The tyrannon makes Facebookers bannable; Blacks, don’t make the white cops angry

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To reiterate my Sept. 12 post on Facebook, which got 74 likes (and led to me blocking 11 irate people), I have had very bad experiences personally with all adherents of contrafactual and even harmful theories such as:





–the flat earth;

–individuals making blanket assertions w-i-t-h-o-u-t actual proof that Famous Female X, Y or Z is really a man; and

–vicious s-l-a-n-d-e-r-s such as claiming (with zero PROOF) that Putin, Trump or AH was/is: a pedophile, Jewish, a willing NWO agent (yes, of course, BOTH Putin and Trump clearly f-e-a-r Khazaria’s media and financial power and try to minimize its wrath!!!).

Jesus harshly condemned those sinners who judge other sinners as if they themselves were paragons of virtue and bravery.

What unites all these advocates of nonsense is 1) no training in the scientific method; 2) no understanding of the difference between a theory and a fact; 3) and an aggressive, argumentative and dogmatic tone.

Almost always they are high-school, not college grads with no advanced science courses. (There is a good reason why all military officers in all advanced countries must be graduates of a four-year university. Leaders should be rational thinkers.)

Finally, not one single person who adheres to these theories has ever donated one single dime to me and Margi as activists when

1) we faced literal homelessness (esp. in 2014),

2) death threats (2015-today),

3) a direct White House threat from caller ID “White House Sw[itchboard] (202) 456-1414” on 23 Nov 2015,




4) since May 2018, Margi’s 16-month battle for her very life with a suspicious throat cancer. (She never smoked, drank, was overweight or ate junk, only organic food, much of which we grow ourselves.)


Not one dime can flat-earthers and CIs send to save her life, but these folks will tell you all about the flat earth, or there is no God, or Jesus definitely never existed and was invented by Rome, or whites are Israelites, or (sez Gnosticism) everything is hopeless because alien archons rule the world and have a net out around the planet to catch your soul and eat it when you die. 😉

For that they do have time. 😉 And how superior they do feel. 😉




…….Don’t make the white boys angry

A real tough guy doesn’t need to theatrically take his t-shirt off first.

Steve Clark I’ve read that taking off the shirt is a street tactic making it more difficult to grab hold. True??
  • John De Nugent Aufdeutsch That would make sense. When I was with Rocky [Rockwell’s party, the NSWPP], we had clip-on ties that an enemy could only pull off, not grab us by.

……Yet again

LAWRENCEVILLE, Ga. – A Georgia business owner and former NFL player is facing criminal charges after destroying his business and writing racial slurs on the walls in an attempt to make it look like a burglary, police say.

Authorities said officers were called Wednesday to the Create and Bake Restaurant and Coughman’s Creamery in Lawrenceville to a report of burglary in progress, WSB-TV reported.

Officers later went into the business and found graffiti including “racially motivated” words, swastikas and “MAGA” spray-painted on the walls, among other damage.

Edawn Louis Coughman, the owner of the business, was arrested the next day.

Coughman played for several NFL teams from 2012 to 2016, including the Washington Redskins, the Dallas Cowboys and most recently the Arizona Cardinals.

Tyisha Fernandes of WSB-TV was at the Create and Bake and Coughman’s Creamery Friday, where she could still see the vandalism through the window. Flat-screen televisions were ripped off the walls and offensive slurs were still spray-painted on the walls.

Fernandes spoke to Cpl. Michele Pihera, with the Gwinnett County Police, who said they still aren’t sure why Coughman may have targeted his own business.

“We don’t know if it was financial motivation or what the case is,” Pihera said.

Pihera said a shopping plaza maintenance worker saw someone burglarizing the restaurant around 9:30 p.m. Wednesday and called police. Some officers were already in the area and spotted a black truck without a license plate on it.

“We’re so fortunate that somebody saw something weird, saw something suspicious, and called us,” Pihera said.

Police pulled the truck over thinking it could be a possible burglary suspect. Coughman was driving.

“That’s when they asked him about it, and he said he’s the owner of the business,” Pihera said.

When police searched the back of Coughman’s truck, they found several flat-screen TVs that looked a little suspicious.

“The brackets were still attached and there was still drywall attached to the brackets, meaning, someone took them off very quickly,” Pihera said.

When officers went inside the restaurant, they saw where TVs were probably ripped off the wall and they say racial slurs like “monkey” and the n-word — as well as MAGA — spray-painted everywhere.

Police said the paint was fresh and when they looked at Coughman’s hands, they saw black spray paint.

Police learned he’d already contacted his insurance company.

“He had reported this incident to his insurance company prior to officers conducting that first pull-over,” Pihera said. “He was attempting to leave that shopping center when our officers conducted that felony stop. Everything lined up for this perfect arrest.”

Coughman has been arrested several times for different offenses. Reuters reported that Coughman was arrested for gun possession in Canada, where he also played football.

In 2016, police arrested his business partner, another NFL player, for selling alcohol after hours in their business without a license.

Coughman bonded out of jail. He’s facing three charges including insurance fraud, making a false report and a tag violation for taking his plate off.

Police said he could face more charges.





  1. Ciao John, ti scrivo nella mia lingua!! Io apprezzo quello che fai, non quello che dici,il tuo Fare è un esempio per noi..accorciarsi le maniche per piantare nuovi chiama in realtà Rivoluzione dal Basso, lo stesso Pasolini disse che un ritorno al passato è un atto di coraggio, è necessario!nelle sue memorie trapela quest’inno alla rivoluzione Fascista, alla Sacra Destra. Questo testamento é stato nascosto ai più… perché doveva vivere solo il Pasolini marxista. La sua stretta di mano con Ezra Pound ha segnato tutta la sua Esistenza..e la sua condanna a morte! Sono fiera di essere Italiana solo quando scopro persone come Pier Paolo Pasolini…il suo coraggio, il tuo non può essere spiegato a parole. Grazie!

    • Thank you!

      Here is a translation into English:


      Hi John, I am writing you in my [Italian] language! I appreciate what you do, not what you say, your doing is an example for us .. rolling up your sleeves to plant new fruits .. it’s actually called a “Revolution from Below.”

      The same Pasolini said that a return to the past is an act of courage; it is necessary! In his memoirs he transpires this hymn to the Fascist revolution, to the Sacred Right. This testament has been hidden from most … because the Marxist Pasolini had to survive. His handshake with Ezra Pound marked his whole existence … and was his death sentence! [He was murdered in 1975.] I am proud to be Italian only from discovering people like Pier Paolo Pasolini …

      His courage, and yours, cannot be put into words. Thanks!


  2. Ti scrivo ancora John,quando avrò le possibilità ti manderò il mio contributo via lettera:”Sono una pianista,mi piace disegnare (15aprile 1985).Sin da piccola ho avuto una forte attrazione per Mozart,me lo sognavo sempre!Avevo 9anni,immaginavo di trovare i suoi resti in Austria,non mi spiegavo il perché era stato sepolto come tanti,frettolosamente e senza lapide. Il mio tormento di tutti i giorni!Crescendo ho imparato a Suonare,talento ereditato dalla famiglia della mia mamma,tutti artisti raffinati.I miei nonni(classe 1928)sono Ariani nel carattere e nell’aspetto.Solo da grande ho capito che Mozart non era morto di morte naturale ma assassinato dalla Massoneria.Non ci potevo credere!Mozart mi ha guidata per tutti questi anni!ho sofferto tantissimo perché mi sentivo diversa,perché avevo grandi sentimenti, perché non sopportavo le ingiustizie. Da lì ho cominciato a riprendermi, mi sono sposata felicemente,non ho terminato gli studi di piano perché quel mondo per quanto bello era pieno di gente opportunista;oggi mi chiedo se questo Mondo è adatto all’Arte,alla sua reale bellezza,se vanno avanti solo gli eletti!Le mie idee,le tue,non coincidono con questo Mondo,sei tagliata fuori solo perché racconti la verità.Questa verità che mi ha perseguitata per anni,mi ha portata a seguirla perché mi tracciava la strada. Oggi sono qui…che ti scrivo,di fronte alla Verità,anche se fa tanta paura, perché non puoi fidarti di nessuno..perché sei sola con le tue idee,con quella immagine di “Bellezza” chiamata NazionalSocialismo(Amo tantissimo Savitri Devi, anche se quello che ho letto di lei è stato solo su internet).Lei mi ha guidata quando volevo conoscere la vera natura del Fhurer,la sua verità!Tutte le mattine ascolto Wagner,mi fa piangere,non so il perché…immagino questa battaglia finale(il Ragnarok)e la vittoria della Natura,della Bellezza,degli Dei Ariani,del Sole Nero,della Vita e dell’Amore. L’inizio dell’Era dorata e del SatyaYuga. E’ questa la mia pace,il mio sogno di Libertà…il futuro dei miei figli,non chiedo altro.Ps:Ti toccherà tradurre anche questa lettera!Sieg Heil

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