägt.

    Auf die Gefahr der Wiederholung hin: Die jüdischen Verbrechen sollen nicht im geringsten relativiert werden, es gibt vorherrschende gruppen-strategische Tendenzen, die vielbeschworene jüdische Homogenität ist jedoch nicht gegeben, auch wenn die Machtjuden diesen Eindruck unentwegt verbreiten, man darf auch nie vergessen, daß die wirklich kritisch denkenden Juden bzw. pro-forma Juden ebenfalls fertiggemacht werden durch “pressure groups” sowie durch “Economic Disciplining”, wie es Harold A. Covington benannte, also dem systematischen Zerstören der wirtschaftlichen Existenzgrundlage. Auch sie werden auf Linie gebracht und auch viele Juden schweigen, aus Angst vor den Machtjuden.

    Es gibt einfach zu viele Beispiele an wirklich kritischen pro-forma Juden die Gutes für die Welt bewirkten, die dazu beitrugen und beitragen, daß die Welt eine bessere wird, auch solche, die Verbrechen offenlegten und die sich wünschen, daß Mißstände beseitigt werden, daß es ein kooperatives Miteinander gibt. Dies soll nicht auf eine Idealisierung des ideologischen Judentums hinauslaufen (das obsolet ist), Menschenfeinde müssen als solche benannt werden, die “religiösen” jüdischen Grundlagenwerke liefern nachweislich die Grundlagen, Vorlagen und Pläne der Machtpolitik, auch der weltberühmte Dokumentarfilm[5] wies nach, wie überproportional Juden in der Weimarer Republik vertreten waren, und natürlich enteigneten die jüdischen Bankster die kleinen Deutschen damals wie heute um ihren spärlichen Besitz, aber immer nur mithilfe der weißen Verräter auf Exekutivebene.

    Die vielbeschworene jüdische Homogenität ist dennoch eine Illusion die bewußt von den Machtjuden propagiert wird, die sich nichts sehnlicher wünschen als den Eindruck zu erwecken, daß ihre Menschenvernichtungspolitik von allen Juden befürwortet und getragen wird, die sich stets wünscht, daß ewiger unversöhnlichen Haß vorherrscht, damit niemals eine Kooperation zwischen Nichtjuden und (pro-forma)Juden entstehen kann wodurch die Herrschaft des Machtjudentums in sich zusammenstürzen würde.



    Ist dies wirklich “A. Wyatt Mann”? :


    [4] “David Cole Ernst Zundel interview Classic ENG”,

    [5] “The Eternal Jew (1940) (Eng Dubbed) – Third Reich Movies”, ausgezeichnete Synchronisation in amerikanischem Englisch:

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