The rat Nudelman leaves the sinking Jewkrainian ship

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So Victoria Nudelman alias “Nuland” is retiring after 30 years of devilment at the State Department, the US foreign ministry.

Victoria Nuland quits

The US Deputy Secretary of State will leave her role in the coming weeks, her boss Antony Blinken has announced.
US Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland is poised to leave her post in the coming weeks, Secretary of State Antony Blinken has announced. The senior official, widely regarded as a foreign policy hawk, played a key role in the Western-backed coup in Ukraine in 2014.

In December 2013, she visited Kiev with the late Senator John McCain to hand out pastries to armed protesters in the city’s central square. Days before the February coup, as orchestrated mass murder gripped the city, she was recorded discussing how to “midwife this thing” with then-US ambassador to Kiev, Geoffrey Pyatt, reportedly exclaiming “F**k the EU” when it came to a choice of new leader in the war-torn country.

Nuland resigned from the State Department during the Trump administration, taking the helm of the Center for a New American Security (CNAS) think-tank before joining the Albright Stonebridge Group and the board of the neo-liberal National Endowment for Democracy (NED). She rejoined the government after President Joe Biden’s inauguration in 2021.

She has worked on arming Ukraine and assembling a Western coalition that would supply Kiev with weapons and ammunition for the conflict with Russia. Last month, she pleaded to Congress to approve $61 billion in funding to Ukraine, arguing that most of it would be “going right back into the US economy,” to create jobs in the weapons industry.

Her most recent trip to Kiev involved intervening with President Vladimir Zelensky on behalf of General Valery Zaluzhny, though to no avail. Zaluzhny was subsequently fired.

In a CNN interview at the end of February, Nuland admitted the defeat of US efforts towards Moscow, acknowledging that the target of her policy is “not the Russia that, frankly, we wanted.”

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova attributed Nuland’s exit to “the failure of the anti-Russian course of the Biden administration.”

“Russophobia, proposed by Victoria Nuland as the main foreign policy concept of the United States, is dragging the Democrats to the bottom like a stone,” Zakharova said. Posting a photo of Nuland taken at an Orthodox church at some point, she said that if the US politician wanted to “go to a monastery to atone for your sins, we can put in a good word.”

Nuland is married to neoconservative stalwart Robert Kagan, a co-founder of the Project for the New American Century. Her sister-in-law Kimberley Kagan runs the Institute for the Study of War. Her temporary replacement at the State Department will be Under Secretary for Management John Bass, a former US Ambassador to Afghanistan (2017-2020), Turkey (2014-2017) and Georgia (2009-2012) .

In a statement on Tuesday, Blinken noted that his friend “Toria” has held most of the jobs at the State Department, from a consular officer to ambassador and deputy secretary, over her 35-year career. Her most recent posting was as undersecretary for political affairs. She was also Blinken’s acting deputy after the July 2023 retirement of Wendy Sherman, until Kurt Campbell was confirmed to the post last month.

“What makes Toria truly exceptional is the fierce passion she brings to fighting for what she believes in most: freedom, democracy, human rights, and America’s enduring capacity to inspire and promote those values around the world,” Blinken said.

He also noted that her “leadership on Ukraine” will be the subject of study “for years to come” by diplomats and students of foreign policy.

[end of RT article]

*** “freedom, democracy, human rights, and America’s enduring capacity to inspire



One can interpret this as Nudelman’s realization that, thanks to Vladimir Putin, she failed in her real goal as a Talmudic jewess, the destruction of Russia using economic sanctions and military attacks.

The jews wanted (and said so openly) to break up Russia, a multi-ethnic country, into five or six smaller countries, each totally jewish-controlled as during the 1990s under Boris Yeltsin, and then resume stealing everything.

No one did more to cause the current hell in Ukraine — with an estimated 400,000 dead Ukie soldiers, now retreating on all fronts, and widespread devastation of Ukrainian cities due to precision Russian missiles — than this jewess.

And while White America goes to hell, Jewkraine gets the bucks.

It was Nudelman, a total CIA asset, who engineered the outrageous CIA coup d’état that overthrew the democratically elected government of Victor Vanukovich in 2014 and installed her fellow Russian-hating jews in power in what can only be called JEWkraine.

Though jews are just 2% of the population, somehow it is “democracy” when this 2% run EVERYTHING.

Examples: both presidents since 2014 (the jewish chocolate-making billionaire Poroshenko and then the coke-snorting jewish comedian and actor  Zelensky), and let us add to this list the mayor of the capital, a jewish former boxer named Klitchko, are all jewish.

Boxer Klitchko gets to run a city of 5 million by being a jew

Yes, the main qualification for high office in Ukraine is to be a jew.

The first thing the Nudelman-controlled jews did after the Maidan putsch of 2014 did was to ban the Russian language, spoken by half the population, including Zelensky himself!

And they put a Freemasonic pyramid and eyeball on the new Ukrainian money they printed!

Btw, the communist East German regime had a freemasonic circle and compass in the center of THEIR flag.

And of course the back of the US one-dollar bill has the pyramid and eyeball as well.

The Latin words mean “Our plan having succeeded, New World Order”

It was Frank Delano Rosenfeld, descendant of both sephardic (Delano) and Ashkenazi (Rosenfeld) jews, who in 1935 put these symbols — pyramid and eyeball — and a Star of David on the back of the US one-dollar bill.  (You can see his initials, “FDR,” on the lower-right.)


In September 2019, the city of Rome hosted this satanic statue of the semitic god Moloch, sporting on his chest a Freemasonic eyeball inside a Star of David; babies were burned alive in sacrifice to this demonic being. Note also the obscure Stars of David on the calf bracelets he wears. (I thank an Italian comrade for sending me this.)



Did you know that the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe said that Ukraine was massively shelling Rusisan areas for nine days straight before Putin intervened with his “Special Military Operation” in February 2022?

Theye are quotes taken from an ambush interview (secretly filmed) in New York City by a female whistleblower, who faked going out on a date with a minion of Blackrock, the Russian-born jew named Serge Verlay. The jew is asked a question:

…. and he admits:




So the jews are totally the ones behind the war in Ukraine. One, they see Russia as a country they once controlled under the early Bolsheviks, lost under Stalin, got back under Yeltsin and have now lost again under Putin.

Two, they see Russians as a powerful and antisemitic people.

Three, many of them became billionaires under Yeltsin and were able to pillage Russia to their hearts’ content. They figure that with Putin gone they could resume their massive looting.

It is important to understand that it was the quarter-jewish Soviet dictator and psychopath Lenin (his maternal grandfather was the jewish medical doctor Alexander Blank; Blank family – Wikipedia) who PUT these Russians INTO Ukraine — that is, he enlarged Ukraine’s borders to the east to include them. (Some ethnic Russians were in fact fanatic communists and pro-Soviet; also, this area had lots of industry, whereas much of western Ukraine was agricultural. For whatever “rational” reasons, Lenin put this area into an enlarged Soviet Ukraine.)

The Russians there were just living in their own country, in their own Russia, in 1921…living and raising kids on their own Russian soil, speaking their own Russian language, following the Russian culture, and just being what they were — ethnic Russians.

They were never asked by the Bolsheviks in 1922 to become a part of Ukraine!

It would be like Mexico taking California and then demanding of 15 million white Californians:

“Why don’t you gringo TRAITORS speak Spanish like true patriots and do like us — eat refried beans and tacos? Don’t you know you are now Mexicans?” 

How would WE take that?

In the 1950s, the Soviet communist leader Khrushchev, who was Ukrainian himself, further enlarged Ukraine artificially by giving it the Crimean peninsula, with its huge and vital naval base, which also was RUSSIAN-speaking. This area had once been Greek, then Turkish, and had become Russian since the 1780s, for 170 years, before Krushchev put it into Ukraine!

But back then, since the Soviets controlled both Russia and also Ukraine, it was no big deal. Nothing really changed, and these Russians continued to speak Russian, be Russian, and have no problems.

But after the Russian language was banned in 2014, several parts of eastern Ukraine then declared their independence and the Ukrainian Army began shelling civilians. Yes, at civilians, firing huge shells at houses, villages, downtown areas — NOT military targets — in sheer, sadistic jewish terror.

Fourteen thousand Russian-speaking, ethnic-Russian Ukrainian citizens died.

They fire on farmer markets, hospitals, libraries, and apartment buildings.


What was Putin supposed to do, just leave his hands in his pockets and do nothing as ethnic Russians who did nothing wrong are slaughtered by UKRAINIAN SLAVS BRAINWASHED BY jews?

Two Russian soldiers appeal to the Ukrainians:

Jewkraine’s longtime “defense” minister was the jew Alexei Reznikov, “Resnik” being a classic jewish name.

The first prime minister of Jewkraine after 2014 was the jew Arseni Yatsenyuk (the jews denied he was jewish — because he was soon despised by everyone), here with the crypto-jew Barack Obama

This bespectacled jewish nerd Yatsenyuk was so unpopular as PM 2014-2016 that other legislators tried to physically carry him from the rostrum and off the floor of the Ukrainian Parliament: Brawl breaks out in Ukraine Parliament – CBS News

Did Ukraine then get a white Ukrainian again to replace him as PM? Hell no. It was ANOTHER jew, Volodimir Groysman, from 2016-19.


Here you see this jew standing on the left next to Joe Biden, then we see jew president Poroshenko and the then PM, the jew Yatsenyuk.

Then in 2019 there actually was, briefly, a white Ukrainian PM, Alexei Honcharuk, but this goy lasted only six months in 2019-20.

It was then time for yet another jew (and again, this is in a country which is 2% jewish), the swarthy Dennis Shmyhal,  from 2020 to the present.

Meanwhile, the corpses of the Ukrainian goyim who die in futile attacks on Russian troops continue to fill Ukrainian cemeteries.

Some Ukrainian women are very pretty.

Russia has now taken back all this area in red.

It may not look like a big amount of land. But 1) this land bridge now connects Russia to Crimea and its naval base, and so even if the multi-billion-dollar Kerch Bridge (photo) were blown up, Russia would still have access to its vital Crimean naval base.


This is called what Jewkraine does now to get more soldiers. It is called “dragooning,” when you are riding a bus or walking through a park, and then three goons tackle you, throw you to the ground, handcuff you — and take you to the army for induction.

Here is a video:

And 2) the Ukrainian Army has been decimated, losing 400K dead. As the great German military theorist Clausewitz said, what counts most is not taking territory (and Russia has more than enough land, my God!) but destroying the enemy army, and in this Russia has succeeded.



A comrade from Indiana sent me this:
Nudelman was instrumental in the 2014 coup that eventually paved the way for President Jewlinsky, who has sacrificed the lives of over 400,000 million Ukrainians for nothing.
(Before the war even started, Ukraine already had the LOWEST birth rate in Europe, approximately 0.5 per woman).
Her resignation shows that Nudelman knows that she has failed.
Donald Trump has already said he would end this war in 24 hours if he becomes president (no doubt by having the Ukrainians sign a deal with Putin to become a neutral country and not join NATO). This was the deal Ukraine had agreed to in 2022 in Istanbul, Turkey — but the British former PM Boris Johnson (first) and then Joe Biden had Jewlinsky reject.
He is just a puppet and his strings aren’t even hidden. Ukraine must remain in Zelensky’s hands as far as Biden and other European presidents and chancellors are concerned. Why?
Jewkraine is “MONEY-LAUNDERING CENTRAL” for them.
This is a great documentary, John, “Agent Zelensky” Part 1 of  2.
It was made by the great Scott Ritter.
[JdN: Ritter is a former Marine Corps combat veteran, an officer — a major — and was the Chief UN Weapons Inspector in Iraq who correctly said that Iraq had no more WMD program –they had closed it down as they said — and so there was no justification for Bush invading Iraq, which cost the lives of 400,000 Iraqi civilians.


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