The People vs the Sheeple; make America OURS again!

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Or “I read it on the Internet so it must be true.” 😉

People read a slander site against me and then give me the evil eye (without asking me if any of this is even true) after years of actually knowing me as a decent person.

And this is why the FBI (yes, the FBI), hires and pays people to write this crud — because people gobble it up with no attempt at verification. It’s all funny — until it happens to YOU. 😉

Slander does not harm the scum of the earth, those with no reputation to lose. It harms most those who are truly good, kind, decent, honest and caring.

Edward Snowden, NSA whistleblower, exposed this — the FBI’s organized, well-financed, slander campaigns. Then he had to flee to Russia for freedom of speech!

Julian Assange of Australia (Wikileaks) exposed Pizzagate (pedophiles in the Hillary campaign) and has been in prison in England now for five years.

Slander is okay, but the truth is punished.


I am 69 and, frankly, I have seen this to be true all my life. The majority is ALWAYS, and I do mean ALWAYS W-R-O-N-G. I have seen every dire warning 1) be utterly in vain and then 2) inexorably come true. If you tell the truth, you will find yourself in a small, hounded and powerless minority.


As a boy of ten, I saw the murderous, corrupt scoundrel Lyndon Johnson, who without any doubt in my mind had President John Kennedy murdered, win in a landslide in 1964 over Barry Goldwater, who had told the truth.

And then Jophnson got us deep into Vietnam, where 58,000 died….

….he orchestrated the USS Liberty atrocity (which the controlled media never mentions)to make us hate all Arabs,

….Johnson gave Israel nukes,

….he had Senator Bobby Kennedy and others murdered,

…..he passed all his bills into law,

and a welfare state and civil rights for Blacks, but the crime, violence, and hate continued

Third World immigration

….and this scoundrel, ELECTED by the American people IN A LANDSLIDE, began the nightmare we have now. The murder of John Kennedy 60 years ago by the CIA was the end of the old United States. We are ruled by the CIA and the group that controls the CIA.




The back of the US one-dollar bill used to look like this.

But flip over a one-dollar bill NOW and just look at it.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt, whose ancestors were Rosenfelds, was a rich Freemason of jewish ancestry via both parents. His mother’s father, Warren Delano, was a jewish drug dealer, an “opium dealer,” who made his millions off the Chinese people, addicting them to opium.

Rosenfeld redesigned the Great Seal of the United States to put a Star of David above the American eagle.

And he made sure a Freemasonic pyramid with a watching eyeball was on the other side.

His written instructions:

The slogan say in Latin: “Our plan having succeeded, New World Order”


We have been COMPLETELY taken over, and we declared war twice on Germany was because it had rebelled against merciless jewish domination.

Because the CIA actually rules the United States, and the jews actually rule the CIA, the beautiful, noble vision of democracy, in the real world that we live in, is an illusion.


To get the jews off their backs, the smartest people in Europe, the German people –who gave the world the printing press, Beethoven, the gasoline engine, the diesel engine, the rocket, the jet, the computer, tv (not to mention beer, hotdogs and pretzels! ;-)=  ) — turned during the Great Depression to national socialism to save them from both the jews and also even from themselves with their bad judgment. When they were honest about it, they knew they had gullibly trusted utter scoundrels for generations, NEVER SAW THROUGH THEM, and thus the people had naively brought about their own disaster.

And DID YOU EVER NOTICE THE STAR OF DAVID RIGHT ON YOUR OWN DOLLAR BILL? They didn’t hide it! It’s right there and always has been!


While America was mired in the Great Depression for eleven years, and kept voting for Frank Rosenfeld, who did almost NOTHING for them, Germany in two years became prosperous, crime-free, pro-family, and happy, and first they got the jews  out!



Does America need German-style national socialism? NO.

What it does need is for the people themselves to really change so they really CAN rule themselves, truly be FREE, not just have the word “freedom,” and not be manipulated and DOMINATED over and over and over again by the psychopathic liars who run ALL the political parties.

Five percent of the population are psychopaths and sociopaths! This bestseller came out in eleven languages!

They rise ruthlessly to the top of everything!  5% of 400 million means America has twenty million psychopaths! Just turn your tv on and watch them!

Here is a psychopath’s brain with a special dye injected into it. When doctors show him a photo of a tragic car wreck, with a dead mother and little child, the areas of the brain that indicate compassion stay blue — no activity.

A normal person’s brain has areas in red, the compassion centers of the brain, which light up:


When the CIA criminally hacked into this website,, my property, in 2016, they viciously put 25 of my articles into the “delete” box, and THIS one was actually deleted — “PSYCHOPATHS IN POWER” — before I could stop them.


And Epstein is not dead. Anyone can lie still for ten seconds on a gurney for a photo.

The body they wheeled out of the Rikers prison was another jew, with a different nose and ears.

He is in Israel after cosmetic surgery (a jewish specialty actually, with most jewish girls getting nose jobs as a high school graduation gift.)

This jew works for the Israeli Mossad to get sexual blackmail on rich and powerful Americans!

Jeff Goldblum


Some guy from Arkansas

With a New York couple

Epstein literally had a little synagogue on the infamous orgy island, Little St. James island, in the US Virgin Islands






Evangelist Billy Graham




Everyone should watch the film “Charlie Wilson’s War.” In that movie, the main character, a Congressman, plainly said that he was elected by “the group.”

I bought the movie for $6.99 on Amazon. This was the only way I could make the screenshots you see below — by buying it, btw.

In this scene, the Demoncrat Congressman from Texas Charles Wilson (played by Tom Hanks, and this movie is closely based on a true story) is discussing après sex with the wealthy Texas activist (played by Julia Roberts) the political risks for him with the jews of “helping a bunch of Muslims.” (In this case, it would be by the US quietly arming the Afghans in the 1980s in order to drive the Soviet Army out of Afghanistan, which eventually did happen).

This movie was totally made by Hollywood jews. This film, having such big stars as Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts is obviously a major Hollywood production, not some little “indie” [ = “independent”] flic.

And the men behind it are all prominent, Establishment jews.

Producer: Gary Goetzman

Director: Mike Nichols

Screenplay writer: Aaron Sorkin (“A Few Good Men,” “West Wing,” etc.)


So this is a perfect example of the jews arrogantly flaunting the truth that they have long run, and increasingly, sadistically ruined, this once-great country called the United States of America.

And remember, this is also a black-magickal warning.

For not only do they run this country, this psychopathic, semitic two percent of us, but they intend to finally genocide all the Whites in it except for a few miserable sex and work slaves. And by warning us, their “conscience” is clear. After all, via this movie scene — using two international superstars, Hanks and Roberts — and many others, they have indeed explicitly warned us.

We have enslaved you and, some beautiful day, we will kill you.

My mission is to address why this does not even bother people.

“The egoic mind”…………………………..

Congressman Wilson lays it out quite frankly:







So jew money runs the Congress….. This is a jewish movie saying it.

And now here was Benjamin Netanyahu as a major Israeli politician back  in the 1980s saying it on Israeli television in Hebrew, as related by the YouTube channel “Redacted” of May 1, 2024:


Suppose we have a little humor before the end…


Make America Ours Again — by first us changing as people

A new faith that we are immortal souls and capable of great and beautiful things…

Much more is to come….


  1. Hi John – Is there any chance you can add a print format button? I am trying to save some of your pages – the right column adds many additional pages. I don’t know if this is an easy thing to do.

    I see your comments about the aluminum foil for $$ mail. Do you have any problems with shipments via UPS with $$? Are there any books you are currently interested in? Anything else you need? I don’t use Amazon so it will come from me.

    My email/name is a trash email/name so do not reply to it.

    I came across your site years ago when I learned of Leo & Mary. Yours was the most in-depth I had heard. I haven’t read your site in years, but here I am again.

    • Hi, comrade.

      Nice to have you back!

      A “print format button”…. I will ask the webmaster about that.

      If there is anything I would like, heh-heh, it would be a good woman again like my late wife. 🙂 LOL!

      But now duty calls me. This year will be unlike all others.

    • Hi, comrade.

      Nice to have you back! 🙂

      A “print format button”…. I will ask the webmaster about that.

      If there is anything I would like, heh-heh, it would be a good woman again like my late wife.

      But now duty calls me. This year will be unlike all others.

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