The same jewry that vilified the white Germans now does it to the white Russians

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I posted this comment under a Duran video (which I cannot embed here) decrying the very recent and very deliberate Jewkrainian long-range shelling of the civilians in an ethnically Russian and important city in the Donbas area called Donyetsk. This comes in the wake of eight years of similar shellings of Russian-Donbas civilian villages which have killed fourteen thousand ethnic Russians since the Maidan CIA putsch of 2014:

Alex [Mercouris], thank you for courageously bringing up the fact that many Brits objected during WWII on moral grounds to the deliberate massacre of German civilians by the Allies.
I majored in German at Georgetown (minoring in French) and had a professor from Austria, Dr. Obernberger. He told me that when Allied bombers were able to start hitting the cities of Austria (esp. after the Allies got bases in southern Italy, much closer than faraway England), and began slaughtering civilians, this totally deliberate war crime actually INCREASED support for the Hitler regime.
He told me: “Even the many people who were against the National Socialists or skeptical said: “It seems that Goebbels is right. This deliberate bombing of civilians, after the Anglo-Americans signed the Hague Convention prohibiting this barbarity, proves that the Allies actually hate the entire German people itself, not just the Nazi government.”
Now, speaking from family experience, my first wife was Austrian, Tyrolean, and her paternal grandmother, who lived in Innsbruck, went insane – she went mad — after seeing her city get firebombed and people running around in flames, being burned alive. My then wife said: “They had to lock her up in Hall” — a psychiatric asylum next to Innsbruck. She never recovered.
After Kurt Vonnegut wrote “Slaughterhouse Five” (he himself was an American POW in Dresden!), and David Irving’s book “The Destruction of Dresden” came out in 1964, Anglo-Americans began to have a slight awareness of this horror. It is likely that 300,000 German civilians were cooked to death there, with delayed bombs going off to kill the firemen when the firetrucks arrived. Hospital patients were strafed in their gurneys along the Elbe River after an American leaflet said “Go to the Elbe river banks to be safe.” But in fact there were dozens of Dresdens. And it prolonged the war; it united 90% of the the German people behind Hitler.
And today we see a similar thing. The Anglo-American hate campaign, and even more so the Ukrainian media, are preaching hatred of the Russian PEOPLE, not just of Putin. It is uniting the Russian nation against the West and for Putin.
A friend of mine was married to a Ukrainian model. They broke up and she returned to Ukraine. She wrote him that the Ukrainian tv bashed the Russian PEOPLE day and night, and that every crime of the bolsheviks under Lenin, Stalin, Beria and Kaganovich (not one of them a slavic Russian) was blamed on “the Russians” — a nation that was the prime victim of the savage communists, suffering millions of murdered loved ones.
In fact, the Ukrainians are taught on their tv ever since 2014 to call the Russians “the Khans,” as in Genghis Khan, as in the Mongols.
See, the Russians are not real Slavs, like the great Ukrainians — they are just savage, raping Mongol barbarians, subhumans.
And the West supports this — that the Russians are born an evil race — while simultaneously decrying on a daily basis in our own countries “the evils of racism.”
…..I was unable to blog yesterday due to a massive hacking attack.
I will write more soon. Much has changed.


  1. The ineffective Allied bombing of German cities actually prolonged the war as the Germans fought harder to avenge their dead relatives killed by the Allied area bombing policy.
    The British and American bombing research was carried out by 2x jewish accademics. The British “murdering jew” was a professor Solly Zuckerman who had fled the Nazis.
    His home town was Darmstadt. In Sept 1944 the RAF bombed Darmstadt, killing 8,000 German women and children in 53 minutes.

    It was Zuckerman_s research that did this. Darmstadt wasn’t a military target. The marshalling yards and chemical works weren’t targeted. The other target was fogged over so a secondary target was picked — Darmstadt.

    The German Biedecker raids were in revenge for Allied bombing . Hence the development of the German weapons.
    I was visiting Exeter yesterday, and saw how the Luftwaffe flattened Exeter in revenge for Lubeck.

    The tour guide mentioned the real reason for the attack, not the usual propaganda about “evil NAZIS — world domination — Anne Frank”…
    The hysteria about the bombing of Warsaw and Rotterdam were Allied bullshit.
    Did Britain surrender because of the Blitz in 1940? No. So why would the Germans surrender?
    It was all a total waste of effort. We knew it wasn’t working… caused by jews yet again.

    • Thanks.

      RAF losses were appalling as well during this illegal campaign of bombing German civilians:

      “55,600 men were killed out of a total of 125,000 aircrew, nearly 45 percent.”

      The US Army Air Corps lost 97,000…. Many Americans lasted only three weeks.

      After the war, the US conducted a Strategic Bombing Survey to determine how effective all this bombing was in shortening the war. Result: it was not effective, except at the very end of the war, and just infuriated the Germans even more. Meanwhile, 160,000 American and English lads were dead…and gorgeous, historic medieval cities in Germany, but also in France, lay in ruins, to be rebuilt postwar in a hideous, cold, modern style.

      • Half the RAF Bomber Command casualties have no known grave . It’s virtually impossible to escape a burning twisting RAF bomber at night . Bomber crews never wore their chutes in the aircraft. They stashed them were they operated in the plane.
        The Canadian RCAF had the second highest lost rate , then the Australians .
        We must stop Whites killing whites for the bankers elites.

        • Horrible. Thanks for this info.
          But, you know, they killed themselves, too, by laughing at the “antisemites” who were warning them and opposing that mad war, or by their cowardice.
          A Quebecker told me that the mayor of Montreal was arrested by two Mounties in session. They physically picked him up by the elbows and carried him off to jail for opposing the war.
          And then the others cowered. No one said: “What kind of democracy is this?”

          • All people who opposed WW2 were arrested or classed as traitors . Look at the treatment of Captain Archibald Ramsey. Or Mosley. Arrested and held in jail for 4 years without charges.
            Then we’re told they faught and died for democracy and freedom!
            All for the zionst bankers to make massive profits from arms sales and post war policies.
            The mass murder caused by the jew bankers and communists is deliberately forgotten .

  2. I never let co-workers disrespect Putin in my presence. “Why, because he opposes the New World Order?”

    • Son of Kilkenny, same here. I explain to the morons how they are responsible for the war, death and destruction as they voted for our politicians who send weapons to the Ukrainians to kill Russians, thus escalating the war.
      I explained to them their responsibilities, and how Putin can turn the gas, food, and oil off easily this winter, or flood the West with cheap heroin to kill their friends and relatives.
      Was it a good idea to arm the Ukrainians? Think about it as they attend the funerals of their relatives due to Russian retaliation.
      Meanwhile, our politicians walk away Scot-free.

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