The modern world will not be punished; it IS the punishment

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Something to think about…. Novelist Aldous Huxley once opined “earth is the hell of another planet.”

Jim Gaul
Jim Gaul The insane asylum?
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John de Nugent
John de Nugent Actually, on a planet like this you can evolve spiritually 30 times faster than in a perfect world, where there would be no challenges, temptations, dangers or Hillary. 😉
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Peter Sabatini
Peter Sabatini Adversity tempers steel.
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John de Nugent
John de Nugent And heavy weights build muscle.

John de Nugent

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John de Nugent
John de Nugent Horrific things can make us appreciate beautiful things and a lousy song a wonderful one… Nobility and courage stand out in a world of cowards.
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John de Nugent
John de Nugent How many abused kids grow up to be kind parents?
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John de Nugent
John de Nugent And how many kids of alcoholics never touch a drop?
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Jason Pickls replied · 5 Replies
John de Nugent
John de Nugent Donald Trump lost his oldest brother at age 43 to booze and has never touched a drop.
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John de Nugent
John de Nugent The late Frederick Trump, Jr, standing


John de Nugent

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Jim Gaul
Jim Gaul Survivor or thriver.
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Randy Stipp
Randy Stipp it is beautiful here in spite of modernity though
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Jayson Butler
Jayson Butler This world has been hijacked as the last refuge of Satan and his fallen ones. The White Adamic Race was sent here to defeat Satan and his children the Jews as a test and spiritual proving ground.

Renate Loewenzahn
Renate LoewenzahnWhat does not kill us, makes us stronger!

… and support Virtus


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