Katie Hopkins was a big columnist in Britain until she started moving toward our political and pro-white direction.
Then she got cancelled like any pure gentile would, like any part-jew who contradicts the Big-Jew agenda, or like any pure jew who is just a little jew — and is not a pedophilic billionaire.
On VK:
Michelle, she looks Jewish herself in many, many photos, especially from the side with the nose, but also in the semitic-neanderthalic protruding mouth. I assume she is one of the very numerous Brits who are part-jewish. But then she is not a Big Jew, or even a little jew, and as a part-jew who is likely not practicing judaism at all, she is “out of the loop.”
She “never got the word” at some “elite,” luciferian, pedophilic, Epsteinian, Eyes-Wide-Shut soirée that the jew agenda is precisely the literal destruction of all Whites everywhere (no matter how much they gullibly or cynically show support for IsraHell), and that massive Islamic migration (plus miscegenation plus a crash of the white birth rate due to feminism, a bad economy and homosexuality), and all these mosques being built, is just splendid for that genocidal goal.
Rabbi Toutou in Paris has stated openly that the jews are using Islam to destroy the West.
This rabbi is totally okay with the fact that lots of little jews will be attacked by muslim migrant street toughs who hate jews far more than they hate Whites. The goal of white genocide justifies taking lots of losses.
This reminds me of what Commander George Lincoln Rockwell said in a famous 1965 Playboy interview, that the Big Jews are like generals who sacrifice their low-ranked common soldiers to achieve their goals.
John, I’ve watched this woman for years, how she lures British “patriots” , who she targets and how she’s adept at getting listeners engaged working for London radio. Her aesthetics are Jewish, yes, but her mannerisms and her political message are even more definitely Jewish. This woman is a self- serving elitist and the indigenous Brits are the last people she wants to help. Not once in her new “patriot” career has she told the Brits the realcause of this geopolitical nightmare, so the ardent Hopkins followers believe that Muslims own their bureaucracy, media , finance and school curricula!
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