The shock of America no longer being a free country — my interview today with a British patriot

WASHINGTON, DC - JANUARY 20: U.S. President Joe Biden prepares to sign a series of executive orders at the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office just hours after his inauguration on January 20, 2021 in Washington, DC. Biden became the 46th president of the United States earlier today during the ceremony at the U.S. Capitol. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)
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The interviewer argues with some justification that our freedom here was partly a myth even long before Nov. 4. (52 minutes)

I add that with 18 million veterans, 700 million guns and searing outrage among the 80 million defrauded Trump voters, we most certainly could take our freedom back. It is a question of leadership and will.


  1. I was hugely enjoying listening to the audio link with the exception of your comments about China.

    China is now the leading exporting country in the world and the second-largest importer after the United States. It is destined to become the world’s main superpower by 2028 unless the United States decides to take action to prevent China from overtaking it.

    Back in 1997, the now-re-established US Space Command announced its commitment to “full spectrum dominance.” The Vision for 2020 explains that “full spectrum dominance” means military control over land, sea, air, and space (the so-called fourth dimension of warfare) “to protect US interests and investment.” “Protect” means guarantee operational freedom. “US interest and investment” means corporate profits.

    The PNAC document supports a ‘blueprint for maintaining global US pre-eminence, precluding the rise of a great power rival, and shaping the international security order in line with American principles and interests’. This ‘American grand strategy’ must be advanced for ‘as far into the future as possible’, the report says:
    “lt spotlights China for ‘regime change’ saying ‘it is time to increase the presence of American forces in southeast Asia’. This, it says, may lead to ‘American and allied power providing the spur to the process of democratisation in China’.”

    Tam Dalyell, the Labour MP, father of the House of Commons and one of the leading rebel voices against war with Iraq, said:

    ‘This is a blueprint for US world domination — a new world order of their making. These are the thought processes of fantasist Americans who want to control the world.’

    “Is China actually a
    communist country?”

    “Going by what communism – as defined by Karl Marx – has meant traditionally, Professor Shaun Breslin from the University of Warwick would struggle to label modern day China as communist, mostly because the country’s objectives have little to do with class.”

    “The Communist Party is there to deliver what they deem to be national goals and priorities and objectives, so there’s no class-based analysis at the heart of this,” he said.

    “A lot of traditional Marxists would say once you start and finish with the nation, it’s something else. It’s a form of, I don’t want to call it national socialism because of the connotations with different nations and eras, but it is about… these people’s perceptions of the national good, rather than the class good.”

    The Trump Administration Has a China Containment Plan

    China is now the leading exporting country in the world and the second-largest importer after the United States. It has cynically manipulated free market rules to achieve its long-range goal of global economic dominance under an authoritarian communist party model more reminiscent of German-style fascism than Marxist socialist doctrine, or Soviet-style central economic planning and control. Like Nazi Germany, China espouses a form of (Han centered) ultra-nationalism, marked by dictatorial powers, suppression of dissent, and overwhelming regimentation of society and the market economy to serve the ends of one-party rule under a benighted leader.

    The Nazi Inspiring China’s Communists

    China has in recent years witnessed a surge of interest in the work of the German legal theorist Carl Schmitt. Known as Hitler’s “Crown Jurist,” Schmitt joined the National Socialist Party in 1933, and, though he was only officially a Nazi Party member for three years, his anti-liberal jurisprudence had a lasting impact—at the time, by helping to justify Hitler’s extrajudicial killings of Jews and political opponents, and then long afterward.

    China’s fascination with Schmitt took off in the early 2000s when the philosopher Liu Xiaofeng translated the German thinker’s major works into Chinese. Dubbed “Schmitt fever,” his ideas energized the political science, philosophy, and law departments of China’s universities. Chen Duanhong, a law professor at Peking University, called Schmitt “the most successful theorist” to have brought political concepts into his discipline. “His constitutional doctrine is what we revere,” Chen wrote in 2012, before adding, of his Nazi membership, “That’s his personal choice.”

    Jiang is also widely credited with authoring the 2014 Chinese-government white paper that gives Beijing “comprehensive jurisdiction” over Hong Kong. In a nod to Schmitt, the paper claims that the preservation of sovereignty—of “one country”—must take precedence over civil liberties—of “two systems.” Using Schmitt’s rationale, he raises the stakes of inaction in Hong Kong insurmountably high: No longer a liberal transgression, the security law becomes an existential necessity.

    Why has a Nazi thinker garnered such a lively reception in China? To some degree, it is a matter of convenience. “Schmitt serves certain purposes that Marxism should have done, but can no longer do,” Haig Patapan, a politics professor at Griffith University in Australia who has written on Schmitt’s reception in China, told me.

    Joshua Eisenman on “Chinese National Socialism”

    JOSHUA EISENMAN: I don’t know if any of you listeners have seen Document Number Nine. It’s certainly worth a Google, because it was a leaked document that came out a few years ago where the Communist Party basically said that “liberal values are bad, and we need to watch out for liberal values.” And one of the bastions of liberal values is universities, liberal-thinking professors. So inspection teams have been sent out to all the major universities to ensure that liberal values are not being promulgated. Textbooks, for instance, that are liberal-leaning textbooks or Western-printed textbooks have been removed from shelves and removed from classes.

    What’s interesting is that in the past when I said, “China is a fascist government or a national socialist government,” I would get pushback. People would say, “No, no, you don’t understand. You’re on the fringe.” Not anymore.

    DEVIN STEWART: What are Chinese friends saying to your notion that it is becoming a fascist state?

    JOSHUA EISENMAN: Like I said, in the past, people would say, “No, no, no, you don’t understand,” but more and more people are willing to accept that socialism with Chinese characteristics is actually National Socialism.

    Trump keeps touting a deal with China on trade, and markets are loving it

    “China promised to “substantially reduce the United States trade deficit in goods with China”: The US runs a $375 billion annual goods trade deficit with China, its largest such imbalance with any country. Chinese officials say that would be done by increasing imports of US goods to China.”
    Trump signed a ‘complex’ trade deal with China saying the agreement would decrease trade tensions between the US and China. Those tensions are a $375 billion annual goods trade deficit with China. Part of the deal was for China to allow more US imports to boost US businesses and balance trading between both nations to a more equal footing. Then COVID-19 made its appearance.
    Trump’s China Trade Deal Is as Dead as Can Be

    “Trump’s much-touted trade victory has crashed and burned with the coronavirus pandemic, and nothing more dramatically signals that than the energy part of the deal. Amid the collapse in oil demand and prices unleashed by the pandemic, it is now all but certain that China will fail to meet its targets for energy purchases and expose the folly of Trump’s trade strategy. While Trump was right to address China’s problematic trade practices, the administration’s approach made little sense before the pandemic—and makes even less sense now.”
    President Donald Trump’s strategy of unilateral confrontation is criticised in this article. It appears the US deep state cabal crashed the global economy in order to sink Trump’s trade deal with China.
    “Made a great new deal with China. But before even the ink was dry, we and the whole world got hit with the China virus. Our trading relationship was rapidly changing, Billions of Billions of Dollars was pouring into the US, but the virus forced us to go with a different direction. ”

    -President Trump Farewell Address to the Nation

    • I have blogged on all this repeatedly.

      And on the two HUGE, HUGE flies in the ointment:

      1) Red China is WICKEDLY crushing all religion and enforcing atheism, which is the exact opposite of national socialism, showing that the ideology is still partly marxist (the proof being the crushing of Falun Gong and the killing of them by the tens of thousands for their organs to sell on the world organ-transplant market, which is incredibly WICKED);

      2) It is working with American jews to destroy WHITE America. The Han goal — as defined by communist Beijing — is to work with New York jews to destroy Whites in North America and Europe so as to rule the world.

      Of course, the white race and national socialism would prefer to cooperate with the Chinese, who are an ancient and great nation that deserves to be a superpower due to their intelligence, education, hard work, and rejection of liberal permissiveness and degeneracy,

      I would recommend this, comrade:

      The Chinese are a cold, practical and sometimes merciless race, and they are not our friend. They will break their pragmatic working alliance with the jews against us only when America becomes national-socialist and stands up for itself with respect to both peoples.

  2. These re-education camps in China are for the minority Uyghur Muslims guilty of involvement in, or supporting, of Al-Qaeda activities. They are domestic terrorists by any legal definition of the word. But because the US is in a cold war with China these interned Uyghur Muslims are now victims of Chinese repression.

    The neocons are attempting to use inflammatory and unsubstantiated genocide claims in order to pressure European leaders into cancelling trade deals with China.

    “We must take action to make sure that UK businesses are not part of the supply chains that lead to the gates of the internment camps in Xinjiang”

    -British minister Dominic Rabb is connected to the transatlantic neoconservative thinktank, the Henry Jackson Society.

    Biden believes China is committing genocide against the Uighurs

    Emily Horne, the spokesperson for Biden’s National Security Council, told the Washington Examiner that “President Biden has called the oppression of the Uighurs a genocide, and he stands against it in the strongest possible terms.”

    “Horne confirmed with the Washington Examiner that Biden’s position has not changed, and he continues to call the Chinese government’s actions a genocide.
    Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo declared last Tuesday that Chinese officials are perpetrating genocide against Uighur Muslims, comparing the crimes to Nazi atrocities against Jews during the Holocaust.”

    Note: Normally any mention of the Holocaust outside of Jewish deaths in WW2 to describe modern genocides, real or alleged, is a strict no, no. The fact that the Holocaust is mentioned in relation to China’s alleged treatment of Muslims is indicative of how serious the situation is between the US and China.

    Tory rebels could block post-Brexit trade deal with China

    Tory rebels could block post-Brexit trade deal with China by backing Labour’s ‘genocide clause’

    Tory MPs are being urged to “vote with their consciences” when Labour attempts to reverse post-Brexit trade deals the UK has made with countries that are committing genocide.

    Ministers want to reverse key amendments to the Trade Bill, recently passed by the House of Lords, when it returns to the Commons on Tuesday – including one which would force the government to withdraw from any free trade agreement with countries the High Court rules are carrying out any form of genocide.

    QuoMs Nandy and Ms Thornberry said they were, in particular, “gravely concerned about the situation in Xinjiang”, where there is a “growing body of evidence of systemic human rights abuses being committed by the Chinese government against the Muslim Uighur people”.

    EU’s soft approach to China puts it at odds with US

    Brussels looks a long way from following US down the path of import bans from China.

    While U.S. President Joe Biden is looking to identify America’s allies in tackling China, the EU is increasingly sticking out as the major economic bloc that is cozying up to Beijing.

    Washington on Tuesday dramatically raised the stakes in the global debate over banning imports from China by declaring that the crackdown against Muslim Uighurs in the western region of Xinjiang was a “genocide.” While Britain and Canada are moving quickly to align themselves with the tough U.S. position on trade with Xinjiang, the European Commission and most of the EU’s 27 countries have not followed suit, and have instead prioritized an investment agreement with China.

    UK hopes to distinguish itself from Brussels, whose new investment deal with Beijing has gone down badly with the Biden team.

    On the latter, Johnson is under intense pressure from his MPs to go further still — coming close to losing a key vote in the House of Commons Tuesday night over a mechanism that would have allowed U.K. courts to strike down trade deals with countries judged to be committing genocide.

    “I don’t think there will be a huge change to the actual strategic policy that the U.S. has toward China,” said one U.K. official, adding that the expectation was that the key break with the Trump years would be a U.S. desire to build alliances in opposition to Chinese economic, military and diplomatic influence — rather than to go it alone. “We are naturally the closest partner of the U.S. on that kind of issue.”

    Angela Merkel delivers blow to Joe Biden as she sides with China against EU-US alliance

    “The Chinese president spoke yesterday, and he and I agree on that. We see a need for multilateralism,” she said.

    But she quickly moved on to question the Chinese leader’s call for more transatlantic cooperation to avoid new “cold wars”.

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