THE MARK OF THE BEAST! Homo erectus prevents white Frenchwoman, unvaxxed, from BUYING FOOD in her own country! Aussies shot in stomach for protesting lockdown!

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Incredible — we are there now. Blacks prevent unvaxxed white Frenchwoman from entering store to BUY FOOD!!!!!!!

Every huge grocery chain in France is owned by JEWS! And even the wicked Macron did not dare to order this! She cries: “Let me enter. I need food. Are you crazy!?!?”

THIS is what happens when a people has no guns! A burly negro shoves away a white woman trying to buy food for her family!

Btw, a French comrade sent me a correction – the woman speaks Arabic. I replied:

Thanks. If this woman, who looks very white, is not native French, she may be a Berber. These are, as you know, immigrants living in France from a formerly all-white tribe in North Africa, called by themselves the Amazigh, and by us westerners the Berbers. This people was forcibly arabized 1300 years ago, both linguistically and racially, during the muslim conquest.

Some few, about ten percent, still look completely white.



Beautiful France, you will cry and cry and cry — until you accept you were wrong to fight a Germany that was saving you from the jews! 

And thousands of French DID fight for the Axis!

“You too! Your comrades await you in the French division of the Waffen-SS!”

French girl cries after muslims slit the throats of 130 French young people, all white, at the Bataclan nightclub in Paris. The freemasonic-led French police waited patiently outside until the muslims were done.

epa05057899 YEARENDER 2015 NOVEMBER A pedestrian with an umbrella pauses in front of the memorial of candles and flowers for the victims of the 13 November Paris attacks, on Place de la Republique in Paris, France, 24 November 2015. 130 people were killed and hundreds injured in the terror attacks which targeted the Bataclan concert hall, the Stade de France national sports stadium, and several restaurants and bars in the French capital on 13 November 2015. EPA/IAN LANGSDON +++(c) dpa – Bildfunk+++



….in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

I was one of the ones shot with pepper pellets in Melbourne and then with a rubber ball bullet from less than three metres away.
I am a peaceful person and human rights activist who has been speaking up about the dangers of lockdowns for our children and businesses and I always attend the rallies to ensure that everyone is calm and peaceful.
I put myself in the firing line when I saw the guns drawn as there were children and elderly people in the crowd and I did not think for a second that our police would open fire on unarmed civilians.
I was shot three times with pepper bullets and then hit with the LARGE rubber bullet which is made to disperse crowds from 50 metres away (I was within 3 metres)
I now have a 2cm x 4.8cm internal tear in my abdomen and internal bleeding. The emergency ward doctor said that if it had hit my chest or other parts of my stomach I would have died and if a child had been hit they would have died too.
This should never ever happen again.

……Guess why doctors shut up?

Same reason this police commissioner for the State of Victoria, Australia shuts up. MONEY — massive amounts of MONEY.

Now read THIS!
Now read this ludicrous “debunking” by some jew-financed fact checkers: nothing but weasel words that prove nothing!


    • Not beheadings, “just” throat slitting.

      Well, in general Wiki lies for its Jew master, Jimny Wales.

      That Bataclan & stadium attack was the biggest Muslim terror attack in years, and the Jews worried it would lead to a white uprising.

      There are rumors of eyes being gouged out, too.

  1. Even though it is almost unwatchable due to the disgusting drivel of the guest, watch this video today knowing it was published on march 12, 2020.

    In this, Balaji Srinivasan says, on a day that there were under 100 supposed deaths, this guy knew that CV would be a “9/11.”

    If you have the stomach you will get to the part where he boasts that he thinks how important it will be that “red state” guards are over blue state quarantine camps and “blue state” guards will be over red state camps.

    Sound familiar? Someone who does not identify with your background will blindly follow orders that lead to your death. Like the French woman here.

    He also makes sure to add that he is disgusted by your shoes at the airport.

  2. Reference:
    Your writing “Aussies shot in stomach for protesting lockdown!”

    Yes. This is what is happening in my country.

    I think the most sheepish country in the world.

    Military veterans, you think they would know not to trust the government and mainstream media. But no. They seem to abide by them here.

    Good people. My people, and they go along with this COVID shit.

    Those COVID “cases” who got into this state by devilish means “They all should be lined up and shot”

    The “government” (NWO) is doing the lockdowns, but they blame the victims with religious fervor.

    You are right on.

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