The Spirit Of Fear Has Conquered America

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Adapted from Chuck Baldwin
September 10, 2020

Let’s be honest enough to face it: America is no longer the “home of the brave,” and as a result, we will soon no longer be “the land of the free.” In many respects, that description of America is already passé.

Of course, America is still home to a few truly brave folks. But these people are more and more in a smaller and smaller minority. Nothing proves this reality like what we are witnessing in regard to the Coronavirus.

Anthony Fauci’s and Bill Gates’ bought-and-paid-for medical establishment, along with the completely controlled mainstream media and their political lackeys in both parties at every level of government (local, county, State and federal) have successfully convinced the vast majority of the American people that they must FEAR the Coronavirus.

And it’s no use arguing the facts or science of the virus. Americans (and people around the world) have totally bought into the phony narrative that corona poses a serious life-threatening danger to everyone.

Never mind that fewer than 10,000 Americans out of 400 MILLION have died exclusively from Corona; never mind that 95% of those who have succumbed to the virus have been people (mostly elderly) who were already suffering from serious comorbidities; never mind that more than half of all Corona IFRs are in nursing homes; never mind that the PCR test itself routinely registers false positives—by perhaps as much as 80%; never mind that over 80% of people who contracted the virus have very mild symptoms or even no symptoms at all; never mind that the Coronavirus has a 99.74% survival rate. 

Most of us have a greater statistical chance of dying in an automobile accident than from Corona, and school-age children have a greater statistical chance of dying from a lightning strike than from Corona!

 And never mind that hospitals, health care workers, State and local governments, churches, corporations and government bureaucrats are being bribed with billions of taxpayer dollars to promote the fear-mongering agenda of the virus—without which you and I would be completely oblivious that the virus even existed.

See this report.

But none of that matters. The phony Corona narrative has been swallowed hook, line and sinker. If we don’t wear face diapers everywhere we go, if we don’t rigidly practice social distancing, if we don’t close our churches and if we don’t take the vaccine, “we are going to die.”

The purveyors of fear have won. America’s experiment in and love of Liberty is over.

The words of Patrick Henry sound so very hollow now:

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains [face masks] and slavery [vaccinations]? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!

Without a doubt, we are each born with a strong sense of self-preservation. This is part of Natural Law, which was endowed to us by our Creator. However, some things are more precious than life, and those things include our FAITH and our FREEDOM.

The fear-based Corona narrative is a blatant attack against both our Faith and our Freedom. The narrative being universally hammered into our hearts and minds in true totalitarian, Big-Lie fashion [JdN: by our jew government and media] should—by itself—convince us that the narrative is NOT OF GOD.

Does fear rule all men?

It wasn’t true of Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry, John Hancock, John Witherspoon, John Adams, James Otis and the rest of America’s Founding Fathers. It wasn’t true for patriots and preachers throughout the ages who loved God and Freedom more than they loved life itself.

Without their selfless sacrifice you and I would have never known a single, solitary day of Freedom. And what are we doing with their sacrifice? We are counting it as dung for the sake of our own personal safety—albeit that our safety is not even threatened by this “Coronavirus,” but it IS threatened by the totalitarianism that we are accepting out of the spirit of fear over the virus.

Two-thirds of the American people are waiting with baited breath to be injected with the Corona vaccine. And for the first time in U.S. history, President Trump has tasked the U.S. military with the responsibility of distributing a domestic vaccine and says he expects the vaccine to be ready before Election Day. (What a coincidence!)

He has also exempted the final stages of the drug’s testing regimen so as to have it ready this year. (Plus, this week he called Democrats Biden and Harris “anti-vaxxers.” What? Trump has now taken up the mantle of vaccination champion? It appears so.)

A new vaccine takes years to develop and test. But this drug is going to be ready in a matter of months. And the drug’s manufacturer(s) is being granted zero liability for any harm resulting from the drug. Typically, after many years of laboratory testing and a new drug is ready for mass testing on humans, U.S. military personnel are the guinea pigs. With the Corona vaccine, however, America’s families are going to be the guinea pigs—including our children.

We already know about the recent horror stories that have been caused by Bill Gates’ pharmaceutical trials in Africa and India, including a polio epidemic and the sterilizations of unsuspecting women and girls. And anyone who has studied the modern history of vaccines is acquainted with the billions of dollars that the U.S. government has doled out to the victims of vaccinations. We are also acquainted with the parallel rise of autism and crib death with the rise of vaccinations.

Yet no one will have a clue as to what chemicals will be in the corona cocktail. We are just supposed to trust Trump, Gates and Fauci and be good little slaves and take the shot. Why? Because we are filled with the spirit of fear—a manufactured, contrived, orchestrated fear, at that.

Again, this fear is NOT OF GOD. But the craven spirit of fear has conquered our country.

I’m telling you right now that it will take MUCH courage to say no to the impending Corona vaccination.

If you think it’s a challenge to refuse to wear a face diaper, just wait until the vaccine shows up.

Are you ready to be denied a ticket on an airplane over it?

Are you ready to be denied a job position over it?

Are you ready to be denied a home or car loan over it?

Are you ready to be denied the freedom to cross State lines over it?

Are you ready to be denied the right to buy and sell over it?

Are you willing to be marked as some kind of “threat” and put on a government database of undesirables, such as what happens now with child molesters, over it?

Will all of those things happen immediately? Probably not. But make no mistake about it:

All of those things and more are part of the endgame of this Corona scamdemic. And it’s the spirit of fear in the hearts of the American people—including America’s Christian people—that is making it happen.

If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.

There was a day when the American people genuinely believed those words. We are in the process of finding out how many of them still do.




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