Only 9% of American young people 17-24 would consider joining the US military and only 23% of this cohort would qualify, with others ineligible due to obesity, drugs or felonies. And for many conservative young people, DOD is too woke, too LGBTQ and too trans:
If Brandon thinks his military scares Putin and Xi, they are sadly mistaken.
America has come a long way under the jews since it was a he-man country.
A boxing match among the sailors aboard the USS New York in 1899; look closely at those rugged and mostly handsome faces 123 years ago
How many Americans look like that NOW????? Our basic European stock is not adequately reproducing. Some kook named “Teddy Roosevelt” wrote a master’s thesis at some out-of-the-way school called “Harvard University” on the need for educated European-Americans to have LARGE families, and back then he was not even “cancelled” over it; in fact, they put this guy on Mount Rushmore:
All four were explicit white supremacists:
Elvis Presley, who was blond without his hair dye, and his parents in 1937
Elvis as a young adult before his showbiz agent got him to dye his hair black:
Margi in the third grade, one of the 75 million white Baby Boomers. When we die out, the white population will drop to 20% and it will be an 80% brown, yellow and black country. So we MUST come to power BEFORE the 75 mio Baby Boomers are gone.
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