The translation of the German book on reincarnation

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[4:17:38 AM | Bearbeitet 4:50:08 AM] M: Hopefully the 20$ there combined with whatever other donations you are getting will be enough so you can finish that translation [of die spirituelle Welt]].


[6:13:26 AM | Bearbeitet 6:14:08 AM] John de Nugent: Dear comrade, $20 is very appreciated, but the money is so pitiful — $20 yesterday came in from Massachusetts… That was all for the entire week. LOL.

And so I am forced to do time-consuming audiobook after audiobook to barely survive, so the completion of the translation of this 220-page book is being postponed — over and over and over.

[6:16:38 AM | Bearbeitet 6:18:25 AM] John de Nugent: The book is great if one is an older soul and a true searcher, but even many Germans say ”eh” about it. 🙂

The truth is exactly what my Jewish landlord, Ted Weiner, said once with disgust (and he was disgusted with Judaism too): ”People are animals.”

That is why democracy is a beautiful and yet so toxic delusion. The vast majority are selfish, willfully ignorant cowards.

Were they not, the jews, 2% of our population, who are openly genociding us, and raping and killing our children, would be gone in 24 hours.


The principle of black magic is this:

If you warn the victim you intend to rape, torture and kill him or her, and yet they neither run nor fight, then you as a satanist have every moral right under cosmic law to do so.


Eastern front hero Leon Degrelle meets Adolf Hitler



”This world is a place of struggle and he who will not fight is not worthy to live.” –AH



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