The UP of Michigan’s double-fatality UFO incident; extremely experienced outdoorsmen missing or abducted

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US Air Force F-89s in the 1950s were excellent all-weather fighter jets and great in bad weather. One was scrambled in 1953 in the eastern UP to check out a large UFO. It and the  UFO merged on radar screens with the object, then the F-89 was simply never seen again, nor were the two pilots. GONE.

As the narrator, Paulides, says, always pay attention to the initial reports, before the “spin” starts and the Deep State-controlled government begins churning out its b-s cover-up.

He also says there have been many disappearances in the eastern half of the UP. (I live in the western half. 😉 ) At the end, I report on his video on how many German scientists have disappeared……….. He also says he has gotten “strikes” from YT. Hmmmm.

I can only add that the UP has many blond, blue-eyed people due to the many people of Finnish, German, Swedish, British and Polish descent here.

A Vietnam Swift boat veteran named Jim told me a harrowing story of an alien trying to enter his fishing cabin. He told me he was so scared as this thing pulled on the door to open it that his thighs cramped.

We can thank Eisenhower (the jews’ lackey who crushed Germany in WWII, gave Stalin half of Europe, IMO had Patton murdered, and starved a million German POWs to deaht in the his Rhine Meadows death camps) for making a pact with the Greys for their weapons tech. The Greys now have the run of this country. And remember, just before he met with the Greys, Ike told the Nordics to get lost.

Every time I enter the Ontonagon post office, AND GET HIGHLY APPRECIATED DONATION, I see this plaque.

Humorous UP cartoon


…..1953 Lake Superior UFO incident kills two Air Force pilots

The infamous November 23, 1953 “Kinross Case” involved an F-89 jet trying to intercept a UFO over Lake Superior at Kinross AFB, later called Kincheloe AFB. (A prison and civlian airport are now located there.


The pilot, Lt. Felix E. Moncla of Moreauville, La. [photo] and the co-pilot 2nd Lt. Robert L. Wilson, of Ponca City, Okla., both disappeared over the icy Great Lake and neither the airmen nor any plane wreckage was ever found.


For both ufologists and the Air Force, the matter of the Kinross affair remains wide open.


John de Nugent Videographer with night-lens camera captures two triangular UFOs maneuvering near Las Vegas

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John de Nugent With night-vision cameras one can see many incredible things flying at slow speeds. Another way is using high-speed cameras; many UFOs fly in broadest daylight but at supersonic speeds — Mach 3-5 — and go so fast that earthlings do not notice the blur.
John de Nugent A German comrade who is well known to me sent me a photo he took from above the Königssee, “King’s Lake,” a favorite picnic spot for AH and Eva Braun located near AH’s onetime Alpine villa and compound which was called the Berghof:…/ah-berchtesgaden-berghof-bay…Manage
John de Nugent In this photo of the whole valley, you cannot really see anything unusual…nor did he, at the time, but do notice the area which I circled.


John de Nugent I did this closeup of it, a red blur heading either up or down:…/ufo-teehaus-untersberg…Manage
John de Nugent These craft, far, far more advanced that our stuff, fly straight at the earth or a mountainside at 3-4 thousand miles an hour, and then a slit dematerializes for one second, lets them in, and then reseals, becoming solid again.
Because earthlings, enslaved by their egoic minds, spend all their resources lying about, fighting, and killing each other (Trump just upped the Pentagon budget to the highest level in US history, though the US faces no threats to the homeland), we are held back from developing peaceful technologies that could give us a lifespan of 180 years, excellent health, leisure time, and a pollution-free and beautiful environment, which many humans throughout the galaxy are now enjoying.
John de Nugent This is an excellent book by Ed Komarek about alien/earth-human interactions:…/ufo-s-and-exopolitics-nwo…Manage
John de Nugent UFOs Exopolitics and the New World Disorder…/18932433-ufos-exopolitics…
UFOs Exopolitics and the New World DisorderSee More
by Ed Komarek
3.4 · Rating details · 35 Ratings · 3 Reviews
The thesis, of this book, is that if our leaders had not failed us in the 1940s and 1950s, the positive vision of Star Trek could now have become our present day reality. The author shows through case after case of credible whistleblower and extraterrestrial contact testimony, that had our leaders embarked on a policy of openness and transparency, rather than secrecy and cover-up, human evolution, would have moved forward instead of backward and the earth’s environment protected.
The author shows that about the time the Bilderberg group was founded in 1954, the European and American oligarchy chose to play to humanity’s dark side, deciding to selfishly and savagely protect its established interests and institutions, and its covert control over the masses, when confronted with alien contact. The oligarchy chose to subvert democratic principles and the rule of law, in order to secretly monopolize extraterrestrial technologies, for immense profit, making this along with fiat money, a foundation stone of its covert global power.
Under the guise of National Security, leaders and ordinary citizens that opposed the UFO/ET cover-up were discredited, harassed and in some cases murdered, under a covert policy of denial and ridicule. Fantastic and shocking as it would seem to some, rather than lead mankind to an enlightened future offered to us by ethical extraterrestrial races and civilizations, our autocratic leaders agreed to secret Faustian treaties and technological transfer agreements with less ethical extraterrestrial races, thereby creating the greatest national security threat of all time.
Pres. Dwight D. Eisenhower (L) taking oath of office during inauguration.
We can only imagine our future, if overt space travel had become commonplace, with ethical ET cultural and technological exchanges bringing in a new age of enlightenment, along with exotic, cheap, non-polluting energy and transportation, from reverse-engineered alien technologies.
Ed Komarek has had over 40 years of experience in the UFO field, and is one of the founders of the newly emerging field of Exopolitics evolving out of the more general UFO/ET field. He maintains a blog, having written over 200+ articles the past decade that have been published in the Internet press including, UFO Digest, OpEd News, and the Canadian National Newspaper. Ed can be reached on Facebook, where he posts UFO/ET news items daily to his wall, for those that friend him.

John de Nugent The Greys, whose masters hate humans, were behind the hijacking of Meso-American culture, which a kind and helpful white man with a blond beard had founded, called “Quetzalcoatl” (or, in other regions, Kukulkan) and its transformation into a human-sacrifice cult.
Here are Mayan statuettes of Greys.
….See also


  1. I was 8 years old when this incident happened. Something that was never mentioned in the papers was that a day or two later a search plane augured in on an unpaved runway at Houghton County airport and all the rockets went off leaving craters in the runway. Airforce picked up pieces of wreckage and pilot in plastic bags. So there was 3 or maybe 4 people lost in this incident. The Great Lakes Dive company made the papers a decades back when they discovered the lost plane and a saucer shaped object not far from it. They said they were going to try and salvage it the next summer. Canadian government said they had to be involved as it was in Canadian waters. Their website shut down shortly after and no news since. Nothing conclusive, but it brought back memories.

  2. In many otherwise clear photos there is sometimes the doubt if that hopelessly blurred spot its indeed an ufo or only an insect passing in front of the lens at the moment of taking the picture.
    Since the camera is focused at “infinite”, an insect passing near the lens would produce a blurry image of itself that could easily pass as an ufo.
    Any professional photographer there under your readers that could give more tips or advice?

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