The totally unnecessary fear of death that persists despite DECADES of credible OBE, NDE and reincarnation research!

Kevin (MARTIN HENDERSON) says good bye to Anna (KYLIE ROGERS) before she heads for the plane to Boston in Columbia Pictures' MIRACLES FROM HEAVEN.
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“Miracles from Heaven”: a true story of a loving, successful, intact family where everything is going right ….. until….

Let me be clear: if “you” do not want to see this movie, based on a true story, it is your egoic mind that masochistically refuses to let you be happy.

Fear death! Fear everything! Be angry all the time. Keep doing stupid shit and then hating yourself!

….your mind as your avowed ENEMY…..

Torturing you!

AND REMEMBER, THIS IS NOT a Jesus movie! In fact,

  1. two real jerks in the film are churchy Christians,
  2. the minister has no satisfying answer as to why God let the little girl get a horrific disease, and
  3. The mother becomes a quasi-atheist and stops going to church, angry at God as her daughter dies in agony.
  4. .



….After seeing this scene of a US Army soldier, a medic, dying during WWII (from “Saving Private Ryan”), a comment about fear….



Having an extreme fear of death is the reason I’m not going into the army.
I replied:
 @Glacier  There is no need at all these days for this extreme fear of death.
You really should research OBEs (Out of Body Experiences); NDEs (Near-Death Experiences) and reincarnation studies at the University of Virginia (Ian Stevenson MD and Jim Tucker, MD).

Or get started easily with just the James Leininger case here on YouTube. It is about a WWII Navy pilot who was shot down during the Battle of Iwo Jima (in which, btw, my own father fought). It is fascinating and convincing.

A little Louisiana boy, after visiting the Kavanaugh Aviation Museum in Houston, Texas with his dad, suddenly had an encyclopedic knowledge of the Corsair, a Navy fighter plane with gull-wings that was cutting-edge in WWII….

But then he began having awful nightmares and PTSD about being shot down and then drowning as his cockpit filled with water and he could not break the glass and escape.

After doing some good research on OBEs, NDEs and reincarnation, you may not fear death any more at all. 🙂

Also, “Miracles from Heaven” (w/Jennifer Garner) is a true and absolutely verified NDE as well as being a superb, heartwarming movie. 🙂



…..Let me be blunt.

We can still beat the jews if we are willing to lay our lives down to destroy their power.

Not through rigged elections.

Not through Facebook posts (obviously not, especially since the Great Purge of early 2020).

And today there is CREDIBLE, authenticated proof of:

— God,

— the soul and the afterlife

— reincarnation

— angels

— demonic forces

— heaven


— hell.

My next blog will be on people who were selfish jerks and had very scary NDEs where they actually went to “hell,” which was a temporary place (on this the Muslims and Buddhists are right, a TEMPORARY place) where everyone was a rat just like them.

And they put themselves there by their own thoughts, words, deeds — and their lack of deeds — WHEN COURAGE AND COMPASSION were the only right choice, yet they refused either to fight or to help.

And so, by their action or inaction, innocent people died.


About 1/4 of NDEs are hellish, and people who have had them are twice as reluctant to divulge them as other NDE experiencers.

3/4s of NDEs involve going to an actually ultra-beautiful, deeply loving place — also TEMPORARILY — in order to review their life with an angel in a compassionate way.


You can grown and change tremendously on the other side, though only a few do.

I spent nine years reviewing things, determined that NS must come back in a new form, and adapted so it appeals to the world-influencing AMERICANS.

But most justify their misdeeds even on the other side, and they are permitted to do so. Then they go to a place, a hell, where they belong, because everyone is JUST LIKE THEM.


…..See also

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Note on composing comments under my articles:
I am tired of editing misspelled words and uncapitalized names and proper nouns (the names of persons, cities, rivers and countries). I do know they no longer teach cursive. The way people type today is literally how Deep South negroes and the mentally retarded spelled fifty years ago. 😉
Whites are a detail race, a race of careful craftsmen.
1. If you recommend a book, then send a link.
2. If in your mind you are „too busy“ to check your comment for flaws before hitting the „send“/“publish“ button, then please abstain. I cannot keep on editing your sloppy typing; I cannot approve comments that were dashed off by someone on a caffeine buzz who needed urgently to go wee-wee. 😉 That sloppiness and lack of diligence I see in so-called Millennials actually is a kind of subtle disrespect both for you yourself and for all my readers. Be Aryan: strong and conscientious!



  1. Ora si scopre che Leonardo Da Vinci, Cristoforo Colombo e Américo Vespucci… sono catalani!
    Questa grande scoperta, di portata mondiale, è stata fatta dai ricercatori dell’Institut Nova Historia , una fondazione culturale di Barcellona, ​​e ne sono così convinti che l’hanno resa pubblica in un recente congresso ad Arenys de Munt, vicino Barcellona. Le informazioni sono raccolte dal settimanale “Sette” del “Corriere della Sera”,il primo quotidiano italiano, che, sorpreso e stupito dalla scoperta, titolava la cronaca con un monito: “Non toccare Leonardo”.

    E subito sottolineano il loro stupore: «Sapevi che Leonardo Da Vinci era catalano? No? Nemmeno noi”.

    I suddetti ricercatori catalani affermano, senza alcun dubbio, che Leonardo, Cristóbal Colón e Américo Vespucci sono nati in Catalogna. La sua teoria sostiene che la storia della sua regione “è stata sistematicamente ignorata e in molti casi alterata dal potere castigliano, già nel XV secolo”.

    Una sorta di congiura che avrebbe sottratto personalità illustri alla gloria della Catalogna. Quali sono i test? Per quanto riguarda Leonardo, sono nello stemma della sua famiglia, che mostrerebbe chiaramente, dice il presidente dell’Istituto, Albert Codinas, gli elementi distintivi della casa reale catalana.

    Risolto il mistero de La Gioconda
    Gli illustri storici dell’Institut Nova Historia vanno oltre, perché mettono fine a un mistero che si trascina da secoli: la personalità de La Gioconda, capolavoro di Leonardo. La Monna Lisa sarebbe in realtà il ritratto di Catalina de Aragón,(Caterina d’Aragona/Isabella d’Aragona 😉 e le montagne che appaiono sullo sfondo sono quelle di (Montserrat).

    Ho trovato questo articolo poco fa:
    Questo mi ricorda Montsegur,i Catari,gli albigesi e il loro “Sterminio”.
    Ritratto del Ghirlandaio(Di nuovo).
    Guarda il copricapo di entrambi,anche Wagner è stato rappresentato così.
    Il padre di CRISTOforo Colombo si chiamava Giovanni Colonna.
    Queste famiglie(Medici,Sforza,Aragona,Colonna)hanno cercato di avere rapporti pacifici con il continente americano,di rivendicare la loro appartenenza,le origini e il sangue!
    Tutto questo ha scatenato l’Ira dei Gesuiti e la sete di Potere.
    I Gesuiti hanno schiacciato,distrutto questo filo conduttore..

  2. Fai caso ai nomi in questa lista,nelle famiglie nobili,Giovanni,Giacomo,Anna,Cristoforo,Filomena,Caterina..
    Ecco perché non è importante la linea patriarcale(Giuseppe Phantera,Erode il Grande,il padre di Leonardo o di Cristoforo Colombo 😉
    E per mia fortuna non vedo i nomi Pietro,Paolo 😉 😉

  3. Highest Good: Aryan Blood!

    A Viking Age depiction of Odin with two snakes (although some “researchers” want to call him a snake witch) on the picture stone in Fornsalen in Gotland/Sweden (Pay attention to the triskele/swastika of snakes). Viking stonemasonry from Sweden from the 4th century AD:

    Cernunnos was the god of the Celts, he is related to Odin, just as Celts and Germans once emerged from the same root, according to Caesar. Here is a find from England (Cirencester) depicting him. He holds two snakes in his hands:

    The Galsted Buckle (Fibla fra Galsted) – A gold-plated silver buckle made locally around 500 AD. It is believed to represent Óðinn (Odin/Wotan) or Tuisto. The original is in the National Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen. Notice the two snakes:

    Kon Tiki Viracocha, also called Huiracocha or Wiraqoca, creator deity originally worshipped by the pre-Inca inhabitants of Peru and later incorporated into the Pantheon of the Incas. He has been described as a white bearded god.

    Here is a depiction of him holding two snakes in his hands on the megalithic “Gate of the Sun” at Tiahuanacu (Tiwanaku), Bolivia.
    This god is known in other parts of South America as Quetzalcoatl/Kukulkan.

    He is said to have created the sun and the moon on Lake Titicaca. According to tradition, after creating the rest of heaven and earth, Viracocha wandered the world and taught people the art of civilization. Here is another representation of Viracocha in ancient Tiwanaku (Bolivia). Note: Indians don’t have a beard. “El Barbado”, the bearded (monolith):

    It seems as if Odin, Cernunnos, Tengri (Central Asian Himmerls god of the Aryan Scythies) and Viracocha have one and the same root and the swastika is always their divine sign of eternity. The snakes are also a very old symbol of eternity (Ouroboros = snake biting its tail and forming a ring = eternity = world snake/midgarch snake/Jörmungandr = DNA).

    Highest Good. Aryan Blood. We must secure the existance of our people and a future for white children. Wotans conscious lives in our indogermanic blood and connects us all with each other. Do not let GOD die (God is derived from Godan which is the gothic word for Wodan/Odin).

    Tyr (Teiwaz, Tiwaz, Ziu, Tuisto, Zio) is a god in the Germanic writings of the Edda, where he is named as the god of battle and victory on the one hand, but also appears as the preserver of law and order on the other. The Old Norse form of the name is the most commonly known and used. Other singular language forms are in Old English Tiw, Tig, Old Dutch dīs and Old High German Ziu, Tiu, Tiuz.

    The root of his name suggests that Tyr was originally a father or sky god.

    “As progenitors and founders of their nationhood, they [the Teutons] glorify Tuisto, a god sprung from the earth, and his son Mannus in ancient songs-the only kind of historical tradition that exists among them.”
    – Tacitus: Germania 2,2

    The manuscripts to the Germania offer a great variety of spellings of the name; Tuistonem and Tuisconem can be discerned as the main variants. A decision between the two forms of the name is neither possible from the tradition nor from the etymology. Both can be traced back to an element of Germanic *twis- “two-“.

    German (Deutsch) comes from Teutsch. Teutsch from Teutz. Teutz from Tuisto/Ziu/Tiwisko.
    This is the root like Deus/Dyaeus/Zeus.

    Ziu = Zwo = Two (Two). (Example Twilight).
    Odin = Wodan = Godan (Gothic name) = God.
    Odin however is the first.
    In the Indo-European Russian language ODIN is called ONE until today.
    ODIN (=Godan = God) has breathed his breath (Odem = Odin) according to the Edda into an ash tree trunk (=life tree = DNA).

    So the Germans are (according to legend, which always contains a grain of truth) descendants of God.
    Therefore, whoever touches the Germans and white people in general, touches God.

    Your ancestors are our people of old:

    In you lives the heritage of millions of ancestors, the blood of your whole people.
    Behind your 2 parents there are 4 grandparents, 8 great-grandparents and so on. With each previous ancestor sequence the number of your ancestors doubles. In the 25.
    Generation it is already more than 33 million. 25 generations, that is about
    600 years. From each of these 16 million men and 16 million women you are
    you are a part, a breath, a feeling, a thought. All of them still live in
    your form and your being immortally until today. 16 million men
    and 16 million women have woven on you, have bequeathed, strengthened or
    erased. All the people of that time are your ancestors, as they are the ancestors of all of us.
    So also the history of your people is your own history.
    Our common blood and our common history make us
    brothers. In this great community, your blood, your soul also lives on.
    It lives in your deeds and works, your thinking and dreams . and will
    one day be in your children and grandchildren.

    You too, fight for the future of this blood! In the blood
    of your people you are immortal.
    -Hans Belstler “Du stehst im Volk”

    “If a people is led to its end by the means of governmental power, the resistance of each and every one of this people is not only a right but a duty.

    The struggle is therefore will be fought with “legal” means as long as the power to be uses such means; however, it will also use illegal means, if the oppressor also uses such means aswell.

    In general, however, it should never be forgotten that it is not the preservation of a state or even that of a government is the highest purpose of existence, but the preservation of its own kind.

    If, however, this species itself is in danger of being suppressed or even
    eliminated, then the question of legality plays only a subordinate role. It may then be
    that the ruling power will use a thousand times so-called “legal” means in their actions, nevertheless the self-preservation instinct of the oppressed is always the most
    noble justification for their struggle with all weapons.

    Only from the recognition of this proposition alone history provides us with gigantic examples of struggles for freedom against internal and external enslavement of peoples.

    Human right breaks state law.

    The world is not there for cowardly peoples.”
    -Adolf Hitler “My Struggle” (“Mein Kampf” Page 104 – 105)

    The swastika is a symbol for eternity. God (Godan = Odin = Odins Breath = Life Force) lives on in our aryan blood, which can be eternal, if we have big white families, do not race mix and protect our people from all threats, that endanger our existance.
    God is with us. Therefore: God wills it. DEUS VULT!


    • Thank you.

      Interesting how Tuisto sprang from the earth, a non-god who became one, as with Hercules and Ganymede, and Odin himself.

      “Tui” soumds like the Indo-European “dyaus,” literally “shining one,” and then “a god.”

      …which brings me to a general observation…

      As I said in another life, a dead religion cannot be revived, but the good in it can be taken up by the new religion.

      Today the evidence is strong:

      — the gods were real, but advanced aliens (morally good, inbetween and bad)

      — God (the creator of all things) is real, also the soul, afterlife, reincarnation, angels, heaven and hell.

      I have read the calculation before about how we have 32 million ancestors if you go back just 600 years.

      It is all good but not extremely connecting and heart-warming to have DNA from perfect strangers in the Middle Ages. What IS is to realize that reincarnation is real, no myth, and you and I were there… in other bodies… in 1421, and sometimes we even knew each other, and we loved and cherished our country even then. 🙂

  4. “a dead religion cannot be revived”

    You have a point John DeNugent,
    but after reading the treatise i did not have the feeling that this is something that is dead. It is more like reconnecting to our true roots, GODan (Wodan), while at the same time making real sense for the first time to all our ancient scriptures (Edda, Tacitus Germania, Aryan Sumerian Genesis). A tree needs deep roots gain true strength and power (thats why jewish globalists want to deny us our traditions and true history). We need to reconnect to our Wodan Conscious to say it with C.G.Jung.
    So it reminds me of this ancient chinese stratagam:

    “Borrow a corpse to resurrect the soul”
    – Take an institution, a technology, a method, or even an ideology that has been forgotten or discarded and appropriate it for your own purpose. Revive something from the past by giving it a new purpose or bring to life old ideas, customs, or traditions and reinterpret them to fit your purposes.
    – At the end of the Medieval period when nation-states would field conscripted armies armed with firearms, personal body armour fell out of fashion for field infantry. The 1800s saw the early development of the ballistic vest but it did not become standard issue for modern armies until the 1990s.
    – Learn from history, identify what worked before and bring it back to serve your needs.
    – Napoleonic France and Fascist Italy both used concepts and imagery reminiscent of Ancient Rome as an inspirational tool for their citizens and soldiers.

    I would deeply appreciate, if you can make one of your excellent articles out of the treatise (with pictures attached).
    I guess the ancient god depiction is an ancient symbol for our DNA (two snakes), while gods Odem (breath)/gods eternal spark sits in between the two snakes.

    We are eternal, if our blood is eternal. God is eternity. That is why god lives in our blood/DNA.
    We must preserve this.
    The conscious for this fact can turn whites into real warriors for the eternal survival of our people, because they know, that they will live on in the blood of their people, while their soul will reincarnate into other aryans.

    God bless you.

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