The Rebel on a Jewess complaining about a “Jewish swimsuit issue”

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Please now go to this excellent article and then return here.


This was a needed statement by the Rebel on Jewish looks. Afterward, in my comment, it became important for me to say WHY the Jews are as ugly as they are…. and in this way we are not just being “cruel” and ridiculing them for their looks, “which they cannot do anything about.”

My two-part comment:

(Part 1 of 2) Very good article, Rebel, and frankly all this needed to be said. Nor is it “cruel,” IMO. Hitler said the Lord God Himself put the imprint of the Devil on their face to warn us. There are concrete reasons I wish to state as to why the Jews are often so hideous. To be fair, there are also very homely Whites, Blacks and others, but no other people equals Jewry for both ugliness and a sinister expression in their eyes and face.

The first factor is that Jews descend heavily from neanderthals, a kind of primitive, stubborn, violent early humans, and then from a roving tribe of said neo-neaderthals called the habiru, exiled and expelled antisocial types who formed roving bands of criminals., prostitutes, fences, mercenaries, archers for hire (killing at a safe distance for themselves…). I would draw especial note to the fact that an important Jewish writer has agreed with me that the original Jews do descend from these criminal “habiru.” In other words, Yahweh made His “covenant” with a roaming gang of thieves.

So Jews are both neanderthals — and a special subset, psychopathic neanderthals. 😉

The second reason why Jews are so plug-ugly is that they f—their own children, yes, they regularly commit incest upon them. When people say the Jews are inbred, they have no idea just HOW inbred. 😉 There is nothing more inbred, or more likely to cause genetic malformations, than to reproduce with your own kids. It is a practice banned in every religion and country on earth, including judaism -but still they do it because it is wicked, and the wicked love wickedness. That is what psychopathy is, the conscious love and practice of wickedness.

So this is why Jews are SO extraordinarily ugly, far more than genetically related peoples such as Arabs, Armenians, etc. They 1) descend from primitive neanderthals, 2) from the habiru, roving criminals, and 3) they breed with their own children.

Like Hitler I am a big Jesus fan. I will let Him have the last word: (John 8:44, GOD’S WORD® Translation)

You come from your father, the devil, and you desire to do what your father wants you to do. The devil was a murderer from the beginning. He has never been truthful. He doesn’t know what the truth is. Whenever he tells a lie, he’s doing what comes naturally to him. He’s a liar and the father of lies.

Pulpit Commentary on this verse

Verse 44. – Ye are of the father who is the devil. In this way the great bulk of the best commentators translate this difficult clause, Hilgenfeld, Volkmar, and Davidson translate, “You are of the father of the devil;” and suggest that here the evangelist betrays his fierce Gnostic (Ophite) antagonism to the Jews, and adopts the view that the God of the Old Testament [Yahweh], was the Father of the serpent.

(continuing my excerpt from a New Testament commentary)

“[the meaning of Jesus’ words] …the lusts of your father – those of falsehood and murder, lying and slaughter, being the top and chief of all his evil passions – ye are willing, desirous to do. He has engendered these very lusts within you. The paternity of your angry passions, your incapacity to see and accept my word, are both alike explained.”

There is no more terrible rebuke in the whole compass of revelation. The disciple whom Jesus loved [John], in preserving these words, shows very decidedly that he was a “Son of Thunder,” and calls down fire from heaven (a very storm) which has been ever since descending upon the heads of these.

Amen. 😉 Let us be that fire ourselves against this monstrous brood. They are supernaturally ugly because they are supernaturally wicked.

And God has made them this way, says AH, as His way of warning us.

Jesus: “Let him who hath eyes, see!!””



(On August 2, 1934, on the death of Reich President von Hindenburg, under whom technically Hitler served as chancellor, He became the full head of state and took the legal title of “Führer,” that is, the National Leader.)



John de Nugent

306 S. Steel Street

Ontanagon MI 49953

(906) 884-6689 ;-)

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I had to take this springtime pic before I cut the lawn. 😉


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1 Comment

  1. Oh Mann…jetzt bekomm ich Alpträume 😉

    Wo habt ihr nur immer diese lustigen Bilder von den Juden her?
    Bei denen ist jeder Tag Halloween *gg*.

    Von wegen “antisemitische Karikaturen”…das war/ ist nur die Abbildung der Realität.

    Deswegen hassen sie uns auch so. Und sogar unsere Kinder.


    Ich habe versucht mich auf der Seite the rebell anzumelden, aber es funktioniert nicht.

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