The strangest moment during Trump’s inaugural speech ” military officers walk right up and stand behind him

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Joseph Farrell, PhD, the brilliant Oxford graduate, speculates about something very strange during Trump’s inaugural speech which I also noticed:



There was a strange moment during President Trump’s inauguration speech, and that strange moment seems to be catching the attention of a few people and making a few rounds of discussion, and I have (as one might suspect) my own suspicions and high octane speculations, and they don’t seem to be entirely unique to me. And while I normally don’t comment much about US domestic politics here, other then to say the Clintons, Bushes, and Obamas have left it a shambles, this one caught my eye: as Mr. Trump began his inaugural address, a group of soldiers and sailors came up behind the new President, flanked him, and stood for a few seconds until another military man came up, said something, and the soldiers and sailors turn and exit.

Did soldiers accidentally crash Trump’s inaugural speech? Bizarre moment servicemen in uniform flank the new president – and walk away after a few seconds

Now, The Daily Mail is spinning this all as a “moment of confusion”; this was all accident, a mistake. And indeed, I suspect it was made at least to appear to be “a moment of confusion,” and an accident and a mistake.

One person emailed me and asked if I had caught it, and stated that for that moment, he felt like “this is it, this is the moment they assassinate him, and return power to the neo-con neo-liberal Clinton-Bush-Obama-roids.” Or words to that effect (he was a bit more “colorful” in his language).

But in my high octane speculation of the day, I am going to suggest this was no “moment of confusion” nor even an “accident”, but rather, a very clear symbolic message. Whether that message is a disturbing one is up to the individual reader to determine; I merely present my suspicions and speculations. Indeed, that message can be taken in two ways, as we’ll see.

Prior to this last election there was a great deal of back and forth on the internet, and there was even talk – promoted primarily by CIA-affiliated Dr. Steve Piezcenik – that Mr Trump was indeed getting powerful backing from segments of the American Deep State that had finally “had it” with the unipolar Neo-con Neo-liberal agenda of the past three administrations, and that it was launching a soft “countercoup.”

So far as that scenario goes, it mirrors my own speculations, voiced in various interviews, that Mr. Trump did indeed have backing of certain factions in the American deep state, only my scenario did not include that bit about “countercoups.” That in itself is an interesting choice of words, for it implies some previous coup, which, interestingly enough, was never specified as to when it began, and who pulled it off. For my part, I’ve suggested in a couple of interviews that I view the whole recent election fracas from a very long historical arc, dating back at least to (you guessed it) the Kennedy Administration.

And if that “countercoup” scenario does have any merit, then the language itself does suggest that some sort of long historical arc is necessary, for the Bush political dynasty was, in effect, launched when Mr. Nixon brought GHW Bush into the White House from the CIA and made him head of the RNC. Mr. Reagan, of course, was forced to accept Mr. Bush as his Vice President, and months later an assassination attempt on his life by Bush family acquaintance John Hinckley left Mr. Reagan in a hospital bed and Mr. Bush effectively running the country.

And, if you’ve been keeping score, the disturbing revelations surrounding Iran-Contra, and the book of intelligence operative Terry Reed (Compromised: Clinton, Bush, and the CIA) exposed a whole network of nasty connections between the two families.


So picture, now, the scene: Mr. Trump delivering his inaugural address. Behind him are seated former Presidents Bill Clinton, George Walker Bush, and Barack Obama(forced to take Darth Hillary as his Secretary of State), with first ladies Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton. The military walks up behind Trump. Message? Do what we tell you to do.

Conversely, the message could be very different: same scene, different interpretation: the military walks up behind Mr. Trump and flanks him, in clear view of the assembled presidential neo-cons and neo-libs: message? We’ve got his back, don’t try anything stupid. And in the context of pre-election campaign chatter of countercoups and so on, it seems to fit more closely.

But either way, the message is a disturbing one, and I’ll leave it as a case of “you tell me.”

See you on the flip side…

Profile photo of Joseph P. Farrell

About Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and “strange stuff”. His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into “alternative history and science”.



……My take on this

I go with the positive scenario that a genuinely patriotic and anti-NWO faction within the US  government and military was making a show of force to the anti-Trumpistas in the CIa who were and are itching to murder the man.

I can say, as a former US Marine and son of a Marine lieutenant-colonel, these three things:

One,  it is a source of great pride for the Marine Corps that they guard the White House and fly Marine One, the presidential helicopter; we protect the president. We never make sloppy mistakes. Everything is professionalism and precision.

Air Force One takes off after Marine One delivered to it the Commander-in-Chief. Helicopters are much more dangerous than jets to fly, and cannot glide at all if a malfunction happens, so Marine One is kept in absolutely perfect running condition at all times. 

Two, the officer in charge of the detail (unit) that marched up behind the president WAS a Marine Corps officer, a captain, like my father in this photo….

My father with Reagan

With Ford

With Kissinger

And this Marine captain called them back also.

In other words, believe me as a former Marine and a member of Marine Corps intelligence to boot, that Marines just don’t fuck up. We don’t do things willy-nilly or because we get “nervous.” We never go off half-cocked. All Marine training is about the combat mindset and being decisive, not jittery.

That Marine took those fellow officers out there on live television during the Inaugural Address of Donald Trump, now the most well-known man on this earth after Jesus, Muhammad and Hitler, and he had them stand right behind Trump, in carrying out an order.

Btw, Trump was saying these words during those 40 seconds:

Today’s ceremony, however, has very special meaning. Because today we are not merely transferring power from one Administration to another, or from one party to another “ but we are transferring power from Washington, D.C. and giving it back to you, the American People. For too long, a small group in our nation’s Capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost.

Three, the inaugural speech of the new president of the United States is an awesome occasion. Never would any member of the US Armed forced DARE to upstage the President of the United States and their Commander-in-Chief, who can throw them in prison by one word out of his mouth, as he has the world’s attention and is speaking on life television, and just troop up to being right behind the man.

On the stage, it is said that children and dogs upstage anyone. 😉 Well, so do six officers marching right up to you. I saw it and my first reaction, having seen many inaugurations and having attended up-close the 1968 Nixon inauguration, was HUNH!?!?  I felt instantly that this had to do with symbolizing the military guarantee to WHOMEVER of the safety and protection of the President.

Four, I warned Trump myself, and President Vladimir Putin of Russia used MY warning, that he could be assassinated by the Jews and their minions. In fact, the now 132-day-long hacking of my website began the day, September 11 of last year, that RUSSIAN STATE TELEVISION USED MY ARTICLE TO WARN TRUMP.

…..Contact and support


The truth is that part of the reason why Trump is alive now may be my website, because by using it, Putin was making it crystal-clear to Trump that THE JEWS  (the organized Jewish leadership) were his main source of lethal physical danger.





It doens’t matter, Donald, and I last knew you as George, if your son-in-law Jared likes you or not, or if certain other Jews like you, or say they do. All that matters is that the Top Jews fear and hate you and see that you are a mortal threat to the Jew World Order.

Your attacks on the media cut to the heart of their power.

Your advocacy of borders and the nation state contradict their global governance and one-world ideology.

You are the six-foot-two blond Aryan beast they dread.

And they know of whom you are the reincarnation.




  1. Joseph P. Farrell writes numerous books about how “the Nazis” are secretly running the banks and global conspiracy today, instead of Zionist Jews. What do you think of that?

A comrade emailed me:

Yes, I, my wife and my mother-in-law also thought that was strange. At first, we thought did they need to be there to get Trump out of there, but then I realized it had to be a show of support. Of course, during that speech I was constantly praying that nothing happen to Trump.

As we’ve discussed before, there is much more going on behind the scenes than the average person would ever believe, and we have allies where we would least expect it. The hopeless picture that Alex Jones presents of a unipolar, unbeatable conspiracy headed by the Rothschilds is not accurate.

I agree with this analysis:

Conversely, the message could be very different: same scene, different interpretation: the military walks up behind Mr. Trump and flanks him, in clear view of the assembled presidential neo-cons and neo-libs: message? We’ve got his back, don’t try anything stupid. And in the context of pre-election campaign chatter of countercoups and so on, it seems to fit more closely.

I find it immensely impressive that Mr. President can go about his daily life for decades now, and not let on what he knows or who he knows.

Heck, he’s probably been awake for a long time. That Frontline special called “The Choice” from this past fall made a big deal about how Donald’s lawyer and one of his mentors was Roy Cohn,
Cohn may have been a jewish homo, but he certainly fought against the commies and knew what was happening.

A big relief for me this weekend was that the rank and file at the CIA seem to be on his side. That’s one of the best things I’ve heard in a long while.

Exciting times!

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