The lovely Israeli supreme court building

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The Supreme Court building in Jerusalem was built in 1992, with funding that had been offered by the Yad Hanadiv foundation. Many members of the Rothschild family, which owns Yad Hanadiv, were proud members of the Freemasons.

An eyeball atop a pyramid — now where have we see that before? 😉




Pentagon, founded on September 11, 1941




British (LOL) domestic intelligence agency MI-5

“British” foreign inteligence agency MI-6 in a totally Babylonian architectural style 


….but not forgetting to have pyramids too on the homepage, even though it is by using a special camera angle 😉





  1. Yes – and remember that one of Trump’s first actions as President was to authorize the move of the U.S. Embassy in Israhell from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Jerusalem is the intended world capital of the Jew World Order, and Trump and Putin are willing tools of the Jews to help them accomplish their evil goals.

    • No, comrade, UNWILLING tools.

      You write many good and true things, but are quick to judge and condemn. Walk a mile in the other man’s moccasins.

      The Jews already came close to assassinating Andrew Jackson back on Nov 16, 1835, for God’s sake, because he was closing the Rothschild-controlled Bank of the United States.

      They killed Lincoln, Garfield and McKinley, then the Austrian successor to the throne, then Tsar Nicolas and his entire beautiful family, then poisoned President Harding. Then they killed antisemites John Kennedy, a popular, rich and handsome President, his brother Robert Kennedy, US Senator and presidential candidate, and JFK Junior, Manhattan Assistant DA and investigative publisher, plus they were after Edward Kennedy, US Senator, who nearly died in a 1964 plane crash where his back was broken and the pilot died.

      Back when David Duke and I were still on good speaking terms, and I and Margi stayed for almost a week in 2007 at his skiing apartment in Zell am See, Austria, he told me:

      “Once the Jews decide you are a real threat, they will hit you, and it is like four avalanches hitting you from all four sides at once.”

      And there you sit, all safe at your keyboard — and defame everyone out there in the real world of poisoners and assassins, and with a psychopathic tribe of Habiru with 3,000 years of experience breathing down their necks, as a “willing puppet.”

      No, they are just mortal men, unenlightened, half-driven by ideals and half by ego, and trying to do some good within the confines of jewish near-omnipotence, near-omniscience and near-omnipresence.

      I suppose after they kill me, you will dump on me too as a willing puppet. 😉

      Judge not, lest ye be judged.

    • Quibble — Trump did not move any physical embassy, just plaques. The US Embassy was in Tel Aviv, and it took down and sent its “EMBASSY” gold sign over to the US Consulate in Jerusalem, which tacked it up, after taking down its “US Consulate” sign in Jew-ruse-alem, and sending THAT over to the US boot-licking facility in Tel Aviv.

      Just a simple plaque switcheroo. Fact 🙂

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