The Smurfs are Nazis!

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Europe in the Grip of Nazi Mania: Now it has caught up with the Smurfs.

There is no escaping from the Nazi obsession, not even for the Smurfs.

Numerous harmless children’s series, menus and children’s songs have already fallen victim to the collective mental illness in our country – also known as Nazi mania – by which the politically correct entertainment sector is affected.

The Negro King in Pippi Longstocking was given a politically correct name, the Easter Bunny was rewritten out of consideration for Muslims in Germany into “Sitzhase” [ = “Sitting Hare!”], the game “Cowboy and Indians” is punished by state-loyal contemporaries with an extra dose of Ritalin, and the delicious Mohrenkopf [ = “Moor’s Head”] sweets are now called Schaumkuss  [ = “Foam Kisses”].

How offensive!



Nobody is safe from the Nazi hysteria; the truth movement has long since become aware of it.

Now, dire allegation has been leveled against the harmless children’s series “The Smurfs”.

By Anna Schuster

Is there a racist message behind the harmless children’s series? A French author is convinced there is.

His theory is that the little blue creatures are in fact racists and Nazis. The French author Antoine Buéno [photo] claimed that in his book “Le Petit Livre Bleu” [ = “the Little Blue Book”].

In French: “Critical and Political Analysis of Smurf Society”

Screenshot from .


The Smurfs are a television series from Belgium, in which the homogeneous-brat-blue Smurfs defend themselves against the evil hook nose Gargamel.

The series contains many allusions to the Ku Klux Klan, which are:

-All the Smurfs wear white hoods, like the lower members of the KKK.

-Papa Smurf wears a red cap as the leader, like the leaders of the KKK.

-All Smurfs are purebred blue and differ only by their characteristics.

-There is only one token Smurfette, who follows the typical traditionalist KKK (Kinder, Küche, Kirche = children, kitchen, church) pattern of behavior.

-The Smurfs perform typical KKK rituals, such as celebrating a fire.

-Gargamel is the outsized enemy of the Smurfs who, according to the typical racist cliché, is a black-wizard with a hooked nose.



Gargamel – Wikipedia

Gargamel is a fictional character from The Smurfs. He is an evil wizard, the sworn enemy of the Smurfs, and the main antagonist in the show and comic books. His main goal in life is to destroy the Smurfs to turn them into gold.



-Gargamel’s cat is called Azrael (originally Uriel), named after the Angel of Death. No matter which name you take, they come from Jewish mythology. It is also striking that there is little difference from the word “Israel.”

The author also wants to draw attention to the fact that the colorful world of the Smurfs with only a single blond creature (Smurfette) is patriarchal and thus misogynistic and sexist.

The package smurf with the explosive gifts could be interpreted as a Muslim who occasionally blows up his contemporaries.

Thus, the prosecution would add to the charges: racism against the followers of Islam.

Let’s just hope that the bustling little forest dwellers will not one day jump out of the TV set and spread their racism and sexism throughout the country!





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