The reliable sign the jews run something: massacring poor goy civilians for the pleasure of killing; Big Jews reverse course, now again lust for “victory” over the gigantic Russia in Ukraine

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Two ethnic-Russian teens, a boy and a girl, run for their lives across an open, grassy area.

How reprehensible — an apartment building full of people being shelled just for the jew-satanic hell of it. Patrick Lancaster, an American Navy veteran (who looks just a bit like an owl 😉 ) and is married to a (very cute) Ukrainian-Russian girl, always reports from the front lines with the bombs going off nearby.
You see dead bodies, old women weeping, and brave, polite Russian soldiers as well as ethnic-Russian militiamen, escorting slow-moving civilians to food distribution areas as Ukrainian snipers target these hungry people trying to get food for their children.

These are not firefights in the forest or in a field; this is urban warfare with civilians everywhere, and catching bullets and shrapnel.

What we see under the 22-year rule of Vladimir Putin, a strong Christian and a believer in a guided democracy ( meaning = with no CIA/Soros puppet political parties allowed)…

Putie with his long-term girlfriend

TAS26: MOSCOW, RUSSIA. DECEMBER 1. President of Russia Vladimir Putin (left) talking to Alina Kabayeva, World and Europe champion in rhythmic gymnastics, on Saturday, at the show after the Russian Rhythmic Gymnastics Cup championship. (Photo ITAR-TASS/Vitaly Belousov) 

….is the Russians showing their national character from their best, kindest and bravest side, with their ancient inner Aryan coming out.
The atrocities of the bolshevik Red Army in 1944-45 against the Germans (and others!!!) were real and horrific, and Margi and I did six eyewitness-testimony voices for the heart-rending documentary “Hellstorm.”
But that was Russians under the command and brainwashing of jews, Georgians and other marxists.
“That was THEN, and this is NOW.”

What we see now is the Russian mother bear protecting its cubs, its people, from predators, from brainwashed Ukrainians misled by Jews.

….Big Jews have tiny Lithuania seek to blockade Russian enclave of Kaliningrad

…..Google glorifies the strong, heterosexual, married BLACK male

I bet these guys are real Dr. Huxtables, real Bill Cosbys, all wholesome and stuff….


….If you only knew how good it felt to be alive in Germany in those glorious days



  1. I wonder who put Lithuania up to block Russian goods going to Kaliningrad?

    It’s only acting big with the EU and NATO behind it, a move that could escalate in order to divide Russian efforts away from the Ukraine.

    I think Lithuania doesn’t pay any money into NATO as it agrees to be a NATO stooge.

    Tanks and troops don’t move unless the banks are behind them. Fuel, ammo, food and pay have to come from somewhere.

    • I agree.
      This is a serious violation of the agreement between the EU and Russia, where transit between the two parts of Russia is guaranteed.
      But when did ANY jew-run country ever keep its word?

      • In Britain we now have a crippling rail strike called for by their union, the RMT, who want a 12% pay rise.

        Train staff are on a good wage, with no heavy lifting.
        They are too stupid to see that their actions will usher in driverless trains and automatic ticket machines. They are too lefty/stupid to see where their greed will lead them.

        More woke wankers making themselves extinct. Carry on — splendid job.

  2. Hello, John,

    What would you answer to those who say that Vladimir Putin’s mother was a jew by the last name ”Shelomova”? I didn’t know what to say to debunk this.

    • First of all, if she was, no one claims she practiced or identified with judaism, no one.

      I will be addressing that question and the much greater one of rotten white traitors of pure white blood and ex-jews and part-jews with zero jewish upbringing who are good people.

      And look at the Turk Attila Hildmann, as neander-semitic-looking as they get and yet blasting the jews and the NWO to the point that he had to flee Germany and return to Turkey.

      Genes and race are not nothing — and also not everything.

      Katerina Putin, one of President Putin’s two daughters, certainly looks part-jewish as well as like him, and was even married to a jew from 2012-18….

      But there is not the slightest indication of any jewish upbringing of her father, Vadimir, or of his mother, born a Shelemova.

      And the nose may not be jewish, just aquiline [Latin for “eagle-like”], as they say, but this boils down to being neanderthalic, meaning a vast gene pool that led to Arabs, jews, Armenians, Georgians, and some southern Spaniards, southern Italians, Croatians, French and even some Germans who have NO jewish ancestry, yet do have that kind of aquiline nose.

      I now suspect that Putin may have some small amount of jewish blood, but more important is: Is the person a psychopath and does he or she study the Talmud or at least identify with the jews?

      Eisenhower was of German blood, had blue eyes, was extremely organized and thorough, and yet he did not identify at all with the Germans.

      Bobby Fischer, by some accounts, was pure jewish, and yet…..fought jewry ferociously and suffered greatly for it, having to flee first to Japan and then to Iceland, where he died….while blue-eyed Joe Sixpack god-blesses his beloved Israel, and der deutsche Michel weeps for a Holocaust that never happened, lines up for his lethal jewish clot shot, trashes and shuns relatives who out of love tell him the truth, and voted for 16 years for the traitorous monster Angela Merkel!

      Quotes from Chess Grand Master Bobby:

      First of all, we have to understand what communism is. I mean, to me, real communism, the Soviet communism, is basically a mask for Bolshevism, which is a mask for Judaism. — Press Conference, September 1 1992

      What is going on is I am being persecuted night and day by the Jews, for telling it like it is. They want to put me in jail, they’re robbing me of everything I have, they’re continuously lying about me. I’ve had enough of this shit. The latest thing they’ve done is I had some stuff in storage back in Pasadena for 12 years, spent a fortune on storage fees, a fortune on safes… and these God-damn Jews in America have just gone and grabbed it all. — Radio Interview, January 13 1999

      They’re lying bastards. Jews were always lying bastards throughout their history. They’re a filthy, dirty, disgusting, vile, criminal people. — Radio Interview, March 10 1999

      My main interest right now is to expose the Jews. This is a lot bigger than me. They’re not just persecuting me. This is not just my struggle, I’m not just doing this for myself… This is life and death for the world. These God-damn Jews have to be stopped. They’re a menace to the whole world. — Radio Interview, March 10 1999

      I have a crazy quirk, Eugene. I like to say what I think. And if you’re gonna work for the Jews, you can no longer say what you think. You can’t say the “Holocaust” never happened, for example. That is an absolute no-no. You can’t say that circumcision is a crime. There are so many things you cannot say once you get on the Jewish bandwagon. … There used to be a lot of people like me, but little by little the Jewish spirit seems to be conquering all. — Speaking to Eugene Torre on Bombo Radyo Philippines, May 24 1999

      I would rather be free in my mind, and be locked up in a prison cell, than to be a coward and not be able to say what I want. — Radio Interview, May 24 1999

      America is totally under control of the Jews, you know. I mean, look what they’re doing in Yugoslavia… The Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense are dirty Jews. — Radio Interview, May 24 1999

      The Jews have been hardened against Christ, against decency for thousands of years… They’re gonna have to be annihilated, Eugene. — Speaking to Eugene Torre, Radio Interview, May 24 1999

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