The real gas chambers are BY the jews and in your sky

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Accusatory inversion is what the Jews do every single time — accuse others first, by using their massive media power, of exactly the crimes they are doing. So they whine about supposed gas chambers 74 years ago — yet are REALLY gassing all of us right now!

According to the shock claims of one doctor, chemtrails may pose a much greater risk to humanity than understood before. In his opinion, we are all being poisoned, so that the pharmaceutical industry can gain immense and never ending profit.

The doctor, Dr. Leonard Horowitz is a former researcher from a medical university. For quite some time, he has made claims regarding the dangers of the chemical trails being left purposely by jet planes in the atmosphere. It is his belief that such chemtrails are causing us all to be sick, since the 1990’s.

Chemtrails, which are laden with a number of heavy metals, and mycotoxins including mold spores, mycoplasma, human white blood cells, and worse, have been speculated on for quite some time. However, despite claims from various organizations that the trails have been implemented in experimental research or for climate change, many continue to believe they have a much more nefarious purpose.
And Horowitz happens to be one of those people. According to him, and many others, chemtrails are responsible for chemtrail flu, or chemtrail syndrome. Geoengineering Watch has even published a variety of symptoms associated with the pandemic they believe is being perpetuated for medical profit.

They state the following symptoms have all been linked to the various chemicals being placed within the Earth’s ionosphere:

Brain fog
Low energy
Compromised immunity
Difficulty paying attention and concentrating
Skin discomfort/irritation
Joint pain
Muscle pain
Asthmatic (Breathing difficulties)
Memory loss
Eye problems (blurred or fuzzy vision)
Liver problems
Gallbladder dysfunction
Tinnitus (distant ringing in ears or high pitched sound after spraying)
Neck pain
Scratchy throat
Allergy symptoms
Hay fever out of season
Flu-like symptoms [CJF emphasis added]
Susceptibility to colds
General weakness
Lightheaded or faint
Shortness of breath
Anger/Rage/Frustration issues
(Source: CHEMTRAIL SYNDROME: A Global Pandemic Of Epic Proportions)

Thankfully, however, despite many claims that chemtrail believers are only conspiracy theorists, it appears that many people are beginning to stand together against them. Even former politicians from the UK have come forward with their concerns regarding geoengineering and chemtrails.

As it stands, we must all begin taking steps to protect not only ourselves from these hazardous chemicals being pushed into our lives. In order to do this, we must first change our own lives and begin removing as many chemicals as possible from our foods, water, hygiene products, etc. By cutting down on GMO foods, preservatives, artificial flavorings and scents, we can detoxify our bodies to fight against outside toxins it has to fight. Last, but not least, make your voice heard. Research the facts, attend town hall meetings, and tell others that the skies above America and all the white countries allied with via the Jewish NWO are nothing but one big gas chamber.


…. See also


I confront by email ultra-evil Harvard chemtrail guru — “Are you a Jew?” Kiketrolls fire back


Dawn in the 98% white, rightwing, negro-despising, and pleasantly cool (55 degrees) UP of Michigan


……Recent donations



9 October 2019 $50 in cash from S in Florida

–6 October 2019 loan of $88 forgiven


–4 October 2019 $75 from G in Cicero, Illinois

–3 October 2019 $100 PayPal via a friend  from J in Texas

–28 September 2019 $75 from G in Cicero, Illinois

–26 September 2019 check for $20 from J in Maryland

–24 September 2019 $100 Amazon gift card from V in USA

The PayPal address for Margi of is no longer valid, since PP abruptly canceled it after six years with no explanation.

If you wish to donate via PayPal, please write me for details of other PP accounts that trusted friend have.

Loans are okay, too. I am expecting an inheritance (neither large nor small) very soon. I’m the sole heir, with my hard-partying brother Todd sadly gone.

–23 September 2019 $100 via Paypal (frozen by the jews for six months) from J in New England

–21 September 2019 loan via PayPal of $100 from M in California

–20 September 2019 loan via PayPal of $88 from B in New York State

–20 September 2019 check for $75 from G in Cicero, Illinois

–10 September 2019 $50 via PayPal from P in New England

–6 September 2019 check from G in Cicero, Illinois

–5 September 2019 $20 Australian, and a very nice card

–30 August 2019 $75 check from G in Cicero, Illinois

–30 August 2019 supportive letter and 20 Euros from C in Germany

–21 August 2019 book by Joseph Goebbels (the last one he wrote — in 1945, a brilliant collection of short essays given to the frontline troops called  “The Law of War”) and 20 euros from C in Germany

–20 August 2019 five Australian silver dollars and a kind greeting to me and Margi from M in Ohio


–19 August 2019 $20 cash from P in Florida

–16 August 2019 check for $75

–14 August 2019 $150 from J in New Hamshah 😉 (New England pronunciation of “New Hampshire”)

–9 August 2019 Check for US$75 from J in Nevada und 50 Euro in cash with a card from A in Germany

Translation from German:

Dear John de Nugent,

Belated heartfelt greetings and all the best for your [65th] birthday!

And also for Margi my wishes for further improvement!

Enclosed are 50 euros as thanks for your great work in the service of historical truth. — A

I published this in German (Engl. transl. follows)

Zum netten Lob der Kameradin, die mir seit Jahren hilfreiche Spenden schickt, kann ich nur sagen, mit Pontius Pilatus: “Was ist Wahrheit?!” Sie ist wertlos, wenn die Leute Zombies sind. Mir geht es nicht nur und die geschichtliche Wahrheit über Deutschlands Größe, Unschuld und Jahrtausendleistungen, sondern um die radikale Veränderung der weißen Menschheit, damit wir nie wieder auf die verrückten, wahnsinnigen Lügen der Juden hereinfallen können!


To the nice praise of the lady comrade, who has sent me helpful donations for years, I can only say, with Pontius Pilate: “What is the truth ?!”

It is pointless if people are zombies.

I am not only concerned with the historical truth about Germany’s greatness, innocence and incredible achievements, which have benefited all mankind, but my goal is nothing less than the radical change of white humanity so that we can never again fall for the ridiculous, insane lies of these Jews!


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