The Most Effective Way To Destroy Your Husband, Ruin Your Marriage, And Encourage Infidelity

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The only thing missing from this piece is the fact that all this stuff below comes from the absolutely deliberate destruction of the white family and the white male by the jews who run our culture.  I well remember tv shows in the early 1960s where intact white families were shown and strong men, husbands and fathers who got and deserved the respect of their spouse and kids. 

By  Matt Walsh

There is more than one way to cheat on your spouse — or, I should say, cheat your spouse. And it seems that many husbands are being cheated by their wives in a way that is no less damaging and no more justified than being cheated on. This form of “cheating” is all the more common because our culture tells women that men aren’t owed anything in the first place. You can’t cheat them out of something you were never supposed to give them, after all.

But a husband is owed something, and his wife is obliged to provide it. He is not only owed it; he needs it.

That is: respect.

A wife who belittles her husband, cuts him down, nitpicks him relentlessly, holds her affection — both physical and emotional — as a ransom, nags him endlessly, criticizes him constantly, humiliates him in public and to her friends and in front of the children, and will not allow him to take a leadership position in the home, cannot be terribly surprised when he begins to withdraw. And if he cheats — which would be a great and indefensible evil, no matter how cold and domineering his wife may be — it cannot be said that he was the first. She cheated him; she lied to him, by promising to respect him and treat him like a man, only to turn around and treat him like a child.

Men have a deep desire for respect. It is truly a catastrophe that we are not raising our girls to understand and appreciate this fact. Instead they learn, often from their own mothers, from the media, from television, advertisements, academia, and so on, that men are worthless oafs who should be handled accordingly until they prove themselves worthy of better treatment. “My husband will be respected if he earns it,” the wife declares. “Let him do the chores I assign to him, let him accomplish everything I require, let him dance to my tune, and then perhaps I’ll reward him like a circus animal with little pellets of respect.”

This is not the right approach.

A husband does not need to earn his wife’s respect any more than a wife needs to earn her husband’s love. A wife ought to respect her husband because he is her husband, just as he ought to love and honor her because she is his wife. Your husband might “deserve” it when you mock him, berate him, belittle him, and nag him, but you don’t marry someone in order to give them what they deserve. In marriage, you give them what you’ve promised.

This doesn’t mean that a man has a license to be lazy, abusive, or uncaring. Precisely the opposite. He is challenged to live up to the respect his wife has for him. But if his wife parcels out her respect on a reward system, the husband will feel demoralized and empty. He will not feel at home in his home. He will not have the sense of masculine purpose and fulfillment that his family life ought to afford him. After a while, he will dread coming home at night, preferring to remain at work where his contributions are appreciated and his talents are admired. Now the marriage has entered a very dangerous place. If a man feels more like a man when he’s away from his wife than when he’s with her, disaster is right around the corner. The marriage is already half-dead. It won’t take much to finish it off.

We all seem to understand that love is supposed to be unconditional, but we struggle to see how respect must be the same. I wonder: how would we respond to a husband who says he is not going to love his wife because she hasn’t earned it? What would we say about a man who chooses to act unlovingly toward his wife because she isn’t doing a good job of keeping the house together, or she doesn’t have dinner ready when he comes home, or she isn’t properly satisfying him in other ways, or she isn’t doing all the things he demands on the timetable that he prefers? Even if it were true that the wife is slacking in her responsibilities, we would consider the man to be a monster for holding that over her head or using it as an excuse to degrade and demean her.

So, why do we accept this approach from women? Why is it considered appropriate for a woman to order her husband around, but not the reverse? Why is it normal in our culture for a woman to assign a list of chores to her husband (the “Honey Do List,” we call it), yet we would think a man tyrannical and possibly abusive if he gave his wife her own list of mandatory assignments for the day? “Headed to work, honey. Your chore list is on the fridge.” Why do we think nothing of women who sit around complaining to each other about their husbands, even when those very same women would be devastated if their husbands did the same? Why is it acceptable for a woman to kick a man out of his own bed and banish him to the living room like a scolded puppy, while it would be seen as entirely unacceptable for a man to pull the same stunt with his wife? Imagine a wife saying to her girlfriends, “I’m really in the doghouse, girls. My husband made me sleep on the couch last night.” Her friends would probably tell her to call the police and file for divorce.

I am blessed to have married a woman who operates differently. She respects me without condition, even when I have not earned it. She builds me up and in the process helps me to become more deserving of the respect she has already granted me. GK Chesterton said the great lesson of ‘Beauty and the Beast’ is that a thing must be loved before it is lovable. I would add only that a man must also be respected before he is respectable. I have grown as a man, a husband, and a father, because my wife treated me as a leader in the home long before I had any idea what it meant to lead or how to do it.

Sadly, the average man in America is not always given this advantage. He enters marriage and finds himself immediately in a hole. He must prove his worth if he wants to be treated like he has any. His wife paints a line on the floor and expects him to walk it perfectly. But he will inevitably stumble, as all men (and women) do, and his wife will chastise him and use his mistake as blackmail against him.

A man in this situation is called nonetheless to endure, to fight for his family, and never to be unfaithful to his wife or leave her. But if he does wander, it should be noted that he is not the only traitor in the marriage. She betrayed him. She promised him a wife and instead gave him a stepmother. The two have now betrayed each other, each in their own way.

There are two sides to every story, as they say. I think this is the side that is not often told.



…..It all began in the 1960s

I remember during the mid-Sixties so many outrageous things were going on (major assassinations, the ludicrous Warren Commission report, serious race riots in many major cities, civil rights, drugs-sex-rock’n’roll — this was when people started “shacking up,” and not getting married, and divorce took off, resulting in a generation with no dad around.

There was the public burning of the American flag by leftists, long hippie-length hair on men, open immigration under a new federal law in 1965…

And then came forced busing for desegregation. Black and white kids were ordered by federal judges to be bused way across town, a 45-minute ride, to each other’s schools, and the races did NOT get along. Old white neighborhoods went black within a month, with the Whites fleeing to the suburbs…..

Protesters were literally spitting on veterans coming back from Nam. There were no parades to welcome our guys home, no thanks, no nothing. I still seethe about that, and about a hippie/Yippie parade in Washington DC, chanting “Ho-Ho-Ho Chi Minh, Vietcong are gonna win!” — which was open treason, and rooting for the communist Enemy who was beheading villagers and torturing our POWs. ….

BUT the economy was really fantastic (between President John Kennedy’s huge tax cut and then all the massive Vietnam spending) ….and so people just put up with it all. But that decade was in fact just as disastrous as we patriotic conservatives sensed that it was. Those 1960s were the terrible turning point when America really started going downhill. But the money was good, and so there was no uprising.




  1. Most modern white women are not worth wasting your time on.
    Their are decent women out there but their a minority in this day an age.
    I went out the other day and i saw 4 young white women with african boyfriends in about 20 minutes.
    We should have never given our women equal rights, thank to Jewish feminism liberalism, media, advertising,fashion industry, music industry, etc.
    Women want to be liberated from their men and date a black man or be degenerate lesbians.
    I must live in lesbian central of my city because i see about 6 of them within half an hour when i go out.
    I’m single at the moment and i’m quite happy that way instead of trying to find a girlfriend in a Marxist city thats full of degenerate white women.
    When it comes to white women and men i meet far more white women that are fake or degenerates then men.
    I’m glad i never had children and i couldn’t imagine how hard it would be to raise a daughter in this day and age.
    Plus it’s nearly always the mothers who encourages their daughters to be degenerates and dress and act like whores.

    • I understand how you feel.
      I met a nice gal, about 50, who really took a shine to me… Finnish and Italian, an unusual combination but a good one, and common in Calumet, northeast of here….hardworking, pretty, rather tall (5’9″ or so)….
      Then she mentioned her previous bf, who was black, she said.
      I had had a gf before, a good woman but such a young soul. She had been married to a black guy and had had a son with him.
      She was extremely nice, and a natural blonde, but I swear she was on her first human incarnation…. like a sheep among wolves.
      I could not get through to her…..
      My whole family had loved her and said she was a “keeper,” but they were young souls too.
      Best thing is to walk away. I cannot fathom a woman being attracted to a black man, nor do I wish to.


  2. I agree with you, some are just a lost cause.
    If zionism and marxism are not destroyed then i see all white countries becoming 3rd world hellholes like Brazil.

    Where there is a small group of ultra wealthy elite that live in gated off communties with their own private security.
    With the rest of the population living in utter poverty and crime ridden slums just scaping by to survive.

    The Australian way off life is gone now, and the demented nutjob politicians want to increase our population by 15 million more people by 2040.
    We use to live in a such a great country with one of the best standards of living on earth, those days are long gone.

    • Actually, to my astonishment, a white American friend of mine lived in Brazil and sent me photos and videos proving that many areas of Brazil, such as in the south and in the capital, Brasilia, are overwhelmingly white (and heavily German), with clean streets, nice buildings, and law-abiding people. In fact, the people are very friendly. Some areas are very black and dangerous, but others are just fine. There ARE hate-speech laws but they work both ways — they also protect Whites. There is no anti-whiteism in Brazil, nor it is tolerated. He said the blacks do not stare at you in hostility, unlike in the States or in Europe. Anybody preaching “Kill Whitey” would be rounded up.

      This has historical roots; over a century ago Brazilian policy was “the more Whites emigrate here, the better.” It is not overt anti-black racism, or anything like the Klan, or showing Blacks with apelike features, just a mellow “the more whites come, the better for Brazil.”

      I have myself met many Brazilians (and Portuguese) in America and, like their language, Portuguese, they are mellow and nice to be around.

      This is certainly not the case with many Hispanics, who can be bloodthirsty and very cruel, and the language is also harsh, staccato, like a machine gun firing. 😉

      • Most of the people in Brazil are a mixture of red Indian, black and white Spaniard.
        There are safe areas in Brazil but overall it’s still an third 3rd world country thats over populated and not worth living in.

        The safest country to live in south America is Paraguay, theres a lot of German immigrants there.
        In Brazil a black serial killer killed ovwr 40 white woman and said when he was questioned that he killed them because they were white and that he would never kill a black woman.

        He got 15 years in jail and said he would start killing white women again when he got out.
        South American countries have notoriously low prison sentences for even the worst murderers and serial killers.

        If other countries nearby collapsed like
        Venezuela, then you would have to worry about being swamped by 3rd world criminals and vicious gangs,
        thats if you were living in Paraguay.
        I’m happy to be single at the moment and i’m not concerned about dating, maybe i’ll meet a decent woman some day but not in the area i live in.

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